The Spirited Sixth Sense ...


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OK, time to don the tinfoil hats (for the ignorant out there) as we all enjoy faster wifi and downloads thanks to our friends at Disney and AT&T ... nah, this isn't any more a part of the surveillance state than your own personal tracker (thanks Mr. Jobs, the fanbois will deify you as you make the greatest technological leap in destroying personal privacy -- the iPhone!):

Nah, I am sure this is simply done to pump up your ability to interact with MM+ ... of course, why would you need that boost in Hilton Head or Oahu, let alone Anaheim?


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How do you argue facts with people who are in love with a BRAND? People who have a psychological bond with a BRAND that defies logic? Feelings aren't wrong, right? You have to respect them, right?

I don't. I can't. I won't.

I think this is a fundamental point in the fan community. This divergence between fans who love Disney creative products, but can still think logically and critically and compare Disney to its competitors ... and the others who can't (they aren't all lifestylers and bloggers and fanbois). ... After being part of the online fan community for more years than I care to admit, I realize it simply comes down to those groups. I can talk, debate and disagree with the former, but I can't do more than simply shake my head (and curse silently) at the latter.


Well-Known Member
Would anyone here complain if they kept the Sweethaven/Popeye area, redid Dudley Do Right into Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (fully finished, not like Dudley is at the moment) and then did something with the rest of Toon Lagoon?

Ya'know I need to verify. I haven been so tired and overwhelmed with work that I didn't question the info when I got it. My source said Toon Lagoon was set for a refurb and mentioned Sony Animation but also mentioned Ice Age for Dudley Do Right (I voiced my displeasure because I love Dudley, even though I know next to nothing about the character). I didn't even think to question that Ice Age is Blue Sky - not Sony.

Perhaps they have their hands in both and will make a comprehensive Toon area? They certainly wouldn't have misspoken about it. How great would an area be that included Ice Age, Rio and Cloudy?

They said that the area had languished for long enough and needed to be "blown up". They also said they were looking at a bunch of things though (and I didn't press).


Premium Member
OK, time to don the tinfoil hats (for the ignorant out there) as we all enjoy faster wifi and downloads thanks to our friends at Disney and AT&T ... nah, this isn't any more a part of the surveillance state than your own personal tracker (thanks Mr. Jobs, the fanbois will deify you as you make the greatest technological leap in destroying personal privacy -- the iPhone!):

Nah, I am sure this is simply done to pump up your ability to interact with MM+ ... of course, why would you need that boost in Hilton Head or Oahu, let alone Anaheim?
Too much techie talk in there for me. Is this a first step in rolling out MM+ in CA?


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@WDW1974 did you mention a while back that the Studios could be up for another name change? or did I read that somewhere else in a galaxy far far away?

Yep. There were rebranding plans when the concept of an extreme makeover came up. It seems lost in limbo ... maybe that is where my pal Georgie is hiding.

If Disney cannot do anything with Avengers...does that mean UNI can? or is it in theme park limbo on the east coast?

UNI can do anything it wants (within reason) so long as it steers clear of the film version. Anything from the comics or history are there. UNI can develop them (I don't see them wanting to right now). Disney can't. In Florida, that is. If Disney wanted to build an Avengers theme park in Anaheim (and let's pray they don't!), then it could.


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A new attraction just requires reasonable approval with specific mentions of a few Marvel style and design guides. "We don't like you" is not considered reasonable grounds for withholding approval.

No, but 'we don't like you' is all you need from a company to get blacklisted or even banned. That's another tale ... I did enjoy leaving two CEOs (of companies here people would recognize) hanging for two days, though. You don't bother me while I'm still celebrating when John Quincy Adams was Prez.


Well-Known Member
Yikes, Cody, time to take a break bud. You were never in this fight, I am throwing in the towel on your behalf. Relax, regroup, rethink.
And to think all that was said because I said both Uni parks were half day parks... Some peoples opinions are not well respected around here


Well-Known Member
That's for DEMO'ing CMM - Remember in the twisted world of TWDC demoing closed attractions so they CANNOT be reopened is far more important than constructing NEW attractions.

Oh come on, they would never do that. Just look at the amazing place we have now (and have enjoyed for the past 5 years) where Pleasure Island used to be. Just think about how fantastic the submarines will be at DL when they reopen from their refurb! And I was just thinking how awesome it would be to enjoy everything Odyssee has to offer at EPCOT the next time my family is there. Maybe we could even visit it at Christmastime after taking a stroll under the Lights Of Winter.


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74, have you taken a look at the "old MGM studios" thread that has popped up recently?

You think I even have time for this thread? Seriously. I am 10 pages behind and not sure whether I'll read through all of them.

I miss the old Disney-MGM Studios. Loved that place from day 1. The first time I ever met Michael Eisner or got blown off by Jeff Katzenberg was at the park's grand opening!

I am amazed that there are ignorant people who will still justify that hat ...


Resident Curmudgeon
Oh come on, they would never do that. Just look at the amazing place we have now (and have enjoyed for the past 5 years) where Pleasure Island used to be. Just think about how fantastic the submarines will be at DL when they reopen from their refurb! And I was just thinking how awesome it would be to enjoy everything Odyssee has to offer at EPCOT the next time my family is there. Maybe we could even visit it at Christmastime after taking a stroll under the Lights Of Winter.

Yes it will be wonderful revisiting those attractions again!


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I am curious also about the state of DVC villas. We haven't been to FLA. in going on 4 years, so I have no clue as to how the DVC has changed, if at all. We use our points here in CA. I am reading on Pixie Dust Central (a blend of 2 websites that think the BRAND can do no wrong.), and other sites that guests are having issues with the state of the rooms at any given DVC.

I can tell you that I was pleased with the renovations at OKW and also enjoyed my one bedroom at DAK Lodge (the real one, not Kidani) last year.

I'd also tell you that if you want a nice unit at WDW, the Villas at WL are now all being redone (their first MAJOR redo in 13 1/2 years of operation ... who says Disney doesn't keep up with the times).

I would feel safe telling folks they could stay at those ... just from the state of the carpeting off the lobby I would advise against BCV.


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The problem for WDW today is that there already are signs that they are pushing prices to their limits, without providing a corresponding improvement in content.

The number of empty rooms at WDW is at an all-time high.

In 2013, WDW averaged about 5,700 empty rooms per night.

Excluding DVC, WDW has about 5,700 Deluxe Resort rooms. For some perspective, that means WDW averaged the equivalent of completely empty Grand Floridian, Polynesian, Contemporary, Beach Club, Yacht Club, Wilderness Lodge, Boardwalk Inn, and Animal Kingdom Lodge hotels.

2002 was a horrible year for WDW.

Yet in 2013, WDW averaged 400 more empty rooms per night than they did in 2002.

Empty rooms at WDW have become a major concern.

Let’s look at what has happened to Per Room Guest Spending since then. In 2002, it was $204. In 2013, it was $267. That’s an increase of only 2.5% annually.

The CPI has averaged 2.4% annually over the same period.

WDW’s hotel prices have stagnated and yet WDW has a record number of empty rooms.

Now let’s consider what’s happened to ticket prices.

A 4-day ticket was $199 in 2002. In 2013, it was $363, an annual increase of 5.8%. Compounded over 11 years, that's just painful.

Median household income has averaged only 1.7% over that same period.

The cold, hard reality is that when prices increase faster than wages, people have to make choices.

Right now, vacationers are choosing to stay offsite in order to afford WDW’s tickets.

Oh, and to be able to afford their $10.19 Wendy’s quality burger that used to be $7.39 only a few years ago.

International vacationers get a lot of attention right now but 80% of WDW “guests” still come from the U.S.A.

What happens when WDW ticket and food prices continue to increase?

What choice do people make next?

At what point do people decide that a WDW vacation simply isn’t worth it anymore?

At what point does WDW simply become unaffordable for Disney’s core audience?

Do people even read stuff like this?

If they did, maybe, just maybe there wouldn't be so much defense of a media corp with a market cap of $125 billion that in no way is Walt's old company.


Well-Known Member
I think it will be bigger than 1. 2 major new rides this time and what looks to be an incredibly detailed land will bring people in. Work of this scale is not being done anywhere else right now. We won't have long to wait and see.
There is nothing that says Avatar can't be a superior land than either Harry Potter land, the advantage that Potter has is the marketability vs. Avatar.


Well-Known Member
Shows that take their time and are not OMG!!!!WE-BROKE-TWITTER levels of dramatic are passe now. And it absolutely is killing great stuff. I'll give a Disney example...

The best television product Disney put out in 2012 was a little known named ABC Family show called Bunheads. Run by the brilliant Amy Sherman-Palladino, it featured the finest whip-smart, screwball dialogue written by anybody in Hollywood not named Aaron Sorkin. It was the type of show that assumed the intelligence of its audience, the type of show that would reference Jean Paul Sartre, Refrigerator Perry and Anais Nin and expect you to keep up. Bunheads was one of those old school character study shows, it featured little to no plot and no soap opera-y type elements. It uniquely advanced a lot of its character dynamics in beautiful, surrealistic ballet sequences often set to obscure music (they once started a season with a ballet set to Bjork!)

The show was so good the New Yorker (the New Yorker!!) named it their top pick for the 2012 year in television. For a show that was on ABC Family. The New York Times dance critic loved the dance sequences. It was critically adored and gained a bit of a cult following, especially among the older, educated demographic that never watched ABC Family before.

So of course ABC Family, in their infinite wisdom, decided it was too high-brow and they were only aiming for low-brow tween viewers. Its references were too cultured, they said. Its plot wasn't scandalous or "Gotcha!"-y enough, they said. And they cancelled it. They replaced it with more of their dreck like Twisted (about a teen who is a serial killer) and a Pretty Little Liars spinoff (shows that revelled in more teens doing unspeakable things) that has itself already been cancelled.

ABC Family, they are really bizarre in what they keep and what they cancel. Not to knock the Fosters but apparently that did 'so much better' than Bunheads so that got renewed in its stead, I believe. They cancel shows like Bunheads or Huge (fat kid summer camp a few years ago, also got a lot of critical buzz) that had alot of critical acclaim for no reason after a season. I was especially sad that Bunheads was cancelled because I'm a big Gilmore Girls fan. At least ABCfam still shows repeats of that.

Didn't like Ravenswood but did like Lying Game. That show had a lot more promise but considering the books dealt with a twin who was a ghost, perhaps it would've been better to stick to the original premise given that Ravens was also ghostly? Also cancelled was Make it or Break it before its time. That show had a following and then in lieu of any kind of final season, a very rushed ending. Like they couldn't be done with it fast enough.


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I think it will be bigger than 1. 2 major new rides this time and what looks to be an incredibly detailed land will bring people in. Work of this scale is not being done anywhere else right now. We won't have long to wait and see.

How about y'all read and think about this from our fearless leader?

MAGICal Steve is about as dye in the wool a WDW lover as you'll find. He did found this site back in ancient times, after all. Clearly, Disney is in the man's blood.

Yet, he isn't lying or spinning a thing.

He is telling you a fact. Work like Diagon Alley isn't being done anywhere else in O-Town ... or in the USA for that matter right now.

This area should compare favorably with some of the best work on the planet.

And Disney has a kiddie coaster and a $2 billion stalking and trip planning app. Again, those are the pure facts.

Pandora may well be wonderful. Let's check back in four long years to see who cares by then.


Well-Known Member
Those glasses...


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Seasons is pretty impressive.

Pretty average now. It was great when it opened. Before prices went up, portions went down (I still recall two years ago asking for broccoli in my stir fry veggies and having the CM carefully place two tiny pieces on it, guess Disney would have gone bankrupt if she gave 4-5 real pieces!)

I try and avoid dining at any QSRs at WDW. Yeah, I'd rather a chain that can be Anytown USA than an overrated, overpriced MAGICal Disney meal.

I am eating more full serve thanks to my CM friends and their 40% discount at some of the nicer places, which are about 25-45% overpriced so it becomes a good deal to dine at them. Thinking about doing Jiko on the next visit!


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One ride housed in a building not nearly as iconic as Hogwarts and without Harry himself playing a major role, and a Train ride that you need a two park ticket to experience. I could see The Hogwarts Express creating some bad will among certain theme park guests.

Also if Potter 1.0 is any indication, the walkways, stores, and attractions will be undersized and cramped(as per JK Rowling's request).

Um ... Harry is a very integral part of the new expansion. ...And staying true to theme is better than WDW, which rips up wonderful gift shops and makes huge paths for their huge guests to drive thru on ECVs. Disgusting, really.

Funny how they don't need to do that in Paris or Hong Kong or Tokyo ... or even Anaheim.

WDW: More morbidly obese per square foot than any other vacation destination on the planet! Instead of remembering the MAGIC, how about remembering the caloric intake?

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