The New Space Mountain. What do you think?


Park History nut
Premium Member
DisJosh said:
Floridas' SM is even older. I don't see why it wouldn't recieve the same treatment with the track. I know I wouldn't mind it.

Florida was the first, and it seems with better quality steel. I`d assume both had the same safety system, but the track itself at WDW is hollow and sealed. It is split into zones, with the air pressure monitored in each zone. A change in pressure could equal a breach in the rail, and triggers an alarm. So far so good!


That robo coaster whatever picture made me sick just looking at it.

Other than a total refurb of the walk up line, and replacing that silly post "show" which doesn't make sense anymore, I wouldn't change a thing.


DL's was litterally falling apart from a lack of maintenance on the part of Pressler's administration. A new track was almost necessitated, as it was easier logistically rather than repair and refurb of the old track.

We will not see a robo-coaster version anytime soon at WDW. What SM really needs (and will recieve) is just a solid refurb- possibly with new ride vehicles with timed music (ala DL's version). I also believe that a serious reworking of the preshow (line areas) need be considered, as the background story doesn't make sense with the removal of (some) FedEx show elements. The preshow currently consists of a couple holographic windows before reaching the craft' that'll take you into outer space. Upon your arrival on tera firma, the postshow reminds you of your journey with some werid abstract scenes and cheap camera tricks.

What a story.

Infact, the whole area surrounding SM also needs to be revisted and revitalized. The rust and discoloration near the old skyway station is particularily troubling- and that's an easy fix!


New Member
New Vehicles

I would love to see new carts that allow two riders side by side. My 4 1/2 year old wants to ride but with the current cart style I won't let him (Mommy panic). :eek:


Well-Known Member
well the current preshow is also very similar to what was there when it was an RCA sponsored ride as well. There really is no postshow. To claim that those old rinky tv's are post show is a laugh. They just ripped all the Fed Ex stuff out and never did anything else with it.

It definitely needs a top notch post show like it once had and a new exciting preshow that gets you excited for the ride. As far as the ride itself goes, I'd just like a smoother quieter track with some new special effects. I could take or leave music.

Pete C

Active Member
While I totally disagree that Robocoaster should be used for Space Mountain, don't dismiss the technology as vomit-inducing at one glance. The ride system can be adjusted to be as violent or as gentle as the designers want. The technology could be used for a new ride at WDW, and be designed from the get-go as a thrilling, but family-safe attraction. I'm sure the imagineers would use it as such. A lot of people talk about Robocoaster, however Pandora's Box seems more likely to be used for the next WDW attraction due to being a Vekoma product.

I agree that SM needs an update as far as the pre and post-ride displays. I have a nostalgic attachment to the queue as-is, but man it is really old. I still like the current music in the line, and I hope that doesn't change. At least keep one thing from the past. The track layout is fine as it is, but if they can somehow smooth it out that would be ideal. Making the trains 2-wide might pose a problem as the ride is packed into such a tight tangle of steel, but that would be great too. There's no way for us to tell what they can or can't do at this point.


DLRP's SM Rehab

The Paris rehab was less than what was done for Cali. They used the same track, just changed the paint job outside, and changed the effects inside. Oh and a fantasic new soundtrack. I think Florida's just needs some TLC. There is room inside to do what they have done in Paris with a launched coaster, but i dont think its needed, not with RnR and EE so close.

However i would like a new layout, but the same Retro look at the future. I love the whole 80's vison of the future and think it looks so cool on SM. I think that theme works well in Florida. I dont wont a Paris Space Mountain in Florida, i like the charming version it has, it just needs SOOOOOO MUCH TLC.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Paris was a bit more than that - the track remained, but the original effects were removed and new ones added (more of them too :) ) - plus don`t forget the catapult was rebuilt to fire from it`s base.

I can`t see WDWs SM having side by side seating without major structural alterations; the clearences are too narrow. Anaheim originally got it`s side by side to compensate for only(!) having one track.


Well-Known Member
I also believe that it needs a launch system, so it could be more like a space launch. The idea of having the seating 2 wide would ruin the open feeling IMO. I love the fact the WDW has the single seating.

If you have been into Space when the lights are on there is a ton of room left around and above the track. If WDW decides to do a tear out there shoud be plenty of room to do something crazy. I just hope they keep the same elements from the ride, just bring into the 21st century and make it smoother, darker and faster.


New Member
i agree that sm should be updated. i was in california over the summer and had the chance to ride on the new space was ok. all it did was go round and round it circles, at least wdw's has life to it. i liked the double seating (bigger capacity, less time in line) but one in front of the other is cool. i would like sm to be updated, but not to the robo coaster...that is like a deadly combo...right now it is a nice coaster to take younger kids on and get them aquainted with fact it was my very first coaster i did! now i ride ones at ceder point! i would be kinda dissapointed if i ride it cause it has been a way to spend quality time with my dad every time we go to wdw.( mom likes to keep her feet on the ground) .. i hope they make it smooth and leave it the same!


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