The Year of A Million Dreams strategy


Original Poster
Ok.... Lets all face it not 10 people who participate on this board have won a prize. I could be wrong but what it seems like is no1 has won. Now this is just due to the fact that we probaly don't care for the prizes and just want to relax in WDW. But.. for some of us it is a chance to win something actually awesome. Imagine having that fastpass hanging on your neck. That feeling would be immensly amazing. Just the thoughts make you drool.:hammer:Now, we all know what a Dream Squad is( cm who are appointed to wait in a certain place and assign a "dream".) You win a prize for being the first in that area for example to win a Goofy hat. Now that is one example. We don't know any other because I am pretty sure that there a number of reasons. I started this thread to discuss the possible reasons for how they pick and how we can mae ourselves noticed and more noticeable for awards.


Account Suspended
From what I can tell or have heard, they use ride queues extensively as their decision maker - they pick people getting onto or off of a ride.


New Member
We received Dream Fast Passes in the MK in 10/14. :sohappy: It was our 1st day in the parks and it made it all that more exciting. We entered the park around 9:30 and went directly to the tea cups. As we were waiting, a cast member said "Steve has some exciting news for you" and he then handed out the fast passes. They handed them out to the next few groups who entered. We also saw them being handed out as we were exiting the Living with the Land ride on 10/18.


We spent a few hours at Typhoon Lagoon this past Saturday and a CM approached us and gave us free refillable mugs totally out of the blue.

It's no dream fast pass, but hey, there are not a lot of other things that they can do at that water park. I had to explain the Year of a Million Dreams to my partner since he was confused as to why we'd get a freebie at Disney!
:rolleyes: @ this thread. Seriously, this is supposed to be an exciting random win situation, not a "let's wait hours or a certain location so we can win deal."

I've seen guest run after the Dream Squad just thinking they might get something.

I've seen guest push people to reach that certain location when they see the blue polos and vest.

I've seen guest complain to a manager because the dream squad gave the people in front of him something, but not them....


"The world is burning in the fire of desire, in greed, arrogance and excessive ego." ~Sri Guru Granth Sahib


Le Meh
Premium Member
I agree. Its great if you win something, but if you dont, you should not be bitter about it. I am not sure I could be a manager at WDW. I would tell one too many guests to get a life.


New Member
:rolleyes: @ this thread. Seriously, this is supposed to be an exciting random win situation, not a "let's wait hours or a certain location so we can win deal."

I've seen guest run after the Dream Squad just thinking they might get something.

I've seen guest push people to reach that certain location when they see the blue polos and vest.

I've seen guest complain to a manager because the dream squad gave the people in front of him something, but not them....


"The world is burning in the fire of desire, in greed, arrogance and excessive ego." ~Sri Guru Granth Sahib

I kind of see what you're saying, and having worked in the retail business at a prominent tourist spot in South Carolina, I do know that sometimes people can think of employees as.. well, less than human.

However, I think you're forgetting something: if it weren't for these guests acting ridiculously... there would be no WDW. You really lose a lot of your authority to legislate behavior when you're charging $70 a head to get in your park.

Now that said, these people you're describing are way out of line. I just wouldn't ever tell them that, or try to tell other guests what to do. The OP is just trying to figure out if there are any strategies he might employ to better his chances of being selected for a "dream;" I don't think we can discern that he's going to flip out if he doesn't win anything when he goes just yet.

Like I said, I have worked retail myself, and though customers can definitely be annoying, never lose sight of the fact that they are the reason you get paid every week.
I kind of see what you're saying, and having worked in the retail business at a prominent tourist spot in South Carolina, I do know that sometimes people can think of employees as.. well, less than human.

However, I think you're forgetting something: if it weren't for these guests acting ridiculously... there would be no WDW. You really lose a lot of your authority to legislate behavior when you're charging $70 a head to get in your park.

Now that said, these people you're describing are way out of line. I just wouldn't ever tell them that, or try to tell other guests what to do. The OP is just trying to figure out if there are any strategies he might employ to better his chances of being selected for a "dream;" I don't think we can discern that he's going to flip out if he doesn't win anything when he goes just yet.

Like I said, I have worked retail myself, and though customers can definitely be annoying, never lose sight of the fact that they are the reason you get paid every week.

So they get charged 70 dollars to get into the parks, that does automatically give them the right to do such things and act like that? Back home I'm a manager at HEB (Texas main grocery store) We really don't bother with the "Customers are always right bit." If everyone thinks that way, customers will take advantage of that situation and that isn't right. We threw away that concept a really really long time ago because up front we do see that they take advantage of the spot. And you yourself should know that no, they're not always right. Using that term is like using an excuse. Oh, this prime rib steak is not so and so price and I'm getting it at this price because the costumer is always right......sure sure.

Same thing goes at disney. While we can't always be sure on what a guest is thinking, we will gladly please them as long as it's something that doesn't sound too wanting.

Today for example, I actually heard a mother tell her daughter to drop her fries just because earlier she had seen a CM give a family some fries because the same thing happened over at Electric Umbrella. So, depends on the situation.

And as far as guest giving me my paycheck every weak, I'm not denying that but seriously, more guest need to come and visit the parks because disney doesn't pay me or anyone enough so they can treat me like this. :lol:
But of course, I do know that already but I'm doing it because I love it here.

And I understand that the OP is just trying to "better his chances" But in all honesty, there isn't a better way...I have a few friends in the dream squad and while yes, they're giving them out at rides or around pavillions, but unless you live at disney 24/7, you really really really have to be dedicated to try to win something considering they only do the random prices about twice a day in very random times throught the day. Sooooo yeah.... on that note,



Active Member

What is it about free stuff that brings out the worst in people?


I have no idea AEfx. Of course I would think it would be really cool to win one of the YoMD daily prizes from one of the Dream Squad but I'm not going to spend my whole vacation following them around trying to get picked. Getting chosen by random because you meet the particular criteria is what makes you special. Not everyone can win a football (baseball, basketball, etc.) game, that's why they keep score. If we win, hooray! If we don't, OK. If we are lucky enough to see someone else win, that's cool too.

Go Dream Squad!


Well-Known Member
Ok.... Lets all face it not 10 people who participate on this board have won a prize. I could be wrong but what it seems like is no1 has won. Now this is just due to the fact that we probaly don't care for the prizes and just want to relax in WDW. But.. for some of us it is a chance to win something actually awesome. Imagine having that fastpass hanging on your neck. That feeling would be immensly amazing. Just the thoughts make you drool.:hammer:Now, we all know what a Dream Squad is( cm who are appointed to wait in a certain place and assign a "dream".) You win a prize for being the first in that area for example to win a Goofy hat. Now that is one example. We don't know any other because I am pretty sure that there a number of reasons. I started this thread to discuss the possible reasons for how they pick and how we can mae ourselves noticed and more noticeable for awards.


Don't try too hard...and let the magic just'll have more fun that way. I would think....:D
Don't know if it is part of YOMD but we went to buy some ice creams from a stall in MGM Studios and the lady asked us a simple Disney question, which we got right and then gave us the ice creams for free. :sohappy:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Master Yoda's sure fire YOAMD strategy.

1. Go to WDW as much as possible.
2. Enjoy the unique one on one time with my kids that I get at WDW and nowhere else.
3. Go on the attractions that I love.
4. Soak up the atmosphere of the most magical place on earth.
5. Say please and thank you to all the cast members I come in contact with, say excuse me if I bump into someone, help the stranger with 2 trays of food to their table, give up my seat on the bus to the person standing up in front of me and clean up after myself, just like I always do.
6. Teach my kids to do the same.
7. Treasure the memories I get from each and every trip.

Guaranteed YOAMD grand prize* winner!

*All WDW guests can win this prize regardless if it is during the year of a Million Dreams promotion or not. You must be present to win. You must leave all of your real world troubles at the door. People acting like grow up's are ineligible.


Active Member
Master Yoda's sure fire YOAMD strategy.

1. Go to WDW as much as possible.
2. Enjoy the unique one on one time with my kids that I get at WDW and nowhere else.
3. Go on the attractions that I love.
4. Soak up the atmosphere of the most magical place on earth.
5. Say please and thank you to all the cast members I come in contact with, say excuse me if I bump into someone, help the stranger with 2 trays of food to their table, give up my seat on the bus to the person standing up in front of me and clean up after myself, just like I always do.
6. Teach my kids to do the same.
7. Treasure the memories I get from each and every trip.

Guaranteed YOAMD grand prize* winner!

*All WDW guests can win this prize regardless if it is during the year of a Million Dreams promotion or not. You must be present to win. You must leave all of your real world troubles at the door. People acting like grow up's are ineligible.

No here's a post I like and can agree with. It's special to my kids every time. I'm glad to see that Disney is doing something more for some people. If we are one of the families then great, if not we're going to have a terrific time.


New Member
I just came back from 10 days at WDW and did not "win" any of the dream prizes mentioned in the many threads I have read except for:

1. The joy of being a proud parent watching her two children being picked and participating in Belle's Storytime;

2. The look on my son's face when Mickey came over to him with a special birthday cupcake and an announcement was made ove rthe PA that Mickey wanted everyone in Chef Mickey's to help him celebrate my son's special occasion;

3. The look on the face of the mother and her teenage son when I gave them two fastpasses for RNR that we couldn't use because we would be late for dinner; just because a CM didn't see me doesn't mean I won't do it again, I didn't do it beacuse I wanted to get a pin or recongnition, just wanted to spread the pixie dust!

4. The joy and excitement that my son expressed at every ride his little sister could go on this year that she was too small/short for last year, He and his sister ran up the entire line chanting "Katie's allowed". Seeing them care this much about each other was prize enough for me.

Obviously, you get the point, and that is why we go to WDW because magic just happens at anytime and anywhere. By the way, the above is not a comprehensive list as there were many, many more memorable and magical moments during our recent vacation.

Don't get me wrong, The CM who gave me an extra fastpass at Winnie the Pooh was a lifesaver - darling husband left with his park pass so I couldn't get everyone fastpasses - the CM overheard my dilema and offered me one so that the whole family could ride together.

I really hope that I can return during the YOAMD and maybe I will even get to stay in the castle overnight, but just because I didn't "win a dream" last time or next time will not deter my love of the most magical place on earth.


I "won" the Tink pins because a Dream Team member saw me take a picture for an older couple. Not sure where she came from, she just appeared and thanked me for spreading the magic.


Active Member
I think both Master Yoda and Disneymomof2 are both right and great.

Yes it would be great to win something.

But to me just being there, enjoying all the fun things to do with my family is MAGIC enough. I go there and I forget about the stress of work and the things going back at home. We are constantly busy but having a great time. The MAGIC of WDW is removing you from the real world even if it is only for a few days.


New Member
Like I have said before, the YOAMD is not about winning prizes, its about the interaction that we have with our guests. Most of the prizes that are given out (dream ear hats, dream FastPasses, etc) will be forgetten by most guests when they get home but a special interaction that a guest has with a cast member will definitely last a much longer amount of time. That is why I do everything in my ability to make the guests' experiences at Disney that much more magical.


Well-Known Member
^^ I agree, but CMs are supposed to have those magical interactions everyday.

The problem with this half-baked campaign is that the advertising implies that everyone who comes here will win something. That's simply not true. I love the concept behind this year's campaign, but the actual execution is little more than fluffy window dressing to what's already here. That's why the two press events in New York failed to generate the excitement Disney was seeking: once the media got over the "Spend a Night In the Castle" craze, they realized that Disney wasn't really doing much with the campaign.

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