Trip Report The Princesses Take On Disney!

We have returned from another magical, pixie dust filled trip to WDW! We accomplished A LOT considering the time of year we visited, including some new things!

If you didn't get a chance to read my PTR and would like to, you can find it here:

And now, without further ado...

Day 1: Travel Day, 6/7/16

Being that we don't live together, we finished packing at our respective houses and then met at my parents' (which is right in the middle) to put things in our big, shared suitcase. We struggle every year to be under the weight requirement lol. Our airline has a 40 pound limit or else you have to pay an additional fee, so we take carry ons (as big as permitted) and stuff them full as well. :rolleyes: Anyway, we got everything packed and weighed our suitcase to see where we stood... 48 pounds. Not even close. :hilarious: So we started unloading and putting things in our carry ons, deciding that some things could be left behind, etc. Finally we got it down to 39 pounds and were ready to go!

This was one of the things that had to stay behind. :( Everybody kept asking me who I would miss more: my boyfriend, Dylan, or Tink. The jury is still out on that one. ;)

Ready to roll!

We had a 7:00pm flight out of Latrobe, PA so got on the road at 3:00pm. It takes just under 2 hours to get there from home and the airport only has one gate, making security a breeze. We stopped near the airport and grabbed dinner at Denny's.

We arrived at the airport at 6pm and had checked our bag, gone through security, and used the restroom all by 6:15pm. Gotta love it! Our flight actually took off at 6:54, so just a few minutes ahead of schedule which was nice.

Peace out PA!


I sat next to this lady on the plane that I will absolutely never forget. I don't even know how to begin to describe her! She was probably in her 60's or 70's and was an absolute diva - LOVE IT. She talked to us the entire flight and we pretty much learned her life story lol. She has a house here in PA and another in FL. She was flying down for the week to attend her granddaughter's preschool graduation. Like I said, we literally talked about everything, but once she found out we were heading to Disney she shared that she worked as a CM for her first job in 1971. She alternated between playing Dopey and working concessions (sometimes in the same day). She went to college and worked as a nurse for 30 years. It's hard to describe here, but she was HILARIOUS and we quoted her throughout our trip lol. Just to give you an idea.. At one point the lady in front of us turned around and said, "Could you talk quieter?" We were honestly not talking loudly, and certainly not as loudly as the man behind us. But she looks at us and goes, "I know enough to not cause trouble on a plane, but I've done my service to this country and I don't have to listen to her!" And then after getting off the plane, she saw the lady bending over getting something out of her bag and she goes, "I oughta go over there and kick her right in the ***." :hilarious: She was something else. Sorry, that was more wordy than I anticipated!

Anyway, we landed at 8:46, also ahead of schedule! The flight was a little bumpy due to the storm, but nothing major! We headed right for my favorite thing at MCO...


We boarded immediately and pulled out right away at 9:20pm.

Magical Express selfie! The excitement is evident!

We stopped at Coronado Springs first, and then our stop, All Star Sports! We arrived at 10pm.

Last year our pin numbers weren't setup properly and we had major issues at the end of the week sorting it all out. So the first thing we did this year upon arrival was head straight to the front desk to make sure they got setup the right way. We talked with Rachel who was an absolutely magical first CM to interact with. I made the comment that she should be working as a princess because she just had the energy and silliness for it. The CM's really do make all the difference!


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So jealous! You got to see my favorite historians!! The guy is especially hilarious. You may not believe this, but Em and I were in the show right before the one you saw! :jawdrop: We had different historians and it was just starting to sprinkle when the show let out. We made it to Prime Time (where we were meeting Woody for an early dinner) before the deluge began...he was not so fortunate.

We were thisclose to meeting each other, Brittany! :facepalm:


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I don't mean to go back and harp on it, but I know what you mean about the PP Photographers!!!

On our first trip, I really wanted Harper to meet a Princess, but because I didn't plan the trip and my mom did, we didn't have any FP's so I made one on a whim for Tinkerbell. So we get in there and it's our turn next and the PP photographer literally has her BACK TO US talking to the previous family. I wanted that picture of her going towards Tink SO BAD and the Photographer literally missed the first 20 second of our interaction. I had to ask a CM if she was going to take ANY pictures! You could tell Tink was even like "uh?" because she kept glancing over at the girl with the camera. I was very angry about it. Missed everything I was hoping to get. So I totally get it!!!


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I'm going to be the devil's advocate on the PP photographers :D Don't hate me. As far as I know they don't hire just pros, and they only pay like 10.50 an hour. That's not terrible pay, but I wouldn't expect pro quality from an hourly worker. I am a photographer and work during the week in MUCH better conditions for quite a bit more than that plus benefits (and have a way lower cost of living on top of that)...and I still screw up sometimes. I also shoot off-center all the time, but lucky for me I have the luxury of editing my photos before anymore sees them :joyfull:

Now for the guy who just plain wasn't taking pictures and paying attention, that's ridiculous. I'd probably have to say something to him.


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We interrupt this TR for a non-Disney announcement... :brb:

My parents have planned a trip to Florida the first week of August to take my nephew to Universal/IOA. We took him to Disney a few years back and he's now getting to the age that the other parks will finally be appropriate for him. After crunching some numbers, I think that Dylan and I will be tagging along. How will I ever be that close to Disney and not actually be there!? :eek::cry:

I just figured I would put this out there, as I know many of you are tacking Universal days onto your upcoming trips. I'm not sure if it's "allowed" or not, but if so, is there any interest in a mini TR inside of this one about our days there??

YES TO A UNI TRIP REPORT! I am finally going for my first time this November, so I would love to read about your experiences there! What an awesome thing to look forward to!

And I was cracking up on your retelling of the kid with the temper tantrum. Some kids get away with murder! Haha!


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So jealous! You got to see my favorite historians!! The guy is especially hilarious. You may not believe this, but Em and I were in the show right before the one you saw! :jawdrop: We had different historians and it was just starting to sprinkle when the show let out. We made it to Prime Time (where we were meeting Woody for an early dinner) before the deluge began...he was not so fortunate.

We were thisclose to meeting each other, Brittany! :facepalm:

Ugh! I can't believe we were that close! :arghh: The male historian was an absolute hoot! He definitely made the show. :)

I don't mean to go back and harp on it, but I know what you mean about the PP Photographers!!!

On our first trip, I really wanted Harper to meet a Princess, but because I didn't plan the trip and my mom did, we didn't have any FP's so I made one on a whim for Tinkerbell. So we get in there and it's our turn next and the PP photographer literally has her BACK TO US talking to the previous family. I wanted that picture of her going towards Tink SO BAD and the Photographer literally missed the first 20 second of our interaction. I had to ask a CM if she was going to take ANY pictures! You could tell Tink was even like "uh?" because she kept glancing over at the girl with the camera. I was very angry about it. Missed everything I was hoping to get. So I totally get it!!!

I know exactly what you mean! It's probably even more frustrating when it's your child, especially on a first trip! At least talk and snap pictures at the same time.

I'm going to be the devil's advocate on the PP photographers :D Don't hate me. As far as I know they don't hire just pros, and they only pay like 10.50 an hour. That's not terrible pay, but I wouldn't expect pro quality from an hourly worker. I am a photographer and work during the week in MUCH better conditions for quite a bit more than that plus benefits (and have a way lower cost of living on top of that)...and I still screw up sometimes. I also shoot off-center all the time, but lucky for me I have the luxury of editing my photos before anymore sees them :joyfull:

Now for the guy who just plain wasn't taking pictures and paying attention, that's ridiculous. I'd probably have to say something to him.

That's true, however if I were working such a job that didn't allow me to edit my work before the client saw it, I would snap MULTIPLE pictures of each pose or whatever I was shooting. That Mickey picture was the only one she took. I personally wouldn't mind waiting in line a few minutes extra knowing that the families in front of me (and myself when it was my turn) were getting good quality pictures. Not to mention how often people close their eyes, the characters move, kids move, etc. I just don't see how one picture is sufficient, regardless of pay or work conditions.

That guy really ticked me off! I don't know if it was because we were adults or if that's just his way of business with everyone. Not that it's any excuse to not snap continuously for adults (we love characters too!), but I would hope he was more diligent with families with children.

YES TO A UNI TRIP REPORT! I am finally going for my first time this November, so I would love to read about your experiences there! What an awesome thing to look forward to!

And I was cracking up on your retelling of the kid with the temper tantrum. Some kids get away with murder! Haha!

It's a go! :D I'm getting so excited! Seriously.. If I ever acted like that it would not have ended well. :hilarious: But it was good "bus-waiting" entertainment for us. :rolleyes:

I would be in heaven too! What a great night in HS :D

It was awesome! I've never seen HS that empty!

Love the trip report!!! I can't wait to be able to get back for the French Onion Soup! :happy:

I could go for a bowl right now! :)

I am reading your trip report based on my daughter's recommendation and loving it!!! We, too, share a fondness for the BOG French onion soup. We usually leave the boys home to indulge in the food and the atmosphere. Looking forward to the rest of the report! :)

Awe that's so sweet of both of you! Who is your daughter if you don't mind my asking?? Thanks for following! :)


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Day 5: Resort Hopping, 6/11/16

Let me start by saying that I had typed out an itinerary for our resort hopping day, hoping to fit in as many as possible. I planned out our "to and from" transportation routes and everything. Let me also say that we barely followed that plan at all. :hilarious: Resort hopping is HARD when you don't have a car! If you're planning to try it on your trip, set low expectations because you simply will not fit in everything you think you will.

We used today as a sleep-in day and didn't leave the resort until 12:30pm. We took a bus to HS and then waited there for a bus to AKL. I stayed here as a kid and was really excited to go back and reminisce! Our bus to AKL didn't pull out until 1:15pm. Just a preview of how long it takes to get from Point A to Point B!

We started at Kidani Village. Please excuse all of my sign pictures.. I took them out the window of a moving bus. :rolleyes:



There was a little bit of wildlife out and about.


Can you spot the ostrich? :)

I couldn't remember if we stayed in Kidani or Jambo, but after seeing the itty bitty lobby at Kidani, I knew that wasn't it. ;) Still beautiful though!

Has anybody seen this before? People were writing "I wish..." statements on them. We saw ones ranging from "I wish it would stop raining" to "I wish my daddy was here with us." It was actually kind of sad. :(


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We looked around Kidani Village for a few more minutes and then walked over to Jambo House.

We saw soooooo many of these little guys on our walk! This was the only place I saw them our entire trip!

THIS is what I remember. It's absolutely breathtaking. And the smell! I remember it from years ago.. It's so unique.

A little dark, sorry. :)

We were starving so decided to have lunch at Mara. It's in kind of a strange (and hard to find) area in my opinion. Maybe it's just because I'm not familiar with this resort.

I loved the roof! It's so neat!

Heather had the Angus Bacon Cheeseburger and I had the Hand-Carved Ham Sandwich. SO YUMMY. I think Heather liked hers too. And those fries were to die for! The way they have you order at Mara is so awesome. A CM stands at the front of the line and takes your order, marking it down on a sheet of paper before handing it off to the cooks. You then are given a buzzer that goes off when your food is ready. This allows you to get your drinks/desserts and pay at the register, all before getting your food. It sped the line up so much. I think the Values could really benefit from doing something similar.

What is lunch without dessert? We shared our desserts so we could try more than one thing. Heather got the Zebra Cupcake. A little girl sitting next to our table saw us eating this and she goes, "Kids love cupcakes." :hilarious: I said, "Adults loved cupcakes too!" She giggled at us like I was kidding or something. :rolleyes: It was really good!

And of course.... ZEBRA DOMES. This was my first time trying these and they did not disappoint! They definitely weren't what I was expecting but I loved them!

After we finished eating we looked around in the gift shop for a few minutes. I found a shirt that I need. ;)

We finished up in the gift shop and then hopped on a bus to Epcot around 3pm to head to our next destination!


Premium Member
The Mara! It's one of my favorite QS places. Back in May, I took a (bus) side trip from AK over to AKL for lunchL. (I had stayed at AKL a few times, but not for the past 8-9 years or so.) Anyway, I had a delicious turkey sandwich with fresh carved turkey--delish!!! And of course, I also had my Zebra Domes! :hungry:
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The Mara! It's one of my favorite QS places. Back in May, I took a (bus) side trip from AK over to AK for lunchL. (I had stayed at AKL a few times, but not for the past 8-9 years or so.) Anyway, I had a delicious turkey sandwich with fresh carved turkey--delish!!! And of course, I also had my Zebra Domes! :hungry:

It was so yummy and a great use of a QS credit! I've been missing out on the zebra domes all these years! :hungry:


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We got to Epcot and then headed to the bus line for Saratoga Springs. My boyfriend is an AVID golfer.. It's his first love. ;) He actually played in the PA Amateur Qualifier while I was at Disney, and he qualified! He'll be playing in the championship at the end of July. That being said, I needed to scout out at least one of the golf courses in an attempt to get him to travel with me to my first love next year. :rolleyes:

We waited in line for a bus until 3:30pm, but had good company while we waited! There was a bus driver in line with us (Donald from MO), waiting to switch shifts with whoever pulled up. I forget exactly how many years, but he's been working at Disney for quite a few. He talked to us about the different types of busses that Disney runs.. I asked him what happens to the older busses when they're "discontinued." He said that they're either sold for parts or blown up in movies. I haven't seen the new Avengers movie, but he said one of the explosions in it is actually an old Disney bus- neat! At this point I was getting curious and wanted to see just how much new info I could learn.. Opportunities like this are rare!

He said that he works different routes everyday and drivers simply choose which of the 5 main hubs they want to work out of. He said he started working the Epcot routes 2 or 3 years ago and likes that hub the best due to it's central location, consistent hours, and the fact that it's not overly busy (in comparison to MK, which he worked for a number of years). He was SO friendly and I really enjoyed talking to him. It definitely wasn't an interaction that I had expected, but it's certainly one that I'll always remember!

We arrived at Saratoga Springs around 4pm and looked around in the lobby, gift shop, etc. We eventually made our way down to the pro shop so I could get Dylan a souvenir. :) He likes to take my towels out of the bathroom to hook on his golf bag (and use for who knows what), so I got him his very own Mickey golf towel. It now hangs from his golf bag with pride. :rolleyes: We then made our way out onto the golf course to check things out!







You would be surprised at the lack of signage that says "Walt Disney World Golf" or anything of the sort.. I really expected there to be more than golf cart parking spots lol.




I picked up a brochure that details each of the golf courses for him to bring home.. He picked the one that he wants to try so I suppose I'll need to start looking into that. ;)


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We caught a boat to Disney Springs at 3:40pm and walked around briefly before catching a bus to the Boardwalk. I absolutely HATE how out of the way the bus station is at DS. It was actually kind of difficult to find and just seems really far away from the main "action."


We passed one of those "water car" things on our way but I wasn't quick enough with my camera!


I would LOVE to stay here someday. I love the beachy feel. :cool:

We walked through the lobby and looked around before making our way out onto the patio to relax on the rocking chairs for a few minutes. It's not often that you get a quiet moment while at Disney.


We made our way down to the actual boardwalk and walked around, mostly just so I could snap a few pictures because we were running short on time.




I want to stay at the Yacht and Beach Club resorts equally as badly. :arghh:

I'm disappointed that we didn't have more time, because I don't feel like I gave this resort the time and attention that it deserves. That just means I have to go back.. Or stay there. ;)


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We caught a bus to MK and promptly hopped on the monorail at about 6:15pm. I made sure to snap a picture of the wedding pavilion on our way by since we didn't have time to check it out in person. ;)

Hey @Tuvalu, look where I am! :p

Holy man is this place beautiful! I finally understand why so many of you rave about it. I would love to stay here, too! It just felt like a party as soon as we walked outside! It really reminded me a lot of the luau atmosphere from when I was in Hawaii a few years back.

That view. :inlove:


We headed upstairs for something that sooooo many of you told me I had to try this trip...



I loved the atmosphere.. I thought the Lapu Lapu was okay. I'm disappointed that I didn't like it more than I did. :( I think it was the "dark rum" taste that I wasn't a huge fan of. But I'm glad I tried it so I can say I've had one! I'll just get something different next time. :)

I also get really excited seeing places for the first time in person that I've read so much about on here (i.e., Kona Cafe, O'Hana, etc.) O'Hana is a definite for my next trip, and I'd like to fit Kona in sometime in the near future as well!

These lights are so much prettier in person.. And that's saying something because they're gorgeous in pictures, too! :inlove:

I think this little guy is adorable, but I understand why you "veterans" miss the fountain so much. Though I never saw it in person, the pictures I've seen are beautiful. I wish I could have seen it before they renovated!


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We returned to MK via the monorail, and then caught a boat for dinner at the Wilderness Lodge around 7:05pm. Our ADR was at 7:15pm, so we were cutting it close!



I never realized that the boat goes over top of the road just past where I took this picture! Our driver made quite a big deal out of the fact that we were driving a boat over top of cars! :p

This picture would be perfect if I could have caught the monorail going by. :)

Hello, beautiful.


This is another resort that I don't feel as if I took enough time to appreciate. I'll return one day. :)


We checked in a few minutes after our ADR time and were given a pager.

We waited in the big comfy chairs in the lobby until we were called back at 7:30pm. I was so excited for this meal as I had heard great things!


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One of the main reasons I booked this ADR was because of the "good old fashioned fun" factor that comes along with eating there. I was pretty disappointed when we were led through the main dining area and seated in the back, away from all of the action. :( The CM that seated us said that it wouldn't get as crazy back there. I told her that we liked crazy and she said that we had a good server (Allison) so would have a good time.

As soon as Allison came over to greet us, I told her that we liked crazy and that was why we chose to eat there lol. She tried her best, but there's only so much you can do when you're the only server in the section, and I understand that. She was wonderful to us and we tipped her well, but I was pretty disappointed every time I heard chaos ensuing in the main dining room. :(

Here was her first attempt at "crazy" haha. She passed by on her way to take another table's order and threw a handful of straws and napkins at us.

I knew I couldn't pass up the bottomless milkshakes, even though we'd also be getting dessert. I had heard how yummy they were and they certainly did not disappoint! I love that you're able to switch what flavor you get each time you get a refill (though we both stuck with the same flavor each time haha). It's still nice to have the option. :) I had caramel and Heather had strawberry. So good!

Allison brought us our cornbread (which was to die for!) and salad.. We immediately dug in! She told us not to fill up on the "rabbit food," as we a had a lot of food coming our way!

We got the All-You-Care-To-Enjoy Skillet which comes with Ribs, Pulled Pork, Roasted Glazed Chicken, Beef Brisket, Sausage, Veggies (which we didn't eat :rolleyes:), Mashed Potatoes, Corn on the Cob, and Baked Beans. HOLY FOOD! We actually put a pretty good dent in this for as much food as there was. It was all sooooo yummy! I definitely recommend eating here!

The table next to us asked for ketchup, and I honestly don't think they knew what was about to happen. :hilarious: Kids from the main dining room came marching in and piled the ketchup all over their table.. It was so funny to watch!

We were way too full to eat our dessert then, so Allison brought it for us to go. I didn't get a chance to take a picture though. :( We got the Campfire-Style Gooey Cake and the Granny Smith Apple-Caramel Tart.

Spoiler: I never did try the tart.. I had a few bites of the Gooey Cake on our departure day as my breakfast and it was awesome!

The food was delicious and Allison was great to us, but I would recommend requesting the main dining room if that's a factor in why you book this ADR!

We rolled ourselves out of the restaurant and looked around the gift shop. I got a Wilderness Lodge pin to add to my collection. :)

Love these lights!

I wish I would have taken this picture when it was still daylight.. It's so neat that this is an indoor/outdoor spring. :)

You simply can't visit Wilderness Lodge without taking this picture. :D Would this be an acceptable lawn decoration? Because I think it would look great... ;)


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After dinner, we caught a bus to Disney Springs to do a little shopping before heading home for the night. It was actually really relaxing to be out in the "middle of nowhere" while waiting for the bus, getting to look at the stars and kind of reflect on our trip thus far. We arrived at DS at 10pm and it was PACKED. We decided to not spend too much time there. We made a beeline for the Alex and Ani store, as that was top priority!

I had to get the Tink one in honor of my sweet pup. :) The other one says "It all started with a mouse." Today was Speak Like a Whale Day all over WDW property, and I was pretty bummed that we weren't visiting a park to get one of the specialty buttons. While I was being rung up, I asked the CM if there was anywhere I could get one of the buttons at DS. He said he wasn't sure and that they had just brought a bunch into each of the stores for the CMs to wear. He started pulling open drawers behind the counter and lucky for me, found an extra one! He casually slid it across the counter and said, "Here, hide it!" I thanked him a million times.. I was so happy! He probably thought I was nuts getting so excited over a button, but I have plans to make all of my old park buttons into magnets for my fridge, so a speciality one is extra cool. :D I remember his name, but won't mention it here to protect him. ;)

Next, we went to World of Disney to grab some souvenirs. I love this store, but hate it equally as much. It is SO overwhelming and it's always packed. We didn't waste any time buzzing around, getting what we needed, and moving along.

Here's my most important purchase. :) Sorry, it's a little blurry! Puppies are hard to photograph! Haha. She is obsessed with her Minnie.. She drags her everywhere! I was going to cut the hook off, but she likes to use it to carry her around so we left it. :)

I didn't buy this, but took a picture because I'm going to see if my grandma can make me one like it. It's adorable! :D

Our last stop was the Ugg store. Not that we can afford anything in there. :rolleyes: But I wanted to see the Disney collection in real life!

How cute would these be for a mom/daughter? I'd like to get them for my niece and I, but a teacher's salary doesn't really allow for such purchases. :rolleyes::cry:



SO tempting! If I ever hit the lottery... :rolleyes:

We left DS at 11pm and headed home for the night. I feel like we accomplished a lot of what I wanted to for my first time resort hopping, but there's certainly a lot more that I want to see next time!

6.60 miles walked
13,978 steps


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So many comments, trying to remember them all...

Agree that the Mara is hard to find. I always thought it was odd you can't get to it from inside the lodge. The ordering process is good and the food delicious, as you mentioned. As for zebra domes...I want to like them, so I keep trying them (when at Boma) but they are just not for me.

I bought my Dad the Mickey golf towel a couple years ago. :happy:

Sitting either in Boardwalk's lobby or outside on the porch are great, relaxing, people-watching spots! And you missed trying the fabulous Ample Hills Creamery (which will be featured in my TR!)

Ahhhhh, my Poly....happy you discovered why it is so loved :inlove:. Next time you go to the Tambu Lounge, try the Island Sunset (Em would kill for one, LOL!) I am not a big fan of the Lapu Lapu either.

If you look at your WL building pic (which you took on the path from the boat dock), we've stayed in the first floor room on the left that is surrounded by stone. Each morning we would watch the deer right outside our patio. If you need a bucket-list resort for the holidays, WL is IT!!!!

Sorry you got seated in the back corner of WCC (although last time Woody and I wished we'd been seated there away from the crazy! ;)) Since you enjoyed the food so much, you'll just have to go back!! (Although with may not want to bring your BF and have him overwhelmed on his first Disney trip!)

Don't we all have a love/hate relationship with World of Disney???!!!

Enjoyed reading about your resort day. You guys did accomplish a lot without a car!!

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