The Imagineer 2-- Round 1, Project 1 (Due 2/24, 8pm EST!)


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Project #1: Asante Sana Squash Banana

Back in Room #101: Imagineering Briefing Room in Glendale, CA…

Mater: Hey guys! Is everyone excited to start the game?

(Uproarious cheers of happiness)

Mater: Great! I hope you all had fun by yourselves, because we’re splittin’ into teams! Our favorites from the last competition will now become the team leaders. Remember, you’ll be in these teams for the first part of the competition:

Team A: Team Leader-- Stitchcastle

Team B: Team Leader-- Jasonflz

Mater: Everyone settled? Cool. Before we get to our challenge, we need a team name, Disney related, for each team. Now, your first real challenge we have a special guest! All the way from Conservation Station, it’s our friend Rafiki!

(Rafiki hobbles in with his big stick-cane through the guest door)

Rafiki: Eh, Mater! Nice seeing you! OoOoOOoOo! Looks like we got a nice bunch of future Imagineers here!

Mater: That’s right, Rafiki. (Points to the 2 team leaders) These were the best 2 Imagineers last round, jasonflz and stitchcastle

(Rafiki walks up to them and merely looks at them.)

Mater: Rafiki has chosen two lands, DinoLand USA and Africa that each of your teams will have one land. You each have to create a “weenie” for your respective lands. A weenie is a large, interesting object that guests will be drawn to when they move around the land. Weenies direct traffic flow and provide beauty and story for their respective areas.

Rafiki: Just like when the mosquitoes fly to the light! Ha ha!

Mater: Right!

Disneyson: Awesome! So you can, like, put a show, a rollercoaster, and 3 gift shops in it!! This is gonna be awesome!

(Rafiki smacks Disneyson 1 on the head with the stick)

Rafiki: NO! You are only allowed ONE shop OR a walkthrough!

Disneyson: OW! That hurts!

Rafiki: It doesn’t matter; it’s in the past!

(TrevorA shakes his head in disapproval… as Rafiki heads out the door he came from…)

Rafiki: Well then, I believe my work here is done! Goodbye for now! Hah hah! “Asante sana, squash banana, wewe nugu, mimi hapana…”

(He exits)

Mater: So use these facts, your teammate’s knowledge of Animal Kingdom’s lands, online resources, and whatever else to make the best weenies for DAK ever!

Challenge: Create a Weenie for one of Disney’s Animal Kingdom’s lands

In the last challenge, Practice Project 1, overall stitchcastle was at the top of ALL of our lists, so Stitchcastle your team will have first choice on which land you’d like to work with, Dinoland USA, or Africa. And which ever one stitchcastle’s team doesn’t want, jasonflz’s team will. PLEASE PM ME YOUR DECISION BY 3pm EST THIS AFTERNOON (Saturday February 20th). Also BOTH TEAMS please choose a name for your team (Disney related) and PM to me before the ending of Project 1.

- Go with theme or area
- attracts visitors to the area
- doesn’t have to have anything in it, BUT if you wish, nothing more than a Walkthrough or a shop.

Due: Wednesday February 24th, 2010 at 8pm EST!!!

We will be discussing the judging process later today. So stay tuned. For now, be sure to get crackin on you projects, they’re due WEDNESDAY!

NOTE: No one person will have a “specific” job. This is a TEAM effort.

Once again, project 'dialogue' done by Disneyson.


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I suggest each team starts their own "thread" to brainstorm ideas, etc.



Active Member
In the Parks
Good luck guys, and be sure to get working! You only have until Wednesday.

I'll post the judging process in a little bit, after I finish with my comments from Practice Project II.



Active Member
In the Parks
Okay, here we go. For those of you who were with us last year, the whole of the contest was based around STORY. That was the main aspect that the judges were looking for, because everything must have a story. This season is all about THEME. Similar to the philosophy from season one, everything must have a theme. Everything must fit with each other like a puzzle, and the theme should surround us, penetrate us, and bind us together (oops, I'm getting a little too Obi-Wan Kenobi).

Anyway, back to the judging. It's simple: we're going to rate each team's project out of ten, based on theme. After that, we will give our comments and form a decision on which project is better. Here's the new part. After the judges are finished critiquing, we are going to open up a poll thread. That's when you, the WDWMagic public, will vote on your favorite project. Afterward, we will combine the scores of the judges and the votes and find ourselves a winner.

Here's the not-so-fun part. Once we come up with a winning project, the losing team will have to drop a player. The team leader will choose two contestants of whom he feels were the least vital to the team effort. Then, the two players and the team leader will give us one post on "Why they should stay in the game". We will read the posts, and decide which player will leave the game.

I don't know if this has been said before, but the team leader will switch after every project; so, don't worry if you really wanted the position. After this project, the team leaders will be chosen by the players for the remaining projects in Round 1, so you'll have plenty of chances.

I hope this little explanation helped. Please post if you have any questions.



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REMINDER: stitchcastle has until 3pm EST this afternoon to PM his decision for what land he and his team wants..

IF he doesnt choose by 3pm i will be choosing from a hat :)

NOTE this time has been changed


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Team project overall, THEN when we add and average our 5 judges score + the Public Hour Poll out of 10 each. Then the team with the highest AVERAGED score will be the winner. Then the team who looses, leader chooses two ppl who he thinks contributed the least then they each tell us why should stay. ANd we (TrevorA and I) decide who stays and who goes.

(I hope that helps)


Active Member
Woah. Looks like I stumbled into something very cool. Wish I had known about this sooner, but oh well. Good luck to everyone.

Disneyson 1

New Member
By the way guys, all these practice projects are telling me this is going to be a really great season (well, hard to grade, buuut...)!! Remember that

- The Devil is in the detail!
- Story is key; Safety is a necessity
- Usually, if something can't be "created", story can fill in the blanks
- Teamwork can make a dream work!!!


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Projects are due TOMORROW at 8pm EST!

Also, just an FYI for our "public vote" we will be starting AS SOON AS WE SEE both projects rae posted. SO if you BOTH POST BEFORE 8pm the poll will go up BEFORE 8pm. BUT if you both post closer to 8pm, the public poll will be up from 8pm to 9pm EST!!!


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I know trevor has posted this before but i have edited it and changed it a bit for easier understanding (hopefully)

Here is how Judging Process works:
1) Projects posted
1.5) the teams leader will both send me WHO they think contributed the least (2 peopl)
2) Each judge gives each project a # between 1 and 5 (5 is the best) based on their use of theming and story. (based on the poll the winning will get 5 and other team will get 2.5)
3) The scores will be added and averaged (since we have 5 judges and a public vote, it will be divided by 6)
4) If a TIE OCCURS then the team the highest score from me and TrevorA added together is the winner.
5) Loosing team leader and members will be notified (if they were chosen as the 'bottom two') to "defend themeselves"
6) TrevorA and I choose the person who will be eliminated.

Disneyson 1

New Member
^^ As I understand, that's BOTH team leaders that have to give in the "bottom 2", so it's a little fairer and puts everyone on guard. The final 2 should be given as soon as projects are posted and the project is officially "over".


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As projects begin to roll in, i would like to tell you all that ManEatingWreath has dropped out of the competition, incase his team was wondering. So, because of that, there will be no elimination this round. But please get your projects in ontime, AND then i will post the Project 2, later tonight (tmrw morning) once we announce the winner. SO Judges.. if you will INSTEAD of sending me a number, for the two projects, just post your feeback HERE for this porject, then TrevorA and I will decide which ones "won", and then that team will have a minute advantage in the next project.

Hope you all understand.

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
Description- Our structure would be a radio tower that appears to be made of Dinosaur bones. The top would feature a meterorite and a peradactyl circling the top. Bilboards for Dinoland attractions,bands that are heard on the station,and the Dino Institute would be on it. There would be a store in the base of the tower. It would be located across from Dinorama,in what currently is an open concrete area near the Boneyard. The radio station was founded by the Dino Institute,and taken over by Chester and Hester.


Location in relation to Dinorama:

Here is a sketch of the building:

Station Logo:

Details-The building would house the 65M.AStudios (Taken from 65 Million years Ago). It would feature Chester and Hester as the hosts of the radio broadcast,which would be played in and out of the studio. The outside of the building would use the vibrant colors from Dinorama.

Here are examples of some of the bilboards that you may see on the tower::

Some examples of bands and songs broadcast on the station:
AC/BC- Pterodactyl (Parody of Highway to Hell, seriously sing Pterodactyl over Highway to Hell and it does work)
The Rolling Bones- A Hard Paleolithic's Night
T-Rex feat Trixie- The Dino Sleeps Tonight (Hey, this could even be sung by Rex and Trixie from Toy Story 3)
Rappin' Raptors- The Dino-Rap Song
Boney Z- Dino Cool (Parody of Daddy Cool)
Was (Not Was)- Walk The Dinosaur (The Original)
The Cretaceous Crew- Jurassic Rock (Parody of Jailhouse Rock)
Rockin Rexes- Dancing Like A Stegosauras
Stegosmith- Stalk This Way
X-Tinction- Say Hello My Pretty Meteor

Examples for some banter between Chester and Hester:
Chester: Chester and Hester here on the radio to remind you all to stop by Stone Age Rock, our very own music store right here in Dinoland, USA.

Hester: Nothing can make your long journey drive home better than a catchy tune or a memorable melody!

Chester: All your 65 MA favorites are on sale, including fan favorites like: Pterro and the Datcylls, The Bronto Boys, rap artist T Rex, and of course those bad boys of rock and roll, the Snarling Raptors.

Hester: We'll be spinning that vinyl here for you all day and night, but why not take a tune or two home with you.

Chester: That's Chester and Hester's Stone Age Rock, located right beneath our radio tower here in the heart of all your favorite attractions.

Tie in to Land description- As stated above,the station was founded by the Dino Institute. Chester and Hester later took it over. The boney structure would fit in to the main part of Dinoland,with the bright colors fitting in with Dinorama,making the transition less jarring. The bilboards advertising Dinoland attractions would further convey the link between the satation and its surroundings. Props in the store like this sign would take the connection further:
Be sure to vist the rest
of Dinoland
and all it has to offer!

-~ 65M.A ~-
Between the last line and the station logo would read:

Especially Chester and Hester's Dinorama!

So it would look as if Chester or Hester wrote it.

Store description-The stores name would be "Stone Age Rock". It would sell Disney CD's,as well as a CD of Dinosaur themed music,similar to tracks and artists listed above. The store,having been founded by the Dino Institute,has more elegant colors on the walls (see station logo above),but the shelving for all items have the bright colors from Dinorama. The store was once office space for the station,but Chester and Hester,always out to make a buck,changed it to a store. Signs and props in the store would promote Dinoland,especially Dinorama!(See connection to land,above).

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
Note to judges: I have posted here now to give our team time to read it and suggest changes. So that may not be the final product. I will let you know when things are finalized.

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