The parks needing a face lift...


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Original Poster
Another thread was talking about how much some of the parks needed a face lift and it got me thinking.... they really do! Don't get me wrong, I'm the first one to get sad when a favorite ride from my childhood has been closed down, but these new rides that they are doing are fantastic! That makes it hurt a little less!

I thought we could talk about what areas we thought needed some attention....

MGM Studios:
Star Tours just needs to be demolished. I am a Star Wars fan and I just can't stand that ride.
Indiana Jones, again I love the movies, but the stunt show hasn't changed in the slightest since it opened! I'm tired of it and if my fiance didn't drag me every time I wouldn't go!
The Great Movie Ride... I like it, I admit it, but I got excited when I heard they'd be rehabbing it. It does need a little attention.

Universe of Energy...okay, what on EARTH is with the Ellen and Bill Nye addition, its terrible! The WHOLE thing is just a big movie and then they take through the dinosaur part just because, "well its here, might as well use it."
Maelstrom...the boat ride in Norway was never good to begin with.
Spaceship Earth.. I love it, but it is getting a little tired and I could see kids of today really not wanting to go on it.
Imagination... I don't care what they do to it, if it isn't returned to the original, I won't like it.
Wonders of Life pavilion is tired and I really don't spend much time in there except for Cranium Command which I still think is really cute!

Magic Kingdom:
Alien Encounter... I am so glad they're re-doing that ride. It used to scare me to death! I'd come out pale white and freaked out and then hear a little 6 year old kid behind me tell his dad that that was awesome and that he wants to go on it again... AHAH!

Well that's all I can think of for now... please add more to the pot and please feel free to disagree with me! :D


I understand what you are saying but lets keep Maelstrom and The Great Movie Ride..... and Spaceship Earth.... and Indiana Jones....wait I don't understand what you are saying. Let's not change existing attractions lets just build new ones. I love Alien Encounter. It is nice to have to sh*t scared out of you every once in a while. As much as I like "Lilo and Stitch" I am not looking forward to that rehab a little bit!


Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
Star Tours just needs to be demolished. I am a Star Wars fan and I just can't stand that ride.
Maelstrom...the boat ride in Norway was never good to begin with.
Spaceship Earth.. I love it, but it is getting a little tired and I could see kids of today really not wanting to go on it.
Imagination... I don't care what they do to it, if it isn't returned to the original, I won't like it.

I feel that Star Tours needs a rehab, but completley demolishing it, that's not needed. I'd rather have the old ride than none at all.
Maelstrom is a really cool ride, and I think alot of people would agree with me that nothing needs to be done to it.
Spaceship Earth is a classic that needs a touching up, but it doesn't need to be completly changed. As far as kids of today not wanting to go on it, I am a kid (19) and I do want to go on it. Anyone that I tell about SE wants to go on it, usually just cos it's the 'ride in the big ball' but nonetheless they are still interested.
Imagination is one of those things that we all have to cope with. I haven't seen the latest redo yet, but I loved the original. Most people seem to enjoy it, so I say it should just stay as it is. I don't think we should hold our breaths for it to go back to the original ride, cos Disney will never go in reverse like that.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
I say get rid of Star Tours. There really is know point to it. Let's just go fly around Whoop D- Doo. I say get rid of it. Also let's focus on those little cars in Magic Kingdom that go around in a circle. What's so fun about that. Let's just stand in line for an hour, and go around in a circular track. Please get rid of these rides Disney :lol: :drevil:


Originally posted by Sir Hiss527
I say get rid of Star Tours. There really is know point to it. Let's just go fly around Whoop D- Doo. I say get rid of it. Also let's focus on those little cars in Magic Kingdom that go around in a circle. What's so fun about that. Let's just stand in line for an hour, and go around in a circular track. Please get rid of these rides Disney :lol: :drevil:

The little cars? You mean the Tomorrowland Speedway? They can't get rid of that. Sure it's boring for adults, but for little kids, it's the only way to drive till you're 16! There are millions of kids who get thier first 'driving' experiences on the Speedway or Autopia(at Disneyland).


New Member
Original Poster
I definately agree about keeping the Speedway, I LOVED that when I was a kid! I haven't gone on it since then, but the kids definately need something that they can enjoy! Most of the new rides, they can't even go on (i.e. test track and rock n' roller coaster)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
MGM Studios:
Star Tours just needs to be demolished. I am a Star Wars fan and I just can't stand that ride.
Indiana Jones, again I love the movies, but the stunt show hasn't changed in the slightest since it opened! I'm tired of it and if my fiance didn't drag me every time I wouldn't go!
The Great Movie Ride... I like it, I admit it, but I got excited when I heard they'd be rehabbing it. It does need a little attention.

I don't think these attractions should be closed. Maybe rehabed to make them more fresh, exciting, or to add new technology, but for the most part they're still great attractions.

Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
Universe of Energy...okay, what on EARTH is with the Ellen and Bill Nye addition, its terrible! The WHOLE thing is just a big movie and then they take through the dinosaur part just because, "well its here, might as well use it."
Maelstrom...the boat ride in Norway was never good to begin with.
Spaceship Earth.. I love it, but it is getting a little tired and I could see kids of today really not wanting to go on it.
Imagination... I don't care what they do to it, if it isn't returned to the original, I won't like it.
Wonders of Life pavilion is tired and I really don't spend much time in there except for Cranium Command which I still think is really cute!

Definatly agree with you on Universe of Energy and Wonders of Life, but I think Maelstrom is a great little ride (probably my favorite in EPCOT after Test Track). Hope it stays for a long time. I also think Spaceship Earth should probably remain close to what it is now, but maybe some kind of rehab to make it more interesting without just making it a thrill ride.

Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
Magic Kingdom:
Alien Encounter... I am so glad they're re-doing that ride. It used to scare me to death! I'd come out pale white and freaked out and then hear a little 6 year old kid behind me tell his dad that that was awesome and that he wants to go on it again... AHAH!

Agree that it needs a rehab, but can't say I found it scarry. After all the hype, it just seemed kind of lame for me. I thought MuppetVision at MGM was more thrilling. Maybe that's just me though. :lookaroun


Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
Star Tours just needs to be demolished. I am a Star Wars fan and I just can't stand that ride.

How rude! It is a good ride, the queue and the shop are cool as well. I wish they would do the long-awaited 'change' that has been rumoured forever!


Well-Known Member
...and God Bless EchoOfOphelia for the wrath She is about to incur from posting this topic.


(For the record.....I agree with you that CONSTANT maintenance and modernizing of the attractions is a good thing. Knocking them down completely with no Action Plan for replacement, however, is not.)

Good Luck!!!


New Member
Original Poster
I am so sorry if I have offended anyone by my opinions about some of the rides, I truly am. I just wanted to talk about which rides needed a little attention.

When I said that I thought Star Wars needed to be demolished, I meant that I want the whole format changed. I don't like the lame "shaking box with seats" rides, they just are not excited to ME! I would love a new Star Wars ride, I'm a huge fan. And I certainly don't think that it should be demolished with no plan in mind, that's stupid and I never said it.

...thank you.


Well-Known Member
How is the current Universe of Energy, a series of funny movies (I think it is funny...) any worse than the old ride, which was also a set of movies, however they were boring and basically a commercial for Exxon. Despite the fact that the Ellen Audio-Animatronic is lame, I still feel this is a vast improvement to the old ride. It has less educational content, but it is still there to a large degree due to Dr. Nye, describing the Big Bang and such, but it also does not put you to sleep.

Star Tours is old, and could use a re-do, and as for the simulator set up, if you can come up with a better way to explore Star Wars, go right ahead, but I think flying guest into outer space would be a bit ridiculous, so, for the time being, it's the best we can do--it could be improved though (new movie).

I would rather see the Indiana Jones Adventure add its third installment to the Orlando parks, but I am not going to say I think the Stunt Spectacular is horrible. Old? Yes. Could use some changes to perhaps incorporate the third movie.

Great Movie Ride is always fun and entertaining (even with its broken effects). It could use changes, but I think they need to keep the Animatronics, as they are pretty kewl.

Maelstrom and Spaceship Earth are classic, and should not be messed around with. A thrill ride in no way, shape, or form belongs inside Spaceship Earth--any attraction presenting the theme of a theme park needs to be accessible to all guests. Maelstrom is fun and educational, so I have no complaints about it, other than making the polar bear look a little like.

Wonders of Life needs to be completely redone, partially because half of the stuff in there is broken anyway, and with the medical frontier we have, going to a splinter is a bit lame--how bout some cancer or something? Cranium Command is always fun, but could, perhaps, use a new story. The rest of the pavilion needs changes--keep the desserts, though.

You forgot The Living Seas, which needs something mainly because it almost has nothing now--it pretty much needs to be gutted, as an aquarium would make more sense at Animal Kingdom.

I, in all honesty, am not a great fan of Alien Encounter, so I won't cry when it is replaced.

Only other thing I can think of is Snow White, mainly because very few guests like it, supported by its nearly permanent walk-on status. Maybe they could put CarToon Spin in there, in stead of Toontown...don't know if these two attractions are of comparable length, though (i.e. would it fit?).


New Member
Originally posted by DDPGambit
The little cars? You mean the Tomorrowland Speedway? They can't get rid of that. Sure it's boring for adults, but for little kids, it's the only way to drive till you're 16! There are millions of kids who get thier first 'driving' experiences on the Speedway or Autopia(at Disneyland).

when i couldn't drive yet i would always go to a real gokart place because they actually let you drive the car at least a little bit! :(
anyone else think splash mountain is in need of a serious face lift? its really falling apart. going up the lift to the top there is literally no roof surrounding one of the lights,u can see right through to the metal cage. o ya and the brair patch NEEDS a good paint job along with that ugly ugly purple sign. I saw it in person hoping it would be better looking but um...its not

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Originally posted by DogsRule!
Only other thing I can think of is Snow White, mainly because very few guests like it, supported by its nearly permanent walk-on status. Maybe they could put CarToon Spin in there, in stead of Toontown...don't know if these two attractions are of comparable length, though (i.e. would it fit?).
I was there 2-3 weeks ago, and was at Magic Kingdom the most. EVERY single time we went by Snow White, the queue was full and had at the least a 20 minute wait. I hardly think that means very few guests like it. :p

As for rehabbing things, the minute that Disney decides to rehab anything, there will be people everywhere complaining that they're destroying magic or messing with a classic, or killing they're favorite thing. There is no way around stepping on toes. So, I think just chill and wait to see what they really do to all these rides that ya'll think "need attention". Until then, no need to get worked up! :D

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Originally posted by imagineergurl
anyone else think splash mountain is in need of a serious face lift? its really falling apart. going up the lift to the top there is literally no roof surrounding one of the lights,u can see right through to the metal cage. o ya and the brair patch NEEDS a good paint job along with that ugly ugly purple sign. I saw it in person hoping it would be better looking but um...its not

Imagineergurl, are you not a fan of EPCOT??
Demolish a ride because you don't like it? How silly, if other people DO like it. Take, for example, the Tomorrowland Speedway (which is getting lots of talk here). It seems like an awfully long wait for something not that exciting. However, when I took my four-year-old on it the other day, and put her behind the wheel, you should have seen the excitement in her eyes. It was her favorite ride, and made her day (and mine)!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FourFourSeven
Demolish a ride because you don't like it? How silly, if other people DO like it. Take, for example, the Tomorrowland Speedway (which is getting lots of talk here). It seems like an awfully long wait for something not that exciting. However, when I took my four-year-old on it the other day, and put her behind the wheel, you should have seen the excitement in her eyes. It was her favorite ride, and made her day (and mine)!

I definalty agree with that. The Speedway isn't anywhere near the top of attractions that intrest me at MK, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have an audience. I'm not interested in Bear in the Big Blue House or the Boneyard either, but I know a lot of kids would be disappointed if they were gone. It may not be for you, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have an audience.


New Member
I agree..... mostly

1. Star Tours.... VERY outdated simulator ride.. in fact it was the first simulator ride whihc means it's time to change.......

2. Indian Jones........ keep the show but change it up....... make it more of a show

3. (My opinion)....... Takign away the Hunchback of Notre Dame Musical was dumb. IT was a good show.... now Beauty and the Beast got be changed........ like the musical stuff but keep it fresh.

4. Great movie ride..... keep the concept change the ride.....

5. In Energy.... they should be ashamed of how bad those "dinosaurs" look......

6. Spaceship earth---- don't touch it

Love WDW..... but its time to make some changes

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