The New Disney Hollywood Studios


Well-Known Member
So it looks like the Great Movie Ride had been removed altogether? That's what's in the Chinese Theater. And the Flying Carpets ride is already at the Magic Kingdom.
Although I can't speak for StitchCastle, it seems he's merged GMR with the Backlot Tour in order to create a movie tour of epic proportions hahaha.
As for the Flying Carpets, it's never really belonged in MK's Adventureland anyway, it's a total theme clash with the rest of the land. I assume in this alternate "Stitch Castle Universe", Flying Carpets is either moved to DHS or was never built in MK in the first place.


Well-Known Member
As for the Flying Carpets, it's never really belonged in MK's Adventureland anyway, it's a total theme clash with the rest of the land. I assume in this alternate "Stitch Castle Universe", Flying Carpets is either moved to DHS or was never built in MK in the first place.

But it probably fits better at the Magic Kingdom than DHS.


Well-Known Member
But it probably fits better at the Magic Kingdom than DHS.
I think it's all relative. The theme to MK's adventureland is more of a tahitian/pacific island setting that clashes a lot with the arabian theme of the Flying Carpet spinners, I also just don't like that it makes Adventureland feel a little claustrophobic where it is.

If you've ever seen the way they do the carpet spinners over in Disney Studios Paris, with a Genie in a director's chair on a crane hovering around the spinner, plus a matte painted backdrop that makes the whole thing look like a movie set, you'd see how it would fit in a studio setting. Which to be honest, when you think about, you can literally fit anything into the studios which is a huge part of why it got so messy thematically very quickly.

here's what I'm talking about:

though for me, if this is to be put in this studios redesign, the matte painting will be replaced by a giant LED screen with really high quality animation, just to plus it a bit.


Well-Known Member
I think it's all relative. The theme to MK's adventureland is more of a tahitian/pacific island setting that clashes a lot with the arabian theme of the Flying Carpet spinners, I also just don't like that it makes Adventureland feel a little claustrophobic where it is.

If you want to get technical, the theme of MK's Adventureland also includes a bit of a Caribbean setting (hence Pirates).

If you've ever seen the way they do the carpet spinners over in Disney Studios Paris, with a Genie in a director's chair on a crane hovering around the spinner, plus a matte painted backdrop that makes the whole thing look like a movie set, you'd see how it would fit in a studio setting. Which to be honest, when you think about, you can literally fit anything into the studios which is a huge part of why it got so messy thematically very quickly.

here's what I'm talking about:

though for me, if this is to be put in this studios redesign, the matte painting will be replaced by a giant LED screen with really high quality animation, just to plus it a bit.

I just think, though, if we put it in the Studios, it will be something of a cop-out. It's like with Star Tours, which, as you know, is located in the Studios in Florida. There was this one response to an article on the state of the Studios today at a website called Studios Central: This response brings up Star Tours. It says:

Setting Star Tours on a soundstage [...] is an enormous cop-out. [...] I didn't know what they were going for, with C-3PO's coffee break area and bulletin board off to the side. Are we going to Endor, or are we watching people make a movie about people going to Endor? Introducing the "working set" idea creates a whole extra layer of stuff to get between the guest and the experience.

I'd probably just drop the flying carpets ride altogether.


Well-Known Member
If you want to get technical, the theme of MK's Adventureland also includes a bit of a Caribbean setting (hence Pirates).

I just think, though, if we put it in the Studios, it will be something of a cop-out. It's like with Star Tours, which, as you know, is located in the Studios in Florida. There was this one response to an article on the state of the Studios today at a website called Studios Central: This response brings up Star Tours. It says:

Setting Star Tours on a soundstage [...] is an enormous cop-out. [...] I didn't know what they were going for, with C-3PO's coffee break area and bulletin board off to the side. Are we going to Endor, or are we watching people make a movie about people going to Endor? Introducing the "working set" idea creates a whole extra layer of stuff to get between the guest and the experience.

I'd probably just drop the flying carpets ride altogether.

You do realize that there's a difference between Star Tours, an E-Ticket ride that's telling a massive, immersive story and the Flying Carpets which is a C-ticket where you could actually see the mechanics of the ride system. You don't actually expect an audience to think they're really flying over Aggrabah in real flying carpets when they ride a spinner. If anything, taking a bare bones, off the shelf spinner ride and adding the "working set" element to it actually gives it a more believable layer of story, especially in the context of being in a Studio Backlot setting.

Also bringing up the Caribbean setting in Adventureland only further illustrates my point that it's a tropical island setting where Arabian flying carpets and spitting camels just look out of place.


Well-Known Member
If you want to get technical, the theme of MK's Adventureland also includes a bit of a Caribbean setting (hence Pirates).

I just think, though, if we put it in the Studios, it will be something of a cop-out. It's like with Star Tours, which, as you know, is located in the Studios in Florida. There was this one response to an article on the state of the Studios today at a website called Studios Central: This response brings up Star Tours. It says:

Setting Star Tours on a soundstage [...] is an enormous cop-out. [...] I didn't know what they were going for, with C-3PO's coffee break area and bulletin board off to the side. Are we going to Endor, or are we watching people make a movie about people going to Endor? Introducing the "working set" idea creates a whole extra layer of stuff to get between the guest and the experience.

I'd probably just drop the flying carpets ride altogether.

I don't understand how anyone wouldn't know where the C3PO coffee break area was're extras on the "Star Wars Set", you're not going to Endor, you're filming a movie.
To me, that's what the Disney Studios should be. There's not just a story to a single attraction, there's an underlying story to the entire park. It's a "behind the scenes" look with your favorite movies and stars, and by stars, I'm not talking Anthony Daniels, I mean actually C3PO & R2D2, or if we're talking Flying Carpets, you're going to get to work alongside Genie, or on Toy Story Mania, you get to star alongside Mr. Potato Head and your favorite Toy Story characters.
If the theme of the Studios were to become "entering cinematic worlds", then there's nothing to distinguish the Studios from MK or any other DL-style park, it becomes a cheap knock with a poor layout.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that there's a difference between Star Tours, an E-Ticket ride that's telling a massive, immersive story and the Flying Carpets which is a C-ticket where you could actually see the mechanics of the ride system. You don't actually expect an audience to think they're really flying over Aggrabah in real flying carpets when they ride a spinner. If anything, taking a bare bones, off the shelf spinner ride and adding the "working set" element to it actually gives it a more believable layer of story, especially in the context of being in a Studio Backlot setting.

I was using Star Tours to make a point. This is just me, but I feel that with the "working set" element thrown in, the Flying Carpets reinforces the fact that it doesn't even feel like a "real" ride, that it flat-out states that it is genuinely fake. Again, I'd just drop the Flying Carpets from the parks.

I don't understand how anyone wouldn't know where the C3PO coffee break area was're extras on the "Star Wars Set", you're not going to Endor, you're filming a movie.

Then how is it at the other parks, particularly Disneyland? At all the other resorts, Star Tours is located in a castle park, in Tomorrowland. Are you going to Endor or filming a movie there?


Well-Known Member
I was using Star Tours to make a point. This is just me, but I feel that with the "working set" element thrown in, the Flying Carpets reinforces the fact that it doesn't even feel like a "real" ride, that it flat-out states that it is genuinely fake. Again, I'd just drop the Flying Carpets from the parks.

To each his own I guess, to me i feel like you're making a mountain out of a molehill, so to speak. Though this statement pretty much shows why you don't understand the very nature of the Studios park. It was originally conceived to be a real working studio with theme park elements. The whole point to the Studios is that it's a behind the scenes experience. It was a novel idea that if they had just kept it as a full-blown working studio (The Disney Channel and an entire division of the Feature Animation Studios operated there) it really would have been something special. It's only now that it's being forced to embrace traditional theme park mentality, having to find a new identity because its original ones were abolished.

I've stated in my WDW thread that if I had my way with the Studios it would be an actual working studio again coupled with an art and media college that would make sure that the facilities are being used creatively and properly. It's what the Studios, to me, was always meant to be. Not just another theme park but an actual place of creativity and film making.


Well-Known Member
To each his own I guess, to me i feel like you're making a mountain out of a molehill, so to speak. Though this statement pretty much shows why you don't understand the very nature of the Studios park. It was originally conceived to be a real working studio with theme park elements. The whole point to the Studios is that it's a behind the scenes experience. It was a novel idea that if they had just kept it as a full-blown working studio (The Disney Channel and an entire division of the Feature Animation Studios operated there) it really would have been something special. It's only now that it's being forced to embrace traditional theme park mentality, having to find a new identity because its original ones were abolished.

I've stated in my WDW thread that if I had my way with the Studios it would be an actual working studio again coupled with an art and media college that would make sure that the facilities are being used creatively and properly. It's what the Studios, to me, was always meant to be. Not just another theme park but an actual place of creativity and film making.

Well, when I read your dramatic new plans (which I like a lot except for the Flying Carpets), I was under the impression that it would no longer be a working studio at all. And after reading your latest message, I thought I might mention that I can't really work with the Studios, which seems to difficult to improve, and in any case, I really could not improve on what you're doing. In my opinion, I'm more comfortable about working on the castle parks and Epcot. Epcot has some problems of its own, but in my plans, I seem to have an easier time with it.

Speaking of which, would you care to weigh your opinion on what I'm doing in this thread here:

MA Screamin'

Well-Known Member
Here's a quick sketch of the Hollywood Studios Backlot.

This land would be located directly behind The Chinese Theater, which acts as its "Castle". The general guiding principle behind this redesign is to give the studios park a more "hub and spokes" sort of layout, similar to Disneyland. the Backlot area would act as the park's Fantasyland, representing the over-all mission statement of the park.

The big attraction would be the Studio Tour which anchors the whole area. This front facade houses only the queue as the ride itself will snake its way all throughout the backstage areas. Three major soundstages would be constructed to house the 3 major rides.

The ILM building will be modeled after ILM's Singapore offices which itself is designed to be reminiscent of a Jawa Sand Crawler. This also acts as a transition into the Star Wars heavy left side of the park.

The courtyard will also be host to a few C-tickets like the Genie's Flying Carpets, a direct clone from the French Studios park, this would provide a transition to the cartoon heavy Animation Boardwalk.

Also, for a better context of where everything is, here's a very rough sketch of the park, minus Star Wars land.

Loving the ideas. Me being a music aficionado, a periodical update of RnRC would be fantastic (I'd do anything for a Daft Punk one :D). I have some quick ideas for possible additions, if you don't mind: Maybe the Chinese Theater can act as a destination for movie premieres, and maybe a theater ("Now, see upcoming Disney, Marvel, and Lucasfilm movies, 7 days in advance! Only at Disney Hollywood Studios!"). For Tatoonie, a pod racing attraction would be cool, and maybe like Test Track, you could build your kart, and race fellow guests, along with the top racers having the chance to participate in the Championships at the end of the day.

I'm also blown away by these sketches! I need to know; what program are you using, and what's your process?


Well-Known Member
Loving the ideas. Me being a music aficionado, a periodical update of RnRC would be fantastic (I'd do anything for a Daft Punk one :D). I have some quick ideas for possible additions, if you don't mind: Maybe the Chinese Theater can act as a destination for movie premieres, and maybe a theater ("Now, see upcoming Disney, Marvel, and Lucasfilm movies, 7 days in advance! Only at Disney Hollywood Studios!"). For Tatoonie, a pod racing attraction would be cool, and maybe like Test Track, you could build your kart, and race fellow guests, along with the top racers having the chance to participate in the Championships at the end of the day.

I'm also blown away by these sketches! I need to know; what program are you using, and what's your process?

OH MY GOD A Daft Punk RnRC would be AMAZING! Seriously that would be so cool!

Yeah the Chinese Theater will have an actual theater in it thanks to the "Cinemagic" attraction but I really like the idea of having whatever new Marvel/Disney/Star Wars movie playing inside the actual Chinese Theater. It could be a whole dinner-theater/speak easy kind of experience with an actual restaurant. Have a whole movie theater with tables and serve food while guests watch the movie. It would be like the Studios' version of Cinderella's Royal Table/Be Our Guest Restaurant. The waiting area/queue could even have props and production displays from the new movie similar to how they have the El Capitan set up in Hollywood. So what we could do is have two theaters inside The Chinese Theater, one being the Cinemagic attraction and the other be the actual movie theater with the restaurant. Though I don't think the 7 days in advance concept would work because of spoiler culture possibly spoiling these big high profile movies. It could work with each guest having to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements but there would be a lot of liability issues and red tape surrounding it.

As for the Pod Racing, yeah there's going to be a Pod Racing attraction in Tattooine though it's going to have Test Track's ride system. Though I like the idea of customizing your own kart, and having the ride be an actual race/competition would be pretty awesome, is it ok if I put that in?

As for the sketches, I own a Cintiq monitor that I draw on and I just use photoshop.


Well-Known Member
Here's a quick rundown of The next section of the park, it's not nearly as descriptive as the last mostly because it's late and I'm trying to squeeze this in before bed and work hehe.


We now take a look at The Animation Boardwalk. An area themed to some of the most fanciful seaside amusement parks in the world. Don't let the quaint setting fool you though, some of the park's most elaborate attractions are hidden behind what looks at first to be a Paradise Pier knock-off.

First off we look at the building right at the entrance, the one with the giant Sorcerer Mickey hat.

The Walt Disney Animation Archive - We are all invited to a tour of the Walt Disney Studios' archive library which has been legendarily dubbed "The Disney Vault". As we go in we are treated to what seems to be a routine tour of the animation process but it looks like our de-facto tour guide, an animator on his first day, is feeling a little too curious for the big bosses. So much so that he unwittingly unlocks the legendary vault and inside we see... a paint brush? It's a little odd at first but once the animator touches it something incredible happens and we are all transported to the world that brought us all the animated features that Disney created. We end up actually living the history of Disney Animation from the black and white silent era (a portion of the ride will be completely quiet and in black and white even the guests, to the point that it almost feels like the ride is broken, this ends when the animator uses the paintbrush to advance the animation, adding sound, color, music and so on..) through to the memorable characters and worlds of classic Disney features.

This is going to be a massive dark ride. A 21st Century version of the Great Movie ride but with Disney Animated movies where we literally experience the making of and the history of Disney Animated canon.

Animator's Palette - The land's premiere restaurant is a park version of the famous Disney Cruise Line restaurant wherein the walls and dining rooms slowly turn from being blank sheet of paper white to colored, beautifully animated works of art.

Roger Rabbit in Coaster Rabbit - snaking its way around the land (and having the Earful Tower around one if its Helix') is this classic roller coaster based off of the Roger Rabbit short.

Toy Story Midway Mania - The attraction will be moved here featuring the ride building from the DisneySea version.

Cars and Planes Carousel - A double decker carousel where guests will ride characters from both the Cars and Planes movies. I though about having an expanded version of this turning it into Autopia but with Cars road tripping through california but the logistics of it would be tough given the space issues. Also, I didn't want there to be too much of an e-ticket overload as the next attraction will almost be equally complex if not even moreso than the Disney Vault ride.

Wreck-It Ralph's Game Central Arcade - A financially dying arcade is looking to drum up new business by promoting a brand-new state-of-the-art video game that will make all others obsolete. What we don't know is that the new game is actually every game as it is a device that teleports us into the games of the arcades so that we live it ourselves. The problem is, the only way out is to earn a gold medal, otherwise we'll be trapped in this world forever. Wreck-It Ralph knows this feeling all to well and it's up to him, Vanelope and all their friends to help see us through this massive challenge.

This ride will combine the trackless ride system of Hunny Hunt as well as Test Track and Midway Mania. Basically we're going to be travelling through the different video games from the movie and with each game, the ride mechanism changes and gives us a completely different experience. We start off like a traditional dark ride in the older Wreck-It Ralph game where the nicelanders mistake us as glitches. Ralph decides to help us escape and we end up in Hero's Duty where our ride vehicles are fashioned with blasters to help us fight the cybugs unfortunately we are quickly overpowered but before you know it we get teleported out to Sugar Rush by Vanellope Von Schweets who uses her glitch power to save us from the cybugs. Our ride vehicles then get merged with other vehicles and turned into Sugar Rush racecars. Vanellope tells us that we're just a point away from our medal and that all we have to do is finish a race through the land.

Game Central Arcade itself will actually be more of a pavillion than a solitary ride as located within is also a real arcade except the video games are games from the movie as well. There will also be a hidden easter egg in all the consoles. I'll explain later when I give a complete description of the attraction.

MA Screamin'

Well-Known Member
OH MY GOD A Daft Punk RnRC would be AMAZING! Seriously that would be so cool!

As for the Pod Racing, yeah there's going to be a Pod Racing attraction in Tattooine though it's going to have Test Track's ride system. Though I like the idea of customizing your own kart, and having the ride be an actual race/competition would be pretty awesome, is it ok if I put that in?

Happy you like DP as much as I do (If they do one final tour in 2017, count me in!)! The visuals would be just as impressive as the soundtrack. And feel free to use any ideas of mine you like!


Well-Known Member
Happy you like DP as much as I do (If they do one final tour in 2017, count me in!)! The visuals would be just as impressive as the soundtrack. And feel free to use any ideas of mine you like!

Thanks MA Screamin', by the way, I was perusing through that Apprentice thread, your team got slaughtered by Team Fantasy, and all on technicalities, what happened?

MA Screamin'

Well-Known Member
Thanks MA Screamin', by the way, I was perusing through that Apprentice thread, your team got slaughtered by Team Fantasy, and all on technicalities, what happened?

Our team has had communication troubles, and that's what lead to our downfall. I'm disappointed that we didn't perform so well, but we have done some great things. Check out Challenge 2 and the bonus challenge! If you're interested in reading my script from one of my team's proposals, here's the link: I'm really proud of it's outcome, and I'd love to hear your opinion!


Well-Known Member
For Tatoonie, a pod racing attraction would be cool, and maybe like Test Track, you could build your kart, and race fellow guests, along with the top racers having the chance to participate in the Championships at the end of the day.

I've always felt a much better fit for DHS was a pod racing version of RSR. I mean, everything from an elaborate mountain range to the dueling cars could remain the same, just with a different overlay. Kind of like what they did with IJA and CTX. That way Carsland stays exclusive to DCA, yet Disney doesn't have to work on all sorts of new designs.


Well-Known Member
Roger Rabbit in Coaster Rabbit - snaking its way around the land (and having the Earful Tower around one if its Helix') is this classic roller coaster based off of the Roger Rabbit short.

Again, not to be a downer, but I'm not really sure how I feel about the Roger Rabbit property on-site if Disney doesn't own the property. I thought there were still legal battles going on. Anyway, what if you did something like Oswald the Lucky Rabbit instead somehow? At least Disney now owns that property again.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Love all the ideas here! I like the Magic Band concept a lot, but I really wish they would have used all that money toward actual park attractions! Just think, with all the money spent on this whole project, we could have had a new land or attraction in all 4 of the parks! I really hope we get to see some really awesome changes for DHS in the future...


Well-Known Member
Again, not to be a downer, but I'm not really sure how I feel about the Roger Rabbit property on-site if Disney doesn't own the property. I thought there were still legal battles going on. Anyway, what if you did something like Oswald the Lucky Rabbit instead somehow? At least Disney now owns that property again.

Roger Rabbit has better brand recognition and I'm sure any legal issues could easily be skirted over, I mean they were still able to build the Roger Rabbit ride in Disneyland not to mention they were still able to actually design some Roger Rabbit themed attractions for the studios a while back. Thematically as well, Roger Rabbit fits in perfectly and is a bit of a no-brainer for a Disney park about Hollywood. The fact that there's a Roger Rabbit short that features a white wooden roller coaster heavily makes it that much more obvious as a choice. In fact Roger Rabbit is pretty deserving of his own land at the Studios.

Oswald is pretty great too but the property itself is going to need a massive relaunch if you want it to be relevant. Otherwise, Oswald as a property would be more fitting of a park that honors the Walt Disney heritage/history. An Oswald attraction would fit in great at DCA actually, a park that's more outwardly honoring Walt himself.

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