New trailer dropped today - and during the Seas challenge too - how convenient! 

New trailer dropped today - and during the Seas challenge too - how convenient!
I guess this takes place right after Finding Nemo then? I was expecting Nemo to be going off to college or something![]()
In the big Blutarski worldThat would be cool!
Think Animal House with fish, and my god, I would watch that.
This actually happened? I need a full storyThat moment when you're in class and someone walks in yelling "I am not a Hufflepuff!!"@IAmNotAHufflepuff
I hear your name every single time we go over a physics equationThat moment when you're in class and someone walks in yelling "I am not a Hufflepuff!!"@IAmNotAHufflepuff
This actually happened? I need a full story![]()
I found a lemon tree!!!
Yeah. Someone as taking some HP House quiz online, and got Hufflepuff.Same.
Did somebody actually say that?
That's hilariousYeah. Someone as taking some HP House quiz online, and got Hufflepuff.
Honestly, I'd say that Lilo and Stitch is by far THE WORST IP you could have chosen.
The first thing I thought of when I got the challenge was how terrible a Jar Jar's home planet theme would be.I can name worse...
What does Jar Jar have to say about this?
First, don't sell yourself short! You're a fantastic imagineer and a great competitor! You really put effort into everything you do and I truly respect that!Just my luck.. I play the one person who has a 99.9% chance of beating me in the Redemption Duel...
Just messing around, dude.
"May the best Imagineer win"
Or for that matter, this season's slogan:
"May the best Imagineer lose"![]()
“Welcome to a kingdom of animals... real, ancient and imagined: a kingdom ruled by lions, dinosaurs and dragons; a kingdom of balance, harmony and survival; a kingdom we enter to share in the wonder, gaze at the beauty, thrill at the drama, and learn.”![]()
Those words were spoken by then CEO of the Walt Disney Company, Michael Eisner, as part of the Animal Kingdom opening day celebration on Earth Day, April 22, 1998. As a zoological park, the conservation efforts for all animal species are linked with the intrinsic value of understanding our planet’s natural habitats. The biology of global change this world has faced with the rise of industry has negatively affected many ecological environments that animals inhabit. As time presses on, we must look back on our past and present journeys to build towards an environmentally sustainable future of “balance and harmony” among all species, creating…
Symbiosis: The Synergy of NatureUnfortunately since its inception, Animal Kingdom’s message has become befuddled in the desultory decisions regarding the park. Most recently, the Tree of Life sustained wind damage and a branch fell off, prompting poor thematic netting to be placed below the tree for safety precautions. In our scenario, several attempts to stabilize the tree ended up failing in the long run, and the deteriorating Tree of Life became an impromptu icon for the debilitating condition of the entire park.
Inspired by the once treasured philosophy surrounding Animal Kingdom, Walt Disney Imagineering put together a team to catapult the park to its potential. The best place to start would be the centerpiece of the park, the Tree of Life. Given its condition and the almost 20 year old IP show at its base, WDI decided to gut the It’s Tough to be a Bug 3-D show, while expanding and enhancing the Tree of Life. A daunting challenge given the design of the Tree, WDI sought to re-imagine the tree structure with a more stable and structurally supportive branch system to combat hurricane force winds. The Tree would also rise to a new height of 174 feet, creating a more noticeable and magnificent icon for the park. By expanding the Tree of Life, WDI could implement its core attraction with the purpose of integrating the different cultural and ecological themes in the park.
With the expansion of the Tree of Life, some changes will occur to the surrounding Discovery Island. Firstly, the Tree's new roots will weave in and out of the ground. This will allow the guests to walk under the massive roots at some points. This also gives the appearance that the tree is the island. Due to the island connecting to all lands, the construction of roots will happen in phases so there is always an open path. On the island, there are some shops and restaurants. These will be able to remain in their current places. The tree expansion will also effect the Discovery Island Trails. They will be reworked to move around the new expansion.
Attraction Synopsis:Symbiosis: The Synergy of Nature will be a brand new Omni-mover dark ride attraction inside the new Tree of Life. It depicts the chronological events of our planet from the dawn of Earth, to a hopeful future, showing how each species has had an impact on the world. The conclusion of the attraction will illustrate how human conservation efforts help shape a new age of synergy among species.
Attraction Map and Infrastructure:Here you can see our blueprint map of the land where our attraction will be. Most of Discovery Island will remain unchanged except for the removal of It's Tough to be a Bug, and the reworking of the interior and outer portions of the Tree of Life, which are further detailed below
Figure 1 - Tree of Life Pre Refurb - From an aerial perspective, you can see the It's Tough to be a Bug theater within the base of the Tree of Life.
Figure 2 - Tree of Life Post Refurb - From an aerial perspective, you can see the changes made to the Tree of Life. It's Tough to be a Bug has been removed and the Load/Unload area of our attraction has been placed in its location. The Tree has also been expanded to facilitate the space for our double helix ride finale. The entrance has been moved and the queue slightly altered and extended to compensate for the increased demand for the attraction. The ride show building, (below ground) is outlined along with the ride path and emergency exits
Figure 3 - Tree of Life Pre Refurb - This image shows the Tree of Life trunk and base infrastructure before our attraction along with pre-refurb height and width lengths.
Figure 4 - Tree of Life Post Refurb - This image illustrates the Tree of Life trunk and base infrastructure with our attraction. To represent a more iconic image, and to allow space for our attraction, we have expanded and enlarged the Tree of Life as described in our blueprint, while also adding to the leaf, branch, and animal carving totals. The total number of animal carvings into the Tree of Life is now over 350 different animals.
Attraction Ride-System Description:Starting in the bottom right hand corner and rotating clockwise, you can see detailed perspectives of the ride vehicle for our attraction:
1) The ride vehicle is themed after a tree branch from the Tree of Life, taking you on a journey through the past, present, and future of our ecosystem. Fitted with a 6x4ft base and a 6ft height design, these omnimovers travel sideways similar to the old Disney attraction, Horizons. The key differences in design is illustrated in the following images.
2) An overhead view showing how the ride system moves along with the scenes in front of the guests. Noticeable here is that the track is behind the ride vehicle, a concept further explored in the next image.
3) The side-view angle reveals how unlike Horizons, instead of the track being on top of the omnimovers, it is behind them. This allowed the imagineers to design the omnimovers without a roof, which will be a valuable thematic addition to the ride, as now guests have a more open viewing canvas and can be immersed in the special effects of the ride in front of them, to the sides, and above. The vehicles and ride track use a magnetic field to move along the path. The magnets on the back of the ride vehicles interact with the magnets on the track and guide it along at a slow-moving steady pace.
4) The attraction statistics for Symbiosis: The Synergy of Nature
Attraction Queue Description:Attraction Queue Concept Art
As you approach the entrance to the attraction you notice the majesty and look in awe at the immense Tree of Life in the distance. Here you pass under the attraction sign and begin your trek to explore the wonders it has in store. You wind around greenery, a small river, and even encounter some exotic animals along the way. As you get closer to the tree, you notice detailed carvings into its wood of an eclectic variety of animal species. Winding deeper into the lush greenery and towards the base of the tree, you soon venture inside a small opening in the tree and enter a wood cave made out of one of the trees roots. The temperature becomes colder as you press on into the unknown.
You approach a large holding area and notice that a dark yet colorful ceiling covering a series of switchbacks below. As you meander your way around the base of the tree you contemplate the notion that perhaps this tree is alive. Perhaps those lights shooting above you are actually neuronal firings soaring down axons above you, almost like you’re in the Tree’s Central Nervous System. As the background music swells, you feel a strong sense of transport out of a theme park and into a whole other dimension. One of knowledge, mysticism, beauty, and inspiration.
The holding area leads into the Load area where guests board their Omnimover vehicles and proceed on their journey deeper into the Tree of Life, as the colorful neuronal firings glisten overhead.
Attraction Load Area Concept Art
Attraction Ride-Through:
(Note that the nine scenes are broken up into three sections: Life, Death, and Rebirth - representing the circle of life. Our ride-through music is also provided below)
Part 1 - Life
Scene 1 - The Birth of the Universe and Life
Rounding a corner, out of the loading area, you find yourself in a tube of sorts. You notice that this tube is made entirely of the deep colored, neuronal tree roots that twisted above your head in seemingly endless ways back in the Tree of Life’s main atrium.
“What is this world we have found ourselves participants in?” a soothing female voice beckons. “We all simply accept our existence, but never take the time to look at the whole picture and ask ‘why.’ In truth, this world is an incredibly diverse, yet equally fragile, ecosystem of organisms all with one common goal: survival. And while the answer seems so simple, we still don’t understand it.”
As we are taken in by this rather mysterious unplaceable voice, we notice the tunnel changing. The tree roots have begun to wrap tighter around each other. They become more active, as they fade into deeper hues of red and blue and seem to fire more bulbs of light more actively and frequently. The tunnel does not tighten, or become smaller in size; it just becomes thicker as more and more layers of light-firing roots wrap and warp around each other, creating an unbreakable and unsolvable knot.
And suddenly it opens. Blackness.
“To understand, we must go back. All the way to the beginning.” whispers the voice.
With that, you round a corner and are greeted by a great flash. The blackness is now everything; a universe. The constant stream of vehicles curves around this strange mass of stars and nebulae.
“With a flash, life.” continues the strange voice. “An endless pool of solar systems and stars were laid out by one single and sudden event. And yet, one planet carried something special: the seeds of life.”
Scene 1 Concept Art
Scene 2 - The Seeds of Life
Rounding another corner, the vast starscapes of the Universe’s birth have faded and focused now into a night sky. You are on Earth, slowly passing through a dense deciduous forest. You pass a slew of animals, peacefully going about their day. You pass owls, who hoot quietly in a tree, as well as a few deer, who graze peacefully in a small clearing. You also pass a small stream, full of jumping fish. Passing through this peaceful forest, the voice continues:
“One single planet held the secret to life, and with it, hundreds of thousands of species grew and evolved, learning to live and work with, and against, each other. But, of course, one species ruled above the others.”
Scene 2 Concept Art
Scene 3 - Man and Beast (Survival)
The scene shift slightly. While you are still in a deciduous forest, you a small farming village. You pass by ancient man, as they use domesticated horses to help tend their farms.
“Man was the only species able to properly control the other organisms of Earth. They harvested seeds, creating farms that would provide them with food, and they domesticated animals to help tend these farms. Ancient man took from the land, but took only what they needed. Man and beast had a harmonious relationship.”
Leaving the farm behind, you find yourself back in the forest, this time surrounded by a hunting party, all carrying ancient weapons. You can see that they are stalking a small herd of deer. The voice continues:
“Naturally, man also excelled in the hunt, hunting only what they needed and using all that they could of the animals kind enough to provide them food. Over time, however, man became more ruthless, focusing only on the betterment of their own kind.”
Scene 3 Concept Art
Part 2 - DeathScene 4 - Man's Mistreatment of Earth
“As time dragged on, man lost its connection with the planet it had called home for so many generations. Massive forests were burned to the ground to facilitate their desire to expand, displacing the hundreds of animals from their homes.”
Leaving the forest behind, you find yourself in a mountainous area. There isn’t much in the foreground, but off in the distance, you can see fracking structures and various mining equipment digging into the rockface.
“They dug to the deepest depths of the earth, in search of riches and materials required to power their machines. They found them, but at a cost.”
The scene again shifts back to a forest. You again see a hunting party, this time carrying modern rifles, again stalking a herd of deer.
“What was once necessity became sport. Man continued the hunt, but hunted for glory and riches, rather than for food. Species were driven to extinction, while others were left with dwindling numbers with no hope of recovery.”
Scene 4 Concept Art
Scene 5 - Pollution and its Effects on Animals/Nature
The scene focuses out a bit. You can see a polluted river, and a dying forest devoid of animals. Of in the distance sits a large cityscape with a thick cloud of smog hovering above. The voice continues.
“The water turned dark and polluted, and the animals left, driven from their natural homes. Man did not know what their actions could bring.”
Scene 5 Concept Art
Scene 6 - The Earth's "Death"
The scene again changes to a physical montage of sorts, showing different parts of the earth in turmoil. You can see ice caps melting, forests burning, and mountains crumbling. All of the runoff of each of these scenes flows directly into a dark-colored pool of polluted water, which sits atop a plateau of crumbling earth. The voice continues.
“As ice melts, and mountains crumble, man continues to shape the planet to fit their needs, without realizing just what they are doing. If man continues down this path, it will only lead to destruction. Man has forgotten life’s most basic meaning.”
Scene 6 Concept Art![]()
Part 3 - RebirthScene 7 - The Microverse
Again blackness. You soon start to feel that you’re moving upward. Suddenly, you see it. Atoms. A sea of atoms lays before you, all bouncing about in thousands of directions. The voice continues.
“What man has failed to realize is that every species is the same. Everything on earth are all fighting for survival.”
The atoms shift to DNA.
“That’s the beauty of Earth.” the voice continues. “There are so many species, all trying to survive, and live together in harmony.”
The DNA shifts to red blood cells.
“The challenge, however, is keeping the balance. That is what life is about: balance - symbiosis.”
The red blood cells shift to a tangle of neurons.
“And it is man’s duty to protect this planet, not destroy it. Humans have the power to really shape this planet for the better.”
The tangle of neurons slowly shift into a slew of different animals, including humans.
“A place is needed to truly showcase this need for cooperation; a place where people may learn not only of this strange world we’ve found ourselves on, but also of the plants and animals that we have lived with for millennia.”
The various animals face into wood carvings matching those on the branches of the tree of life. You notice that the vehicles are moving outside.
Scene 7 Concept Art
Scene 8 - Animal Kingdom Reveal
Adjusting to the light, you find yourself at the top of the Tree of Life, looking out onto the park from a covered alcove in the tree. As you wrap around the front of the tree, taking in this beautiful new view of the park, the voice continues.
“Disney’s Animal Kingdom stands as a testament man’s current effort to help save not only the planet, but the animals that live on it. Here, animals are cared for and studied in the effort to gain a better understanding of this planet and how to properly maintain it. You are invited to explore this world, and discover for yourselves this planet, its’ past, and its’ future.”
You round a corner, returning into the depths of the Tree.
Scene 8 Concept Art
Scene 9 - Symbiosis
You notice that the vehicles are now descending. In front of you is a giant wheel, showing different biomes, and their native animals. At the top sits the Tree of Life. The voice continues.
“Despite man’s destructive nature, many are currently trying to help save this planet. These people have joined together in various conservation efforts to help protect hundreds of endangered and threatened species. With these efforts, species have been saved, pollution has lessened in some areas, and, most importantly, the people have been made aware of these very serious problems. It is man’s duty to protect this planet; not only for them, but for the other species that cannot protect themselves. It is paramount that man work towards a symbiotic relationship with nature, giving as much as they take.”
Reaching the bottom, you make a small loop around a large globe.
“If these efforts are continued, Earth will most certainly continue in this cycle without worry.”
As you continue into load, you hear the voice once more.
“We thank you for joining us on this journey, and hope that you have discovered and learned why humanity must help continue to maintain this earth. Thank you and continue to explore and discover here at Disney's Animal Kingdom.”
Scene 9 Concept Art
Conclusion:The challenge asked us to create a new ride for Disney's Animal Kingdom within a current themed land and one that fits the overarching theme of the park.
Our attraction is designed to not only fit the overarching themes of Disney's Animal Kingdom including environmental awareness, ecological habitats, and animal conservation, but to moreover bring all of those themes into a cohesive indoor family attraction at the center of the theme park.
Symbiosis: The Synergy of Nature unites all of the park's themes together at its hub and within the its icon. As the first ride the guests see once the enter the park, we placed it here specifically so that guests would get a good sense of the park's message, and take that with them into the other lands that radiate out from the hub. We hope that this addition will lead Disney's Animal Kingdom and the themes it represents, into a promising future.
Thank you for reading Team Goofy's presentation.
First, don't sell yourself short! You're a fantastic imagineer and a great competitor! You really put effort into everything you do and I truly respect that!
Secondly, this challenge is already going to be difficult for me considering I just did a Tree of Life challenge for SA Season 3
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