The Year of A Million Dreams strategy


Well-Known Member
Master Yoda's sure fire YOAMD strategy.

1. Go to WDW as much as possible.
2. Enjoy the unique one on one time with my kids that I get at WDW and nowhere else.
3. Go on the attractions that I love.
4. Soak up the atmosphere of the most magical place on earth.
5. Say please and thank you to all the cast members I come in contact with, say excuse me if I bump into someone, help the stranger with 2 trays of food to their table, give up my seat on the bus to the person standing up in front of me and clean up after myself, just like I always do.
6. Teach my kids to do the same.
7. Treasure the memories I get from each and every trip.

Guaranteed YOAMD grand prize* winner!

*All WDW guests can win this prize regardless if it is during the year of a Million Dreams promotion or not. You must be present to win. You must leave all of your real world troubles at the door. People acting like grow up's are ineligible.

Fantastic post!


You win a Mickey Mouse-shaped cookie!


New Member
Being Considerate....

Although I haven't been to Disney as often as most people on these boards, I follow what Master Yoda and DisneyMomof2 said...

We are always polite when we visit the parks. This, in turn, shows my children the proper way to behave. When a CM does anything, we always say thank you. On the rare occasion when I have needed to mention something or ask a question I always say something like, "I'm sure you've been asked a hundred times but..." I realize that the CMs are people, too and that they have to deal with a lot of crap on a daily basis - who am I to make it any worse?

In addition, I'm not at Disney to win anything...I'm there to enjoy the magic of each moment as it comes. And I do think it would be just as cool to watch someone win a prize as to win the prize myself.


Well-Known Member
None of the commercials I've seen for this have promised anything in the way of prizes. They pretty much just state that dreams are coming true, which can really be said of any trip to WDW. I have to jump on the bandwagon of those who are just happy to be there. If I win something, great, but in no way will it be the focus of my trip. There's no point in stressing out over something you have no control over when you could just sit back, relax, and enjoy the vacation.


Well-Known Member
We won a Dream a few days before the celebration even started. We just saw Al and Jaz at Adventureland and were checking out the shop. My 2 year old just asked me to go potty, so we were on our way out the store, and a CM asked if we could help out w/ a parade. They handed us a rattle toy of some sort. I quickly grabbed the 4 year old and sent her in as a replacement as we made a straight line to the potty. When we got back, Grandma had 2 YOAMD Certificates with both kids names on them and a Toy that was given to them each for the great job in the parade. My 2 year old got an honorary Dream because she couldn't make it, and both now have a wood carved out animal in their room next to their Tink slips that say "Adventureland Musical Parade." The trinkits cost like 2 bucks each in the store, and we would have never bought them on our own, but they now rest proudly in the their room on display with their other "special/breakable" collection. So thanks WDW. It was a Dream come true. And even though I missed out, it is still very coo. BTW, I saw TONS of the fastpasses that week and special seetings at places. All the winners seemed to have an extra spring in their step. GREAT FOR THEM.


I just came back from 10 days at WDW and did not "win" any of the dream prizes mentioned in the many threads I have read except for:

1. The joy of being a proud parent watching her two children being picked and participating in Belle's Storytime;

2. The look on my son's face when Mickey came over to him with a special birthday cupcake and an announcement was made ove rthe PA that Mickey wanted everyone in Chef Mickey's to help him celebrate my son's special occasion;

3. The look on the face of the mother and her teenage son when I gave them two fastpasses for RNR that we couldn't use because we would be late for dinner; just because a CM didn't see me doesn't mean I won't do it again, I didn't do it beacuse I wanted to get a pin or recongnition, just wanted to spread the pixie dust!

4. The joy and excitement that my son expressed at every ride his little sister could go on this year that she was too small/short for last year, He and his sister ran up the entire line chanting "Katie's allowed". Seeing them care this much about each other was prize enough for me.

Obviously, you get the point, and that is why we go to WDW because magic just happens at anytime and anywhere. By the way, the above is not a comprehensive list as there were many, many more memorable and magical moments during our recent vacation.

Don't get me wrong, The CM who gave me an extra fastpass at Winnie the Pooh was a lifesaver - darling husband left with his park pass so I couldn't get everyone fastpasses - the CM overheard my dilema and offered me one so that the whole family could ride together.

I really hope that I can return during the YOAMD and maybe I will even get to stay in the castle overnight, but just because I didn't "win a dream" last time or next time will not deter my love of the most magical place on earth.

Amen, sister.

That's what great about WDW, every year is the YOAMD, you only need to have a dream and they will make it happen.:wave:


New Member
If I win something great if not- think of how many people go to the parks each day. Everyone can't win something. I hope I do- but whatever happens , happens.


I didn't even know you *could* win anything. That's great of Disney, what a wonderful surprise it would be to win (and I'm sure to all the others like me who didn't even know you could win)

It's too bad people have to ruin it...


New Member
People should just be happy to be there, its more about the magic than a free prize.

We watched the parade at Disneyland last month and were sat next to a family who were promising their young daughter, who was wearing a Cinderella dress, that she would come over during the parade and give her a hug so that they could take a picture. As you can all imagine that was one very disappointed child. It so happened that we saw a samll song and dance act later that day and who should appear out of the blue? Cinderella.

My point is that Magic just happens, it can't be planned or organised, its more special that way! Dreams and magic happen constantly at Disneyworld, you just have to relax and enjoy yourself and it just takes over


Active Member
A Suggestion

In case any of you on here belong to the Dream Squad...may I suggest that instead of giving several prizes to a few people standing in line, give one to a guest in one area and another to a guest in another area.

If you have a line of 10 people and only the first 5 get gifts, the other 5 will be disappointed, especially the 6th person. But if you only give to one person in that line...then they were just the guest who "magically" was chosen to receive the prize.



Active Member
It wasn't that hard to get a prize, as I recieved two different ones in the same day.

A dream fastpass at the Magic Kingdom
A Pin and Lanyard Set (Year of a Million Dreams) in Epcot.

From what I understand, many guests have recieved prizes already, but then again, there is already a thread about this...:rolleyes:


Original Poster
Sorry if you think I am bitter and I want to win something. Yes the whole point is for being randomly picked and for that is the point. But I just wanted to discuss how you get chosen. Trust me I am not that person that will run after the Dream Squad.


New Member
This may sound weird, or like I'm lying to myself, but IF my family is able to go next May, it will be like winning one of those coveted dream prizes. My hubby and I care for developmentally diabled in our home plus he works at a nursing home. For us, we have to find qualified people to stay for us while we are gone. This is not easy. And due to the severity of the disabilities, we cannot really consider bringing them with us as much as we'd really like to. While I too dream of staying in the castle or getting a coveted fast pass, my deepest wish is to just get to spend my 14th wedding anniversary with my hubby, my father-in-law (it'd be his 1st time), my mom, my sister, and my 6 yr old neice in the most wonderful, peaceful, yet not really relaxing :lookaroun place on earth. Just my 2 cents. And to those who had magical moments, congrats!

EDIT:I live in Idaho so cost is a major factor as well.


New Member
Ok.... Lets all face it not 10 people who participate on this board have won a prize. I could be wrong but what it seems like is no1 has won. Now this is just due to the fact that we probaly don't care for the prizes and just want to relax in WDW. But.. for some of us it is a chance to win something actually awesome. Imagine having that fastpass hanging on your neck. That feeling would be immensly amazing. Just the thoughts make you drool.:hammer:Now, we all know what a Dream Squad is( cm who are appointed to wait in a certain place and assign a "dream".) You win a prize for being the first in that area for example to win a Goofy hat. Now that is one example. We don't know any other because I am pretty sure that there a number of reasons. I started this thread to discuss the possible reasons for how they pick and how we can mae ourselves noticed and more noticeable for awards.

Why worry about it....who cares? If you win something...great. If not...move on. The vast majority of people aren't going to win anything.


Active Member
My two cents. First the Pixie Dust Pins (with Thinklebell) is an award and not a price, is given to special guest spreading the magic, like taking a picture to someone esle, and so on.

There are also Magical Moments that are also completly random and not given by the Dream Squad, but by cast members, like a complementary locker rental to the Cups. it varies from areas and from parks but is also a way to spread some more dreams.

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