OK, I need to be careful, but think what I will post is OK.
Knott's leadership contacted Sacramento about their idea of a food event. They were told that if they don't operate attractions, or offer entertainment, that it wouldn't count as Theme Park operation, and were referred to the restaurant group in Sacramento dealing with the COVID guidelines..
They actually had a team sit down with them (Well, Zoom meeting). Knott's shared its ideas, making sure they didn't do "Theme Park" things.
Many ideas were shot down right away.
Sacramento was very happy with the Health Questions and Temperature checks. All the ways the food was going to be prepared and handled. Mask Requirements, plexiglass, ground markings, tables and chairs spread out and frequently cleaned, etc.
What the main issues was in the entertainment options, which were quickly corrected to Atmosphere. Ans what was Atmosphere? Well, anything involving more than 2 live performers was ruled entertainment and not allowed.
Recorded music, Yes (but please place frequent COVID related announcements, such as keeping your mask on unless sitting down and eating/drinking. Recorded Entertainment on TV/Monitors? Why not, not live and doesn't spread COVID. How about our live performers? Must be on a stage, at least 6 feet, preferably at least 12 feet away from guests/diners. So on a Balcony? Sure... Can they sing? NO. Can they do a scripted act? NO. Can they do Improv? You mean interact with the diners? Yes, OK, that is fine.
One thing, could Knott's charge for parking? Well, since they didn't charge for eating at the Marketplace during normal times, the answer was if they charge, that would be acting like a Theme Park, so Free parking was the way to go
And it went on and on.. The Sacramento folks kept going back to the Dining guidelines, and saw what was allowed at other Dining locations, and followed those rules.
Is it Dining? Well, we are selling Tasting Cards in Advance, and using those sells to make sure we stay below our capacity limit, which was based on the square footage, amount of tables and chairs available and other factors.
Once Sacramento had agreed to things Knott's could Live with, Taste of Calico became a thing.
It ran well, Sacramento was happy, and basically didn't ask for any changes.
Knott's was happy. They did sell out, but those attending were happy.
So back to talking to Sacramento, asking if they open up more of the park, and adding more tables and chairs, what would be the revised capacity be? They got the Answer, and Taste of Knott's happened. Even with the increased capacity, it sold out again. Sacramento had no issues with the second event. (Well, one atmosphere thing was found out of compliance and had to be adjusted in the first weekend.)
So next was the Fall-o-Ween event. The big issue was the Trick or Treating event. Sacramento asked what was involved? Knott's said only a few live performers, all following the distancing and Improv rules , and were going to place mannikins and props in the area, some with animation, that got signed off on. Also handing out candy following COVID rules of Food Handling, and proper distancing, that was OK. Then could they offer it as a separate event. The answer was NO. Included in the Tasting Card? Yes, just like restaurants offer Free Kids Meals, etc, sure. OK, how about adults? That was a question that Sacramento said we need to get back to you. They said that everyone had to enter with a tasting card for capacity issues, but we don't care if you want to charge for the candy. So anyone can walk through the area, but Knott's could charge for the Goodie Bags that let the associates know the person was eligible to get Candy.
Is a Christmas event being planned? Yes, and most of the details have been approved, but Knott's was told NO on a few things. Things many folks would scratch their heads about. But the entire operation has been walking a fine line of operating a ding event, with Food and drink the focus, and not operating as a Theme Park. And as we can see, Sacramento has been happy with the agreed rules to follow.
And SeaWorld basically copied the idea, and Sacramento agreed with it.
Can Disney do it? Well, they might want to push the Atmosphere limits, which would be a problem. As Knott's learned, if you get a NO, rethink the idea and adjust it, then ask again. You might get another No, or hopefully a Yes.
As Downtown Disney, they have to follow the Restaurant, shopping and special shopping mall rules. And Sacramento agreed to using the DCA space as an extension of the mall.