Well-Known Member
But to paraphrase our illustrious Captain Jack Sparrow "You have heard of him". :animwink:
I have heard of Wal*Mart, K-Mart, Two Guys, and Valley Fair as well. That does not mean I am going to buy formal wear there.
The guy is also a certified wack job - public urination, turrettes like behavior, drinking binges, heavy handed franchise agreements, and all in the name of the "lord"
I'll say this about Kinkade ... he creates paintings I like to look at. That is the point of art, right? To be aesthetically pleasing?
However, if you're looking to purchase one of his paintings, it is important to know that they market them as "his" paintings, but they are mostly painted by others and then he adds a few highlights here and there and they call it a Thomas Kinkade painting.
Many would argue that idea. Is the point of food to fill your belly? Yes, on the surface it is. But isn't food better when it moves you in new ways, when it offers taste, texture, sight, and aroma combinations that open new venues for you? You can get most of your nutritional needs from plan steamed rice, raw broccoli and carrots, and some soy milk - but do you really want to?
And unless you are buying an original, all of his works are prints (of which there is nothing wrong) with highlights added by someone else. So there is NO 'work' done by him on most of the retail stuff he sells (but then that is nothing new. Many many respectable artists make prints.)
People do not buy the Kinkade paintings because they are looking to get a collectors item. Who cares if he doesn't paint them himself, or if they lack imagination? They are gorgeous paintings. I have the first one he did of Cinderella Castle, it is my favorite thing in my house. I plan on picking up the Beauty and the Beast one for my wife for Xmas as well. "Artists" can be so condescending and jealous when someone achieves the commercial success they all strive for.
I am not an artist (I wish I could be) but I have an appreciation for art. Quite honestly Kinkade's work creeps me out. The color pallette is so oversaturated and the subject matter so overly sweet and sappy is is like drinking corn syrup to look at one. I know many people like them - he sells millions - but for my tastes, I really do not like them, and I fail to see any great talent in creating them.