Well-Known Member
So, there are definitely different audiences between the comics and the television show. The comics are a depressing slog through the worst of humanity and when Judith dies, it's just another "Oh, really? Of course, it's the walking dead". But the TV show has been a slow burn on the morality vs survival thing and killing off the baby isn't going to go over well. But they may surprise us, who knows. I'd like to think there's a universe where an innocent child doesn't die, so, that's what I'm hoping for.
I suspect the question of Judith's fate will never be fully answered unless the show runs for several years. When she is old enough to be played by a child actor, she may show up. I fully expect some nonsensical answer like one of the RV crew picked her up and got her to safety. Although why they would take her out of the car seat during a gunfight/zombie attack is beyond me.
The comic has devolved into non-stop nihilism. But I think you are giving the TV show way too much credit. I can't take its morality seriously because it keeps changing sometimes within the same episode. Usually half the fun of watching the show is laughing at the stuff that doesn't make sense.
And calling the show a "slow burn" is putting the best possible spin on its glacial pacing. Mad Men and Breaking Bad are slow burns. Walking Dead is slow.