Sam Magic

Well-Known Member


It all comes down to this...


Well-Known Member
Quote here for the lazy ;)

A New Logo For A New Era!

We've made it. Just over a year ago, I finally took the initiative to shift the TAFI site to the Blogspot format and share it with the community. Along with the new website came the old logo for the group. It was quickly put together and has valiantly represented us since.

However, today we are proud to present the new logo for TAFI. It is smooth and magical, representing our transition into a new era this year with so many new offerings.

We are also happy to announce some of these new offerings below...

  • All new informational threads will be posted to the Imagineer forum on WDWMagic.
  • ICS Weekends are coming soon to the Imagineer forum this November!
  • There will be an annual awards ceremony, called the|TAFI Dreamfinder Awards, every December 31st beginning at 12 PM EST.
  • The winner of the ICS Tournament will be announced at 11 PM EST on December 31st.
  • The current point system of ranking ICS participants will fade into the past, replaced by the TAFI Poll, a voting system based upon college football's AP Poll.
  • The days stretching from December 26th to December 31st will be known as New Year's Week, featuring fun, interactive event threads all leading up to the big day on December 31st.
  • Elections will occur quarterly to elect the TAFI Conversationalists in 2015.

More on the above items soon. Until then, remember that all of this!


Well-Known Member
Alright, here are my official $.02 that I will now go through in more detail on everything posted. I still would like to say, again, before I start, I am really happy to see it all!
  • This is a great change. Will it be something like a weekly report from the headquarters, or more like a public conversationalists thread?
  • Awesome! I assume starting the 15th, because that's the next weekend after SA? Or will it be all November, starting today, because that would be even better! This also brings up a side note- What happened all summer?! I thought it was the summer of competitions and imagineering?!:p;) I'm kind of kidding, and the one comp we had was phenomenal, but it was getting built up to have a lot more going on.
  • Yay! I know a lot of us were hoping for something like this! Will it be a public vote, or will they be decided by Conversationalists?
  • Cooool! The finale to an amazing year(Well, for me, 6 months)!!
  • I would like to see this in action and how it plays out, but I'm skeptical. Simply because, if it is purely voting, it can easily turn into a popularity contest of sorts, even if unintentional.
  • Fun Fun Fun! So excited! The rest of the year is just going to be a blast!
  • Again, great. It is nice to have different people come up to the "government". Will the first new election occur during New Year's Week?
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Alright, here are my official $.02 that I will now go through in more detail on everything posted. I still would like to say, again, before I start, I am really happy to see it all!
  • This is a great change. Will it be something like a weekly report from the headquarters, or more like a public conversationalists thread?
  • Awesome! I assume starting the 15th, because that's the next weekend after SA? Or will it be all November, starting tomorrow, because that would be even better! This also brings up a side note- What happened all summer?! I thought it was the summer of competitions and imagineering?!:p;) I'm kind of kidding, and the one comp we had was phenomenal, but it was getting built up to have a lot more going on.
  • Yay! I know a lot of us were hoping for something like this! Will it be a public vote, or will they be decided by Conversationalists?
  • Cooool! The finale to an amazing year(Well, for me, 6 months)!!
  • I would like to see this in action and how it plays out, but I'm skeptical. Simply because, if it is purely voting, it can easily turn into a popularity contest of sorts, even if unintentional.
  • Fun Fun Fun! So excited! The rest of the year is just going to be a blast!
  • Again, great. It is nice to have different people come up to the "government". Will the first new election occur during New Year's Week?
Yes, I agree with IDI on the 5th bullet point. I'm really not sure how I feel about the ICS Poll. I would love to see it in action, but as he said, it's basically a giant popularity contest. This means that (most likely) the newest members, some people eliminated "first" and those with creative ideas but did not participate in the competitions would automatically be out of the running even if their ideas were better then those picked. Also, I feel like this would put the host of a competition at a disadvantage. I'm not just saying this for myself and my competition, but the host doesn't really show their ideas or visions at all. If the poll is "based" off of the ideas, then why would the host get picked? However, I do feel like the current system gives too many points to judges and hosts, so that's nice that we're changing it up. Just my thoughts. Other then that, I'm SO excited to participate in the 2014 season! :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Alright, here are my official $.02 that I will now go through in more detail on everything posted. I still would like to say, again, before I start, I am really happy to see it all!
  • This is a great change. Will it be something like a weekly report from the headquarters, or more like a public conversationalists thread?
  • Awesome! I assume starting the 15th, because that's the next weekend after SA? Or will it be all November, starting today, because that would be even better! This also brings up a side note- What happened all summer?! I thought it was the summer of competitions and imagineering?!:p;) I'm kind of kidding, and the one comp we had was phenomenal, but it was getting built up to have a lot more going on.
  • Yay! I know a lot of us were hoping for something like this! Will it be a public vote, or will they be decided by Conversationalists?
  • Cooool! The finale to an amazing year(Well, for me, 6 months)!!
  • I would like to see this in action and how it plays out, but I'm skeptical. Simply because, if it is purely voting, it can easily turn into a popularity contest of sorts, even if unintentional.
  • Fun Fun Fun! So excited! The rest of the year is just going to be a blast!
  • Again, great. It is nice to have different people come up to the "government". Will the first new election occur during New Year's Week?
  • There will be separate threads with different topics (I.e. One for announcements, one for FAQs, etc.). There will probably be three total.
  • Yes, most likely the 15th. And the summer actually didn't hav a ton planned, but changes were being made. That's when these ideas were being nurtured, so there was excitement over a lot of positive change and development for the future.
  • They will probably be decided by both (I.e. Nominated by public and winners chosen by Conversationalists, akin to the Academy Awards), though we are still getting into the final details.
  • Yep yep.
  • Definitely won't be a popularity contest. Only judges and hosts can be written in, and the voters will be fair. Trust me on that. If anybody submits a ballot that is obviously unfair, actions will be taken to prevent it. Though I have confidence that won't need to happen. Just look at the AP Poll; weekly, they submit ballots and the rankings always come out fairly based on how teams are doing...If it was a popularity contest I can tell you a lot of unranked teams who would be in the top 10.
  • It will be loads of fun!
  • Don't call it the government! :P It is really just a place for more complex discussion of necessary and positive things for the forum, always interacting with the public threads for intake. This group of Conversationalists had a lot of creation, while the next few groups will have less to create and more to support and keep going. This is why a good rotation of crops will be good for the forum to show what people need. And yes the first election will probably occur that week.
Yes, I agree with IDI on the 5th bullet point. I'm really not sure how I feel about the ICS Poll. I would love to see it in action, but as he said, it's basically a giant popularity contest. This means that (most likely) the newest members, some people eliminated "first" and those with creative ideas but did not participate in the competitions would automatically be out of the running even if their ideas were better then those picked. Also, I feel like this would put the host of a competition at a disadvantage. I'm not just saying this for myself and my competition, but the host doesn't really show their ideas or visions at all. If the poll is "based" off of the ideas, then why would the host get picked? However, I do feel like the current system gives too many points to judges and hosts, so that's nice that we're changing it up. Just my thoughts. Other then that, I'm SO excited to participate in the 2014 season! :)
  • As I said above, it probably will not be a popularity contest, even with the details still being determined. There's a lot of fair people on this forum, or else there would be no judges.
  • What you addressed in your second sentence isn't really a popularity issue, but a talent issue. New members tend to fair worse in competition. If they prove their talented, they will be voted higher. If you are eliminated first, of course you're going to be ranked lower. Sure, maybe you had a better idea early on, but the reason other people didn't get eliminated and made it further is because they had better ideas and/or talent. And for those who had great ideas on the forum but didn't compete, why would they be ranked at all in the ICS Poll? It (the ICS) is set around the competitions, not freelance threads with creative ideas, no matter how awesome they are. It's about competing...the Imagineering sport.
  • As a host of a large competition, trust me in that this was the right decision. There was no good, simple way to change and adjust the point system. Remember, the best hosts compete as well, but all hosts' extensive efforts as hosts won't be forgotten by voters.
  • :)

Sam Magic

Well-Known Member
Alright, here are my official $.02 that I will now go through in more detail on everything posted. I still would like to say, again, before I start, I am really happy to see it all!
  • This is a great change. Will it be something like a weekly report from the headquarters, or more like a public conversationalists thread?
  • Awesome! I assume starting the 15th, because that's the next weekend after SA? Or will it be all November, starting today, because that would be even better! This also brings up a side note- What happened all summer?! I thought it was the summer of competitions and imagineering?!:p;) I'm kind of kidding, and the one comp we had was phenomenal, but it was getting built up to have a lot more going on.
  • Yay! I know a lot of us were hoping for something like this! Will it be a public vote, or will they be decided by Conversationalists?
  • Cooool! The finale to an amazing year(Well, for me, 6 months)!!
  • I would like to see this in action and how it plays out, but I'm skeptical. Simply because, if it is purely voting, it can easily turn into a popularity contest of sorts, even if unintentional.
  • Fun Fun Fun! So excited! The rest of the year is just going to be a blast!
  • Again, great. It is nice to have different people come up to the "government". Will the first new election occur during New Year's Week?
Well we are trying to avoid political or corporate terms. We want to be involved and connected with you all, we want your ideas, opinions, and thoughts. The ICS is everyones organization, not only one of a few. It is our intent for everyone to be involved with every decision and step we take.

  • The other threads will be separate and provide information and places to ask questions for new members, older people, and everything in between.
  • Typically in the summer there is a max of two contests, but we did not have the one sentence contest this year.
  • The people will be publicly nominated, but the convo's will decide on the final nominees and eventual winners. I am also very happy to announce that I (with the help of others) will be hosting the Awards Ceremony.
  • We are very excited about our New Years Eve event and we really hope that you all enjoy what we have planned.
  • 2015 will most likely be the most exciting year of the board, from the new developments, first election, new contests, new marketing stuff, etc. It will all be very exciting.
  • It is not the government. We are an organization that is open and free for all to participate, we just need new blood to keep this place alive, vibrant, and unique. The election will occur sometime around then. Right now the current Organizing Committee (Conversationalist) is making sure that the job will be easier for the next batch.
As Jdm said it will not be a popularity contest, if anything that is what we are striving to not create. We want this to be the best possible organization and one that is open. We want everyone to have a shot at getting to keep this place alive, and all though we are working out the guidelines we will share them with you all an everyone will get to add their input.


Well-Known Member
So, what is the scheduling situation for the 2015 season? I am very excited for all that is on the horizon, but what will be there exactly? I know TSI in January, and SA S3 in the summer, but is there anything else planned? I'm asking because, I have a pretty solid concept for a competition, and I think it would work pretty well, however I don't want to do it so that it would have to be shrunken and cramped down too much. Also, if they are just about side by side without much of a break, that may be an issue, but as Jdm said...."It's about competing...The Imagineering sport"!;):)
So, if any of the convo's have any thoughts on this, please post!:)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So, what is the scheduling situation for the 2015 season? I am very excited for all that is on the horizon, but what will be there exactly? I know TSI in January, and SA S3 in the summer, but is there anything else planned? I'm asking because, I have a pretty solid concept for a competition, and I think it would work pretty well, however I don't want to do it so that it would have to be shrunken and cramped down too much. Also, if they are just about side by side without much of a break, that may be an issue, but as Jdm said...."It's about competing...The Imagineering sport"!;):)
So, if any of the convo's have any thoughts on this, please post!:)
A lot is being discussed right now, please bear with us. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

1. @Zweiland - 23.5 points
2. @jdmdisney99 - 21 points
3. @RMichael21 - 18.5 points
4. @englanddg - 14.5 points
5. @BryceM - 14 points
6. @Voxel - 12 points
7. @MonorailRed - 11 points
8. @IDInstitute - 9.5 points
9. @Matt7187 - 9.5 points
10. @tcool - 9 points
11. @JokersWild - 7 points
12. @MA Screamin' - 5 points
13. @Vipraa - 5 points
14. @Robert Butnarasu - 4.5 points
15. @ctxak98 - 4 points
16. @LittleGiants16 - 3 points
17. @Wikkler - 1 point
T18. @kermitdefrog - 0 points
T18. @Twilight_Roxas - 0 points​

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