The Living Seas: Through the Grapevine


Park History nut
Premium Member
Terrorist threat? Possible, but whats to stop someone (God forbid) attacking the windows in Seabase Alpha as opposed to in the tunnel? I do`nt want to go into details, but same outcome.

How can they call it insurance problems if you are warned by the loading spiel not to standup, stick arms and legs out etc.? Surely if you go ahead and do it anyway its you own fault?

Sounds more like $$$ (or cents) saving...


IMO,It is a simple equation,

Have sponsor = Have Money = Have a ride

When LS gets the nemo rehab finished they will get a sponsor and the seacabs should come back, if they dont come back after that i think you can forget about the seacabs


Active Member
Originally posted by marni1971
How can they call it insurance problems if you are warned by the loading spiel not to standup, stick arms and legs out etc.? Surely if you go ahead and do it anyway its you own fault?

Sounds more like $$$ (or cents) saving...

Marni, this is the USA. We are a VERY litigious (sp?) country. People will sue for any and every stupid reason. Who can forget the women who sued McDonald's for spilling coffee on her lap. Why anyone would hold a styrofoam cup of coffee between their legs in a moving vehicle I still can't understand, but she did and sued McDonald's. What's worse is the fact that the 12 jurors decided she deserved $9 million dollars. Thankfully this was appealed. I don't know the current status of this case. It just illustrates the feeling among many people that the bad that happens to them is not their fault. Be responsible, be accountable. Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now.


New Member
My wife and I did the Dive Quest tour at TLS over this past Thanksgiving holiday. During the dive I looked into the tunnel and the see-cabs are still in place and I did not see any evidence of water leaking. After the dive, I talked with one of our Divemasters who stated there are plans to re-open the sea-cabs in the near future, possibly this summer. He told me all they have to do is tear down the walls blocking the load and unload areas and turn the system on.


New Member
About this absurd terrorist threat business. Whoever beleives that is pretty gullible :lol: . Come on, terrorists have a tendency to hit more high profile targets such as government buildings (Oklahoma City) and large notable buildings with numerous people in them like the WTC and the Pentagon.

Imagine the news that night. "Terrorists struck the Living Seas, an aquarium attraction at Disney's Epcot in Florida. It is suspected the bombers hid a bomb in the Sea Cabs." Give me a break.

People have said that Cinderella's Castle is a target, which I would say it is a very notable building, but not one that symbolises the power of the United States therefore the odds of even that being attacted are pretty slim.


New Member
OK, wait a minute. I'll conceed tha the sea cabs may have been closed for safety reasons (accidental or otherwise). But it's been three years now. You would think they would build something to draw a crowd.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by StevenT
About this absurd terrorist threat business. Whoever beleives that is pretty gullible :lol: . Come on, terrorists have a tendency to hit more high profile targets such as government buildings (Oklahoma City) and large notable buildings with numerous people in them like the WTC and the Pentagon.

Imagine the news that night. "Terrorists struck the Living Seas, an aquarium attraction at Disney's Epcot in Florida. It is suspected the bombers hid a bomb in the Sea Cabs." Give me a break.

People have said that Cinderella's Castle is a target, which I would say it is a very notable building, but not one that symbolises the power of the United States therefore the odds of even that being attacted are pretty slim.

Actually..WDW is a high profile target :)


I wouldn't think that a terrorist is going to go after the fish tank in the Living Seas. Yeah, it's a huge tank, but it's not the major target these lunatics go after. The one problem I guess would be if the tanks did open up, then the Hydrolators wouldn't work, and people would be stuck down in Sea Base Alpha for a while.

I would imagine a terrorist going after Spaceship Earth more. This isn't a suggestion, but if all supports were, um, let's say eliminated, then the sphere could roll away. It would be like 1941. Although I don't think it was built to sustain long distance rolling.


Well-Known Member
I would imagine a terrorist going after Spaceship Earth more. This isn't a suggestion, but if all supports were, um, let's say eliminated, then the sphere could roll away. It would be like 1941. Although I don't think it was built to sustain long distance rolling.
That just makes me think of that episode of Secret Secret Squirel where the villian(a microscopic being) knocks down landmarks at the four corners of the United States. In Florida, he takes an atom out of the supports of Spaceship Earth, causing it to roll away.[


Originally posted by DonaldDuck
I wouldn't think that a terrorist is going to go after the fish tank in the Living Seas. Yeah, it's a huge tank, but it's not the major target these lunatics go after. The one problem I guess would be if the tanks did open up, then the Hydrolators wouldn't work, and people would be stuck down in Sea Base Alpha for a while.

I would imagine a terrorist going after Spaceship Earth more. This isn't a suggestion, but if all supports were, um, let's say eliminated, then the sphere could roll away. It would be like 1941. Although I don't think it was built to sustain long distance rolling.

The "how far could SE roll if it was knocked off of its supports" debate has been around since the late 80s. Many scientists point to the fact that the original designs called for perfectly smooth globe. Rumor has it that those plans were scrapped for the current multi-sided design, the theory being that it would roll to a stop before getting very far. For some, the debate was settled in 1986 when Living Seas opened. Word quickly 'leaked' out that the Living Seas was designed to be big enough to hold SE in its aquarium - - a fact officially verified by Disney. What has not been officially verified is that crumple-zone pathways have been installed to the right of SE to channel the big ball into the LS aquarium should it ever come free from its supports. This theory has never been tested due to the obvious cost involved.


I'm probably wrong, but I would swear that the seacabs have been closed longer than 3 years.

really, people jump out of Spaceship Earth? How stupid.


New Member
Originally posted by johnvree
The "how far could SE roll if it was knocked off of its supports" debate has been around since the late 80s. Many scientists point to the fact that the original designs called for perfectly smooth globe. Rumor has it that those plans were scrapped for the current multi-sided design, the theory being that it would roll to a stop before getting very far. For some, the debate was settled in 1986 when Living Seas opened. Word quickly 'leaked' out that the Living Seas was designed to be big enough to hold SE in its aquarium - - a fact officially verified by Disney. What has not been officially verified is that crumple-zone pathways have been installed to the right of SE to channel the big ball into the LS aquarium should it ever come free from its supports. This theory has never been tested due to the obvious cost involved.
I find it very hard to believe that the ball could actually roll away. I believe that it is all one structure. Taking out any of the "supports" would make the building crumple, not roll. This is just too sad to even think about. The fact that we live in a world where this is even a possiblity (someone destroying a building for a cause) is so depressing.


Originally posted by popkid
hmm... would SE float in the living seas?
Of course it wouldn't float. But that hope is that the dolphins would be able to balance on their noses until a crane could be secured to put it back on its supports.


Well-Known Member
That's what I keep telling everybody - that's the real reason they put up those photo stone things in front of Spaceship Earth - in case it blows away! : )

Spaceship Earth would not be able to move. If you look at the contruction photos of it, you would notice that it is really a shell that surrounds the building - the two supports and the building behind it are supporting the inner structure (whick is a giant helix). The outter skin is supported off of that.

But wouldn't it be cool if the had made it so that it could float independantly? Like the floating stone in Tomorrowland - the shell could just float there.


New Member
Originally posted by cloudboy

Spaceship Earth would not be able to move. If you look at the contruction photos of it, you would notice that it is really a shell that surrounds the building - the two supports and the building behind it are supporting the inner structure (whick is a giant helix). The outter skin is supported off of that.


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