The "Wait, What did we do again?" Trip Report


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Sunday - 3/3/13

Our goal Sunday was to get everyone up, get the final things loaded into the car that we hadn't the day before and be out of the driveway by 8:00am. We've gotten quite efficient at this process over the years and actually made it out by 7:50! The goal was to get into Jacksonville before 3:00 so Aaron could have some time to play at the beach. What we hadn't planned on was the fact that it'd be 46 degrees and windy...

We made it into Jax a little before 2:00 which was too early to check in at our hotel so we took a jaunt over to see the hospital Aaron was born in (at his request) and then up to the beach. I had stupidly left my sweatshirt at home (because I had a goal of getting a new Dis sweatshirt so why bother) so our time at the beach was limited to how long mommy could stand the cold. That wasn't very long unfortunately but Aaron was great about it.

After the beach we headed over to our favorite BBQ place on San Pablo (Bono's) and pigged out. We then headed to the hotel, checked in and prepared to veg for the rest of the evening.


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Monday - 3/4/13

Continuing our trend of leaving ahead of schedule (totally new experience for us)... our plan was to be on the road toward the world by 7:30am and we were driving by 7:16! Today's agenda? NO CLUE! Just add that to the list of firsts for us... we literally didn't plan a thing as far as what we'd do when (other than ADRs) and totally flew by the seat of our pants.

We pulled into Pop about 9:30 (made awesome time) and were checked in and on our way to our room (I LOVE Online Check-in... no way would our room have been ready that early otherwise). The one thing I asked for during the online check-in process was a lakeview room (not because of the lake but because we wanted to see Art of Animation across the way). We wanted to be as close to the bridge as possible but I wasn't sure how possible that'd be with a non-preferred room. I went into it expecting not to luck out but I was way wrong. Not only did we have a lakeview room but we were right by the bridge in the backside of 60's (room 5336 - a corner room)! Our view:

After we got all our stuff unpacked we asked Aaron what he wanted to do. He said he'd like to go to MK so off we went to the T&TC. We got past the ticket booths and realized the express monorail to MK was insane. Our gut said that if it was that busy at 10:45am, it was probably a pretty busy day at the park. We pointed it out to Aaron and asked him if he'd be up for Epcot instead. He didn't hesitate, said "Sure!" and off we went.

Note here this set the tone for the entire trip. Aaron is usually a tough kid. He's got some emotional issues, some senory issues and a mood disorder so we tend to walk on egg shells when we have to change plans. This trip was like being there with a completely different kid... it was fantastic!

So let me interject here and just say that I LOVE the new RFID entry process. I hate turnstyles so it was just such a nice change of pace each time we entered.

First up at Epcot? Spaceship Earth of course! I mean come on who can walk right past such a wonderful attraction right?

Next on the agenda was a sweatshirt for mommy who was freezing... man it was cold (and windy)! We decided to hop by Test Track first though with the intent on grabbing a few FPs before we would head into Mouse Gear to shop. When we got there, the wait was only 40 minutes and, since we'd not yet seen the new queue, we decided to hop into standby.

(Notice the Rock'N'Roll gesture here... you'll be tired of it by the end of the report)

DH and I recently got into projection mapping and do a show on our house for Halloween and Christmas so we were particularly interested in this awesomely done (projection mapped) car:

I absolutely loved the new version of the ride. It felt cohesive and I truly enjoyed it. Aaron loved building his own car and then seeing how it did. He also loved the post-show area where he made his commercial and got to drive his car.

After Test Track we did as we planned and headed into Mouse Gear where we proceeded to spend pretty much our entire souveneir budget (God that's easy to do isn't it?)! Bill picked up a new Grumpy sweatshirt and hat, I picked up a cute new Mickey sweatshirt (the hood has ears - so great) and these awesome ears:

Aaron picked out a small Black & White Mickey stuffy to start...

Flower and Garden wasn't set to officially kick off until Thursday but a ton of topiaries were already out including these guys:

From here on is where things will get a little fuzzy... honestly we were doing so well at meeting our two goals (Fly by the seat of our pants and let the PP photogs do their job so I didn't live the trip through the lens) that it's proving difficult to remember exactly what we did when. In otherwords, bare with me here as I try to recreate the day (LOL)!

We headed over to the other side of Future World where Bill took in a smoke break and we hung out with a squirrel (who got so close he was about a half inch from jumping in my hand).

We headed into The Living Seas where we found tons of divers feeding and doing some cleaning.

We hit a few more attractions in Future World and decided we were getting a little tired so we'd "ease" into the trip by heading back to Pop for the night and taking a break. After a little bit back in the room we decided to head down to the Food Court for the one and only cupcake on the list we made that we actually had (The King).

After each eating one of these cupcakes (Bill only ate half) we realized that the idea of the cupcake crawl was probably not going to work for us. We've been reducing the amount of sugary foods we eat and a single cupcake was just too much (let alone the 8 or 9 I had on the list for the trip). It was yummy don't get me wrong but man we're just not sweet eaters anymore unfortunately!

Then it was time to tour Art of Animation... we grabbed our sweatshirts and my phone (which took the place of our camera this trip) and off we went!

On our way to the bridge we passed this sign for 1971 (the year Bill was born) and had to grab a shot (no wonder he's so cool):



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First let me just say that I wasn't really sure what to expect over at AoA. I'd seen tons of pictures and video since the resort opened and while it looked awesome, I didn't go into this little tour plan with any hopes of being wow'd. Boy was I wrong. What a fantastic resort! The theming outside is just spectacular and you just feel so completely immersed in the stories as you walk around. I can't imagine what the rooms are like... Here's some of the shots I took as we walked around. Unfortunately the phone camera doesn't do great at night...

Yep... we went there...



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Tuesday - 3/5/13

We woke up this morning and again asked Aaron what he wanted to do. Since we had changed plans last minute the day before and headed to Epcot it was no surprise that he asked to do MK so off we went! We arrived before the Welcome Show and got to catch the entire thing (which was lovely).

Once we were let in I realized everyone was running down mainstreet and very few folks were heading into Town Square to see Mickey so I suggested it and off we went! We got Aaron's new autograph book out and ready and I prepped the photopass. We had a tiny wait and then in we went. I came around the corner to hand my PP to the photographer to find there wasn't one. I wasn't happy... at all... but luckily about 30 seconds after I snapped this photo one walked in! Unfortunately when we got home we found the photos he took weren't in our account but luckily they were there after a detailed submission to the help department!

The first thing we had to do before we did anything else was take Aaron into The Chapeau for a new ear hat. He had been looking at each store before and didn't see anything that caught his eye but we walked in and I knew what he was going to chose... Oswald ears! Man he loved them and the rest of the trip he loved people pointing them out!

First on the agenda? New Fantasyland... of course! We headed back through Cindy's castle and once we came out the other side I teared up at just how beautiful the walls were. I really wasn't sure what to think of them from photos but seeing them in person was pretty incredible. I cannot imagine how amazing this area is going to look/feel when the coaster opens!

We thought for sure we'd be walking into a huge wait for Mermaid but headed back to check. Instead we were pleasantly surprised and literally walked onto the ride... so quickly in fact that despite my best efforts I could not for the life of me find the Nautilus (anyone help me to that end?).

What a great attraction this was! Even Aaron loved it (and that's saying a lot because he's entering the "that's girly" phase). I was completely blow away by the Ursula animatronic... that thing is impressive! Flotsom and Jetsom were both working perfectly and I saw no sign of anything in need of repair. Start to finish I just loved it!

After the ride we realized we hadn't eaten breakfast and we were a bit hungry. We decided Pork was used in sausage so it counts as breakfast so we headed into Gaston's for a shank and a brew (breakfast of champions). My opinions: Shank was so not worth it and a Turkey Leg beats it hands down. The brew on the otherhand was fantastic! Yummmmmmy!

We walked around toward Belle's Tales to take a look but the wait was nuts so we skipped it as well as a chance to check out Be Our Guest. These were two things at the top of my want list this trip but I'm ok with saving them for next time I suppose... it was kind of a common thing that the things on the top of my list had to be skipped due to wait times or just plain not having time and for once, I was actually ok with that!

As we headed out of New Fantasyland and back into Old Fantasyland (lol) we saw no wait at the carousel and jumped on! Can someone tell me if I'm remembering this right... the horse with the gold bow on the tail is Cindy's and this one is her prince's horse isn't it?

As we came around the exit, Aaron insisted on trying to pull the sword from the stone. The poor kiddo was hell bent on doing it (I tried to explain he can't) and got really frustrated by the end of it...

Bill being a Grumpy fan (can you tell?) we had to get a shot of him with this:

We then decided to head around to Storybook Circus and check out the new Dumbo queue and give them a spin (hah get it?). Ironically there was no line so the queue was optional but we decided to stop in and let Aaron play for about 20 minutes or so anyway. He loved it in here and Dumbo became his new favorite ride during this trip. Until now he had only ridden it twice (once when he was only 10 months old and once when he was 3) simply because the lines were normally too long. Now between the new queue and not standing in line, he just loved it.

Going backwards for a second... my good friend Maria and her son Brandon also happened to book a trip for this week so we had been hoping to catch up at some point with them. Aaron and Brandon are getting to know each other and are a handful when they get together so we knew it'd be a short visit. We decided to meet up at Village Haus for lunch together but between her getting stuck in a long queue at Big Thunder and Village Haus being a flippin' mad house, it didn't quite happen like we wanted. We both ate there but arrived about 20 minutes apart so we didn't catch up until after. We decided to hop onto It's a Small World together after we ate!

Next on the agenda was another first for all of us... Tom Sawyer Island! Can you believe in all my trips I've never done this? WOW was I missing out!! What fun this place was! We spent at least an hour out here just exploring. Aaron loved the mine and the barrel bridge especially.

Now... there were a few things Aaron wanted to do this trip that he had never done before but we knew as they were brought up he'd probably get nervous and decide not to do them. One of these was Big Thunder. From TSI he kept watching it and he'd bounce from "yes" to "no" so we weren't sure what to expect. We headed over toward it and noticed a 45 minute standby wait but that the current FPs were for 30 minutes from now. One of those "duh" moments again... so we grabbed 3 FPs, let Bill have a smoke break and watched the geysers for a bit until it was time. Not only did Aaron do great... he kept lifting his hands in the air the entire time. He LOVED it!!

On our way out of Frontierland we stopped by to visit the Country Bears. I am much happier with this version of the show. The shorter songs made it a little easier for Aaron to sit through and behave and overall it felt a little more fluid in my opinion.

Next up Aaron was promised a trip on Aladdin's carpets and decided to ride with daddy!

We jumped on the Jungle Cruise while we were over here as well as Pirates if I remember right (again this is where my not taking pictures makes this not quite as exact as I'd like). Then we headed back over toward Fantasyland to grab a teacup ride.

We rode the TTA twice during this day (but can't place when) as well as jumped onto CoP. Soon it was 7:00 and nearly time for us to check in at Aaron's surprise... The Tomorrowland Terrace Dessert Party!

We checked in, pigged out, watched MSEP and MM&Y but by the time it had ended Aaron wasn't feeling well (too much sugar not enough real food) so we ended up leaving in advance of Wishes. Disappointing but overall a good call because we beat the insanity to the monorail and back to the T&TC.


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Wednesday - 3/6/13

Time for another first... Tusker House! We were one of the first tables to be seated after they opened and as a result our server suggested we sit and wait to see each character before getting up and getting food. This was a good idea but we were starving. Still, we saw Mickey and Daisy before giving into hunger and racing up to the buffet.

After grabbing our plates we got back just in time to see Goofy who was convinced Aaron's ears were Goofy ears:

My overall thoughts about Tusker was that it was a nice experience and the food was good but not so amazing that it's at the top of my list. My favorite was probably the Corn Beef Hash with the Corn Bread on top but beyond that it was just sort of "ok" for me. Crystal Palace still has my vote as the best breakfast buffet on property.

This sign cracked me up though:

After breakfast we decided that since we were so close to Kilimanjaro we'd jump in line. The sign said 20 minutes but we walked right on.

Side note: I enjoyed this SO much more without the fake poacher storyline. WAY better.

Aaron's memory amazes me sometimes... he remembered while we were at AK that back on our last trip (Sept 2011) he wanted a picture with the car in Chest and Hester's but there was a line so we didn't do it. So... off we went toward that side of the park where we hit Dinosaur, the boneyard, got his picture taken with the car and rode Triceratop Spin!

This shirt in the shop after Dinosaur cracked me up... I regret not buying it...

Then it was time for another first! We headed into Camp Minnie Mickey to catch the Lion King show. Let me just say... WOW! What a fantastic show this was! I can't believe we've skipped it all these years!

Then it was time to leave AK and head to DHS. Honestly this was the best day at AK we've ever had. Typically it's way too crowded and way too hot and we leave hating it but this trip, AK day was awesome and we had a blast.

First up at DHS? Another first for Aaron that we expected him to back out of... Rockin' Rollercoaster! Not only did he do it but he LOVED it and I mean LOVED it so much that his letter he had to write for homework to his teacher was about how it's his new favorite ride!

His face on take off was priceless though...

After RNR we headed over into One Man's Dream (one of Aaron's favorites) and then we let him get out some energy in the HISTK playground. Next up... another first for Aaron and a first for me since it's refurb... Star Tours! Once again we literally walked onto this one... so quickly I had no time to take pictures in the queue.

Even though we had told Aaron the budget for toys was gone, we couldn't pass up letting him make one of these:

After Star Tours we leisurely walked out toward Bertie so I could recover. Simulators make me dizzy and nauseated so I needed a break. It was getting dark and cold and close to dinner time so we decided to head over toward Sci-Fi to check in early and chill out in the book shop.

I really loved this place (another first for us) but unfortunately Aaron's sometimes irrational fears took over and after watching a few of the little monster movie previews he decided he needed to sit in the back of the car behind mommy so he couldn't see. Still, the food was really yummy (though I really wish there was just a tiny bit more light in your car so you can SEE your food) and all-in-all I enjoyed myself!



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Thursday - 3/7/13

Today started with breakfast at Crystal Palace... our favorite!

I just love everything on this buffet (my favorite being the french toast).

After breakfast we headed into Tomorrowland for another ride on the TTA (we totalled 4 I think) and then hopped into yet another practically non-existent line for Buzz. I FINALLY got the high score... I have no idea what I shot but when I did it I heard a different noise and saw my score max out. SWEET!

Next up? A quick drive around on the speedway...

... followed by another trip on Dumbo!

Then we decided to head back over to Epcot and hitch a ride on SSE again.

This is mah gurl here... I'm going to be her for Halloween this year I think!

After SSE we headed over to test out the new Perry thing in WS. I loved it but Aaron was uninterested so we gave up after our one mission in Mexico. We jumped onto Grand Fiesta and then over to the Land to check-in for our Behind the Seeds tour (after a quick bite in Sunshine Seasons).

Aaron LOVED this tour... and so did we!

The rest of the day was to be spent in World Showcase so we headed that way after a ride on the Land and a visit with Figment, stopping on the way to let Aaron play at the new Oz Playground.

We poked around in the countries for a bit...

Tried to do Maelstrom but the line was way too long and would get in the way of dinner (we eventually hit it on our last day though) so we headed over to check-in at Biergarten at which point I found out I was 45 minutes off in when I thought our ADR was for. Doh!

This is another example of being glad we tried something new but not being too impressed. I loved the food (I am German and my grandmother used to make this stuff all the time) but in general I don't know that it was anything spectacular and Aaron really wasn't impressed. In fact, he ended up not feeling well and falling asleep at the table so we rushed it a bit too...


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It was a long day and we were ready to go back to the resort but not before getting a shot of Aaron in his favorite spot:

Friday - 3/8/12

The plan today was to wake up whenever, spend some time wherever and then around 2:00 or 3:00 get on the road and drive 9 hours home. As we rode the monorail into MK Bill said it'd be nice if we could spend some more time than just until 2:00 so I grabbed my phone, pulled up Expedia and got us a room in Jax for the night so we could spend some more time and not have to drive 9 hours.

We ran around MK doing whatever Aaron wanted (we said it was his day to decide as if every other day hadn't already been).

As we were waiting in line for Peter Pan I looked over and suddenly realized I didn't see a wall! The most anticipated restrooms in history were open!

This really is very pretty...

There's a hidden Pascal here too... very nice touch. I didn't upload my pic of him but if anyone wants to see, let me know!

And finally Bill got his Turkey Leg before we grabbed the rail over to Epcot to finish out the day.

While we were in the Living Seas this round we happened to show up just as they were blocking off the area for the dolphin show. What fantastic timing! Not only did I get some great shots but I got to be part of the show!

We ran from attraction to attraction (no waits at most)... another fantastic day!

Aaron insisted on buckling his seat-belt before I was allowed to take this shot...

And with that... the trip was over! Around 7:30ish we headed to the car, got on the road and up to Jax where we passed out.

All in all this was an amazing trip. Aaron was awesome. The weather was awesome. The waits were short... it was just fantastic! I am SO glad I chose to leave the camera at home and take advantage of PP (though obviously I took a good bit of my own here and there). The last day there were crowds of students and cheerleaders showing up so I was happy we had booked when we did. We learned a lot of new things (like the skunk smell on Imagination is burnt coffee) and did a ton of new things. Honestly I don't think we could've had a better trip! We did so much that I literally lost track and as such this report isn't very specific but it was definitely one of the best ever.

Here are the other videos I put together (that aren't already shared above):

As soon as the CD comes I'll post up a bunch of our PP+ shots too but figured I'd get this ready to go! Hope you enjoyed it!


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Great TR! Love the all the photos and videos! :)


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Thanks guys! I'm working on fixing the images now. I had a setting set wrong in Photobucket and though I've changed it, I have to go back through and relink all the images for it to take effect (yay) so I promise in the next hour or so the images will be less KAPOW sized. LOL! :D


Well-Known Member
Great TR!

I can not wait for my little man to be big enough to ride those kind of rides. Even at four he is looking at them much like yours and is like well yes no, maybe when I am older like 5 or something. LOL I am so glad Aaron loved the rollercoasters and had a fabulous time!! Way to go.

Where is the Oz playground? I didn't know it was there, not sure if it will still be up when we hit the World in May but would be cool to check out.

And the dinosaur t-shirt is awesome, must look for this when we head down....

AoA looks nice, glad to hear a good review, I hadn't heard anything regarding either way but thank you.


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Where is the Oz playground? I didn't know it was there, not sure if it will still be up when we hit the World in May but would be cool to check out.
It's over to the right side as you head from Future World into World Showcase. I believe it's just for Flower & Garden? Very cool though!

foreverbelle said:
And the dinosaur t-shirt is awesome, must look for this when we head down....
Kicking myself daily since we left for not getting it. LOL!


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Well that is a shame I will miss it but still very cool none the less! Thank you for sharing...
Absolutely... and you never know... if the movie does well I wouldn't be shocked if it was kept around a little longer. It's in an area that's usually used for those kind of things so it's entirely possible! It's a big playground and there's a big "Oz" sign you walk through (i.e. it's not all cheesy and just a paper banner or something) so I may be wrong and it could be for more than just F&G. :)


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UPDATE: Photopass CD came (WOOT!) so I'm uploading a select group of the pictures (there were something like 101 but obviously not uploading all of them) and I'm going to post them in a sec! :D

The Oswald ears are awesome!
Aren't they? He was SO happy when we walked into The Chapeau and they had them. He had been looking at hats since we arrived and nothing really grabbed him but he saw those and there might as well have not been another pair of ears on property! LOL!


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A selection of our Photopass shots! Definitely glad we opted to do this... of all the trips we've made since DS6 was born I don't think we have but maybe 3 or 4 pictures of us as a family so this is fantastic. My only complaint is not enough photographers do the fun shots like holding a character or whatever. All but two photogs basically just had us stand together and snapped. Other than that I can honestly say the value of the PP+ was there for us (as I said earlier). Very happy we did it and love the shots we ended up with. Enjoy!



We need time for things to happen.
Jenn - All over this TR. You've got a beautiful family.
Great pics - the one of your son on teacups and the Epcot pic of him hiding his face while you and hubs smooch are PRICELESS!

Love the Oswald ears..We searched in vein on our September trip and could not find a set for my son.
He wanted them so bad that we pre ordered epic Mickey so he could get a set.

He just turned 13 so the times of him to cut loose from the "cool" and be goofy and enjoy himself are fleeting.
WDW is a place where he self admittedly lets down that guard so we're going to get a pair for him next trip if it kills me.

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