The Imagineer 2--R1, Project 3


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Think of this as a NEW BEGINNING! All teams start over, no one has been eliminated (sorry for the unevenness), a new juding process will be put up within the next couple of days. Now on to Project 3!

Project #3: Boo… to… you!

Back In Glendale…

Mater: Hey guys, thank goodness we finally have some sort of sense of normality since Sid left... Anyway, it’s time to bring in another one of our special guests. A man that needs no introduction, may I present Mr. Jack Skellington from Halloween Town!

(Enters in through the Guest Door, takes a couple of bows, then begins)

Jack: Hello everyone. I’m glad you could help me with a small problem that I’m having…

Mater: …problem? Oh no, not another one…

Jack: You see, the citizens of our fair Halloween Town and I are growing bored of our annual haunting of the Magic Kingdom, and I just can’t think of any new ideas to spice things up…

Disneyson 1: Maybe you could try planting fart bombs in “it’s a small world!”

(TheMadHatter hits Disneyson 1 over the head)

Disneyson: OW!

Jack: No, that’s just irritating, not scary…. I’ve got it! Do you folks mind if you could maybe try creating a new Halloween overlay for one of the attractions of The Magic Kingdom? I’d love to try to get more and more of the park in the Halloween spirit!

Mater: Well, this is a MUCH better idea than I had before…

Jack: Now remember, you don’t NEED to include me or any of my friends in the overlay. We encourage you to be creative! As long as it’s frightfully fun then we’ll be more than delighted! We’ve already got plenty of ideas for the Haunted mansion and Space Mountain, so you needn’t worry about that. Remember, the devil is in the details!

CHALLENGE: Choose a ride and create a “Frightfully Fun” overlay for the Halloween Season!

-Original idea for overlay in Magic Kingdom (cannot use Haunted Mansion, Small World, or Space Mountain
-Fits with story (if new story, how does it connect?)

Due: Saturday March 6th 9pm EST

This is first come first serve BY TEAM LEADERS, they will send me a PM as to which attraction in the Magic Kingdom you would like to overlay. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE!


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I would have to say no.. Not at this point.

AND Goofy's Brainstormers have chosen Jungle Cruise, SO any other MK attraction is up for grabs for the CnDIR (except Hm and Space Mtn), just let me knwo when you choose.


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Just letting you all know that im trying NOT to look at your threads SO ifyou have a question or concern either PM me OR post here in THIS thread.

Just letting you know.


New Member
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How the NEW judging will work:
1) Projects turned in
2) BOTH Team Leaders send bottom two and a 24 hour poll is set up.
3) Judges send me their Favorite team with compliments. (they have 24 hours)
4) Poll closes and I take the team with the most votes and announce winner, send info to bottom two
5) in the mean time the teams will be choose their new team leader
6)the next morning I will let the eliminee know and post project


Active Member
In the Parks
Mater might post this later, but he wrote out the new process for the judging:

1) Projects turned in
2) BOTH Team Leaders send bottom two and a 24 hour poll is set up.
3) Judges send us their Favorite team with compliments. (they have 24 hours)
4) Poll closes and we take the team with the most votes and announce winner, send info to bottom two
5) in the mean time the teams will be choosing their new team leader
6)the next morning we will let the eliminee know and post project

Post with questions.


EDIT: Hah, man he's quick. I'll leave mine up for redundancy's sake.


New Member
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LOL! Great mindsthink alike.

I have posted in BOTH team threads AND here... HOPEFULLY you all understand the new juding process. and hopefully this will be easier.


Active Member
Well, it looks like both teams have decided on their attractions, and I am excited. But first, I offer a bit of advice based on normal operating procedures and what-not.

For The World Famous Jungle Cruise (World Famous for being World Famous!), the skippers are absolutely integral to the experience. Not only do they make the attraction incredibly enjoyable, but they also act as the only visible security and safety measure to keep guests seated and in the boat. The boat also must be operated by a properly trained CM. Also, remember that the animals are animatronics that can only do their programmed motions at their programmed times. And if you are planning to add an AA into the attraction, you will have to make sure it is in a place where the elements of Florida can't get to it. AAs + Water = Very Bad

For the RR, you guys definitely have a great challenge on your hands. For one thing, you will have to create an experience without a non-linear story that is still completely encompassing and amazingly cool, because of the various load and unload points on the attraction. Will someone only going one stop still get an amazing, unforgettable experience? You also have to make sure that any added time on the tracks is equally added on to all parts of the attraction in some way, since it is essentially a well-timed mechanical opera.

Now, with all of that said, I think we're going to have a great round, and my completely unofficial and unsanctioned judging categories are story/script, themeing/design (including the queue), and the (soon to be infamous) placement category. Remember, this is just a game, so have fun collaborating on some amazing projects!


New Member
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good point Hack.. But i have one "correction"... Jungle Cruise doesnt have ANY AAs, they are Neumatic(sp?) figures with air, NOT fluid (hence they cant be AAs)

Just thought id let you know :)


Active Member
good point Hack.. But i have one "correction"... Jungle Cruise doesnt have ANY AAs, they are Neumatic(sp?) figures with air, NOT fluid (hence they cant be AAs)

Just thought id let you know :)
Exactly, they're Animatronics that can only perform one movement and not AAs that are able to be programmed and reprogrammed at will.

I was talking about AAs in that it is a staple of certain seasonal overlays to add in AAs. Both teams have to make sure that if they do this they have to make sure it is protected from the normal Florida elements.


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I forgot to put a time forthe projects to be due, it was originally going to be Saturday afternoon, BUT sice i didntput a time

It is due by 9pm EST on Saturday!


New Member
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REMINDER: Projects due TONITE by 9pm EST!

Also, TEAM LEADERS once you post the project, please PM me your "bottom 2".

If all the schedule goes up, the poll should go up around 9pm tonite for 24 hrs.


Well-Known Member
Halloween Overlay For the Jungle Cruise Attraction

*Effects Used~We realized quickly, that this was a pretty huge and daunting task, but our team was up to challenge!
We utilize overlays that are painted in UV paint...visible in blacklight, but which disappears in the bright searchlight of the CM skipper.
We also make use of projections on water screens, similar to the Fantasmic effect, but on a smaller scale. For the most part, the AA's that already exist there are just “recostumed” with practical overlays and new “skins” over the existing ones.

*New Poster (as seen in the parks!)

*Backstory~ Shrunken Ned has opened the River Cruise as a haunted Ghost tour during the dark October nights. Only he added a bit of his own Voodoo to make sure that the guests get their money's worth. There is a saying in the Jungle...”Never upset the River Gods...”
*Full Ride and Script~

As you approach the Jungle Cruise queue, just as the sun has set, you encounter a new sign, hastily boarded over the old Jungle Cruise sign:

Shrunken Ned's World Famous Haunted River Tours!

The queue itself looks like it's been closed until very recently. There are splintered former barricades that clearly say DANGER! CLOSED FOR OCTOBER! but have now been opened up.
The lights overhead flicker, and cobwebs hang from the rafters, and new crates and cages line the walkway containing (unseen)dangers and ferocious creatures, such as Amazonian Vampire Bats!
Killer Tarantula! DO Not Feed!
Poisonous Egyptian Asps!
Yuka Demons!Do NOT Touch!
Of course, if you were silly enough to touch the box, it starts to shake on it's own, and elicit weird and horrible moans!

On the adjoining wall, there are tribal masks that resemble devilish skulls, whose eyes occasionally glow with an eerie red light.
Maps on the walls suddenly change to show new locations, such as Degradation Falls, The Cursed Temple, River of Blood, and Hellish Rapids.

The music above sounds like disharmonous weird white noise, and static leaking into the speakers.
Sometimes it's interrupted by the sound of a hapless skipper calling for help, and screams that are cut off..
Snatches of conversation overlayed with whispers...
“I told Hearty Hal that he shouldn't go that way! (sob) I warned him not to take the passengers that far upriver!”

“Shrunken Ned is up to his old Voodoo tricks again! The River Spirits they are coming for us! I can just-- arrrghhhhh...”

“Don't panic, Courageous Carrie said not to show them any fear...or you could be trapped between Worlds!”

As you approach the CM's at the loading dock, they either look grim, sullen and deathly pale, or they appear twitchy and laugh nervously.

The skipper on your tour, however looks relieved to let the last passengers off, “Hey, I brought back another one mostly alive! Except for THAT guy!”
He bids you a hearty welcome!

SKIPPER~ “Welcome aboard Shrunken Ned's Haunted Tours! Where you are bound to have a screaming good time!
I'm your skipper, Fearless Fred!

No eating, drinking, smoking (unless you happen to catch on fire!) or flashing your camera at the Spirits! They really don't like when you flash your cameras!Bad things can happen when you flash your camera!

So, nice to see such a hearty crew with us this evening....

Hey, what's the scariest bird here in the jungle? Do you know?
It's the blue footed Booooobie!”

“Now, you aren't the least bit superstitious, right? Of course you're not!
Shrunken Ned says you aren't in aaaaany sort of danger! Just make sure you keep your hands inside the boat, case something out there is, uh...hungry...

Hey, do you know why the Ghost crossed the road? To get to the OTHER SIDE!”

(The surrounding jungle has been plunged into darkness, while the boat is equipped with large hand held searchlights.
On the left, you can see an eerie glowing UV lit display of giant bats!

SKIPPER~“Uh oh! It looks like we are encountering the dreaded Amazon Giant Vampire Bat!
What do you call a vampire bat that went crazy?

(Skipper shines the serachlight on the glowing bats, to discover that, in the light, the UV effect disappears, and they are revealed to be harmless butterflies!)
SKIPPER~”Ah, I see was mistaken! Those are not scary night creatures at all! But harmless Rainforest butterflies!”

“Up looks like the river is tainted! The falls are running red looks an awful lot like... BLOOD!"

(shines searchlight on red glowing waterfalls)

“Ah sorry! it must just be a trick of the light! Those are the same old Inspiration Falls, folks. Ha ha. Yep, no need to panic! Those bloody falls, always deceiving me...Maybe we should call them "Perspiration falls?" Not that I'm sweating..."

(boat enters Congo area, and the pygmy camp on the right. With fog effects boiling out of the camp, there is a white and blue floating ghostly apparition with a ghastly UV face that looks like it's floating towards the boat)

SKIPPER~ “AAAAH! It's the ghosts of the dead! The Spirits are returning! I guess they don't call it the Haunted Tour for nothin'! And you all know what happens to a ghost lost in the fog, don't you?
He's Mist.”

(searchlight on “ghost” reveals it's just curtains draped over the hovel that are being moved by the wind)

SKIPPER~"See it's nothing to worry about! (takes big sigh of relief) I mean, it's not as if this is October, when the River Spirits get angry, and try to trap unwary tourists in an unending torturous horror between worlds!

Oh. IS October.. isn't it.
Oh well! On with the tour! There nothing to be scared of....*screams* AH! Except for that snake!”

(pass the glowing UV lit giant python!)

SKIPPER~ (confident now) “Oh, ya know what?, I betcha that's NOT a giant and hungry python!”
(shines searchlight)
“Well, Ok...maybe it IS a giant python...let's hope he's already eaten!”

(Boat winds toward the Gorilla camp, and there's a giant UV lit monster, with horrible features and sharp teeth!)

SKIPPER~ “oh no...It looks like the Pygmy Devil! Don't worry, Fearless Fred will save the day!”
(shines searchlight to reveal “monster” is just a big gorilla)
“Phew! See I told you there is nothing to fear from these River Spirits...I mean they ONLY really come out at Night...
and they only get agitated if someone approaches their world with the audacity to wear...white!”

(aims the searchlight on the nearest person wearing white!)

“Uh oh.
Excuse me,you may want to watch out. Just because I'm fearless gives you no right to be fearless. especially now."

(Strange music now can be heard in the surrounding jungle, the sound of screeches, drums and eerie keening wailing!
Giant water sprays and projection lighting effects show creepy animated spirits moving past the boat on the left. Elephant AA is replaced by large gruesomely cute demon creature with multiple trunk like tentacles waving.

SKIPPER..."We may be in luck! I noticed these ghouls and beasties ONLY seem to appear...JUST before someone screams! And I wonder why all these ghouls and demons seem to hang out together?
Maybe because a demon is a Ghoul's best friend?"

(The animals in the veldt scene on the right have UV paint to resemble skeletal versions of their former selves.
(The lions have been replaced by comically scary glowing demon lion AAs with bulging eyes and a row of sharp teeth.)

SKIPPER~ “Hold onto your hats, and your loved ones everybody! Nice try there, sir...but I don't think she's with YOU... I'll try and get us outta here!
Now here's where I want to say Bone Appetit to that hungry lion!
And will you just look at him! He's possesed by demons! He must use scare spray for the frightening mane!
You know, I don't think those animals are going to come after us...because they have no GUTS”

(The rhino scene has been replaced by several monsterous monkey like demons up a pole that move up and down and wave their multiple arms, while a skeletal glowing rhino remains below

the crocodiles have been replaced with a glowing red bubbling effect, as if the river is boiling, while flames periodically shoot up from the water

Schweitzer falls has animated angry river spirits projected on the surface of the water.)

(crashed plane scene is littered with little pop eyed green creepy/silly looking goblin AAs,
gnawing on metal parts
SKIPPER~ “I think the pilot probably thought those were gremlins...but they are Abiku! That's an african demon that LOVES dinner!

Do you know what their favorite fruits are? Adam's apples and nectarines!

But I heard they won't come near if a child rings a bell! They are afraid of the sound!”
(have a small child come forward to ring the bell)

SKIPPER “Ha! I knew we would have them on the run!”
(turns to see large uv glowing fishy creatures with scales and greasy hair popping up out of the water where the hippos are usually seen Skipper uses pop gun to try and scare them off!)
SKIPPER “Gah! All these Demons and Ghouls are popping up everywhere! If I didn't know we were on a river...I would almost think this was Lake EERIE!"

(the scene with native war dance, and natives with blow guns is relatively unchanged, except for the music and UV lighting, making them look more eerie and menacing.

One of the natives in a war mask leans over the boat...suddenly it's clear that it's not an AA, but a live actor! He reaches for someone in the boat!)

NATIVE~ “Booga Booga! Ha ha ha!!!

(The backside of water shows another projection...this time, of the animated spirits are making goofy faces, and moving quickly away)

SKIPPER~”Hey! It looks like if we try and be brave, and show no fear, the spirits won't bother us! haha! (gulp) I think I spoke too soon...

(Boat enters temple cave. There is fantastic projection lighting effects, as well as creepy UV spirits painted on the dark walls they appear and disappear as the boat passes along with a strobe light effect, and loud whispering and laughter can be heard echoing through the cave! The lighting appears to be like a time tunnel of stars and galaxies spiraling around the boat, as if you are moving through another dimension.)

SKIPPER~”That's right! We're not afraid of you! Everybody chant 'nya nya nya nya nya nya!'
It looks like they are going to let us go! I think we are going to make it!!!”

(As boat exits cavern, the scene is once again very dark, lit only by the sight of UV glowing eyes, and the sounds of water splashing.)

SKIPPER~ ”Awww...NO! I thought we were safe now! Remember folks...don't show them any fear!”
(The Skipper ducks in fear, then carefully shines his searchlight on the scary glowing eyes...only to reveal a bunch of playful elephants!)

SKIPPER~ "see what did I tell ya? There's nothing to be afraid of here!
Well ,if you forget about the ghouls, lions, monkeys, the python and that tentacle thing.""

(Skipper ducks down in fright again as boat approaches AA of Shrunken Ned himself, waving his shrunken heads at everyone!)

SKIPPER~ “Yeah, You can wipe that smirk off your face! Why don't we give you a go-around on your idea of a theme park attraction and see if that smirk is still there!
Oh no...not you Miss...I meant Shrunken Ned here! If it wasn't for him and his crazy voodoo juju, we never would have gone through all that horror!

Voodoo wanna go again? can't...because this is the unloading dock, and we are ready to bid you a “ghoul evening”! You all deserve a hand for braving these fearsome waters with me!

And here's you hand now!” (said to CM helping guests disembark)

And remember folks...the scariest thing you will see here at the Magic Kingdom...The jokes on the Jungle Cruise!

And remember,it's Disney! It's scary,but not anything YOU should be scared of!


Chip n Dale's Imagineering Rangers
The Haunted Railroad

The Walt Disney World Railroad takes you on a 20-minute ride around the Magic Kingdom. While normally a relaxing way to view the various lands of the Magic Kingdom, some riders have recently reported strange and eery occurrences throughout the track. It appears some of the Disney Villains are using Halloween as their chance to take over the park. As you leave the station, keep your eyes open and be alert... you never know what lies around each turn.

Script: First Leg: Main Street to Frontierland
(Before train leaves each station)
Narrator: Welcome to the Walt Disney World Haunted Railroad. Before we depart, we must inform you that this experience may be frightening for some guests. If you fear that this attraction may frighten you or your children, please leave the train now.
(Train leaves station)
Narrator: Once again, Welcome to the Walt Disney World Haunted Railroad. The next stop on our journey will be Frontierland. But before we can take you there, I must provide a warning. The Disney Villains are using this Halloween season to take over the Magic Kingdom. So, you'll never no whats in store. Hahahaha. As we now enter the dense jungles of the world, be aware of the dangerous animals that sit only a few feet away.
(Animal Noises begin to play, then you don't hear from the narrator for a few more seconds)
Narrator: Another danger that lies within these jungles are the ruthless head hunters that hide within the underbrush. You never know when you might see one...
(Lights flash as a head hunter appears beside the train, ready to attack, then lights go back out.)
Narrator: You also must be advised that a rare species of snake that have the power to hypno.....
(The narrator begins babbling, and then falls asleep. Purple spinning lights come at the train, giving the feeling that the riders are being hypnotized.)
Kaa: Trust...... In..... Me........
(The riders pass through the Splash Mountain tunnel (the narrator is still asleep) when they hear the Vultures from the ride warning them of the even further dangers that lie ahead. The narrator then reawakens.)
Narrator: Ahh.. where was I? Oh! We're approaching the Frontierland Station. Those of you brave enough to continue... stay on the train. If you have cold feet, please exit the train when it comes to a complete stop.
(Train comes to a stop, and the "disclaimer" is played. The train begins to move again.)
Second Leg: Frontierland to Toontown/Fantasyland
Narrator: Welcome to the Walt Disney World Haunted Railroad. We're now meandering through the outskirts of Tumbleweed. Beware, this is where those mean little varmints are.
(The howling of wolves begins, and you can see their red glowing eyes in nearby caves and bushes. The narrator doesn't speak until the howling dies down.)
Narrator: Various reports have been filed about a mysterious figure with a pumpkin head on horseback causing trouble throughout town. One man named Ichabod Crane claims to have been attacked by this figure, nicknamed the Headless Horseman. Be on the lookout for him, he tends to lurk around these areas.
(Headless Horseman Appears beside the train.)
Headless Horseman: How dare you cross my path! You will pay for this.
(Headless Horseman begins to chase the train, and his head is flaming.)
Narrator: Hahaha. I see you've become acquainted him. Legend has it that he was killed during the Revolutionary War, and returned to Earth as a ghost, terrorizing innocent people. He tends to decapitate his victims. Lets hope you'll be one of the lucky ones to escape.
(The Headless Horseman comes to a halt before a broken down tree.)
Headless Horseman: Curse You!
(The train passes through a tunnel, and Ichabod Crane's voice is heard)
Ichabod Crane: (Shakily) Is he gone...?
Narrator: We're now approaching the Fantasyland station. If you wish to complete this journey, stay on the train. If you wish to go no further, please leave the train as it comes to a complete stop.
(Train stops. The disclaimer is once again read.)
Third Leg: Fantasyland to Main Street
Narrator: Welcome to the Walt Disney World Haunted Railroad. We're now passing through The Shadowland, where the Disney Villains tend to reside. This whole takeover wouldn't be possible without the help of Dr. Facilier. The newest Disney Villain freed all the villains from their magical boundaries set by Yensid, the most powerful sorceror in history. He made a deal with his "friends on the other side" to disable it.
(Villains voices are heard.)
Captain Hook: That Peter Pan has foiled me for the last time! I'll get him yet, if it's the last thing I do!
Ursula: That little fish-girl cannot defeat me! I'll turn her into a guppie!
Chernabog: Intruders to our land! I'll send them to the Underworld!
Hades: Leave that to me.
(Hades appears, looking as if he's about to open a portal to the underworld, as all the villain's laughs are heard. Then, Buzz Lightyear, dressed in Halloween gear, appears and blasts Hades away.)
Buzz Lightyear: Don't worry about these guys, I'll take care of them.
(Buzz blasts a lazer into the ground, and the Dr.'s "Friends" appear. The villains all begin to scream and yell as the ghosts fly into the woods.)
Narrator: I've some business to take to. Buzz, can you guide through Tomorrowland?
Buzz: Sure.
Narrator: Great. I'll see you later.
Buzz: Alright. Now that we're basically through with the terror, I have someone to introduce you to. Just up the road is a good friend of mine, Chairman of XS Tech, L.C. Clench. He's been helping me upgrade my equipment. He's already took up business in Tomorrowland, but a small mishap shut him down. He's back, and he's set up a "zoo" where the aliens can live peacefully. Look, here he is.
(Clench appears, surrounded by alien-filled cages. One door is open.)
Clench: (Nervously) Buzz! I've lost one! Help me get him back!
(Shows picture of escaped alien)
Buzz: Don't worry, I'll get him back.
Clench: Thank you, Buzz Lightyear!
(The train moves on into a completely darkened area. Rustling noises and heavy breathing are heard. Then, a thump is heard overhead.)
Buzz: Nobody move. It's on top of the train. Don't worry, I'll use my new lazer to disable him.
(Red beam of light appears, and the alien yelps.)
Buzz: That's taken care of. Here, I got this new lazer that should blast you guys back into reality.
(Red beam of light appears again. Narrator returns.)
Narrator: Ah, Welcome Back to reality! I hoped you enjoyed your little trip. Currently, we're right behind Main Street, and we're approaching the station. If this is your final stop, I bid you farewell. If you wish to travel to Frontierland or Fantasyland, please stay on the train.
(Train stops in the Main Street Station.)

Special Effects/Extras:

We will utilize the dark atmosphere to play on the guest senses through sounds and imagery and make them believe things are there that really are not. Light and sound from other parts of the park will be blocked out with walls and screens.

Cast Members would play Buzz, Clench, The Headless Horseman and Hades.
AAs of the Head Hunter, Kaa, Icahbod Crane and the Alien.


Active Member
In the Parks
Alright, good work to both teams!

Now begins the voting process. Please send your vote to with your favorite team in the subject title. You will have the next 2 hours to make your decision, and there is no limit on voting per person. Get to it!



New Member
Original Poster

Please PM me your TOP TEAM by 1pm EST. Please!!! Feel free to post your comments AFTER the reveal of who "wins"

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