Before I get to dinner, I figured I'd address the crowd level at Disney Springs. R insists that it felt less crowded, but I still felt like it was pretty crowded, mainly in the walkways. I am not really that bothered by it since everyone is wearing a mask, but I do know people who have anxiety about it right now, and I can see it being a problem. Even Brittany said she felt like it was normal crowds! I mean it's not spring break level, but it's full.
Ok. So new art print in hand, we headed toward our dinner destination, which I was finally able to get a few weeks before the trip!
Pardon my photos, I didn't bring my camera with me this evening.
I was VERY excited to try Wine Bar George! The menu was pretty slim, but even so, it sounded good. Plus all the wine choices!!
We had a corner table upstairs. The hostess made sure we knew it was a spectacular table. I do agree, it was a great spot!
Ok so here's something WEIRD. Our server had been by and chatted with us, and he was going to bring us a malbec he liked. While waiting for him, I reached up and scratched my side and felt a HUGE lump. Of course my brain starts going to all the wrong places. Either it's cancer or I've been bitten by a deadly spider. Either way, I'm going to die, this is my last meal...dramatic, remember?
I lifted my shirt enough to peek at it (much to R's embarrassment) and couldn't tell much in the dim light. I just tried to push it from my mind since the server was headed over with our wine.
It was that top malbec. We were worried it was another one that was like $60 a glass, but we figured he wouldn't have brought that one without making sure we knew the price. Anyway, it was lovely!! He told us a little about this vineyard too, which was nice.
We ordered some small plates and one entree. It all arrived super fast!
Burrata - seasonal tomatoes, olive oil, grilled bread
This was good, but not as good as the bread app we got at Jaleo.
Santa Carota Short Ribs - red potato mash, caramelized vegetables
Our entree came next. It was ok. I LOVED the potatoes, but the meat was just ok. The only other entree was chicken, and I wasn't in the mood. So this was the best option. In retrospect, I'd rather have gotten all small plates.
Crispy Mac & Cheese Bites - tomato nage, pecorino
Ok I freaking LOVED these!! I'd heard people mention them before, and it sounded like something I'd like. So glad we got them! I could have eaten more.
Chicken Skewers - togarashi, Asian slaw
This was the star for us! We both loved these skewers.
We both got another glass of wine, but I don't remember what it was! I don't even remember if it was another malbec. I know it would have been red, but this is what I get for not taking notes.
Ok so now that we were done, I did something AMATEUR! I got up from the table and just walked toward the stairs.... guess what I forgot? MY MASK. They'd given us paper bags to put them in while we ate, so it wasn't where I could see it and I just forgot. We don't do much at home, so wearing the mask constantly was new for me. I looked back and R was at the table putting his mask on and it clicked. I zoomed back to the table, head down, feeling like a jerk. I couldn't believe no one noticed and said anything.
Anyway, I put the mask on and noted that I would not be putting it in a bag again
We decided to grab dessert somewhere and Amorette's Patisserie sounded good.
We waited in a short line and got a Mickey Mousse to take back to the room.
We didn't stick around too long after that since we were tired from traveling.
Wandering out of springs.
Back at the Riviera! I should have taken the time to get a nice shot of this entrance detail during the trip, but I only took a few phone snaps of it.
We dug into our treat when we got settled. It was yummy! Perfect cap to the evening. I believe R also picked up a beer from the store downstairs. He got a Fat Tire and only drank half of it. He saved the rest for the next day and had a FLAT Tire
Update on the lump situation. It definitely looked like a bug bite, but I couldn't figure out what it could have been. It didn't hurt, so I ruled out deadly spider. I'm not allergic to mosquitos so it wouldn't have been that.
@Doc Disney and I are always saying we couldn't live in Florida because of the bugs, and this certainly proved my point

I use arthritis cream on my hand (photographer problems) so I put some of that on there to try to reduce the swelling and went on to bed.
Up Next: First park day!!