The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Season 7: Fantasmic Journeys [CONCLUDED!]

Orange Cat

Well-Known Member
Honey Bee Reviews: @ThemeParkPriest’s The Seas Of Life

Okay first thing’s first (& this goes for all my reviews) I’m writing this as I read the project so if I get anything wrong please inform me.

  • Starting off, this is definitely a solid idea, nothing groundbreaking, but a good concept

  • I wanna note I appreciate how much context you provided

  • I’m not a big fan of the Nemo inclusion but it’s a fairly realistic PR decision so I’m fine with it

  • The inspirations part feels a bit unnecessary to me, I mean, I’m not saying it’s bad to have but it makes things feel a little less tight

  • The veterinary clinic is a good idea

  • The shell is a very good idea if one heavily inspired by something else
Alright now that I’m onto to the queue I’m gonna stop using bullet points & provide more of my overall thoughts on each section (definitely not switching cause I’m writing this in two sections).

This queue is (which I understand is done intentionally) rather plain, though it seems like a fun little thing to keep guests entertained, I mean, it’s definitely more interesting than some queues (I appreciate when queues have lots of detail but detail isn’t that interesting for that long). I’m kinda overall conflicted here, on one hand, this would be a fun queue, in fact I think this could be an opening day A-ticket, but despite that it probably wouldn’t make a too memorable queue. By the way, I really appreciate the reference image (that may appeal to me specifically since turtles are my favorite animal).

Well the ride through doesn’t have too much substance, I think I get the point, & from what I understand this would be a ride I’d enjoy, probably something I’d like to check out every trip, but I don’t know how many times I’d want to ride it per trip, that being said this is solid. I’ve been guilty of this myself but I noticed there was a good portion of text without images, though the use of reference images for all those animals mostly makes up for it.

In conclusion, I’d say I like this more than the entirety of Bee Movie vocoded to Gangsta’s Paradise, but to me it’s less interesting. This project is like plain toast, which mind you I like, but it lacks flavor, & what it has that makes it stand out feels pretty unnecessary.
Oh I forgot to mention this but I noticed the person shifted a bit, nothing huge but just thought I’d point it out


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
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Team Tcool

I love the reading music playlist! Background music adds a lot to the experience of a project.

The Journal of Leonard Conker is a nice touch. It reminds me of the immersiveness and foreshadowing of the Indiana Jones Adventure queue.

I like the backstory! It goes into another attraction and gives you as the guests a reason for being there in the attraction’s setting! I also appreciate the overview on the Egyptian gods.

The map is a nice touch! It gives a bit of an overview to help with mentally picturing this attraction’s location!

I absolutely love the mountain projection effects! The interplay between props and set pieces like this is something typically relegated to attractions, but it’s so much more captivating when it’s used on the scale of a whole land!

I don't have a lot to say about the attraction itself. It's almost perfect! It’s a wonderful combination of Rise of the Resistance and Indiana Jones Adventure, with tons of different effects and fantastic ride vehicles. I really like the storyline.

I only have a couple complaints. I think that sometimes the storytelling is too detailed for guests to be able to pick up while moving quickly through the ride. For instance, the second scene of the attraction involves a lot of action, but guests will only get a quick view of it before moving on.

Also, (and this is totally fitting for modern parks, but it's still a bit of a pet peeve) from what I can tell, and based on the map, the attraction is very dependent on screen effects. Again, this is really fitting for a modern E-ticket, but I tend to prefer more physical effects. I think you struck a good balance here. There's enough physical effects that even I'm satisfied, coupled with a ton of screens, to satisfy to higher-ups and the budget. 🤣

I really appreciate the B-modes! Really shows that you're paying attention to detail!

Overall: fantastic job! Tons of detail, and an attraction that I would love to ride!


Well-Known Member
View attachment 553520
Team Tcool

I love the reading music playlist! Background music adds a lot to the experience of a project.

The Journal of Leonard Conker is a nice touch. It reminds me of the immersiveness and foreshadowing of the Indiana Jones Adventure queue.

I like the backstory! It goes into another attraction and gives you as the guests a reason for being there in the attraction’s setting! I also appreciate the overview on the Egyptian gods.

The map is a nice touch! It gives a bit of an overview to help with mentally picturing this attraction’s location!

I absolutely love the mountain projection effects! The interplay between props and set pieces like this is something typically relegated to attractions, but it’s so much more captivating when it’s used on the scale of a whole land!

I don't have a lot to say about the attraction itself. It's almost perfect! It’s a wonderful combination of Rise of the Resistance and Indiana Jones Adventure, with tons of different effects and fantastic ride vehicles. I really like the storyline.

I only have a couple complaints. I think that sometimes the storytelling is too detailed for guests to be able to pick up while moving quickly through the ride. For instance, the second scene of the attraction involves a lot of action, but guests will only get a quick view of it before moving on.

Also, (and this is totally fitting for modern parks, but it's still a bit of a pet peeve) from what I can tell, and based on the map, the attraction is very dependent on screen effects. Again, this is really fitting for a modern E-ticket, but I tend to prefer more physical effects. I think you struck a good balance here. There's enough physical effects that even I'm satisfied, coupled with a ton of screens, to satisfy to higher-ups and the budget. 🤣

I really appreciate the B-modes! Really shows that you're paying attention to detail!

Overall: fantastic job! Tons of detail, and an attraction that I would love to ride!
I should have made it clearer but the vehicles would stop in most scenes to see the screens and listen to the characters talk 😅

However thank you for the kind words 😁


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
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Team JokersWild
Love the pretentiousness. Now that you’ve got me all sentimental, I’ll continue reading the project.

Okay, this backstory is super detailed! I absolutely love it! (I’m also a massive S.E.A. fan, but I’m sure that has nothing to do with it.) Giving an overview of the state of the world at the time is also a nice bonus. The overview of Discovery Bay is nice, and it helps set the stage for the attraction without getting too detailed.

Oh my goodness the building and queue detail is just amazing! It sounds fantastic, and you’ve already got me hooked on the ride itself. The time period-specific details (such as the phrasing of the exhibit sign) are great.

The pre-show seemed kind of rushed to me at first, but then I realized that it’s less of a pre-show and more of a glorified loading area. In that context it works well, and the narration saying "we don't have much time" helps speed up the loading process, a thoughtful addition.

I love the ride vehicles, and a trackless ride system definitely makes sense for this attraction. I also love the effects used in the attraction. It feels incredibly immersive. The tidbit at the end about the Runaway Railway effects is a nice, appreciated clarification.

Don’t have much to say about the storyline. I think it may be a tad confusing for guests that we’re bouncing around in time, instead of linearly moving forward, but maybe that’s just me.

Overall, the attraction seems to be a solid E-ticket. It would fit wonderfully well at a Discovery Bay park. The S.E.A. references are quite possibly my favorite part, followed closely by the effects. 😁


Well-Known Member
View attachment 553527

Team JokersWild
Love the pretentiousness. Now that you’ve got me all sentimental, I’ll continue reading the project.

Okay, this backstory is super detailed! I absolutely love it! (I’m also a massive S.E.A. fan, but I’m sure that has nothing to do with it.) Giving an overview of the state of the world at the time is also a nice bonus. The overview of Discovery Bay is nice, and it helps set the stage for the attraction without getting too detailed.

Oh my goodness the building and queue detail is just amazing! It sounds fantastic, and you’ve already got me hooked on the ride itself. The time period-specific details (such as the phrasing of the exhibit sign) are great.

The pre-show seemed kind of rushed to me at first, but then I realized that it’s less of a pre-show and more of a glorified loading area. In that context it works well, and the narration saying "we don't have much time" helps speed up the loading process, a thoughtful addition.

I love the ride vehicles, and a trackless ride system definitely makes sense for this attraction. I also love the effects used in the attraction. It feels incredibly immersive. The tidbit at the end about the Runaway Railway effects is a nice, appreciated clarification.

Don’t have much to say about the storyline. I think it may be a tad confusing for guests that we’re bouncing around in time, instead of linearly moving forward, but maybe that’s just me.

Overall, the attraction seems to be a solid E-ticket. It would fit wonderfully well at a Discovery Bay park. The S.E.A. references are quite possibly my favorite part, followed closely by the effects. 😁
Thanks for the kind words. I tried to address the changing setting by having the car literally tell you what year it was in each scene, but I totally get how it could still be confusing. I’ll definitely try to look into ways to address that if I ever revisit the concept.

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
Well @Sharon&Susan went for Hollywood, @JokersWild seems like a Disney project, and time will tell what @Shannoninthemagic

But still I honestly thought y’all were Universaled out after my leg of the competition 😅

I supposed maybe a Universal competition may be in order then 👀
We were but that was like ten minutes ago it’s fine now

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