It is worth pointing out that Marvel is kind of in a precarious spot. The following are the Phase 2, 3, 4, and 5 inflation-adjusted grosses. I've excluded any Avengers films and the 2021 films released before No Way Home.
As we can see, with the exception of No Way Home, Marvel's Phase 4/5 films have been below-average performers. This malaise is pretty apparent when looking at direct-sequel grosses. Marvel released 7 direct sequels in Phases 4/5. Of these, 5 of the 7 sequels did worse than their direct predecessor. The worst performing sequels were The Marvels (15% of the gross of Captain Marvel), Wakanda Forever (55% of the gross of Black Panther), and Quantumania (63% of the gross of Ant-Man and the Wasp).
The best performing direct sequels were No Way Home (160% of the gross of Far From Home) and Multiverse of Madness (116% of the gross of Doctor Strange). Love and Thunder and GotG also performed fairly well, with more modest declines in their grosses relative to their direct predecessors. And while Wakanda Forever was disappointing relative to Black Panther, it still performed well.
But there's a problem. Guardians of the Galaxy, one of their more robust franchises, is finished. It was meant to be the conclusion of that particular group. Thor's future is murky, with the actor expressing some concerns with the direction of the character. And of course, Disney does not own the Spider-Man franchise.
It seems their only sustainable and successful characters/franchises are the Black Panther cast and Doctor Strange. Nearly all their other franchises are either poor performers, in limbo, or finished. Their recently launched characters (unfortunately launched when they were experiencing impacts from COVID restrictions), are unproven at the box office.
It seems like Marvel's best move is to focus on Wakandan characters, Doctor Strange, Deadpool, and potentially some of the marketable characters launched in 2021. Some of Marvel's problems are self inflicted, others are bad luck (the Kang situation, Chinese embargoes, Chadwick Boseman). But The Fantastic Four is going to be a critical test for Marvel. It has to succeed.
This is here for context. Everyone can do with this as they will.