Trip Report The Trip That Nearly Wasn't!

Prelude to a Dis

Picture it: November, 2013. Thor: The Dark World ruled the box office. We lamented how we'll never be royals. And a certain someone typing this trip report became debt-free for the first time. A freelance job paid very handsomely; enough to get out of debt, rejuvenate my savings account, AND plan a little trip to the happiest place on Earth.

The boyfriend (BF) had never been. This needed to be corrected. I had taken him to Disneyland the year before, nervous that he'd find the whole thing hokey, but when we both burst into tears when it snowed on Main Street after Believe...In Holiday Magic, I knew I had a believer. We had also been talking a lot with our Disney Friend (DF), who knows just about everything there is to know about the parks. He was thinking about going during a break from work at the beginning of January. Once that check was cashed, we pulled the trigger! A three-man jaunt to WDW January 6-11!

Wow. We were really going. I had only been twice in my life, once for a week in '91 with my family, and once for five days in '98 for my senior spring break trip. Both times offsite, both times incredible. But this was the real deal, Holyfield. DF suggested we stay at Port Orleans Riverside, and, because I hadn't quite yet fallen all the way down the Disney rabbit hole, I had never heard of it but deferred to his expertise. I've heard one or two or twelve billion complaints on these boards about MDE, but boy, oh boy did we have fun planning FP+ and dining! Things had really changed in 15 years (OMGmysenioryearwas15yearsagowhatamIdoingwithmylife), and I was insanely excited to be in the driver's seat of planning the trip.

Flash forward to January 5th, the night before the trip. DF spent the night at our place, because we live crazy-close to the airport. I went to bed early, giddy as a 1st grader. In just a few hours, we'd get up at the BC of dawn, hop in a car, and presto! A magical flying machine would take us to Neverland and everything would be great. Easy peasy, right? Wrongzo.

"Our flight has been canceled. The next available flight is Wednesday night."

Despite clear, mild weather, that was the rude awakening the BF laid on me at about 1 in the morning. 1 in the morning on MONDAY. Uh, pretty sure a Wednesday night flight would involve missing three days of unspeakable glee. Unacceptable, obvs. Have any of you ever been on the phone with JetBlue for two and a half hours in the middle of the night, terrified that your hopes and dreams of vacation bliss will be dashed? It's awesome. Highly recommended. Our first attempt was to rebook our original flight, from LGA to MCO. Nope. Wednesday night was the first available. Uh...should we rent a car and drive to Philly and fly from there? No flights. Boston? No flights. Washington? Nada. As I was on the phone with him, I kept reloading Flights kept popping up that the dude on the phone was missing!

"Hey! There's now a flight late tonight out of LaGuardia to Orlando. Do you see it?"

He found it and rebooked my BF on it. If DF and I had to go Wednesday, at least BF would be there for most of the planned trip. DF suddenly had a brainstorm: what about flights to other cities in Florida? Duh. Why hadn't we thought of that? I pulled up a map of Florida, product of the public school system that I am. Ooh! Tampa's close! Are there any flights to Tampa?

Whoa! There's a flight out of JFK to Tampa only an our after our original flight! With the car rental, we'd be missing 2-3 hours of the magic, tops! I told the dude (who never found us a flight; I literally would tell him what flights were available online and he'd book us on them) to book us.

"Passenger booked."


"Passenger booked."

Yessir! We're on our way!

"I was not able to rebook you. The seat is no longer available."

AM I IN A MOVIE?!? My boyfriend and friend are leaving for a week of delight, and I'm forced to meet them on Wednesday?!? Have I gone insane?

"Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?"
"I am not hanging up with you until I'm also on this flight to Tampa. And that's all there is to it."

I reloaded the page over and over again, like a doctor on a TV show yelling "CLEAR!", trying futilely to revive a long-dead patient. Hope was fading. Fast. Then, suddenly:

"Stand by...stand are booked, sir."

We cheered with as much energy as three exhausted, stressed out dudes at 3:30 in the morning could. We got a couple hours of sleep, then popped back up, ready to pop over to JFK for smooth sailing to Tamp-town. Wrongzo againzo.

It was pouring freezing rain with a force that would make Noah go "Uh...yikes." The driver could barely see on the way to the airport. Bumper-to-bumper traffic. We were running out of time. At JFK, we stepped into the most chaotic state I've ever seen an airport in. People screaming, pushing, no discernible was like five minutes from grass skirts, body paint, and human sacrifice. Thank Walt that DF insisted we get Even More Speed when we rebooked; if we hadn't, we would've missed the flight.

Smooth flight. Nice landing. Picked up the rental and headed to Orlando; that is, after trusty navigators BF and DF spent the first few minutes of the drive figuring out how to play their iPods in the car. Um, y'know what, guys? I'd rather have the slightest clue where I'm going than be hearing the perfect Depeche Mode song right now. Cool? Cool. We stopped for a bite at Arby's because we don't have any Arby's in NYC and I love Arby's and I'm a gross monster, and as we stuffed our grateful faces with beeves and cheddars, we found out that JetBlue canceled all remaining flights out of NYC for the next two days. If we hadn't acted as fast as we did when our flight was canceled, we wouldn't have gotten to Florida.

DF turned on the Disney jams as we neared that familiar stretch of road. It was in our sights. It was really happening. Walt Disney World.

Next: Day One, Day Won


Well-Known Member
Sorry you had to rewrite day 5, but thanks for taking the time! Especially when you had such an amazing day. Are the ornaments a present for Christmas, or have you already spilled the beans? Don't think I could refrain from showing them their trinkets for 11 months!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day Six: See You Real Soon

It didn't matter that there were still hours and hours of fun in store for us. We were leaving later that day and it was a stone-cold bummer. We all sort of quietly packed our stuff for a while. So many unworn pairs of shorts! I decided to lighten the mood by giving the fellas the Christmas ornaments I bought them yesterday. And wouldn't ya know it: DF got us an IASW magnet! It's mini-Christmas in the POR Royal Rooms.

After a mug o' joe, off we went to Epcot. As Spaceship Earth loomed in the distance, something was immediately wrong. There were big, dark spots all over it. Did something hit it? Was it attacked? Domestic terrorism? IS THERE A BOMB ON THIS BUS?!? Nope. Dirt. It was a bunch of dirt apparently kicked up by a storm in the middle of the night. Call off your Keanu.

We got dropped off right in front of the marathon rope, spending a few minutes applauding the brave fools who decided a regular trip to WDW wasn't exhausting enough. Seriously, though, it was really cool to see so many people out, fit, and happy.

Stop #1 at Epcot was technically just outside of Epcot. We each bought our own giant pink donut at the shop right outside the Monorail station. Mmmm...donut. That should tide us over nicely until our lunch ADR! Stop #2: a photo with Pluto. Duh. The poor pup deserves some love; after all, he's owned by a mouse who is friends with another dog who has freedom to do what he wishes!

Our first FP was for Test Track, which would be BF's first time. In case you don't recall, last time we rode TT, BF was recovering at the Disney ICU with an IV full of Imagination and possibly an anti-inflammatory. And whaddaya know? BF liked it quite a bit! Though I think he liked tinkering around at the Chevy post-show brought to you by Chevy even better than the Chevy-sponsored ride Chevy.

We had 45 minutes to spend and reasonably enjoy air conditioning, so why not take a spin on Ellen's Energy Adventure? This was my first trip to the Universe of Energy since it got Degenerized, as I'm pretty sure my senior buddies and me skipped this in '98. It was perfectly lovely, and I will never forget the staggering awfulness of the Ellen AA as long as I live. She looked like Mark Hamill and Marc Singer had a weird, putty-faced baby.

Surprise, surprise! When we emerged from the pavilion, DFF was waiting for us! He decided to kick around Orlando for another day and kindly escorted DF to the Lost & Found to finally retrieve whatever remained of his phone. BF and I had all of Epcot to ourselves for the next hour or so. Where to go? The answer was simple: Turtle Talk with Crush.

Man, that thing is awesome. This particular Crush was not quite as funny as Tuesday's Crush (Tuesday's Crush is also the name of my favorite early-aughts R&B group), but still pretty great. BF and I seriously can't get enough.

We wandered Future World for a while, looking at the Epcot timeline display as I reminisced about earlier, grander times at EPCOT Center while BF probably looked at his phone or something. And then we had the happiest accident of all: we stumbled onto Epcot Character Spot.

See, we had our pictures taken with Eeyore, Tigger, Piglet, Pooh, Donald, Belle, Alice, Buzz Lightyear, Pluto, and probably more. But one character still eluded us. The biggest one of them all. Mickey Mouse.

AND HERE HE WAS! And Minnie too! So, so happy we got those shots. It made the trip feel complete. We got a text from DFF that they were on their way back from the TTC and to meet them at the Land Pavilion at 12:15. Heigh ho!

They arrived and presented us with a Ziploc bag containing the well-preserved remains of DF's phone. Shattered screen, bits missing here and there, but surprisingly intact for a device that fell all the way down the drop shaft of ToT. Unsurprisingly, it was twelve shades of busted. But on the bright side, DF now had a $500 door stop!

The Lost & Found also gave them FPs for TT and Soarin' for their trouble and for the multiple days it took to recover the phone. And any day where I get to see Patrick Warburton on a day I wasn't expecting to see Patrick Warburton is a good one.

It was getting about that time for our ADR at Tokyo Dining, so we moseyed over to World Showcase, looking spectacular on a sunny, nearly cloudless day. And just our luck, we got seated right at the window for a fantastic view of the torii (had to look THAT up) and the lagoon. TD ended up being not half bad, and our server was the absolute sweetest. BF and I enjoyed a delicious cocktail and the bento box, and, though DF was visibly getting more sick and his phone was now in the Cloud, we all had a great time.

Our walk back to Future World was...reluctant. We knew the end was near. Spaceship Earth sounded like the perfect final attraction of our trip, so we hopped on, got some Judi in our ears and some Data Banks in our eyes. And for once, not tears.

We bid goodbye to dirty, cruddy Spaceship Earth as it disappeared behind us. As did we to lush, gorgeous POR before heaving our luggage onto the Magical Express. Ah. So this is the Magical Express. If you recall, we didn't end up taking it upon arrival, as the east coast was all but swallowed by the swirling pits of ice-hell and we had to fly into Tampa and get a rental instead. Now, this was much less stressful. Cartoons, videos about glass-blowing and apple-dipping? Yeah, this would have made a pretty nice how-do-you-do.

Alas, a big dumb plane took us back to big dumb (okay, not dumb, actually kind of awesome) New York manned by a bunch of big dumb cranky flight attendants (the whole plane was fully yelled at multiple times over the PA). But it's a small miracle we ever got to Orlando in the first place. As visions of a return trip to WDW danced in my head, I sat content, grateful that The Trip That Nearly Wasn't was.

Next: Nothing! The trip report is over, dummies! ;):p:D:hilarious:


Well-Known Member
BRAVO! Epic! I laughed.. I cried... you cried (a lot)... I laughed again! Thank you for sharing!



Well-Known Member
Oh how I will miss this trip report! You are unquestionably hysterically funny and great Disney-fied comic relief! I seriously laughed (is that even possible) the whole time, except when you lost your jacket - temporary bummer - and your friend lost his phone - permanent bummer. Don't tell your friend, but if I am being totally honest here, I did emit a minor, but immediately stifled, giggle at the visual of his phone flying out of his pocket upon ToT descent. So sorry, but I just could not help myself there! I was a fan of the Three Stooges growing up and so sight gags, intentional or not, tend to crack me up. But, it was so good to hear that he did get closure on the ordeal and at least was able to retrieve what remained of his phone. Poor guy.

So what was your BF's final take on the whole trip? It sounds like he really soaked up the whole Disney experience!

And please tell us that you will be recounting your Disney adventures in November! I will be looking for that report for sure ....


Well-Known Member
Thank you for sharing your great adventure at the parks. You have some really good pictures and I was glad to hear that you did get most of the characters pictures. It is always sad the last day of the trip to leave but while at the airport that gives me time to start planning the next trip. Thanks again.

Tinkerbell 8

Well-Known Member
This was by far my favorite trip report I've ever read on this site. You had me laughing out loud and tearing up thru the whole thing, it was like I was right there with you! When are you going in November, I'll be there for a long weekend solo trip Nov 7th-10th and also going to the MVMCP :cool:


New Member
I read trip reports all the time. Never had a reason to join the forum until I read your report. As a season ticket holder I go to the parks weekly and it is always fun, but something gets lost when you can always go back tomorrow. Your report made me realize how much I take for granted. Especially at the end when you had to go back on the stupid plane. Through your words and photos you brought the magic back. You have a gift with writing. Thanks for sharing.

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