Wednesday, con’t
I admit I was a bit worried that the Emporium wouldn’t have the exact Minnie band that needed to be replaced. I really liked that white band! Could it be possible that the battery was dead? But I’d only purchased the band in April! Why had it suddenly stopped working? Was it just a lemon?
So many thoughts running through my mind.
It took a few moments for us to find the MagicBand display.
And there it was.
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Woody couldn’t believe the transaction was as simple as handing the CM my voucher. Since we were leaving the park, I decided keep the band in its original packaging and link it myself once we got home.
And now, for
@MinnieM123 and any other sleuths out there, the REST OF THE STORY.
I threw away my “broken” band when I unpacked. A few days later I opened my new band and logged into my MDE account....where I discovered that
every MagicBand from 2017 and 2018 was missing from my account. (Bands from 2013-2016 were still there, listed as
Inactive since I had previously deactivated them.) A few of the “missing” bands were decorated with stickers that I planned to wear again. I decided to stay calm and fetched my decorative bands from the drawer.
I’ll just re-link them to my account, I thought smugly.
First I linked my new Minnie problem! Then I linked my Christmas-stickered band....success! But when I attempted to link the others I kept getting an error message. Rather than become exasperated, I decided to
“let it go” and simply order new stickers for future bands.
The following week these forums began to blow up with complaints of messed up resort reservations, friends and family members no longer linked, the inability to make fastpasses, missing fastpasses, missing ADRs ~ all due to “Magical Enhancements” to My Disney Experience. People were infuriated....and rightly so! I was reading of hours-long waits on the phone to Disney IT to get issues resolved ~ and sometimes it took more than one phone call.
I remember having a conversation with Woody about the MDE mess and smugly saying, “But everything is fine in my account.”
Until I went in to renew my AP.
In the past when I have renewed my AP, the new AP immediately appeared in my MDE account alongside the other ticket media (current AP, MVMCP ticket, Em’s AP). The renewal was automatically linked and I only had to stop by Guest Relations to pick up the yellow discount card.
However, this time I got a message saying I needed to go to Guest Relations in order to activate my AP.
Em’s AP is on the same renewal schedule as mine. When she renewed her AP, the new pass appeared in MDE linked and ready to go. No message to stop at Guest Relations to activate it.
I had a BIG problem. Without an “active” AP, I would not be able to make 60 Day fastpasses.
And my 60 days was less than a week away.
So I picked up the phone and dialed Disney. My estimated wait time was 20 minutes. Thirty minutes later my call was answered. I explained that I had renewed my AP but it wasn’t listed. My call was transferred....and the connection was lost.
I redialed. Once again my estimated wait time was 20 minutes. Twenty-five minutes later my call was answered. I explained my issue again and added that this was my SECOND call as the first call had been disconnected. The CM was very empathetic and promised to stay on the line with me. He could see that an AP had been purchased but (as I suspected) was not “active.”
He asked if there was a reference number on my receipt and I gave it to him. “Weird,” he said. “I cannot get that code to link.”
Tuvalu broke My Disney Experience. Again!!
Over the course of the next
two hours (most of it “on hold”) the CM and someone in IT worked on my account without success. The CM said my problem was now “escalated” and it could take as long as 72 hours before someone would get back to me.
In the meantime the clock was ticking down to FP day.