I was just listening to some music and came across some Dave Matthew's music and the last time I listened to it was on the way down to florida when I was still getting into the music and I was trying to learn a song on my guitar back at the condo and I just the whole disney vacation feeling all over again. It seems to happen to me each time. To me it can be a book maybe a new thing like something I wore allot during the trip, music or even some unpacked items that I haven't seen since the trip and they still have the smell of the whole setting. Something you thing about or have stuck in your head at times while walking thru the parks. Just something you haven't seen since the trip. Arrant those sometimes the greatest moments finding those objects or what ever it is again and getting a glimpse of that feeling back without looking at pictures or videos. Another thing that gets me going is my little pebble sized piece of the Epcot fountain that strayed away and was found during the refurbishment around the time they were chipping away at the cement. They must of made a mess because I saw allot of them floating around.