Trip Report There's Something About Mary...and it's called DRAMA!

I think it's time to get this thing started...hoping it will help my mood and sanity levels. For those that missed the PTR ( - the early pages should help you catch up on the bulk of the big details, and for those that missed our problems from day 1 of our trip ( )...well, it kind of speaks for itself.:( I am going to try and keep this as upbeat as possible, but we have a very long road ahead to fix, please bear with me as I vent in between some of the magic. :)

September 18th

I left work early on the 18th so I could pick up the girls at school and have them with us when we took our dog to get boarded. This is our Daisy Doggy...

What's really funny, the pic above was taken with Sammie's Fisher Price plastic kiddie camera!

After getting the dog situated at boarding, we went home, had some dinner, and the heavy duty packing started. I'd actually started packing my things on the 17th, but now it was time to really focus on the girls. I let them sleep in the guest bedroom that night so I could pack all of their stuff without keeping them up...i.e. so I could pack all of the surprise outfits without spoiling anything.;) It was A TON of packing, but I finished up around 1am. I had thought about setting up the outfits and bags in the guest room for the reveal, but Sammie got up to use the bathroom right around that time- soooooo, I decided to wait until just before the big reveal.

September 19

I guess I got close to 4.5 hours of sleep (good for the night before a travel day)...and at 6am, it was finally time to set up and reveal the big secret. I got everything set up and then DH came in to help me. The video I took is pretty awful and sleepy girls don't make for really good surprises, but this is the vid I took and I swear...they were REALLY happy.

You can all now probably appreciate what it's like getting these two up for school each morning. :facepalm:

Actually, the girls were super quick to get dressed once it really sunk in what was going on. They were even good with posing for pictures before hitting the road...

We loaded up my SUV and hit the road...sadly, we wouldn't get far. The accident took place about 2.5 miles from our house. I really don't want to rehash all of the scary details, but when we realized we'd all be able to walk away from this horror - we had to decide if we'd continue with this WDW trip. While the girls' initial screams and cries were from the accident itself, they morphed into cries that they wouldn't get to see their grandma and grandpa. We usually try and visit every 3 months, but we pushed it a bit longer b/c of this trip. It was for this reason DH and I decided to push forward with the trip even if the odds weren't in our favor. I guess I just figured getting everyone to "the most magical place on earth" could be therapeutic. Don't get me wrong...I love that the EMTs and lead sheriff on the scene were super lovey with the girls :inlove: - they really needed something super, Disney it was!

So, after I took care of the most important initial phone calls, I got Southwest on the line (at the scene of the wreck) and started working with them to rebook the outbound flight. We were yelling over ambulance sirens and traffic, but after about 20 min, we were rebooked from our 9:15am departure to a 3:55pm departure. They also said DH could ask for a blue card for pre-board (we were now in group C after paying to be in group A on the original flight)...while it's gotten better, he had some leg pain that day and was limping from the aches. The timing also worked well since it gave me time to go to the collision center, talk to the various insurance companies, etc. My wonderful MIL was also kind enough to pick up DH and the girls from the scene. This enabled him to get his car and she was able to love on the girls for a while until we were ready to regroup and get travel plans rolling again.

While our flight out of Houston was delayed close to 3 hours due to weather and mechanical issues (not helping Kendall, who was now terrified that the plane would crash), but we got off the ground a little after 6pm and we were on our way...


Sammie sat with DH on the way to FL-- with Pooh, of course...

I had Kendall...

...and we spent the entire flight doing this big word search on her tablet.


We flew into terminal A and DME is in terminal B. It was after the girls' bed time, so we opted to just get our baggage. Soooooo, we went down to terminal A baggage and then lugged it over to DME in terminal B. Thankfully, Kendall has overcome her fear of escalators, so minus losing her shoe for a while on one of them :rolleyes: we were in good shape.

I think the CMs manning the DME entrance could read all of the stress and worry on my face, because they promised me pixie dust and magic from that point on. :D We had our Magic Bands on at this point, but I had my vouchers out so in the interest of time and sanity, they just used those. They directed us to the line for AKL and while we were let on the bus right away...we were so late that the bus was accommodating a number of resorts from various lines. Still...Kendall and I wound up with this prime spot!


I swear, I got choked up when I looked up and saw the that "we're really on our way" moment.


It took a while for them to load up the bus since they were waiting on people to come in from all of these late or delayed flights, but it wasn't long before we were off. :happy:
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Well-Known Member
Coming from someone who desperately wants to stay AKL no matter what the room, I'm in awe with the pics of the resort. The pools look great, the savannah view rooms are just breathtaking and from what I've heard, AKL has the best deluxe resort food, if not the absolute best hotel dining in WDW. Can't wait to see more!


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Original Poster
Yay for your stroller free trip!! I can't wait for our first one in June. I know I will miss having the basket under the stroller to carry things, but I definitely will not miss pushing them through the crowds and having to park them. AKL is so beautiful! I really want to stay there one day. Can't wait to read more!

Stroller free is such a glorious thing. The basket would have come in handy, but we usually rely heavily on our backpack so it didn't impact us too much. The pushing and the trying to find your stroller is something I definitely won't miss. AKL was very nice too...really glad we tried something new :)

The few times I have been to AKL, I have never seen the pools!! Mickey waffles for breakfast, count me in!!! Sandy, CJ was petrified of the slides when he was little too. He lost his fear at the Contemporary. Kinda cool, special memories for our kids at Disney.

It was a nice pool...very serene with a tropical watering hole sort of feel. I wish I had some Mickey waffles right now! I think I need to ask Santa for a waffle iron. :D It's funny, Kendall is fine with the water slides at our neighborhood pool, but those are shorter slides where she can see the end. I'm sure she'll get over it in time. Great that CJ was able to conquer the fear on the Contemporary slide. :)

I am so enjoying your experiences and opinions of AKL. Those donkeys are so cute! Our 9 yr old had SO much fun on the slide.

It really is a pretty awesome resort. I want a plushie of the donkeys. I think Sams would have spent all day on that slide if we would have let her. :D

That's sounds like a real pain. How can someone that rear ended you not blame herself if you were already stopped? She probably doesn't have insurance that's worth a hoot and she definately doesn't have any morals. I would say it's time for an attorney to go after this lady. Good luck.

She actually has insurance through a big name firm as well, so that part is at least good. Still, her statement is so far off from what happened...she either has to be highly delusional from some kind of illness or she lacks the moral fiber and common decency to give an honest statement. Either way- it's frustrating.


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Thank you for tagging me. I've missed your posts.

You're welcome! I should have done it from the getgo, but I've been doing everything kind of backwards of late.

The first time we went to WDW as a family, Alex was 6 and Sterg was 4. Day one we were pushing them around MK for 10 hours - got back to our room and Val and i collapsed on the bed while the two little buggers were jumping up and down around ( and on ) us.

Next day and for the rest of the trip - no strollers. By the end of a long day in the parks, it was the kiddies that collapsed on the bed. :) Good for you for going that route!

Pictures look sharp so far and enjoying all the details! AKL is beautiful.

It really is exhausting having to push around 2 older youngsters in a double stroller. I honestly don't think our backs could have handled it this trip anyways. Those big strollers are heavy enough before adding the kids and all of their stuff. We might even shift over to mini back packs for the girls whenever we return as a family so that DH and I aren't burdened with a single heavy backpack.

I really enjoyed AKL from the resort aspect. The theming/attention to detail is just so convincing that you could easily forget you're at WDW.

Oh my, the start to your trip! I'm so glad you made it!
Whoopie! Stroller free!!
And Mickey Waffles are a great start to any day. :)

Yeah, not exactly the ideal start to a trip of any kind, but still so grateful that we were able to walk away. Stroller free was awesome :D Wishing I had some Mickey waffles right now :inlove:

Coming from someone who desperately wants to stay AKL no matter what the room, I'm in awe with the pics of the resort. The pools look great, the savannah view rooms are just breathtaking and from what I've heard, AKL has the best deluxe resort food, if not the absolute best hotel dining in WDW. Can't wait to see more!

I once heard or read that over 70% of the rooms at AKL afford some level of savannah viewing. I don't know the accuracy of this, but I think the odds of getting a savannah view room when booked in a standard view are definitely in your favor. I paid for a pool view room since I wanted bunk beds and was given savannah options when making my room requests. The food was also really great...even just "coming home" and smelling Boma and Jiko.

Glad you tagged me..Great story..great pics..:)

Thanks Hatter :) At the very least, we'll have some food and drink pics in here that you should enjoy.

So glad you are posting. I missed you. I hate that we didn't get to meet up, but am so glad you guys were all okay. I prayed for you all the way home and just kept thinking about you guys.

Thank you :) We truly appreciate all of the positive thoughts and prayers. Definitely not part of my plans to be dealing with an awful mess like this, but there has been a lot of prayer and thanks over the last week or so. It could have been so SOOOOO much worse. I got to take pics of my vehicle the other day and it's just still mind blowing that the entire cabin and cargo area remained intact and undamaged...especially since the impact pretty much flattened the front end of the vehicle that hit us. She also hit at a slight diagonal - just enough that she missed my gas tank. It's funny, Kendall just asked if we'll ever have trips overlapping with you guys again so we have a chance to meet. Told her we'll just have to wait and see.

Wow what a start to your trip! At least you still got to go to WDW but I hope you everything works out for you. I always wanted to stay at that resort! I've never staying onsite before so it's a dream lol Can't wait to read more!

Definitely not the way to start a trip, but I think making the trip happen in all this adversity was positive for all of us- especially the girls. We only started staying onsite a few years ago. We used to be strictly off site, but with the girls- it makes it easier. At least AKL is a nice place to pop over for a meal- i.e. you can check out the savannahs and get some yummy food. :hungry: Thanks for reading :)


Keep Moving Forward
No stroller touring - You're living the dream! I have hopefully just one more stroller trip (DS is 2.5). We are in the process of potty training though so maybe a diaper free trip. Then I can reward myself with a new D&B purse instead of this giant diaper bag I've been lugging around since 2009.
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Active Member
I'm so sorry about your accident! What a horrible way to start a surprise trip:(. I am so glad you were able to shake it off and continue with your trip. I'm from Houston too and I know how stressful that drive to Hobby can be. We typically stay at one of the hotels by the airport the night before just to avoid that traffic.


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Hoping to post a little before lunch. I've been relaxing this morning...probably because of the muscle relaxer :D Still feeling a bit tight, but I slept solidly through the night...something I haven't done since 9/17. So, starting up again...

We headed back up to the room, got cleaned up and then it was time to head out for our lunch reservation at Sanaa over at Kidani Village. I thought I took a bunch of pics along the way, but I guess I was thinking of a different day.

(heading out of the hall towards the lobby)

(out through the lobby)

I really thought I took more pics along the way to Kidani, but I guess I was just relaxing and taking it all in since this is the next pic after the Jambo lobby above...


DH and I both loved the lighting here...thought it would be outstanding for a custom pool/deck area. I know - I and my lighting :hilarious: Yes, I tried to find other subject matters, but I think I just like lights! I don’t think I photographed nearly as many this trip, but you’ll still see quite a few. So, if you didn't catch my last TR...I like lights!

I had heard walk time estimates as high as 20 min to get from Jambo to Kidani. We thought about waiting on the shuttle for this reason, but decided to try walking over – i.e. if it was bad, we could get the shuttle back. I think the walk took us a whopping 5-7 min and it was nice and peaceful. Soooo, no biggie! While obviously smaller than the Jambo lobby, the Kidani lobby is very pretty and I adore the light fixtures (yup- more lighting).



We had a WHOAAA moment with the savannah view off the Kidani lobby- mainly because everything felt so up close – even from the inside.


We then headed down to Sanaa, which was not quite open yet, but we at least checked in. We took turns checking out the tortoise by the window (and the other animals- those pics come after lunch) and using the bathroom (fun). Hey, I at least really loved the granite in there- didn’t photograph well, but I’d put it in my kitchen if we weren’t thinking about moving in the next couple of years. Sammie also loved that Sanaa (and a number of places) had kid friendly sinks. She’s very independent and she wants to be able to do things herself.





Soon after this, we caught the drum show to open the restaurant…and after another trip to the bathroom, we were seated in a prime window seat.





On a side note...The bathroom trips would be a recurring theme during this lunch. I think we went a whopping 5x during lunch and I’m pretty sure it was all because of that little sink pictured previously! Oh well, enough about the bathroom…we have awesome food and views to talk about here!

More about Sanaa lunch to come...
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
No stroller touring - You're living the dream! I have hopefully just one more stroller trip (DS is 2.5). We are in the process of potty training though so maybe a diaper free trip. Then i can reward myself with a new D&B purse instead of this giant diaper bag I've been lugging around since 2009.

Being diaper bag free is also a huge milestone. Sammie had just turned 2 on her first trip and required a diaper bag. We went back 8 mos later after potty training and it was so nice to not have that extra bag. A new D&B sounds like a WONDERFUL reward :D

I'm so sorry about your accident! What a horrible way to start a surprise trip:(. I am so glad you were able to shake it off and continue with your trip. I'm from Houston too and I know how stressful that drive to Hobby can be. We typically stay at one of the hotels by the airport the night before just to avoid that traffic.

Thanks! Yeah- we're still pretty rattled, but going to Disney and keeping it positive really helped. We are Pearland area so Hobby is a fairly easy drive. It was just one of those freak fluke accidents. I guess at least it happened closer to our house (Hwy 6/288) because my MIL was able to help us out quite a bit that morning (she's also in Pearland). We had a nasty contaminated gas situation happen at one of the gas stations right near Intercontinental and I remember feeling like I was on the other end of the maybe also an omen that we were so close to home.


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Sandy you have me second guessing AKL now. I loved the ambiance last year, when we went to Boma but it's so hard for me to give up my monorail resorts and (dare I say it) my beloved Poly!! LOL I sure hope you feel better. Sending you mounds of pixie dust!!!!

I was really impressed with AKL; however, as great as it is- the convenience of the monorail resorts and the Epcot area resorts is really hard to beat. I think AKL - at least for us - might be best again if we're doing a longer trip with a split stay...i.e. stay there during our lower key days where we just want to explore and lounge. Thanks for the pixie dust and well wishes! Every bit helps :)


Well-Known Member
I was really impressed with AKL; however, as great as it is- the convenience of the monorail resorts and the Epcot area resorts is really hard to beat. I think AKL - at least for us - might be best again if we're doing a longer trip with a split stay...i.e. stay there during our lower key days where we just want to explore and lounge. Thanks for the pixie dust and well wishes! Every bit helps :)
OK so 2014... book a split stay, and hang with me at the Poly!! xoxo


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OK- back to lunch...

I cannot begin to tell you just how much we LOVED Sanaa!!! Talk about a restaurant that lived up to all of its glowing reviews! it's really rare that we go into a place that's heavily hyped and walk away feeling it deserves every last bit of it and then some. Everyone working there was just so unbelievably friendly and informative. For example, this lovely crane strutted past our window several times…our server knew exactly what kind of crane he was (which I promptly forgot) and went on to tell us that he pretty much thinks this is his space.


I know it gets kind of redundant to some, but it’s so hard not to sit there and keep snapping pics at all of the different animals that happen to come by…especially when you see more dominant animals come through. We saw the cranes, storks, and even the heard of something (maybe wildebeest?) get pushed out by one thing or another (giraffes come to mind).




Just such a fun thing to have all of this animal viewing while you dine.

Now for the food...I decided to go for the bread service…and since we weren’t doing DDP, for $2 more (I think), I decided to try ALL of the accompaniments. I picked the traditional naan, the spiced naan and the onion kulcha for my breads (or so I think). Honestly, I just had so much fun with this- trying each distinct flavor and combo. The garlic pickle and the jalapeno-lime pickle were my least favorite, but they also worked really well when following them up by other options.



OK, so now for the food. DH ordered from the slow cooked in gravy options. He had ordered the beef short ribs and the spicy chicken, but we’re pretty sure he got two beef and no chicken. He wasn’t complaining…the beef was good and he really enjoyed the pilaf.


The girls each got the kiddie meatloaf. I had a small taste of it as well as Kendall’s basmati rice- really tasty…the meatloaf was sweet/tangy and the rice tasted a bit like chili powder. Sammie didn’t share her potatoes.



I also don't know why, but the girls brought the tiaras that I was given for them at check in. Clearly someone gave Dh theirs.


And I was given the other.


Funny, when I got these at check in, a couple checking in next to me saw them and the wife was like "I want a tiara." In a nice her voice seemed to morph into that of a child who just wanted a pretty crown too. And they managed to find her one. Pixie dust, I tell ya!

I wanted dessert…really badly! Still, I knew we’d be having a big buffet dinner as well as candy…so I passed. Too bad because carrot halva cake sounded sooooo good. :hungry: I also commend the chef for handling the allergies with Kendall. I know some things at Sanaa can be higher risk for nut allergies.

So, it was finally time to pay the check and while I knew it would be on the cheaper side for Disney, I didn’t think it would be this cheap. Yeah- we got the wrong check, but that was easily fixed and I think our server greatly appreciated us pointing out the error since the other table might not have been so kind and I don’t know if this would come out of his check.

On our way out, we were admiring the wall here…


…one of the hostesses gave us a lovely explanation of the wall and the various bottles and fixtures- i.e. their functions and materials. Part of me wants to say she was from Kenya, but I’m not 100%. She was just so sweet and informative. As one would suspect, the wall is their version of a cupboard and the shell decorated water bottle is supposedly an amazing natural thermos- i.e. keeps things super cold. The bar area looked super nice too.

Oh, and if you couldn’t have guessed it…we went to the bathroom again on the way out and also checked out the tortoise and took some other random Kidani pics before heading outside.





Next up...we head outside...


Active Member
Okay, thanks for reminding me about Sanaa! I actually left your report - gasp! - to see what I could reserve for our last minute November trip. Quite a few early lunch openings so now I might have to rearrange ADRs.

Loving your pics so far. Glad to hear you had some positive progress with the accident mess!

Oh, and forgot to mention - loved the Esprit reference! I think I can picture it.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Okay, thanks for reminding me about Sanaa! I actually left your report - gasp! - to see what I could reserve for our last minute November trip. Quite a few early lunch openings so now I might have to rearrange ADRs.

Loving your pics so far. Glad to hear you had some positive progress with the accident mess!

Oh, and forgot to mention - loved the Esprit reference! I think I can picture it.

I think while Sanaa is growing in popularity, it's still remote enough that it's fairly easy to get an ADR. This also won't be the only time Sanaa comes up in the TR. Either way, we really loved it.

Thanks! I just hate how frustrating and timely these things have to be. Still glad to have some positive movement with everything.

This was the specific Esprit fabric. I had a dress, button down shirt and pants in this. Ahhhhh- the 80s :D


I just see so much of the Esprit pattern in these AKL check-in backdrops.


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