The little pleasures of a Disney World trip...What are your favorites?


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Little Pleasures

Well, I would have to say that the first time that my daughter stepped onto Main Street for her first trip this past January. The looks she had on her face with each new experience.

Taking pictures with her every chance that I got. Riding the same rides with her for the first time, that my parents had taken me on so many years ago.

Carrying her on my shoulders for 6 days straight, (she was 7 at the time), and not complaining, but wishing I had more time with her.

Of all the times that I have gotten to go, too numerous to mention, these are my simple pleasures.

Memories shared with my daughter on her first trip to WDW!!!


New Member
Re: Little Pleasures

Originally posted by HennieBogan1966
Well, I would have to say that the first time that my daughter stepped onto Main Street for her first trip this past January. The looks she had on her face with each new experience.

Taking pictures with her every chance that I got. Riding the same rides with her for the first time, that my parents had taken me on so many years ago.

Carrying her on my shoulders for 6 days straight, (she was 7 at the time), and not complaining, but wishing I had more time with her.

Of all the times that I have gotten to go, too numerous to mention, these are my simple pleasures.

Memories shared with my daughter on her first trip to WDW!!!

Ok, you're making me want to cry.:cry: Your post reminds me of my first trip(well technically 2nd, but I was less than a year old on my first trip) to WDW and spending time with my dad. I just gave him a picture this past christmas of him and me in front of Horizons. I remember that trip so well. I wish I was little again to do it all over again. Thanks for the post! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Re: Little Pleasures

Originally posted by HennieBogan1966
Well, I would have to say that the first time that my daughter stepped onto Main Street for her first trip this past January. The looks she had on her face with each new experience.

Taking pictures with her every chance that I got. Riding the same rides with her for the first time, that my parents had taken me on so many years ago.

Carrying her on my shoulders for 6 days straight, (she was 7 at the time), and not complaining, but wishing I had more time with her.

Of all the times that I have gotten to go, too numerous to mention, these are my simple pleasures.

Memories shared with my daughter on her first trip to WDW!!!

Next year will be my daughters first trip. She will be just 4 at the time. I am very excited to share new memories with her. Some of the best times of my life were spent with my family at WDW back in the 70s. I still talk to my father about those times all of the time. We get wrapped up in the past, it is a nice feeling. I would be nice to be able to be that kid again holding his hand as we walked through the park. But next year, I will be he and my daughter will be me. I am so looking forward to it.


Well-Known Member
1.) Drive in from Airport.

2.) Segway at Epcot.

3.) Innoventions Plaza Fountain

4.) Pizza from Electric Umbrella

5.) E-Ticket night (where you come up with things like Urinations 2000:Reflections of Toilet Water at 2am while hyped up on caffiene)

6.) Seeing the 'This Way To The Muppets' sign infront of the ABC Commensary.

7.) RESORT TV :sohappy:

8.) Easy Mac at Old Key West.

9.) Epcot Enterence Music (with all the pavilion theme songs)

10.) Cheating with the Fastpasses... :lookaroun


Active Member
The smell of the lobby at the Poly, this tells me we're home. Then you get on the monorail at the Poly, make that stop at the Grand Floridiah where we video-tape a shot of a palm tree. We have a picture of this palm tree in every WDW vacation video we have taken. Why you ask? You're not on vacation until you see a palm tree. Sure, we've see the trees at the airport, we just aren't ready to video tape anything until we get to the GF stop on the monorail.

Also, I love to stand/sit near a character, especially Mickey and watch all the little ones get their picture taken. The looks on their faces is priceless. Reminds me of my son when he first visited WDW. He's 16 now and still loves the world.


New Member
ToT, riding it as many time as I can.

Resort TV

Having a Dole Whip

Riding the monorail

Casey's, how about just eating period, everywhere.

Adventurer's Club, love going there!

Relaxing by the pool.

Just being there is enough for me :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Billy6
3) the strawberry swirls are good too..anyone ever had um?
they are across from the teacups..:slurp:

I never have but I will make a point to do it now. I probably never did because not one person will do the teapcups with me. I have not been on them since I was a kid.


Well-Known Member
They are right across from the tea cups...behind Cosmic Rays, and right before Whinnie the Pooh ride...

A little hut...I didnt know it was there until I really looked..i think I had 2 or 3 that day..

Allthough, my sisters ate most of it.....scavengers!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Billy6
They are right across from the tea cups...behind Cosmic Rays, and right before Whinnie the Pooh ride...

A little hut...I didnt know it was there until I really looked..i think I had 2 or 3 that day..

Allthough, my sisters ate most of it.....scavengers!!!!!!

Thanks for the info. I will be all over it. :slurp:


Trophy Husband
This is one of the all-time greatest threads!:sohappy: I'm reading through these and saying: "Yeah! That one too! Yeah, I love that."

I could probably list about 100 things, but I think the one thing that gets me every time is seeing this sign:



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
This is one of the all-time greatest threads!:sohappy: I'm reading through these and saying: "Yeah! That one too! Yeah, I love that."

I could probably list about 100 things, but I think the one thing that gets me every time is seeing this sign:


ah yes that sign! of course! i could be taking a nap in the back of our windstar but when my mom wakes us up to see the sign that just perks us up and we can't wait to get to the hotel and hit the parks :D



Well-Known Member

Seeing the cash register at Zawadi Marketplace hit $300 before you're even finished with your transaction, and you've only been there 10 minutes! :lol:


New Member
I have to agree that this is one of the better threads as of recently

Anyway, here goes...

- definitely resort TV

- EPCOT theme park music

- Refillable Mugs

- smell of the tap water, and all of the other distinct smells


Well-Known Member
oh yeah..that sign..everytime I go I have to get a pic from the car, driving under it...yeah!!!..

i have a few more...

1) looking for Hidden Mickeys!!! all forgot to add that...

2)walking down that long, winding walkway to get to see Flick

3) scorching hot summer days, : cool, air conditioned ride queues

4) " Ed Rooney" from Ferris Bueller aka..............................????
Does anyone know who he plays?

5) the hairy leg


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Little Pleasures

Well, I forgot to mention about the picture with Mickey. My daughter has had a sort of phobia about people dressed as characters. (goes back to a bad experience with a clown at a circus) Anyway, she had been asking for a pair of Mickey hands, so we got them for her. And wouldn't ya know it, the only character that we could get her to take a picture with was Mickey himself.

And she was such a ham during the picture. But with it having been her first trip, it was a very special moment for me. It brought back years of vacations there as a child with various family members bringing me there for vacation.

Just another one of my simple pleasures there.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Billy6
4) " Ed Rooney" from Ferris Bueller aka..............................????
Does anyone know who he plays?

5) the hairy leg

Poor Chairman Clench it soon to be no more...

I sure hope you are not talking about my leg!


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Original Poster
Remind me the next time I'm in WDW to get a Dole Whip and keep my eyes peeled for Hidden Mickeys.

Another small pleasure is interacting with face characters. It brings an element of reality to characters of fantasy. You enter the park, and it's not a guy in Arabian dress. It's Aladdin himself. Nor is it a redhead in a fin costume and a fake seashell bra. It's actually Ariel.

I still feel that way, and I'm pushing 21.

The Disney Magic does that to ya, I suppose.:cool:


John "big80sanddisney" Kilduff

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