The nerve of some guest......


Original Poster
A few days ago I was working at character connections when there was a sweet little girl from the make a wish foundation. As some of you know, mickey and his friends will all gather around the child and family to take pictures and talk for a while.

Well this lady was in line to see minnie with her daughter when minnie is then pulled to go over to the make a wish foundation family. I was exit and all I saw was the lady walk over to one of the character attendants and started yelling. She then stormed past by me and me being nosy as ever went to go ask my friend who's a character attendant to see what happened.

Well the lady went up to the character attendant only to tell her "HOW DARE YOU PULL MINNIE AWAY FROM MY CHILD."

Ummmmmm......the character attendant shocked as she was tried to explain to her why they do that. I was dumbfounded that anyone would act that way!! She even came up to me after she stormed out to let me know that the family was lying!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?

And about two weeks ago, mickey was playing with this one little girl and brother for a long period of time since it is september and it's basically DEAD!! The freaking lady came up to me and wanted to know where guest relations was because she wanted to complain about the characters spending "TOO MUCH TIME WITH HER KIDS.!!!!" I seriously looked at her and told her ummm, that's their jobs....I just told her to calm down but she insisted on going over to guest relations. I just well, pointed her in the direction. OY VEY!! I tell you....sometimes guest make me wonder what's going on inside their heads.

On that note:

While at character connections there's no back tracking tollerated. If you notice that chip and dale have no people waiting in line and you're over with donald, don't get out of line only to go back to donald ~_~;;; We will tell you to go back in line. Characters are to be viewed one at a time. Be patient!! Don't get out of line!



Well-Known Member
I've said it before, I've said it again -- there's a special place in Heaven for WDW guest relations workers, cause they've already been through hell here on earth.


Well-Known Member
I'm just glad that I wasn't there during any of these incidents. As a guest myself, I would have given her a piece of my mind, and that wouldn't have been pretty.



New Member
The level of some peoples stupidity and arrogance never cease to amaze me

You guys deserve medals for your tollerence im damn sure i could not hold my tongue with some of the awful people i have seen in 'the world'


New Member
I would like to say that I hoped she felt an amazing amount of guilt and shame for what she did, but ppl like that rarely feel bad or guilty. People amaze me!!! I was once standing in line with my 2 year old nephew to meet Mickey...for his very first time, we were next in line and a cast member approched me and asked did we mind waiting just a few mintues...she said Mickey had a special guest to meet. I knew exactly what she meant and told her I did not mind waiting at all...of course I am not the type of person that would ever get mad in a situation like that. It was a great moment for this kid...meeting Mickey!!

and another thing...Mickey and the other characters are all over the park, all of the parks, at different times, all day long. That person is on vacation...what is the hurry???!!!!


I can't imagine complaining about characters spending too much time with my kids. What the heck are you there for? I sometimes try to send my kids through so others will have just as much time, but hey if the characters are having fun with them I don't say a word, you are in Disney to have a good time. Honestly I don't understand some people. And, I can't imagine yelling at a CM because a character had to leave. It happens all the time. I just say "It's alright, we will catch them later." No biggie. Then we wonder why young people are the way they are now. Look at their examples.


I admire people who work with guests, and customers in general. I spent a few years in customer service and had to leave because I just cannot handle the idea of having to be nice to stupid people.

That's one of the great things about my job (law enforcement), the customer is always wrong! :lol:


Active Member
People always amaze me. Even family (but that's another story not for this site as not Disney related). Like some have said your on vacation, relax and enjoy. Some people have no empathy for others, and what a devious mind for thinking they were faking it. They should feel sorry for them, and thankful that their family is healthy and can wait in line. I'm a very scheduled type person and don't like waiting in line (but who does), but you go to Disney you expect to wait in line, and things happen.

It's true too, the Disney CM's put up with a lot, and they deserve a lot of credit, especially for keeping there cool with all they have to put up with.


New Member
kind of like when my family and I were there in April. We were at epcot and I was pushing my grandmother in her wheel chair. There was a group of people next to me I'd say in there mid 20's. I watched this one girl that was clearly not pay attention walk in front of my grandmother and me. Well there was nothing I could do and I hit the back of her foot. I started to apologize but I guess she didnt hear me cause she start to swear at me and calling me an idiot. Now there were children all over and I told her to calm down because of the way she was acting and yelling, but didnt want to hear that and my wife told her not to me like she was. So to I guess defuse the situation I shut me mouth and ketp on walking and could hear her friends yell at her for how she was talking and how she wasnt paying any attention and that it was her fault.
I am sure it's hard for you to bite your tounge in a situation like that. I work in a customer service field and sometimes it takes all you have not to scream at someone's stupidity!:zipit:


Well-Known Member
At times like that, it might be nice to hand the b**** (female dog, the word for which rhymes with stitch) a brochure describing the Make A Wish foundation.

Take heart in the fact that people like her generally die young, to the relief and general elation of those around them.

Of course, the better part of me may assume that this person was just having a bad day, but . . .


New Member
I've worked in retail all my life. And there is no way I could have gotten through it if it wasn't for something my father told me when I was young.

When you encounter people like the lady above just think how horrible it must be to live life like that, every little thing bothering you!

It takes a lot to get my dander up, and I have a great day everyday!

46 Days to go!!!!!


New Member
I too have had a similar incident involvings characters and Make a Wish kids. About 2 years ago, we were at the Camp Minnie Mickey in AK and we were in line to see the characters from Brother Bear ( I believe) and a small little girl and her parents walked up the exit with a CM and politely waited until the child who was having his picture taken with the characters was finished, then walked up to have their picture taken. This poor little girl was the most pitiful thing I have seen, and I actually teared up watching her with the characters. Well, we were next in line, and we did not care at ALL to let this little girl go ahead of us, but the lady behind us was the most RUDE person I have seen in a while. She huffed and puffed and kept looking around us like the family was taking too much time ( the family stayed long enough to have their picture taken and for the bears to give the little girl and her family extra big hugs). This woman continued to mutter under her breath how ridiculous this was, and how long they were taking. I will never understand people.


Well-Known Member
We were at Animal Kingdom earlier this month. My sons were waiting to see Chip and Dale. There was a woman with her young son and what looked like Grandma taking a picture. Well they finished up and I said to my boys "your turn guys" and they proceeded to Chip and Dale. Well, it turns out the "Grandma" lady was a mum with a young child we did not see. I called my boys back and said oh I'm sorry we thought you were with the last people. Well the lady made some comment about older kids (mine are 12 and 7) and taking turns. Okay my kids came back and said sorry. We really did not see the child and it did appear like the people were together.

Chip and Dale were great though. They made some gesture to my sons like uh oh or something then came back to them as soon as the other people were done. They handled it wonderfully. My boys took it all in stride. If a person does not want to accept an appology it is there problem not ours.


New Member
You can't please all the people all the time. In fact, Mickey should have smacked that ladies' kids and sent them running, would she have preferred that because it wouldn't take that much time? :lookaroun :hammer:

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