Theme Park VS Thrill Park


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Original Poster
Of course I would go to a Disney thrill park. The question is not about going, is about liking the park existence. I mean, I think none of WDW fans wouldn't go to a new Disney park, theme or thrill.

If I'm asked what do I like, a new Disney Theme park like Florida Adventure for examlpe, or a Disney Thrill park, I would definetively choose the theme park. The main reason? Existence.

I write existence because there are A LOT of thrill parks around the world, hey, even here in Mexico City we have two. But Disneylands, places where magic becomes a reality, places were you wander inside a dream... Only Disney Land makes that!

If disney builds a thrill park, even if its a great Disney park, it would join all the many other thrill parks. MK, AK, EC, D/MGMS, CA, DL, etc... They are unique.

Besides, it would be very expensive. Disney is special because each ride tells a story. Duelling Dragons queue area tells a story, but it gets reduced to a dragon fight after you board the roller coaster. Hulk does even less, Hulk does not even have a story, I mean, the coaster is named Hulk because is green, but if you changed it to purple and green it could be "The green Goblin Attack", or something. Now try to change the name to space mountain living the ride like it is... Impossible.
I Disney build a thrill park, each ride would tell a story, and to tell a story inside a Roller Coaster... Difficult task or very expensive.

Leve Six Flags and Busch-Anheuser their stuff, let them build teenager thrills, non magical parks. Let them build thrills without any other interest that the vertical and lateral g's. But Disney, only they can make us live a dream and if they are so good at, why spend money in something everyone does?


New Member
good post Lores :)

what makes Disney special as opposed to other theme parks is that the theming is so detailed and complete, that it transports you to another world.

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
yea i believe that if Disney was to ever make a Thrill Park it would not be as magical as the theme parks....i go to busch gardens all the time and i love going to WDW because of its creative themes and wonderful layouts:)


New Member
Originally posted by Epcot is my fav
yea i believe that if Disney was to ever make a Thrill Park it would not be as magical as the theme parks....i go to busch gardens all the time and i love going to WDW because of its creative themes and wonderful layouts:)

This is a great poll.
I totally agree with you Epcot is my fav.:)

By the way, Epcot is my fav, how is Busch Gardens? I'll be going in April for the 1st time.:cool:


New Member
I bet you disney could find a magical way to make a thrill park, I haven't heard this just once but alot of times from people about Disney thrills.

Dont forget Disney doesn't do anything regular like everyone else, they take a ride and turn it into a masterpiece of imagination.

Rock 'n' Rollercoaster could be considered a disney thrill but they took a regular launched coaster and formed it into an amazing "Crazy Road trip theming"
I agree they could have done allitle more in the "cardboard cutout theming" but i like RnRc more than any launch coaster i have rode so far.

They also made Tower of Terror which is an amazing drop ride, Its just not a regular style. The whole ride experience makes it good.

I think that if Disney could have made these thrills magical they could definately make amazing thrill rides; Knowing Disney it wouldn't be just a thrill park either, you would probably see some dark rides, a family & kid area, and probably some pretty good theming.


New Member
'Themes and Thrills' don't have to be mutually exclusive of each other. Can you imagine a Disney thrill park with an all-star cast of the best rides on earth themed around the Great Old Amusement Parks of the 20th century? Wood Coasters, Giant Ferris Wheels, Disney Tunnels of Love, Giant Carousels, Fabulous Whips, Fun Houses...cotton candy, popcorn, clowns, balloons everywhere...etc., etc., etc,....all done high tech Disney style.

The Disney execs looked west at Busch Gardens as their competition instead of looking over their shoulder at Universal. In my opinion, they missed a HUGE opportunity to get the corner on the market in themes AND thrills. And, most important, it would have been a money maker....BIG time.:D

(ok...I'm awake now):rolleyes:


New Member
It doesn't have to be themed or given an example of an old style amusment park. Theres alot of things u can do to make big thrills accoustumed to big theming and modern rides. Look at IOA, it has 3great coasters and they're all nice modernized.
You dont see that park old style as an amusment park and still it passes out great thrills.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that a Disney thrill park would not be that popular. Disney's main audience has always been families, and an entire park that excludes part of the family does not seem appealing. Look at DCA: most of its rides are thrill rides and it has not been very popular yet. Besides, parks like Six Flags are all across the country; why would anyone come all the way to Florida when there is most likely a Six Flags closer to home? I wouldn't mind a Disney thrill park (I would still go to it), but I think it would probably be somewhat of a bad idea.


New Member
I think if disney did some serious engineering/imagineering into atleast a few good thrill rides, then the ret be a fun park, then it would work out, Theres alot of ideas to thrill park also, I would just like to see a mixture and i think that would do good.


New Member
I am 21 years old and I enjoy going to Disney because it is geared towards families. I have been on 200 thrilling roller coasters at parks like Kennywood, Six FLags, and Cedar Point, but I prefer Disney to those parks. Disney still has thrill rides like Tower of Terror and Rock N Roller COaster, but disney is for Families. My biggest complaint with Islands of Adventure is that there isnt much for kids under 54 inches! At least at disney, if you are under 54 inches.... you can ride everything! But 48 is the requirement on Rock N Roller coaster and 40 in is the requirement for all the other more "thrilling" rides. Disney is an adventure park.. actually a disney vacation is the best adventure experience in America in my opinion.


New Member
Originally posted by Bryansworld726
I am 21 years old and I enjoy going to Disney because it is geared towards families. I have been on 200 thrilling roller coasters at parks like Kennywood, Six FLags, and Cedar Point, but I prefer Disney to those parks. Disney still has thrill rides like Tower of Terror and Rock N Roller COaster, but disney is for Families. My biggest complaint with Islands of Adventure is that there isnt much for kids under 54 inches! At least at disney, if you are under 54 inches.... you can ride everything! But 48 is the requirement on Rock N Roller coaster and 40 in is the requirement for all the other more "thrilling" rides. Disney is an adventure park.. actually a disney vacation is the best adventure experience in America in my opinion.

Disney is a company that took a zoo and made it into an Animal Kingdom. Surely they could design a themed thrill park that would appeal to families. Simply because a park has attractions that cannot be enjoyed by all family members doesn't make it less family friendly. The Disney parks are evidence of that. If done right, and we're talking DISNEY here, the spirit and concept of themed parks would not be diminished one iota.

Of course, all this is pie in the sky and can be categorized as worthless just seemed to me that a ton of people visiting WDW make a trip to Universal to find something that they didn't get in the Disney theme parks. And Disney should've tapped into that long ago.

('ll never know how great a kiss could feel when you're stopped at the top of a ferris wheel...)


New Member
Originally posted by Tramp

('ll never know how great a kiss could feel when you're stopped at the top of a ferris wheel...)

In 1962, the country was taken by storm by the hit "Palisades Park". Written by Chuck Barris (later to be best known as host of The Gong Show). This rock 'n' roll classic was originally performed by Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon. The song climbed into the top ten charts in the United States and into the top twenty charts in England. ©1962 - Claridge Music, Inc.


New Member
Originally posted by Woody13
In 1962, the country was taken by storm by the hit "Palisades Park". Written by Chuck Barris (later to be best known as host of The Gong Show). This rock 'n' roll classic was originally performed by Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon. The song climbed into the top ten charts in the United States and into the top twenty charts in England. ©1962 - Claridge Music, Inc.



Thrill Park

I think a Disney thrill park would be great!!! Take all the thrill rides and put them in one park and leave us 3 parks that all families could enjoy. There are a lot of people already that only go to 2 or 3 of the parks because they are not thrilled with the others. So this way, if you would like a park to that extent, and have it done the way only Disney could do it, it could be a great idea. I would definitley go and I'm 48 years old. I would love to see what Disney could come up with for a park like that. Then everyone who hates the thrill rides and wants relaxing parks like we all love can enjoy three or four of those parks and leave the other park for the rest. It wouldn't be a bad idea. I really would love to see what Disney could do with that!

Mr. Tom Morrow

New Member
Why not both?

I posted the followin in one of the other 100 threads about a Disney Thrill park.

Would I visit a Disney Adventure Park? The short answer is, yes. Disney has already proven that it can create exciting thrill rides that are also well themed such as Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain, Alien Encounter, Dinosaur, Tower of Terror, Rock ‘N Roller Coaster, Indy and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Matahorn Mountain and Grizzle River. Disney has also already proven that it is the master when creating themed non thrill attractions, such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Carousel of Progress, Buzz, Aladdin’s Magic Carpets, It’s Tough to be a Bug, Muppet 3D and Soaring over California. Most of these attractions, as you know already exist but are located in four different parks, each with its own park theme and unique mix of mostly non thrill attractions and a thrill ride here and there. One of the myths seems to be that some people here on the board seem to think that Disney is either competing, or if they were to build an Adventure Park, they would be competing with Universal. I submit that in either case it’s the other way around; Universal is trying to compete with Disney! And here’s way. There are many reasons why Disney is special to us here on the boards, but the thing that’s special about Disney attractions is, you can’t find anything remotely close to them anywhere else. No secret there right! Well, let’s take Splash Mountain as an example, strip away the Song of the South theming and what do you have, a basic big boat waterfall ride. Now I ask, can anyone think of a park that has done a better job of theming a big boat waterfall ride anywhere? I’ll even give you some examples, Atlantis at Sea World Orlando, Jurassic Park at IOA, Snake River Falls at Cedar Point or the dozen or so that reside at Six Flags parks across the country? The answer of course is no, Splash Mountain is still the best themed big boat waterfall ride in existence. But what does that mean? I would suggest that Disney attractions are the most entertaining, hold our attention the longest and as a result provide the best memories! How many people out there can go into great detail, right now, about what is inside Atlantis at Sea World Orlando? Now do the same with Splash Mountain! So in terms of entertainment value Disney wins hands down, and you could do this with just about every attraction between Disney and Universal, Spiderman being the one exception!

With that said, why would Disney want to build an “Adventure” park? First let’s clear up some misconceptions. There has been a lot of discussion trying to make a distraction between a Theme Park and an Amusement Park. I prefer to think of IOA, Six Flags, Paramount, Busch and the Cedar Points of the world as “Thrill” parks. They all provide amusement, have varying degrees of theming but focus mainly on thrills. Disney on the other hand focuses more on theming and amusement than it does thrills. Let’s take Splash Mountain once again, true it’s very entertaining but is it the most thrilling, do you get soaked? Many of the other big boat waterfall rides listed above do a much better job of getting you wet, but that’s what their designed to do, entertain the thrill seeker! Misconception number two, only teenagers like thrills. My wife and I are in our 30’s and we consider ourselves thrill seekers. Every summer we do a tour of between 6 and 12 thrill parks to ride roller coasters. Our home park is Cedar Point which now has a collection of 16 screamers (12 more than IOA!). We are very fortunate in that we are able to appreciate both thrill parks and Disney parks. Simply put, we have come to understand that they are two different types of entertainment! Now, because Disney isn’t a thrill park, but IOA is, IOA is actually competing with Six Flags, Paramount, Busch and Cedar Point, which are usually local to you and me. And when you compare IOA to its real competition, say Cedar Point, well let’s just say IOA just doesn’t fair very well here either! In fact, there are only two attractions in IOA that we would classify as must do attractions, Spiderman and Hulk! Everything else can be found elsewhere and usually done better in terms of thrill factor. So the question really is, why would Disney want to build a “Thrill” park and go into competition with IOA and the rest?

The answer of course is to make more money! And to do that, Disney would have to do thrills better than anyone else. The question then becomes can Disney bring the right mix of thrill and non thrill rides together in a “Thrill” park that will attract families and entertain every member of the family including the thrill seeker? I’m sure that they could, but it would take a lot of money. Being a Disney park it would have to meet Disney standards in terms of theming. Disney would also need to have enough attractions to keep the said family entertained for an entire day, which means quantity and well as quality. And speaking of quality, us thrill seekers are very, very, very picky! And we can be, because there are so many choices available (subject to geographic location!). I’ll give you an example. We normally visit Cedar Point a few times each summer to take in all the rides. However, this year we are planning to visit only once. Why? Well in the past we would ride many of the roller coasters as many times as we could every trip to the park. But now, many of the rides are beginning to age because they haven’t been kept in tip top shape and simply aren’t as enjoyable as they use to be. Add the fact that the latest offerings (Wicked Twister and Dragster) are WAY over rated and don’t appeal to us, we have no reason to ride them more than once a season. So, Disney would be looking at spending big dollars on quality, quantity and ongoing maintenance. But like I said, Disney could do it if they wanted to, but at the moment do they really need to? Nope!

As has been discussed on various threads here, Disney already has needs within its existing four parks for rehab, replacement and additions to spend money on their already superior product. Something as a Disney fan I hope they do first, soon and often. But as a thrill seeker, I do hope for the day, perhaps in better economic times and after the current parks are full with entertaining attractions, when Disney will enter the “Thrill” park market. I think it would be very interesting to see what the Imaginers might be able to come up with given the right amount of time, money and direction! And that’s my 2 cents!


New Member
Originally posted by DixieBelle97

You'll love williamsburg! its a great park! And if Disney were to make a thrill park you better believe it wouldn't be just a thrill park, They would make it allitle more something like amazing theming/family/flats/and dark rides; So it woudln't all be just coasters, much more of a combination probably. :)

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