Thoughts/Comments on Recent 8/14-8/22 trip


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Warning long list!
1. Avoid late EMH like the plague. Everytime we went to a late EMH the park was more packed at night than during the day. They only had FP for Everest at AK and ToT and RnR at MGM, none at MK, didn't do Epcot. You would think Late EMH was some sort of new world religion or something. I think the number of people going to late EMH led to a downturn in early attendance because they were tired. I also noticed that people were VERY grumpy, argumentative and demanding during and after late EMH. There was no magic in those EMH.

2. Definitely DO go to Little Ones Hour at MK (But you better have a little one) They denied a few people entry because they didn't have children. They didn't ask the kids ages, but they did require you to have a kid. One guy asked if he could join my family to enter and take photos. My son rode Dumbo first in line and Stitch rode with him. We rode the carousel with Goofy and Chip and Dale, Rode Pooh with Tigger and the kids played a game with Wendy, Pan and Hook while sitting in front of IASW. Lots of fun and almost no one was there. We rode every ride and then moved to Tomorrowland to do all of it before 10:30 am.

3. The parks were practically empty until 11-12. Get there early and you can ride like 6-8 rides per hour.

4. The water parks are a blast. But once again, get there early! Crowds pick up around noon and wait times increased to an hour on the big rides very quickly. Use the early EMH. Summit Plummit was a great ride. Really enjoyed the tobbogan races and the family raft ride at BB. Wave pool wasn't working properly at TL and it rained for 2 hrs, no big deal as we were already wet.

5. Cindy's Castle was a lot of fun. We did this for breakfast and all the princesses were graceful and kind and took lots of time with the kids.

6. I'll never go to Crystal Palace again. We had lunch ADR at 1:20 and checked in early. It was hot outside and were forced to wait on the porch until 1:55. I asked the lady if she could get my child a little something to drink while we waited and received a harsh, NO! Can't you see I'm busy here!
The food was pretty good, but the characters just wanted to pat the kids on the head as they walked by, I had to stop them to get autographs and photos. Very UNmagical place. Server let my glass empty until requesting extra refills too.

7. Juan at ASSP is the bomb. We had a problem with our door entry not working and we were early. Juan at bell services overheard me and kindly went and made each child their own special balloon animal.

8. Bus services were great in the morning and horrible at night. If you didn't leave the park immediately at closing you had to wait 45 mins for a bus. At AK I overheard an executive on the phone chewing someone out about the 1000 or so people on the grass waiting for AS and Pop buses.

9. Family Magic Tour - It was so so. The girl tried to have lots of pep and energy, most of the adults just grumbled and griped. It was very hot and humid though. No real "tour" here. Just a jump from land to land in the MK. Girl kept looking at the time and trying to get us to hustle through it. The highlight though was that my kids saw Philharmagic with Wendy and Pan sitting right beside them.

10. Pirate adventure - DS 7 was dissapointed that they didn't get to meet any characters like Jack Sparrow or Hook or anyone. He didn't seem very excited when I picked him up.

11. Wonderland Tea Party - DD 9 very much enjoyed this event of making cupcakes with Alice and Mad Hatter and I would recommend it. I must say thanks to the lady who worked so hard to rearrange my daughter's experience. We were caught on Everest and didn't make it back for her originally scheduled date. (We have the left over front of line pass for 5 good until Sept :) She worked with the conceirge at GF to get her in. Thanks for the dump truck load of Mickey Dust.

12. Mickey's Magic Show - It was great. I would pay to see this in a longer version in a travelling show. The magic was pretty simple, but all the characters made it really great.

13. Doodlebops - cancelled first show at 10 because "one of them was sick" I guess they had a miraculous recovery by 11:15 though. We were in the back, so I can't truly confirm this, but it sure looked like they were just lip syncing. Kids didn't know or care and really enjoyed the show.

NOTE: Get to MGM early and go straight to the desk to get a family ticket for the shows. You can send one person to get it. It is a single ticket with the time circled and the number in your party on it. They moved the desk from MMS to Doodlebops, ask for help in finding it.

14. Chef Mickey's - Had 8:50 ADR and didn't get in until 9:45 PM. Characters once again seemed rushed, did get a great window seat for my birthday, and saw Wishes in the distance, that's all they did for birthday.

15. Jo Jo & Einstein Breakfast - we had last breakfast ADR and got in a few mins early. The characters were great and they had people singing and dancing with the kids. DD 2 favorite of the trip.

16. Ohana Breakfast - 7:30 AM ADR and got in right on time. Very good breakfast and characters were great.

17. If you are going during Free Dining. You better have your ADRs already and make sure you check in early. I noticed a huge wait for all sit downs for lunch and dinner in the parks. Resorts except Chef Mickey's went very quickly.

18. Resorts were full and parking lots empty. When we avoided the EMH parks we had an enjoyable day of leisurely walking from ride to ride with minimal waits fast passing only super attractions. If we went to the EMH parks the wait times were VERY long for EVERY ride and character viewing.

19. Whispering Canyon - great food and entertaining and loud atmosphere. Really geared toward children. Waitress was funny and kept in character well. Desserts were yummy too. Got in early before ADR time and they were accepting 35 min wait walk ups.

20. Le Cellier - Awesome experience. One of the best steaks ever. Great romantic atmosphere, quiet and subdued. Really enjoyed it. The CM said they are booked through November.

21. Snack carts didn't work for several days. Lots of people were very angry that the carts weren't taking snack credits. We ended up using them up the last two days with lots of drinks and popsicles and such.

22. Magical Express worked flawlessly. Short wait for check in and short wait for a bus. The video really passed the time quickly. Luggage was delivered before we returned from the park. They even helped my rearrange my departure to be at GF instead as my daughter was doing Wonderland Tea Party.

23. Cast Members - 99% were awesome and made the time magical. Kids jump roped and hula hooped and such while waiting for parades. They have so many stickers for the memory books. I was told they were all working overtime shifts to accomodate the crowds. They were terrific.

Only rotten experience with CM at AK. It was hot and humid and we were sitting in front of the entrance to Flights of Wonder which had long since closed waiting on the parade about 5 minutes out.. There was a fan there that was helping Grandma (High BP) to cool down. Lady came by and rudely demanded that we move & that the area must be kept clear (for what?) We didn't grumble and began to stand up to move. Two guys beside us were standing in the fans air and another CM came over and cut off the fan! One of the guys told him he is a CM and showed his ID and they got into an argument.

24. Fantasmic - I recommend that you get some food from Catalina Eddies and carry it in at least an hour early. They didn't mind us bringing in the brown trays of food. We got great seats slightly left of center. Thousands were turned away each night though. Seats for dinner package were less than impressive all the way to the right of the theater.

When I think of other stuff I'll let ya know. Had a great 9/8 vacation with lots of memories and like 1500 digi pics. I'll sort through them and post some for your viewing in the coming days. Feel free to ask any questions as we did just about everything.


Well-Known Member
18. Resorts were full and parking lots empty. When we avoided the EMH parks we had an enjoyable day of leisurely walking from ride to ride with minimal waits fast passing only super attractions. If we went to the EMH parks the wait times were VERY long for EVERY ride and character viewing.

I have noticed this to be true too. It was right after EEMH had just started and we were originally going to go to AK that day...but after we saw the line for the bus and realized it was EMH night...we got out of line and went to EPCOT instead. Best of all...we had very minimal waits at EPCOT!

The reason for this upswing at EMH parks is because most people aren't purchasing the park hopper pass, so they only have the choice to go to one park per day...therefore they choose the park with the longest I'll gladly pay the extra money for the PH...just for that reason.

Now when I plan my trips, if I see the park has EEMH, I avoid it, at least during the day, then I'll usually hit up that park later.

Glad you seemed to enjoy your trip though! (And can't wait to see the pics!) :D


New Member
Yeah I was there basically exact same week... EMH at night aren't even worth it... they're frustrating... they'res like 10x more people then during the day with the locals... it was frustratingly stupid
The Little Ones Magic Hour seems like a great addition. What a great opportunity for kids to get some 1 on 1 time with the characters!!! Thanks for the report.


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The Little Ones Magic Hour seems like a great addition. What a great opportunity for kids to get some 1 on 1 time with the characters!!! Thanks for the report.

I expected it to just be another Morning EMH event, but it was WAY better. One of my kids favorite experiences of the week. My DS 7 will never forget the fun of riding Dumbo with Stitch (He collects Stitch and Incredibles pins). My daughter enjoyed the extra time with Wendy and Pan only to see them again later for the Tour and they recognized her.


New Member

Great Trip Report! Can tell me a little more about the Little Ones Hour, I did a search but didn't really turn anything up.

Thanks! 79 days!


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Great Trip Report! Can tell me a little more about the Little Ones Hour, I did a search but didn't really turn anything up.

Thanks! 79 days!

NOTE: Characters DO take photos with kids during LO Hour, but DO NOT sign Autographs.

NOTE: Arrive early, first child in line for each ride was guaranteed a ride with a character.

Reminder: The ticket scanner CM and managers were adamant that you MUST have a child with you to enjoy LO Hour. As I said, there were people asking others to let them join their family just to see what was going on in Fantasyland. Everyone eventually joined up with someone and then at the rides they were denied entry if there wasn't a child with them. My kids were 7 & 9 that went with me and no one inquired of their or any other child's ages. Some were obviously about 12 or so, but no one cared.

We got to the ASSP bus pick up by 7:00 AM to catch an early bus to MK. We arrived to MK by 7:30 and went through ticket scanners by 7:45. They had all the lands roped off so you couldn't enter them. The only entry path was through the castle. At 8:00 they dropped the rope at the castle and we were among the first to enter Fantasyland. I had told my kiddos that we would ride Dumbo then Pan first because they are slow loaders. We saw characters mingling around the carousel, but didn't stop to take a photo yet. The crowd was VERY light the morning we went (wish we had gone all 3 times now, there were NO lines to any FL attraction) We bee lined to Dumbo and waited a couple minutes to get on. Just before boarding Stitch walked up and I asked if he would ride with my DS & while I rode with my DD 9 and he agreed. They had such fun riding together and acted like they were soaring through the air with their arms out and such. Stitch controlled the elephant and went up and down a lot. We went to Pan; Wendy and Peter had just boarded with other kids. Left there and rode Snow White. Dopey was standing outside for photos. We then rode Pooh; Tigger had boarded just in front of us with another child. We rode the Tea Cups with Mad Hatter and Alice and then went to Carousel and rode with Goofy. Went toward IASW and saw Pan, Wendy and Hook sitting and playing with kids. I encouraged my kids to play along. I got some photos and video clips. When 8 came around the characters went on break and we rode IASW and then left for Tomorrowland.

Most people weren't aware of what LO Hour is or what went on either. It felt like a flashback to the old days of DW when the crowds were lighter and the characters mingled more with less of the line ups and character assistants and such. It was worth waking up early.

Anymore I can do to help anyone?


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25. Everest: Oh I forgot to mention that our first Everest ride was at night not long before closing of Late EMH. I had secured FP at 6:00 sharp and decided to hold them until closing. It was way better at night than during the day. The darkness really added to the ride I felt. Great ride.


Well-Known Member
Sorry you had a bad experiance at Crystal Palace, it's normally very good. The waiting area is outdoors, but once inside it is great.


New Member
Thanks for the great trip report. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time!

I'm sorry to hear your DS didn't enjoy the Pirate Adventure, my boys really enjoyed it in April....

Look forward to pics!

21 days for us! :sohappy:


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Sorry you had a bad experiance at Crystal Palace, it's normally very good. The waiting area is outdoors, but once inside it is great.

I left out some details in order to try to keep my listing down some (funny huh?)
We had confirmed ADR our first night to Liberty Tree and we show up and are told it is for CP for which I had lunch later in the week. Lady at LT said there is nothing she could do and they were overbooked. We beelined for CP and had to wait and wait then get bad service.

I thought I would cut them some slack and try the lunch we had scheduled. It was a worse experience than before and had to wait in the hot sun for a long time after reporting in early. Server was rude and didn't have time to refill glasses as she was "really busy" and the characters acted like it was a Nascar race through the building instead of a magical kids time. My DS was at the buffet when Eyeore appeared and they wouldn't allow me to take him to Eyeore for a photo/autograph or bring Eyeore to us again. "I'm sorry son, you just missed out." I'll just avoid this restaurant in the future and I wish I knew who had changed my confirmed ADR to LT (I love this place).


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Thanks for the great trip report. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time!

I'm sorry to hear your DS didn't enjoy the Pirate Adventure, my boys really enjoyed it in April....

I wouldn't say "he didn't enjoy it." I think his expectations had been raised to unmeetable levels after riding with Stitch and having Peter sit with him in the Philharmagic. He was also tired after 8 days at DW and he really wanted to meet Jack Sparrow. I told him not to expect that, but he is 7 and that was his "wish" on the Family Magic Tour. We did see JS in the show at Pirates, but no autographs were available. It was very hot and they "just rode on a boat a lot and ate a peanut butter sandwich." That was his report to me. Of course, I wasn't there personally, so I just reported it from the 7 yr old pov.


Well-Known Member
3. The parks were practically empty until 11-12. Get there early and you can ride like 6-8 rides per hour.
Our first day in MK (Aug 2nd) was great - we did everything in Tomorrowland before lunch and didn't need FP

4. The water parks are a blast. But once again, get there early! Crowds pick up around noon and wait times increased to an hour on the big rides very quickly. Use the early EMH. Summit Plummit was a great ride. Really enjoyed the tobbogan races and the family raft ride at BB. Wave pool wasn't working properly at TL and it rained for 2 hrs, no big deal as we were already wet.
We found lines for Summit Plummet at over 40 minutes within 30 mins of park opening

6. I'll never go to Crystal Palace again. We had lunch ADR at 1:20 and checked in early. It was hot outside and were forced to wait on the porch until 1:55. I asked the lady if she could get my child a little something to drink while we waited and received a harsh, NO! Can't you see I'm busy here! The food was pretty good, but the characters just wanted to pat the kids on the head as they walked by, I had to stop them to get autographs and photos. Very UNmagical place. Server let my glass empty until requesting extra refills too.
We visited CP twice (once for breakfast and once for dinner) We had 2 magical experiences - characters were great and happy to pose and the servers couldn't have been more attentive. A strange contrast in experiences.

14. Chef Mickey's - Had 8:50 ADR and didn't get in until 9:45 PM. Characters once again seemed rushed, did get a great window seat for my birthday, and saw Wishes in the distance, that's all they did for birthday.
We had mixed results with our ADR - CP breakfast (10:05) in at 09:45 and Hollywood & Vine (5:00) in at 5:25

18. Resorts were full and parking lots empty. When we avoided the EMH parks we had an enjoyable day of leisurely walking from ride to ride with minimal waits fast passing only super attractions. If we went to the EMH parks the wait times were VERY long for EVERY ride and character viewing.
Always best to avoid an EMH park - advice from Alex in MGM - if a park has EMH in the evening it will be practically empty the next morning

23. Cast Members - 99% were awesome and made the time magical. Kids jump roped and hula hooped and such while waiting for parades. They have so many stickers for the memory books. I was told they were all working overtime shifts to accomodate the crowds. They were terrific.
We had no problems with any of the CMs we encountered

24. Fantasmic - I recommend that you get some food from Catalina Eddies and carry it in at least an hour early. They didn't mind us bringing in the brown trays of food. We got great seats slightly left of center. Thousands were turned away each night though. Seats for dinner package were less than impressive all the way to the right of the theater.
We always ate first and then entered early.

Thanks for the report / updates


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We found lines for Summit Plummet at over 40 minutes within 30 mins of park opening

/ updates

We went for morning EMH at 8:30 and got right on with no wait, by 9:30 opening it was 45 mins and reached 70 min posted and people said it was more like 90 mins.


New Member
Warning long list!
13. Doodlebops - cancelled first show at 10 because "one of them was sick" I guess they had a miraculous recovery by 11:15 though. We were in the back, so I can't truly confirm this, but it sure looked like they were just lip syncing. Kids didn't know or care and really enjoyed the show.

NOTE: Get to MGM early and go straight to the desk to get a family ticket for the shows. You can send one person to get it. It is a single ticket with the time circled and the number in your party on it. They moved the desk from MMS to Doodlebops, ask for help in finding it.

One of the doodlebops was sick. Trust me.

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