Trip Report The graduation trip that finally happened!

Hello! We are back and I am ready to share our trip with everyone!

2022-06-16 - Disney Dream - Disney Dream_4.jpeg

Me (Amy), my husband Brian, Owen (14), Lily (17), and Logan (19) (And it appears that I am now the shortest in the family!!)

Why: We were celebrating Logan's high school graduation (which happened to be last year, but as most of you already know, our cruise was cancelled last summer)

Where: Port Canaveral, Miami, The Dream, and Animal Kingdom Lodge

When: June 12-23, 2022

Our goal was to leave the house by 1 or 1:30am on Sunday, June 12. My alarm went off at midnight and Brian and I quickly showered and rounded up the kids who never went to bed. We quickly loaded the car and were pulling out of the McDonald's parking lot with 2 large Cokes at 1:20! I always start the drive as I don't sleep well in the car and Brian does, so he sleeps a little longer initially so he can then take over. It was raining when we left and quickly turned into a downpour. Cincinnati is a huge obstacle course of orange cones, lane closures, and lane shifts which is difficult to navigate at the best of times, but was horrendous in the pitch black with the pouring rain! Brian checked the satellite and assured me that it would stop once we got into Kentucky. I was never so happy to see the Brent Spence bridge...only to met by even harder rain in Covington! Brian said, "whoops! I guess it followed us!" He got a not very nice look from me! Luckily, it did stop raining shortly and I got us all the way through Kentucky and into Tennessee. I was still feeling awake enough to keep driving, so I got us to Knoxville and navigated our new route onto 40 to start heading east. Brian then took over and I got a few pics along the way since it was more scenic than our normal trip straight down 75.

You'll have to pardon the bug guts on our windshield! We couldn't keep up with keeping the windshield clean!


We went through several tunnels.

The reason they are called the Great Smoky Mountains:

We saw quite a few hot air balloons at one point.

We eventually hit 26 and then 95. I wouldn't say the traffic was necessarily any better than 75, but Brian was happy to not have to drive through Atlanta and it was much more scenic!

We finally saw this at about 1:30pm:

We had stopped shortly before that, so no one wanted to stop at the Welcome Center for me!
We finally were able to experience Buc-ee's for ourselves! It was quite an experience and almost overwhelming!

We pulled into our hotel in Port Canaveral about 4:30pm.

We stayed in the Home2Suites side. It was odd to have 2 different hotels under the same roof since they shared the pool and had the same breakfast offerings.
We unloaded the car and debated what we would have for dinner. Some of us wanted pizza and some wanted seafood. The pizza people won out since there was a pizza place right across the street.

We should have had seafood!!


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Logan ordered the chopped bison burger.

We had a very entertaining server, but the food wasn't nearly as good as I remembered it being. And there was no dessert on the lunch menu! Not sure we will be returning in the near future for a meal.

Logan was having a hard time adjusting to being off the ship (he sometimes has issues when we are on the lake in Tennessee too), so we decided to return to AKL instead of going to Disney Springs and let him relax and take a nap. He insisted he didn't need a nap, but he ended up sleeping several hours and then feeling much better by dinner time!

We made a quick stop in the gift shop, then headed back to the boat docks to catch a ride to MK.










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Once back at AKL, I figured someone would want to go to the pool, but they were all being jerks to each other and all retreated to their own corners, so I headed out to the balcony. I watched these two literally necking with each other! They would rub their necks and kind of entwine themselves together, then the one kept backing into the other until finally the one tried to mount the other one. It was very entertaining!





Is that who I am?
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Logan ordered the chopped bison burger.
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We had a very entertaining server, but the food wasn't nearly as good as I remembered it being. And there was no dessert on the lunch menu! Not sure we will be returning in the near future for a meal.

Logan was having a hard time adjusting to being off the ship (he sometimes has issues when we are on the lake in Tennessee too), so we decided to return to AKL instead of going to Disney Springs and let him relax and take a nap. He insisted he didn't need a nap, but he ended up sleeping several hours and then feeling much better by dinner time!

We made a quick stop in the gift shop, then headed back to the boat docks to catch a ride to MK.
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Thanks for making my day we these pics. I really miss WL.


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I used the app to check in as we were walking from the monorail. I had the option for first available table or wait for a table by the window. I chose to wait for a table by the window hoping I wouldn't live to regret that decision. Just to be safe, I didn't tell the others that I had done that just in case it took forever!!



We sat on a bench on the front porch to wait. It was a beautiful night weather wise. We only ended up waiting about 10 minutes before being seated. Here was the view:








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We started with bread.

Then Logan and Brian wanted to try the Crispy Rhode Island Calamari

They both enjoyed it and said it almost tasted like popcorn shrimp to them. I tried some and it was ok, but not something I would order on the regular.

Lily got the salad off the kids menu

More pics out the window to occupy me as we were waiting for our entrees.





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I ordered the Mahi Mahi and it was delicious!

Lily ordered the kids mas and cheese which she got an adult portion of and I paid an adult price for! But it was really good mac and cheese, so I can't complain too much!!

Brian, Logan, and Owen all ordered the Filet Mignon

Then we watched the fireworks from the table. We were too lazy to go outside to see them and had a fine view from where we were, but I didn't take any pics since it would have been through the window.

Then it was dessert time. Lily got a Nemo cupcake that she never sent me the picture she took, so I can't share it. She wasn't very impressed! I got the Strawberry "Trifle" and it was delicious!!

Owen got the "world famous" (according to our waiter) Almond-crusted Cheesecake. He really enjoyed it! (sorry for the cruddy pic, the lighting was bad during the fireworks!)

Then it was back to AKL for the night.

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