The Indiana Jones Poll


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I don't get it. When I read the comments on the forum, everyone is generally against the ride cloning that is occuring between the parks. Then Goofy23 puts up a poll (I like the poll, BTW) about whether D should get rid of the Indiana Jones Stunt Show or not. As of this writing, the poll is overwhelmingly (81.58%) in favor tearing it down an PUTTING IN A CLONE of the Indy ride from Disneyland? I don't really care if the Stunt Show gets removed, but let's get some originality back to the parks! STOP THE CLONING!!! :hammer: Am I missing something, here?
I say GET RID OF IT. It was cool the first time I saw it. Now it's OLD. I'd be willing to say keep it as long as they update it with a new show or something. There is so much they could do here with the Indy theme and don't.


New Member
I think the reason people would be in favor of the Indiana Jones ride from DL is because IT IS SUCH A GOOD RIDE! At the same time, we have all these clones that are a whole lot less exciting, (Motors, Action, Stunt Show) coming in. As much as I love the Indy ride, I'm all for something new.


New Member
The poll says to put in a ride. It doesn't specify any particular one. It could be the Disneyland version, the Disneyland Paris ride, or something entirely new.


Well-Known Member
i dont care for cloning but id prefet that we get something that one of the foreign parks have, like the journey to the center of the earth. i could care less if it is a clone, i have .00000000001% of ever going to japan so i would love that to come here. as far as replacing indy stunt show for the ride im for that just because im not a fan of it, once was good enough for me.


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Homer78 said:
The poll says to put in a ride. It doesn't specify any particular one. It could be the Disneyland version, the Disneyland Paris ride, or something entirely new.

No. It says put in the ride. The assumption being the Indiana Jones ride in DL. I understand that the Indy ride is awesome, but each park needs it's own character. As I stated orginally, getting rid of the Indy stunt show doesn't bother me, but replace it with something original. The results surprised me a bit, that's all. :cool:


Well-Known Member
I absolutly LOVE Indiana Jones, and while I agree the show could use some updates and I still see it everytime I'm there. As far as the ride goes, I think it would be great if they put a ride there and I personally wouldn't mind at all if it was a "clone" because I have never been to DL and I always hear of how great that ride is.


Well-Known Member
Personally I could care less about what happens with Indy. It's been since 1997 when I saw it last and I have no plans on going back. But now that another stunt show is being built in the same park, it would only make sense to tear it down and build something else.


Active Member
I like the Indiana Jones show as well, but it gets old when you know every word, every move they are going to make, and every other thing about the show. I see it everytime, but it is in desperate need of something to change it. It does not even need to be a ride...change the script, scenes, etc.


New Member
I haven't seen the stunt show myself but the last time that i visited the indy ride at Disneyland, i had a lot of fun. It had very good theming, all up to where you got onto the ride. And the ride itself gives multiple results as well, i think someone said that there are 24 different versions of the ride, that means you could go on it once and then go on it again and it wouldn't be completely the same. But since i haven't seen the stunt show, i'm not voting. heh


New Member
I agree to some extent that WDW needs new rides, not clones, in reality most people only visit one park or the other, not both on a regular basis. I visit both every year, and I don't get tired of either one or the rides. I think something needs to be done with the Indy stunt show, maybe just an update, and I would be thrilled to see the ride come to MGM, its a great ride.


Well-Known Member
We already have THE Indy ride. Dinosaur uses the same vehicles and track layout as Indy. Building a clone of the ride would be the same thing as all the Dumbo clones (same ride, different theme). If we are getting a Indy ride, I want something COMPLETELY different. No clone. None whatsoever.


Active Member
I haven't been to Disney Seas, but my understanding is that Indy there is a clone of DL with just a slightly different theme. All in all, basically the same ride.

Yes, Indy is fantastic, but I hope there would be enough budget to make some upgrades or different show scenes or something. I'm so over the clones.

With the exact same ride layout over at Animal Kingdom with Dinosaur, I would hope there would be some changes to that as well. I'm not saying don't put that ride system in because there is one over at AK (that would be like saying you couldn't have more than one steel coaster in WDW). Just take what you've learned and improve on it.


Well-Known Member
As thrilling as Indy once was, it's age is really showing. While I'm almost never for the removal of attractions to make way for new ones (I don't think I'll ever get over Horizons and WoM), I'd 1000% rather see a new version of the Indy dark-ride instead of the stunt-show. Maybe a combination of the Paris backwards coaster and the DL dark-ride. Although Indy is good at eating crowds, the new motor show will compensate. Most people still feel, even post-ToT and RnR, that MGM is still lacking in rides. Although AK is obviously the park most in need, MGM still has yet to really complete that second phase. One more E-ticket would bring it to that level.



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dizneeboy said:
Yes, Indy is fantastic, but I hope there would be enough budget to make some upgrades or different show scenes or something. I'm so over the clones.

by how things are going they would close down to "rehab" the attraction for 6 months and change nothing but instead of the guy in a pink hawaiian shirt, he could wear a pink....bowling shirt

im still for the ride clone or not, i would beat up anyone who complained about journey to the center of the earth coming here because it was a clone of a ride on the other side of the earth.


Well-Known Member
I don't think as many people are against "clones" as you think. If it's a good ride (like the Indy ride at DL is), or improves on the original, then it's not a problem. It's when they make a low-rent version (like DCA's ToT) that isn't even as good as the moderately well-done original that there is a problem. For instance, I was disapointed the first time I rode ToT years ago, and was like, "That's it? One room?" I thought there would be a lot more to the ride. Now they put in the ride, without even that, at DCA, so it's a bland photocopy of something that wasn't terribly wonderful to begin with.

Cloning a good ride is a good thing - especially when they make it a better ride. It's just that Disney hasn't done that for a long time. Let's hope they do with Indy - that show is so tired at this point, with the same jokes since 1989 that were only mildly amusing to begin with. Sure, it's cool to watch all that stuff - but I'd much rather be in the ride, where I can EXPERIENCE it for myself.



Well-Known Member
i agreee with you 100%. the dumbo clones are what get under my skin. i cant get enough of the dinosaur type ride theres so much that can be done with it. even if its on the same track and same ride vehicle but it had different AA's it makes it a completely different ride. my dream is the have a haunted mansion ride with that type of ride system i just never tire of it. not that i will ever tire of the haunted mansion but you know what i mean.


Active Member
bhg469 said:
dizneeboy said:
Yes, Indy is fantastic, but I hope there would be enough budget to make some upgrades or different show scenes or something. I'm so over the clones.

by how things are going they would close down to "rehab" the attraction for 6 months and change nothing but instead of the guy in a pink hawaiian shirt, he could wear a pink....bowling shirt

im still for the ride clone or not, i would beat up anyone who complained about journey to the center of the earth coming here because it was a clone of a ride on the other side of the earth.

I was refering to the dark ride in Disneyland, not the stunt show. Thought the rest of my post indicated that. Sorry it wasn't clear.


Well-Known Member
IMO, they should tear it down and put in an Indiana Jones ride. However, he ride should be different from the others, but the same general concept (Same ride vehicles, etc.)

Also, I like some of the cloning. I think they shoud make a DisenySeas in WDW and change Space Mtn. to the Euro Space Mtn.

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