The World in Our World - A Picture of the Day Thread


Well-Known Member
Tide Mountain Spring laundry detergent on the hot cycle = Disney bus smell.

Not Disney bus full of sweaty people at the end of the day smell. But Disney bus first thing in the morning not very crowded, chilly smell. I can't describe it but the first time I did a load of white clothes w/this detergent I instantly thought "WOW smells like Disney bus!" Crazy? Probably. But I still sniff extra hard when I do whites.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Let's see what I have in my photo collection...


Here's a picture of historic downtown Denver, probably one of the closest things to Main Street I've ever seen in person (string lights aside):


A classic carousel in San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf (yeah, I'm that kind of tourist, hehe)... looks like something straight of Fantasyland, the Boardwalk, or DCA's Paradise Pier


A statue on an ancient temple in Kohunlich, Mexico, which reminds me of anything you might see in the Mexico pavilion


The pavilion Buckminster Fuller designed for Montreal's 1967 World Expo, in Montreal, Quebec... shouldn't have to say what this reminds me of. :ROFLOL: Buckminster Fuller and his book Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth were major inspirations in the design of Epcot.


I don't know why this alleyway in Charleston, South Carolina reminds of Disney so much, but it certainly did at the time. Kind of looks like something you might see at one of the Port Orleans resorts, or maybe at Disneyland's New Orleans Square.


Might be a bit obvious, but the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall definitely remind of Liberty Square and the American Adventure (you know you're a Disney fan when you think about it like that, and not the other way around. :lol:)

Finally, here's two pictures of a historic fort I went to into southern Colorado (supposedly the westernmost fort used in the Civil War). It was basically like stepping into a real-life Frontierland:



Well, might be a different take on this thread, but thought I'd share.

Skipper Dan

Active Member
Original Poster
Let's see what I have in my photo collection...


Here's a picture of historic downtown Denver, probably one of the closest things to Main Street I've ever seen in person (string lights aside):


A classic carousel in San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf (yeah, I'm that kind of tourist, hehe)... looks like something straight of Fantasyland, the Boardwalk, or DCA's Paradise Pier


A statue on an ancient temple in Kohunlich, Mexico, which reminds me of anything you might see in the Mexico pavilion


The pavilion Buckminster Fuller designed for Montreal's 1967 World Expo, in Montreal, Quebec... shouldn't have to say what this reminds me of. :ROFLOL: Buckminster Fuller and his book Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth were major inspirations in the design of Epcot.


I don't know why this alleyway in Charleston, South Carolina reminds of Disney so much, but it certainly did at the time. Kind of looks like something you might see at one of the Port Orleans resorts, or maybe at Disneyland's New Orleans Square.


Might be a bit obvious, but the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall definitely remind of Liberty Square and the American Adventure (you know you're a Disney fan when you think about it like that, and not the other way around. :lol:)

Finally, here's two pictures of a historic fort I went to into southern Colorado (supposedly the westernmost fort used in the Civil War). It was basically like stepping into a real-life Frontierland:



Well, might be a different take on this thread, but thought I'd share.

No, not at all! This is exactly what I'm talking about! Take pictures of things and places that remind you of WDW. You're right on track!


Well-Known Member
Finally, here's two pictures of a historic fort I went to into southern Colorado (supposedly the westernmost fort used in the Civil War). It was basically like stepping into a real-life Frontierland:



Well, might be a different take on this thread, but thought I'd share.

YAY! :sohappy: This is in my neck of the woods Bents Fort right? Been there many times.

disney dharling

Active Member
Music at the end of a Super 8 motel commercial sounded like it belonged in the loop for the Adventureland bridge. I can't tell you what else was in the commercial. I didn't pay any attention to it until that music started.


Active Member
Sounds, smells, and sights remind me of WDW so often! When I find a specific picture, I will try to remember to post it up here! GREAT idea!!


Well-Known Member
Great thread idea!

I will have to keep my eyes peeled... we're always seeing hidden Mickey's in "real life"!

On a side note, the other day we were in the greenhouse/live plant section at a Kent store (building supply store) and the second we walked in the kids shout out this smells like the Land pavillion in Epcot. I think it reminded them of Living with the Land! I love raising up Disney geeks! :cool:

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member



A 'Future World' like theme park in France. Futuristic pavilions around a geosphere-like central object.

What EPCOT could look like if it hadn't evolved in the cheap carnival version for parents who think kids need more cartoon fish, not inspirational edutainment.


Active Member
This is a hotel by the Alanta airport, I think it is the Renaissance Hotel. Sorry for the poor quality. I snapped it from the plane before we were taking off. It reminds me of the Contemporary.



New Member
This is such a neat thread! My husband and I always catch ourselves smelling "vacation" every now and then and by that we mean the smell of's so funny how certain smells remind you of vacations passed. I am going to be keeping an eye out and posting some pics in this thread for sure :)

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