The Village


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I don't know about any of you but I would have never guessed that The Village was about native americans hiding in the woods who were greatly angered by some of the first American settlers who were invading their property. That was a twist that I didn't see coming. I suppose the "bad color" red and its association with the "red man" should have been a big enough of a hint.

I think Night may have been making a political comment with this one. Anyone agree?



Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
this movie has created a pattern with m. night shamalamadingdong...

1 good

1 bad

1 good

1 bad

the next one will be good


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You didn't like Unbreakable? That one was my favorite... :sohappy: And I think it held a special place in Night's hear too, considering the amazing, content-saturated 2 DVD set. None of the "good" movies had that much stuff included with it.



Well-Known Member
I didn't like the Village...the ending seemed so cheap to me and was such a let-down. It just wasn't the scary movie they advertised, and while it was good at criticizing our government for making false monsters to scare us, and the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil theme was effective, I didn't really appreciate that since it was not advertised as a political satire. It was advertised as the scariest movie in years, and it was only somewhat frightening, lessed by the grotesque appearance of the "monster". The truth about the monsters was predictable, at least to me (it was the truth I was hoping wasn't going to be the truth) and the "big twist" at the end left me more than a little incredulous. It just didn't feel like the Sixth Sense, where everything seemed much more real...thank gosh I went to the matinee and only spent $5. I woulda been ticked if I had paid full price. At least this movie is making money for Disney...


New Member
At least Shyamalan has finally signed on to a movie that is not an orginal suspense screenplay.

He's making an Adaptation of a book entitled "The Life of Pi".

The man is enormously talented, however, he has become a vicitim of his own success. The potential is there...but unfortunately people can't look past "The Sixth Sense."


Well-Known Member
I Loved this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it is the best movie he has ever made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is now my favorite. Anyone who didn't like this movie should go live on the other side of the fence!!!!


Well-Known Member
mkt said:
this movie has created a pattern with m. night shamalamadingdong...

1 good

1 bad

1 good

1 bad

the next one will be good

Hmmm....sounds like the opposite theory for Star Trek movies. All the uneven numbered ones suck tribble big time, and the even ones are premium Romulan ale.


Well-Known Member
Timekeeper said:
I don't know about any of you but I would have never guessed that The Village was about native americans hiding in the woods who were greatly angered by some of the first American settlers who were invading their property. That was a twist that I didn't see coming. I suppose the "bad color" red and its association with the "red man" should have been a big enough of a hint.

I think Night may have been making a political comment with this one. Anyone agree?


I really hope that this isn't the ending. I was planning on seeing this TOMORROW and since I didn't see any spoiler tags I read without caution. Please someone tell me that he is just joking. Otherwise the entire movie has been ruined for me.


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
I really hope that this isn't the ending. I was planning on seeing this TOMORROW and since I didn't see any spoiler tags I read without caution. Please someone tell me that he is just joking. Otherwise the entire movie has been ruined for me.
I second that...sheesh..where is your online ettiquite.....

I understand some people I disappointed with the Village...but I am still greatly looking forward to it...I agree he is one of the most talented film makers of our time...but now has too much pressure to out do The sixth Sense.....before then there where no pre-concieved notions of his he could just sit back and make the best movie he knew how.

Ps. Unbreakable was a fantastic movie...I think it was a bit too odd for some people thoough.


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
I really hope that this isn't the ending. I was planning on seeing this TOMORROW and since I didn't see any spoiler tags I read without caution. Please someone tell me that he is just joking. Otherwise the entire movie has been ruined for me.

To put it simply, no, it isn't the ending. But i agree with those that say spoilers should be added. But at the same time, what do people expect will be talked about when they notice there is a thread entitled, "The Village." I think its safe to assume that the film will be talked about at various lengths.

Bryce Dallas Howard did a great job. I'm not a Night groupie, still haven't seen Sixth Sense, haven't seen Signs. But i know what happens in them and Night's general perspectives and goals in his films.

The cinematography and lighting is at the heart of the real success of this film.


Well-Known Member
lebernadin said:
But at the same time, what do people expect will be talked about when they notice there is a thread entitled, "The Village." I think its safe to assume that the film will be talked about at various lengths.

I expect to see a review or what people thought of it. Just as long as you use spoiler tags there is no problem. There have been other threads on here that talked about the film without giving anything away. I just figured this would be an opinion of the movie, just like what everyone else has done.


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
I expect to see a review or what people thought of it. Just as long as you use spoiler tags there is no problem. There have been other threads on here that talked about the film without giving anything away. I just figured this would be an opinion of the movie, just like what everyone else has done.
Once again I agree...I have read many film reviews on the movie..just cause i was curious if people liked it or seems very mixed..a love it or hate it kind of movie....but this is the 1st place I have seen where someone has given away any spoilers....without mentioning spoiler


Well-Known Member
CubbieMan said:
Once again I agree...I have read many film reviews on the movie..just cause i was curious if people liked it or seems very mixed..a love it or hate it kind of movie....but this is the 1st place I have seen where someone has given away any spoilers....without mentioning spoiler


So I guess the question is now, to those that liked the movie, is it still worth seeing now that this has been revealed or has it been pretty much ruined? For example, I knew the ending to Kill Bill Volume 2 (It's no secret) and it didn't keep my from enjoying the film one bit, but I know this is a different type of film.


Well-Known Member
Native Americans? Whuh? Did I miss that part of the movie? :lol:

Great acting...but horrible context. One word describes this movie... "LAME"

Of all of his movies...this was the most predictable. I agree with Rob...

BAD :lol:

Can't wait for the next one!

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