New Member
Well that goes along with one persons format. :lol:
Thanks Steve. I cant imagine how many things go into a change like this.
Do they get the actual president to record the audio or a impersonator?
EDIT: Im glad to see everyone is behaving.
George and Bill both recorded their own... I think George Sr. may have too, but I'm not positive.
In defense of one of the attractions I wrote my American Studies senior honors thesis about, this attraction does exactly what it is meant to do. Its supposed to make us feel good about our country and its highest position. While there are some inaccuracies, there are also some inaccuracies and what young kids are taught in school. Our history is often painted in a rosey, everything turned out great way for young kids. A Disney theme park is not the place to spark debate about controversial times in our past. Its a happy place so they focus on the happy parts of history. Also we have to remember Disney's place in American society and realize that they are going to do what appeals to the most people. I could go on and on, but I won't bore you all.
If you haven't seen it in a long time its worth checking out. Especially in the rediculously hot summer months. Just seeing the accuracy of the likenesses of the presidents is impressive. All of their outfits were fabricated in the same way they would have been in their given period of time. If something would have been hand sewn out of think woolen material in George Washington's time, thats how Imagineers did it too.
I know my view is biased being that I'm both a Disney and American history dork, but I really enjoy this attraction. I don't see it every time I'm in WDW, but when I do I never regret the time spent in the theater.
Ok I'll get off of my soap box now. But give it a try before it gets changed. And I can't wait to see all of these changes that are coming up!