The Sorcerer's Apprentice Season 5 - ENDGAME

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Alright, I lied. It is a regular video and not a premier (apparently you need 24 hours to get approval to do premieres and livestreams directly through YouTube). This stuff is more complicated than Tiki makes it seem lol.


Here is the Stanza IV Podcast! Right at 5:15 like the song from the Lego Movie promised!


James G.

Well-Known Member
Pi, I really enjoyed hearing the Podcast! I agree so much with what you said about Dream Awesome- many of the issues with it are my responsibility, since I did much of the write-up for it and had the original concept. In a lot of ways I'm a bit handicapped, since the only other series of competitions I've done, Theme Park Apprentice, is done as a solo project and the presentation is not nearly as complicated. I have to change my way of thinking about this, both presentation and working with a team. My fault, but I appreciate your critiques and agree with them all. Thanks!

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Pi, I really enjoyed hearing the Podcast! I agree so much with what you said about Dream Awesome- many of the issues with it are my responsibility, since I did much of the write-up for it and had the original concept. In a lot of ways I'm a bit handicapped, since the only other series of competitions I've done, Theme Park Apprentice, is done as a solo project and the presentation is not nearly as complicated. I have to change my way of thinking about this, both presentation and working with a team. My fault, but I appreciate your critiques and agree with them all. Thanks!
you did a great job! Like I said, the problems were mostly just small things or stuff that were more personal issues. The concept itself was really great and ambitious! Small issues are bound to pop up with more ambitious ideas and trying new things.

And it is definitely weird going from individual competitions to team ones or vice versa. I tend to have the issue in individual comps where one part of my presentation is amazing and the rest is just kinda there.


Well-Known Member
Alright, I lied. It is a regular video and not a premier (apparently you need 24 hours to get approval to do premieres and livestreams directly through YouTube). This stuff is more complicated than Tiki makes it seem lol.


Here is the Stanza IV Podcast! Right at 5:15 like the song from the Lego Movie promised!

REAL TIME RESPONSE BY TWILIGHT BECAUSE NO LIVE (RIP) (will copy paste to hype thread)

Team Warriors:
  1. The instagram was kind of last minute I think, if I remember correctly. We wanted to add more once we heard how good princes was. So that's why it isn't really substantial at all.
  2. Some of us was worried that the magazine was going to be criticized because of that previous magazine. I thought it was going to be fine because lego magazine is naturally kiddier vs. the more professional magazine done earlier. I was wrong, but I don't care, I still say we did a good job with it!
2 1/2: I'm pretty sure you do say your real name on Pi Plays. Unless you are talking about your FULL NAME of course. Since Pi Plays only has your first name. Hello I am one of five watchers! : D
  1. One of us did get lego mag! Who it was exactly I forgot. It wasn't me, I was not much of a magazine kid.
  2. @Disneylover152 wrote the musical portion so that's why it's good!
  3. Yeah the human lego thing was a mistake. We should have made it done at least twice. Once at the beginning, once at the end. I'm not sure why we decided to do it each and every time. Oh well.
  4. Yeah I think there was a lego vikings. But there's no Lego Romans for some reason.
  5. Now I think of it, my sister thought Little Mermaid ride was older than it was due to your complaints. Take that as you will.

Team Princes:
  1. Ironically enough, we also had a race idea. Unlike you guys, we weren't aware of the Florida ride. We dodged a bullet there.
  2. Don't worry Pi, I'm not the best at online art. I try, but I'm only really good with pixel art and making art with the square and circle tools. I am good at drawing, or at least decent, but I don't know how to scan and I don't want to show like my desk. Though I am decent ish on photoshop and making gifs, so there ya go.
  3. Not much to say here. : P

James G.

Well-Known Member
REAL TIME RESPONSE BY TWILIGHT BECAUSE NO LIVE (RIP) (will copy paste to hype thread)

Team Warriors:
  1. The instagram was kind of last minute I think, if I remember correctly. We wanted to add more once we heard how good princes was. So that's why it isn't really substantial at all.
  2. Some of us was worried that the magazine was going to be criticized because of that previous magazine. I thought it was going to be fine because lego magazine is naturally kiddier vs. the more professional magazine done earlier. I was wrong, but I don't care, I still say we did a good job with it!
2 1/2: I'm pretty sure you do say your real name on Pi Plays. Unless you are talking about your FULL NAME of course. Since Pi Plays only has your first name. Hello I am one of five watchers! : D
  1. One of us did get lego mag! Who it was exactly I forgot. It wasn't me, I was not much of a magazine kid.
  2. @Disneylover152 wrote the musical portion so that's why it's good!
  3. Yeah the human lego thing was a mistake. We should have made it done at least twice. Once at the beginning, once at the end. I'm not sure why we decided to do it each and every time. Oh well.
  4. Yeah I think there was a lego vikings. But there's no Lego Romans for some reason.
  5. Now I think of it, my sister thought Little Mermaid ride was older than it was due to your complaints. Take that as you will.

Team Princes:
  1. Ironically enough, we also had a race idea. Unlike you guys, we weren't aware of the Florida ride. We dodged a bullet there.
  2. Don't worry Pi, I'm not the best at online art. I try, but I'm only really good with pixel art and making art with the square and circle tools. I am good at drawing, or at least decent, but I don't know how to scan and I don't want to show like my desk. Though I am decent ish on photoshop and making gifs, so there ya go.
  3. Not much to say here. : P
There originally was going to be LEGO Romans, but we took it out and replaced it with Japan because we were too Euro-centric. I insisted we keep the Vikings because LEGO was invented in Denmark. The human/LEGO back and forth was my idea- I had it in every scene, and I don't think anyone pointed out it being redundant. Personally, I still think it would have worked in real life, but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
There originally was going to be LEGO Romans, but we took it out and replaced it with Japan because we were too Euro-centric. I insisted we keep the Vikings because LEGO was invented in Denmark. The human/LEGO back and forth was my idea- I had it in every scene, and I don't think anyone pointed out it being redundant. Personally, I still think it would have worked in real life, but that's just me.
Oh yeah, I was referring to sets. There's no official lego roman sets, which is a wasted opportunity in my book!
But yeah, we cut out the romans scene for Japan. I think that was a good move.

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
REAL TIME RESPONSE BY TWILIGHT BECAUSE NO LIVE (RIP) (will copy paste to hype thread)

Team Warriors:
  1. The instagram was kind of last minute I think, if I remember correctly. We wanted to add more once we heard how good princes was. So that's why it isn't really substantial at all.
  2. Some of us was worried that the magazine was going to be criticized because of that previous magazine. I thought it was going to be fine because lego magazine is naturally kiddier vs. the more professional magazine done earlier. I was wrong, but I don't care, I still say we did a good job with it!
2 1/2: I'm pretty sure you do say your real name on Pi Plays. Unless you are talking about your FULL NAME of course. Since Pi Plays only has your first name. Hello I am one of five watchers! : D
  1. One of us did get lego mag! Who it was exactly I forgot. It wasn't me, I was not much of a magazine kid.
  2. @Disneylover152 wrote the musical portion so that's why it's good!
  3. Yeah the human lego thing was a mistake. We should have made it done at least twice. Once at the beginning, once at the end. I'm not sure why we decided to do it each and every time. Oh well.
  4. Yeah I think there was a lego vikings. But there's no Lego Romans for some reason.
  5. Now I think of it, my sister thought Little Mermaid ride was older than it was due to your complaints. Take that as you will.

Team Princes:
  1. Ironically enough, we also had a race idea. Unlike you guys, we weren't aware of the Florida ride. We dodged a bullet there.
  2. Don't worry Pi, I'm not the best at online art. I try, but I'm only really good with pixel art and making art with the square and circle tools. I am good at drawing, or at least decent, but I don't know how to scan and I don't want to show like my desk. Though I am decent ish on photoshop and making gifs, so there ya go.
  3. Not much to say here. : P

Some form of livestream will be back next time! Probably a regular one since Tiki should be back by the next podcast lol

And I never would have guessed that the Instagram was last minute! It might not be the most substantive to the overall project, but its a really neat added detail adding flair to the project! Doesn't seem rushed! And the "name reveal" thing was mostly a joke lol. I've let slip both here and on Pi plays that I'm famed Hollywood actor Ben Affleck more than once (no questions about Batman please). Also, yay! One of my five watchers! lol.

Oh yeah, I was referring to sets. There's no official lego roman sets, which is a wasted opportunity in my book!
But yeah, we cut out the romans scene for Japan. I think that was a good move.

Adding Japan was a good move. The variation of environments plus the chaoticness of the scene described made it one of the best IMO.

There originally was going to be LEGO Romans, but we took it out and replaced it with Japan because we were too Euro-centric. I insisted we keep the Vikings because LEGO was invented in Denmark. The human/LEGO back and forth was my idea- I had it in every scene, and I don't think anyone pointed out it being redundant. Personally, I still think it would have worked in real life, but that's just me.

Love the vikings! Didn't even think about the Denmark connection! It really is clear how much thought you put into every project you work on. And as far as the back and forth thing goes, I do really like it in theory. Could just be one of those things that would be better in person but not everyone can visualize it well from reading. I thought Flight of Passage was gonna be a let down from written descriptions. And the Jimmy Fallon ride sounded terrible from write ups but it was fun as heck. I definitely love the base of the idea an incredible amount even if I personally think a slightly different execution would have worked stronger.



Team Warriors are taking everyone back to the golden age of EPCOT Center in the 1980s and establishing the term viral marketing before it became contemporary nomenclature.

To provide some background, The Microverse was Stanza II project designed in Season 4 of The Sorcerer's Apprentice that had the contestants design one Future World and one World Showcase Pavilion with the catch that it was set in 80s EPCOT Center.

For our purposes, we are focusing on the Future World side of things and illustrating the marketing campaign for the winning project from the Stanza, The Microverse by Team Brava.

For the opening of The Microverse in Future World at EPCOT Center in May 1988, Disney wanted to make an impact on the general audience with something never before seen, calling upon Captain EO himself, Michael Jackson, to record/write a song called 'The Microverse' which featured EPCOT Center in his music video, and a dance called 'The Microverse' that people all around the world were doing leading up to the opening of the pavilion.

With the VHS release of The Great Mouse Detective coming out in 1987 - Disney marketers jumped at the opportunity of cross promotion that would put the Microverse on the map. Rather than having the typical previews before the start of the feature film, Disney included Michael Jackson's 'The Microverse' music video instead.

The music video featured EPCOT Center heavily along with a catchy 80s instrumental beat in the background, with Michael Jackson leading the dance of the Microverse around all of the Future World pavilions and EPCOT as a whole before ending behind an 80s green screen of the Microverse Pavilion with the promise that it was coming in May 1988. Shown below are clips of the music video itself to give you an idea of what potential guests watching the VHS were seeing before the feature film.

instrumental up to 0:30

Right behind our feet
To a rhythm soft and sweet
Is a song that seems to get our bodies movin'
You can feel it in the air
You can feel it everywhere
Before long, you soon will be up and groovin'

Feel the rhythm start to swell
It starts off so small, one can barely tell
Then the song, it starts to grow
So dive on in! That's how you know...

You're in the Micro-, Micro-, Microverse!
Micro-, Micro-, Microverse!
Feel that power rising up
Feel your blood begin to pump
Is this a blessing or just a curse?
You are in the Microverse!

instrumental that would serve as a dance-break demonstrating the Microverse dance

Micro-, Micro-, Microverse!
Micro-, Micro-, Microverse!
Micro-, Micro-, Microverse!
You are in the Microverse!




After word began to spread about the music video on the VHS, sales began to skyrocket and people began to get excited for the opening of this new pavilion at EPCOT which was promised to be one of the most prolific enhancements to a Disney Park in recent memory.

The popularity of the dance then spread to The Disney Channel as well with commercial advertisements being taken up with instructions on how to do 'The Microverse'!

Because The Microverse Pavilion involved shrinking down to the size of an atom and out to the far reaches of space, the dance (detailed below) involved a point to the stars, followed by a kick and twist, making yourself smaller in the process, before popping back up.

After the release of the music video, The Disney Channel interviewed 3 teenage prospective guests in Chicago about their thoughts regarding the new EPCOT Center pavilion.

"That was some 'bad' music video" proclaimed a teenage boy in a bright red Detroit Red Wings jersey. "No duh I'm going to be checking out the most rad attractions Disney has ever made, maybe my old man will let me take his car"

"I can't stop twisting and shouting doing the Microverse" added a brunette girl standing next to him "we all love Michael Jackson and can't get enough of his sick pop music!"

Lastly a teenager in a comb-over and multicolored vest issued his endorsement of the advertisement "Now this is a pavilion I would take the day off for" he said with a wink

Overall, the music video viral marketing campaign jettisoned the Microverse Pavilion into the mainstream before its opening - gathering thousands of interested guests making its ceremony one of the most heavily attended in the history of Disney attractions. You can discover the pavilion for yourself here.


Well-Known Member

On June 6th, 2013, Disney posted an enigmatic teaser for a mysterious thing on Twitter knowing that with heir fan base this was more than enough to get everyone talking


Naturally, the internet began to theorize immediately generating a large amount of buzz.





Within 24 hours of the initial tweet, #BigThing was trending on Twitter with everyone discussing theories and possibilities. Even noted Disney "news" source, Jim Hill Media, got in on the fun.


Memes were made, people went crazy, excitement was building.


Finally, July 10th, 2013 came and everyone waited with baited breath as Disney unveiled... the "Your Disney Dream Vacation" marketing campaign.​
Team Fantasy's Submission

Our Slogan:
Your Disney Dream Adventure

Our Presentation and Commercial:

More Information on Finding treasures and QR Codes:

Every day, guests will have the opportunity to search for clues by "magic" map at Disney's Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom. The first group to solve the clues will receive anything from a Private Jungle Cruise Ride, a free Pirates Fireworks Cruise, Enchanted Fastpass (Fastpass that works for all attractions in the park for the entire day), or a free trip provided by Adventures By Disney!

If the treasure is found that day, don't stop adventuring! All around the Parks there will be Hidden QR Code opportunities to enter a contest on the Disney Dream Adventure Website. Every Code Found is another entry!

Different Parks Get Different QR Codes Designs and Different Themed maps. For instance, in the Magic Kingdom Park, the Tiki gods have hidden codes and have given you an "Enchanted" Treasure Map.

For Hollywood Studios, Indiana Jones Will take over the adventure! Animal Kingdom's adventure will be Up themed, and Epcot will receive Figment.

Another Look at Our Posters:




@Darth Tater's testimonial below:

The hype was all for a glorified line of commercials, but Disney park fans and the internet as a whole took it in stride.


D Hulk

Well-Known Member
Original Poster



To both teams, congrats! For such a speedy challenge, there is free-flowing creativity from all. Both proposals are the most purely fun things so far this season!

Team Princess, you really nailed your humor and your cohesion. The whole project feels like a perfect little whole, all building like a steam train towards the final punchline of “Which project are they doing?!” And then it’s just another ad campaign?! Hilarious!

All the very 2013-centric visuals feel unified. The satire on the Disney fan community’s madness is spot-on. For such a short, sweet, bit-size little project there are plenty of ideas here which all somehow complement each other. There really isn’t much more to say about this. Good use of format, fun, funny, clever, a great ad campaign proposal.

Lastly, a few of my friends were extras in the original Sharknado! Really.



This is an unexpected “viral” direction, going back to Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s most quintessentially ‘80s project and doing a proto-viral ad campaign.

I feel this proposal was made specifically for ME. I mean, I created The Microverse…with @Voxel. Incorporating Ratigan’s movie? Yay! :joyfull:Oh, and M.J. also recorded the Sorcerer’s Apprentice Season 5 theme song (“Thriller”) just for us! With a vocal cameo from Vincent Prince, the voice of Ratigan! What serendipity!

Your competitors had a more cohesive presentation. The Great Mouse Detective tie-in is stylistically and narratively a bit removed from the video and song, though cute on its one. The song is the centerpiece! The lyrics are fun. I’ll have them stuck in my head tonight. (@TheOriginalTiki, you MUST sing this song on the next podcast!) The video is believably ‘80s EPCOT Center, making my own artwork from last year feel like genuine period concept art!

Too bad you weren’t able to get the lyrics into the video itself. I have to play the vid twice – once to see its visuals, and once to attempt singing along.

But what was it your team did best? You truly tied this proposal into the greater Sorcerer’s Apprentice Universe. Team Princess did a tossed-off gag – a good one. You took one of the game’s more realistic proposals and you enriched it with a very realistic marketing blitz.​


Well-Known Member

Towards the end there, there was a bit of panic about the spacing of the post but in the end in all got worked out. I was on the edge of my seat hoping it would all work out so I am glad that it did. Now on to the project!

Having been part of Team Brava (#VBB) for this project, I knew this project quite well so could wait to see where y'all went with it.

And getting MJ on board? It makes perfect sense! Captain EO had just opened in 1986 just a stone-throw distance away. He was at the top of the world so that publicity would've definitely helped out.

While I understand the use of the Great Mouse Detective, I am not sure how I feel about it. Normally when ride-previews (or something along those lines) is attached as a special feature, it is for an attraction related to the movie (like the Little Mermaid Platinum DVD with the scrapped attraction).

Now with that, the song and lyrics were INCREDIBLE! I could listen to that instrumental all day long (and I definitely tried to see if I could make the lyrics work). The dance instructions we another fun addition as well so that now everyone can do the Microverse!

And yes, the Ferris Bueller's Day Off reference was definitely needed!!


First off, I love all of the 2013 posts and vibes! You definitely nailed that with all the jokes about Frozen bombing or the GotG coaster in EPCOT.

The Jim Hill media blog was a nice touch (he was super accurate with his speculation as well!!). Also, the doge meme was a definite throwback (6 years later, still no yeti fix :( ).

Finally! We get to the project this is all for! What a twist! A campaign for a campaign. I don't think anyone expected it but I think you did it very well!

The presentation was clean and organized very nicely through-out and I think it flowed very smoothly.


Well-Known Member


I was a huge fan of your choice of project - while I wasn't a part of the Microverse, I still loved the project and it for perfectly for the prompt. It allowed for your 80s references, which were hilarious.

Overall, a great project with highlights in the original song and lyrics. How did you guys make that music? It is awesome! It felt like it could've been a real song, especially if you factor in the lyrics and dance to be attached.

I definitely sang the lyrics - man, it could be super catchy, like all MJ songs!

The preview in the Great Mouse Detective made realistic sense for the campaign, but it didn't really relate to the rest of the project - which was about the whole groove of the 80s.

Overall, your proposal was the perfect blend of nostalgia, realism, and just plain old fun!


Your project was really funny - was 2013 really that long ago? Man, I almost am starting to feel old now.

That being said, you focused on the hype generated rather than how Disney was generating that hype. The hype was only prevalent in the Disney communities - which made sense, because the only thing Disney does is send a tweet.

That being send, your proposal was a hilarious satire of these communities and for that reason, I loved it.

Your project was also very cohesive. I loved that everything felt like it belonged together, rather an a collection of individual's writings blended together last minute.​

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
Original Poster

The votes are in, the envelope is in hand, and it's time to see who won big!

Green Book?! What, seriously?!
I honestly have no clue.

Meanwhile in the Sorcerer's Apprentice Universe, the battle between Warriors and Princes is truly neck-and-neck. Your hosts weren't sure on the narrow winner until after writing reviews and (in my case) sleeping on the projects. Regardless of who we chose, both teams should be proud!

Team Princes
What Princes did well: Your project was funny, it was cohesive, and it nailed the 2013 vibe.
What Princes did poorly: For some, the hype wasn't generated, it was described.

Team Warriors
What Warriors did well: You nailed the spirit of this challenge by truly adding onto the Sorcerer's Apprentice Universe. The video and song were great!
What Warriors did poorly: The Great Mouse Detective feels out-of-place.

Since there is no Cursed Courtroom during Gaston's Bar Brawl, there will be no immunity idols. Instead, the winning team shall be receiving their next challenge a few hours earlier!

Congratulations! You are one star closer to completing Yen Sid’s hat!


Cheers to our heroes for defeating King Candy Turbo!


D Hulk

Well-Known Member
Original Poster

Verifying viral victory versus Turbo, both teams retire to their resorts. @NateD1226 suggests that they scope out Walt Disney World’s theme parks, not for fun, oh no, but as preparation for the next villain.

With the internet working again, @Outbound checks on FastPass+ availability for the coming day.

“Here’s a Slinky Dog Dash morning slot. How about we start at Hollywood Studios?”

All agree it sounds like a plan. Evening comes and goes, and our heroes greet the new day by riding Disney’s latest roller coaster.


Maleficent's "snap" has left this park in an odd state of limbo. It keeps shifting from its familiar DHS form into an alternate universe MGM Studios. Clearly the future of Disney World's third theme park lies in the balance, with its very identity soon to be in the hands of our players.

“Maybe Galaxy’s Edge will fix this” proposes @FireMountain rather naively.

The sun sets, and dinner options seem underwhelming. It’s quickly decided to do dinner over in Epcot…after a quick visit to The Microverse of course. This pavilion is hosting a new dance party full of classic Michael Jackson tunes.


While debating World Showcase restaurants, everyone agrees on the most American cuisine there is…Mexican food! Relaxing in the San Angel Inn Restaurante, they soon receive their appetizers.

“What is this?” asks @Brer Oswald, taking a bite. “Spinach puffs?!”

“Uh-oh,” says @DisneyManOne, munching away. “I think I know who the next villains are…”

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