Here is a quick photoshop job I did on how to make the Studios a better "Theme Park."
I broke up the park into different lands...(I haven't named them, just themed them)
Blue: Horror/Suspense
Pink: Romance/Drama
Green: Action/Adventure
Dark Gray: Silent Films/Classics (Entire land painted in a black and white scheme with no color and no sounds...and streetmosphere characters dressed in all black and white with no talking (no, not mimes))
Red: Comedy
Yellow: Animation
Brown: Old tyme Hollywood to set the mood (much like what was there before the hat)
The Animation part goes into the parking lot but if they built a garage across the street for CM's, the current AAA lot could become regular parking to accommodate the change.
I think it could be done...yes, it would take time...and they'd probably have to close entire areas at a time...but if they added in the Animation part first...then they'd be offering a new land while closing an existing area of the park.