Wait... because we can't discern a rational decision why Peltz wants to be on the board, we should assume that his motivations, therefor, must be noble and altruistic?
Peltz may want people to think that. Peltz made his case publicly that he wants to "bring back the Magic." But all that language was from last year's attempt when he wanted the general public to be on his side.
But the general public doesn't vote for board members. This time around, it's all about making Disney profitable so that its stocks go up and it pays big dividends. He's talking to investors. Like himself.
Framing this as "why not Peltz" in place of "Peltz should be on the board" doesn't change the fact that advocates of Peltz, even when expressed as the mild "why not Peltz" still haven't laid out Peltz's plan.
For example...
"Make D+ profitable like Netflix!" -- Ok, how, Mr. Peltz? And to all proponents of 'why not Peltz', how?
What is Peltz going to do to bring back the magic, make all Disney movies profitable, and pay big dividends?
You know that with regard to the $60B park and experiences capex, Peltz's position is "Now wait a minute, let the bean counters first make sure it will be profitable in the end."
Is that why he wants to be on the board? To 'help' Disney make all decisions based on ROI?