Well, our trip to Walt's park has sadly come to an end. We arrived in late last night after a very eventful (read, stormy) flight. And my attempt at another trip report is beginning. I'm going to try to do it on Word this time, so maybe it will go a little easier than having to worry about being kicked off the forum in the middle of a post. I took over 1,000 pictures (literally) so we have lots to talk about lol. And we're off!
I had originally planned this trip for only myself and my oldest son, Brett. My hubby started a new job in May, and so vacation time was not an option for him this summer. We had been booked at the end of July for a long World vaca, but that had to be canceled. So I asked him how he would feel about Brett and I going somewhere over the 4th weekend, and he and Lucas staying home. He said that would be fine, and asked where I was thinking. To which I replied "ummmm, Disneyland?" and he said "Wow. Ok." It was booked the next day
My cousin Jordan (or as she is known around our house "Looloo" graduated (as Valedictorian I might add!) from high school this May. My aunt and uncle sent her with us for a (fantastic) graduation present. I had us booked for 4 nights at the Fairfield Inn (which I changed at the last minute to the Anabella with a great deal), 4 day hoppers, and a Starline tour. We were going to see it all!!!

My vacation actually starts with a traditional trip to Cracker Barrel with my BFF Stephanie. Even though we weren't going together, the CBB had to be done. So on Wednesday Lucas and I went down to her house (which is about 30 min away) and I started my vacation with some pecan pancakes

My MIL came to pick up Lucas around 8:30 so he could stay the night and be with her Thursday while my hubby was at work. I may have cried. Ok, I did. I have never been away from this little man since he has been born. I had packed nearly nothing by that evening, but had things sort of laid out (and my ridiculous check lists ready) so I was done by 10:15pm! Not bad!!

Someone was not very happy that this was all going on. My poor Lucie. She was pretty sure she was being abandoned (like every time I leave the house!)

It was after midnight before I got to sleep. So 4:30 came suuuuuper early! The nearest airport to us is almost 2 hours away in St. Louis. With a 9:20am flight, we needed to leave by 5:30 to get there on time. My mom and my aunt were dropping us off, so we didn't have to drive, park, and all that jazz. Plus, I hear they did some shopping that afternoon AND ate at the Cheesecake Factory, so that also may have played a part in the decision........
So what do you do when getting up at 4:30am to go to Disneyland?? Load yourself up with caffeine out of Mickey's butt of course!!!

Wait, is that weird??? Oh well.
They commented that I was talking a lot on the way to the airport. Um, HELLO. Did anyone hear me say DISNEYLAND??? How many people are going to Disneyland today that you know? 3? Ok. That means I am one out of THREE people you know going to Disneyland. I *may* or *may not* have been excited. (And they were just jealous anyway
So, dressed in our matching "I'm Going To Disneyland" t shirts I had made (well, except Brett's wasn't glittery, and had a pirate Mickey instead of a castle. So I guess that means they didn't REALLY match, huh?) We checked our bags, said our goodbyes, and made it through security in about 15 minutes! Score!!! It's a good thing too, because I barely had time to walk across the terminal for my bagel before boarding time! At 8:32am I was walking from our gate, and boarding time was at 8:50. Before I knew it, we were off!!!!
Can I just say I looooove these flight trackers?? Such a great idea!

I had planned on sleeping, but I was hopped up on Pixie Dust and that wasn't happening. So we enjoyed the beautiful sights along the way.

It was clear and perfect the whole way there! Everything was great until about an hour left, and I got horribly sick. Have you ever had that "ican'ttalktoyouorstandupbecauseiknowiwillpassout" cold sweat feeling? Yeah. Came out of nowhere. I could barely even make it to the bathroom. And Brett, bless his heart, was saying "mom, are you ok? Are you sure? What's wrong? Are you going to be sick?" and on and on until I finally snapped at him and then felt so bad. But talking was making it worse. I finally got my head laid down and felt a lot better. Only one other time I remember feeling like that, on a crowded MetroLink in downtown STL after a Cardinals game. I think it's because I'm so clausterphobic, and combine that with motion sickness on a plane after 3 hours, and it doesn't mix well. I was glad to be on the ground.
Our flight was scheduled to land at 11:20am (4 hour flight, and we were landing only 2 hours later. We had entered the twilight zone!!!) But, true to SWA form, we landed a little early. The DRE bus was scheduled for pickup at 11:45, and I thought we would have to wait until the 12:45 one. But we (finally) got our bags at 11:43, RAN outside to the bus pick up island, and there was the 11:45 bus pulling in 30 seconds later! We would have been earlier if the bags hadn't taken For. E. Ver.

For those of you that are interested, the insides of the buses are just like the DME ones. And they also have TVs, but nothing plays on them (booooooo). It didn't play Disney music either, but 80s tunes. Lol.

I am going to take a second and say I was very disappointed in LAX. It was dirty and depressing. Maybe it is just the Southwest terminal? But I thought that such a huge airport, that close to soooooo many rich and famous people, would be nicer. I have no idea why I think that should make a difference, but I did. And I was disappointed. It was just downright gross.
But it was a necessary stop on my way to Disneyland, so I beared it lol.
I had originally planned this trip for only myself and my oldest son, Brett. My hubby started a new job in May, and so vacation time was not an option for him this summer. We had been booked at the end of July for a long World vaca, but that had to be canceled. So I asked him how he would feel about Brett and I going somewhere over the 4th weekend, and he and Lucas staying home. He said that would be fine, and asked where I was thinking. To which I replied "ummmm, Disneyland?" and he said "Wow. Ok." It was booked the next day

My cousin Jordan (or as she is known around our house "Looloo" graduated (as Valedictorian I might add!) from high school this May. My aunt and uncle sent her with us for a (fantastic) graduation present. I had us booked for 4 nights at the Fairfield Inn (which I changed at the last minute to the Anabella with a great deal), 4 day hoppers, and a Starline tour. We were going to see it all!!!

My vacation actually starts with a traditional trip to Cracker Barrel with my BFF Stephanie. Even though we weren't going together, the CBB had to be done. So on Wednesday Lucas and I went down to her house (which is about 30 min away) and I started my vacation with some pecan pancakes

My MIL came to pick up Lucas around 8:30 so he could stay the night and be with her Thursday while my hubby was at work. I may have cried. Ok, I did. I have never been away from this little man since he has been born. I had packed nearly nothing by that evening, but had things sort of laid out (and my ridiculous check lists ready) so I was done by 10:15pm! Not bad!!

Someone was not very happy that this was all going on. My poor Lucie. She was pretty sure she was being abandoned (like every time I leave the house!)

It was after midnight before I got to sleep. So 4:30 came suuuuuper early! The nearest airport to us is almost 2 hours away in St. Louis. With a 9:20am flight, we needed to leave by 5:30 to get there on time. My mom and my aunt were dropping us off, so we didn't have to drive, park, and all that jazz. Plus, I hear they did some shopping that afternoon AND ate at the Cheesecake Factory, so that also may have played a part in the decision........
So what do you do when getting up at 4:30am to go to Disneyland?? Load yourself up with caffeine out of Mickey's butt of course!!!

Wait, is that weird??? Oh well.
They commented that I was talking a lot on the way to the airport. Um, HELLO. Did anyone hear me say DISNEYLAND??? How many people are going to Disneyland today that you know? 3? Ok. That means I am one out of THREE people you know going to Disneyland. I *may* or *may not* have been excited. (And they were just jealous anyway

So, dressed in our matching "I'm Going To Disneyland" t shirts I had made (well, except Brett's wasn't glittery, and had a pirate Mickey instead of a castle. So I guess that means they didn't REALLY match, huh?) We checked our bags, said our goodbyes, and made it through security in about 15 minutes! Score!!! It's a good thing too, because I barely had time to walk across the terminal for my bagel before boarding time! At 8:32am I was walking from our gate, and boarding time was at 8:50. Before I knew it, we were off!!!!
Can I just say I looooove these flight trackers?? Such a great idea!

I had planned on sleeping, but I was hopped up on Pixie Dust and that wasn't happening. So we enjoyed the beautiful sights along the way.

It was clear and perfect the whole way there! Everything was great until about an hour left, and I got horribly sick. Have you ever had that "ican'ttalktoyouorstandupbecauseiknowiwillpassout" cold sweat feeling? Yeah. Came out of nowhere. I could barely even make it to the bathroom. And Brett, bless his heart, was saying "mom, are you ok? Are you sure? What's wrong? Are you going to be sick?" and on and on until I finally snapped at him and then felt so bad. But talking was making it worse. I finally got my head laid down and felt a lot better. Only one other time I remember feeling like that, on a crowded MetroLink in downtown STL after a Cardinals game. I think it's because I'm so clausterphobic, and combine that with motion sickness on a plane after 3 hours, and it doesn't mix well. I was glad to be on the ground.
Our flight was scheduled to land at 11:20am (4 hour flight, and we were landing only 2 hours later. We had entered the twilight zone!!!) But, true to SWA form, we landed a little early. The DRE bus was scheduled for pickup at 11:45, and I thought we would have to wait until the 12:45 one. But we (finally) got our bags at 11:43, RAN outside to the bus pick up island, and there was the 11:45 bus pulling in 30 seconds later! We would have been earlier if the bags hadn't taken For. E. Ver.

For those of you that are interested, the insides of the buses are just like the DME ones. And they also have TVs, but nothing plays on them (booooooo). It didn't play Disney music either, but 80s tunes. Lol.

I am going to take a second and say I was very disappointed in LAX. It was dirty and depressing. Maybe it is just the Southwest terminal? But I thought that such a huge airport, that close to soooooo many rich and famous people, would be nicer. I have no idea why I think that should make a difference, but I did. And I was disappointed. It was just downright gross.
But it was a necessary stop on my way to Disneyland, so I beared it lol.