The Shanghai Disneyland spoiler rich attraction preview thread!


Premium Member
The TRON ride is sponsored by Chevrolet more relevance to TRON TRACK.

Also, it looks earlier in a pic someone posted, Elsa looks Chinese with a wig...wonder if that's going to be normal for their shows? I heard TDL was the same when it first opened where the characters were Japanese and not western (?)


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to be snarky, but why are they reacting so loudly to a screen? There's no real sets until the second half of the video when the cannon fire starts, right? Is the vehicle spinning during the first part?
I have no idea, but my reaction mainly comes from the fact that I was not expecting on that kind of scale. :p

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to be snarky, but why are they reacting so loudly to a screen? There's no real sets until the second half of the video when the cannon fire starts, right? Is the vehicle spinning during the first part?
Maybe the screen is very effective in person? Maybe they never saw something like this before? Could be plenty of reasons.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea, but my reaction mainly comes from the fact that I was not expecting on that kind of scale. :p

Oh, yeah, the broadside canyon run set is gigantic on a scale we haven't seen since the old King Kong rides.
I hadn't anticipated just how much dynamic projection was going to be incorporated into the backgrounds here- it's almost like this ride combines the most exciting elements of the original Pirates rides with Spider-Man.
Seems WDI has really outdone themselves.



Well-Known Member
Maybe the screen is very effective in person? Maybe they never saw something like this before? Could be plenty of reasons.

I guess... unless there's some live action props mixed in with the projection to provide the illusion of depth- like maybe a couple of large pieces of debris in the foreground being winched towards the ceiling on wires at the same apparent speed as the projected objects.

...or there might just be a really strong wind/sprinkler element to convey the "rising out of the water" moment.

I just have a hunch that there's got to be more going on here than just projection.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I guess... unless there's some live action props mixed in with the projection to provide the illusion of depth- like maybe a couple of large pieces of debris in the foreground being winched towards the ceiling on wires at the same apparent speed as the projected objects.

...or there might just be a really strong wind/sprinkler element to convey the "rising out of the water" moment.

I just have a hunch that there's got to be more going on here than just projection.
I think I figured it out. Look at the water in the video. It looks calm while rising and then I think I see waves at surfacing. This ride looks like it takes screen and set integration to a whole new level. I need to ride this thing in person.
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choco choco

Well-Known Member
Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for Sunken Treasure POV (First 6 minutes) [Instagram Compilation]

It's extraordinarily busy, haha. Although to be fair, the boats move slow enough and the scenes are long enough that there's time to take it all in.

There's a good mix of close up effects in compressed spaces leading into broader vistas (one of the real keys to good ride-making), and real thought put into having show activity come from all different directions, so you aren't constantly looking only in one direction.

I wish the music wasn't so blaring and there's too much talking (a real syndrome of nearly every ride made nowadays. Look, ridemakers, we will use our imagination to provide our own narrative, you don't need to shove a plot down our throat. And you especially don't have to force-feed us this plot through exposition), but overall it's Disney is trying to make a next generation Pirates. It's still dependent almost exclusively on scenes and characters from the movie, but I know I'm shouting at the rain at this point.


Well-Known Member
I'm really not trying to be a Disney apologist here -- because, in reality, I'm far from it. But I think you're being a little over-dramatic here.

There's really not much awkwardness. A Tron themed coaster in Tomorrowland will always be a rad idea and provide a great design aesthetic for the area no matter how well the sequel performed or even if it never had come out in the first place. Fanboys have been wanting a Tron attraction since the original came out in the 80s and were teased with the speed tunnel. And as for Pirates having connective tiefs to the movie, who cares? How is that any better/worse than having connective ties to a 50 year-old theme park ride made in the 60s featuring the vocal talent of Tony the Tiger and Boris Badenov?

Short of Jack Sparrow (which, by now, has overcome 'flavor of the day' character status), it's not like Disney is throwing in a bunch of characters who we closely associate with actors from a certain era. You don't see Jeff Bridges anywhere in Tron nor are audiences going to look at Davy Jones and say, "Oh hey, that's Bill Nighy... what's he doing here!?" It's not like they're sticking Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley in scenes. The only difference is that the attraction now features some characters that already resonate with audiences and have actual depth/backstories to them.

And this is coming from someone who absolutely hates having Jack Sparrow in the originals. It's definitely awkward to shoehorn the character into a story where he didn't exist previously, but it's another to build him into an attraction from the beginning in a way that makes sense.
Right, I shouldn't have been as dramatic, but I was trying to make an overall point about how they should use IP. To be honest, the Tron coaster looks really awesome despite the fact that it's only about 20 seconds longer than Dumbo. I also agree that building a ride around the POTC movies has more merit than putting them into the original. However, there are few rides that authentically embody the Disney experience like the original POTC. It was the E-Ticket that set the gold standard for all that came after. While I'm sure the new ride's cool and Disney has had a good number of E-Tickets since then that are on POTC's level, I'd think you can ever duplicate what that ride had through a movie based version. Walt once said you can't top pigs with pigs or in this case pirates with pirates.
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Well-Known Member
The TRON ride is sponsored by Chevrolet more relevance to TRON TRACK.

Also, it looks earlier in a pic someone posted, Elsa looks Chinese with a wig...wonder if that's going to be normal for their shows? I heard TDL was the same when it first opened where the characters were Japanese and not western (?)

The face character performers are all western, just like HKDL and TDR. Many are pulled from DLR and WDW on temporary contracts. There are no Chinese Elsas. ;)


Well-Known Member
>WDI removes talking skull and crossbones from Pirates ride because it purportedly wouldn't fit with the new, "more mature", movie-based overlay

>Version of the ride actually themed around the stupid movies brings back the talking skull again.


I would be ed if they removed the talking skull from Disneylands version.

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