Trip Report The graduation trip that finally happened!

Hello! We are back and I am ready to share our trip with everyone!

2022-06-16 - Disney Dream - Disney Dream_4.jpeg

Me (Amy), my husband Brian, Owen (14), Lily (17), and Logan (19) (And it appears that I am now the shortest in the family!!)

Why: We were celebrating Logan's high school graduation (which happened to be last year, but as most of you already know, our cruise was cancelled last summer)

Where: Port Canaveral, Miami, The Dream, and Animal Kingdom Lodge

When: June 12-23, 2022

Our goal was to leave the house by 1 or 1:30am on Sunday, June 12. My alarm went off at midnight and Brian and I quickly showered and rounded up the kids who never went to bed. We quickly loaded the car and were pulling out of the McDonald's parking lot with 2 large Cokes at 1:20! I always start the drive as I don't sleep well in the car and Brian does, so he sleeps a little longer initially so he can then take over. It was raining when we left and quickly turned into a downpour. Cincinnati is a huge obstacle course of orange cones, lane closures, and lane shifts which is difficult to navigate at the best of times, but was horrendous in the pitch black with the pouring rain! Brian checked the satellite and assured me that it would stop once we got into Kentucky. I was never so happy to see the Brent Spence bridge...only to met by even harder rain in Covington! Brian said, "whoops! I guess it followed us!" He got a not very nice look from me! Luckily, it did stop raining shortly and I got us all the way through Kentucky and into Tennessee. I was still feeling awake enough to keep driving, so I got us to Knoxville and navigated our new route onto 40 to start heading east. Brian then took over and I got a few pics along the way since it was more scenic than our normal trip straight down 75.

You'll have to pardon the bug guts on our windshield! We couldn't keep up with keeping the windshield clean!


We went through several tunnels.

The reason they are called the Great Smoky Mountains:

We saw quite a few hot air balloons at one point.

We eventually hit 26 and then 95. I wouldn't say the traffic was necessarily any better than 75, but Brian was happy to not have to drive through Atlanta and it was much more scenic!

We finally saw this at about 1:30pm:

We had stopped shortly before that, so no one wanted to stop at the Welcome Center for me!
We finally were able to experience Buc-ee's for ourselves! It was quite an experience and almost overwhelming!

We pulled into our hotel in Port Canaveral about 4:30pm.

We stayed in the Home2Suites side. It was odd to have 2 different hotels under the same roof since they shared the pool and had the same breakfast offerings.
We unloaded the car and debated what we would have for dinner. Some of us wanted pizza and some wanted seafood. The pizza people won out since there was a pizza place right across the street.

We should have had seafood!!


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Today was our Kennedy Space Center day.
Before R became a principal he taught science & went there a few times for some kind of convention. He loved it there!!
The next thing we saw was very sobering for me. It was a piece of the Challenger shuttle. I very clearly remember being in 6th grade and watching the shuttle launch with my classmates during math class. We were sitting on the floor gathered around the rolling cart that contained the TV and VCR that we shared with the class next door. It was devastating to watch the explosion happen, and it all came back as we stood there reading about the astronauts and seeing this piece of the shuttle.
Wow--you & I had the exact same experience. Reading this brought those memories back to me also.
So I'm back to the short cut most of you probably remember from all of my previous reports!
Looks great!!
We got our gear and got in the lagoon. There was a slight learning curve for the kids to get used to the snorkel, but they caught on fairly quickly. I absolutely hated it and handed the camera over to Logan and went back to my chair!
I don't like snorkeling either. The taste of the water grosses me out but more than that I kept getting queasy thinking about the fact the a total stranger had that equipment in their mouth before me!! I know it's cleaned, but still......
I woke up about 5:00. I got up and took a few pics of Miami, then tried to go back to sleep.
All your pics are great but those are really stunning!!
We LOVED this villa and AKL!! It will be hard to go back to regular resort rooms now!
I totally hear you on that!! As much as I love POR it's hard staying in a regular room. I love the space the villas have!!
Logan and Brian decided we never need to return to 'Ohana and can just eat here in the future. I thought it was delicious and definitely plan to return, but I still want to go back to 'Ohana as well.
I really want to try it there-everything looked so good!! I still like 'Ohana but it's not as good as it used to be.
Love that they have a firepit in the lobby!
E really enjoyed that firepit when we stayed there!!
We headed down to the bus stop around 10:00. We thought we were going to have Shirley status, but at the last minute, a family boarded the bus and sat down in the seats right next to us! The rest of the bus was empty, but they felt the need to sit right on top of us. We thought it was very weird!
Very weird, indeed!!
As an aside, I hate how lots of the restaurants seat us at a 4 top table with a chair thrown on the end. That does not give anyone enough room to eat!!
Esp b/c it's not like you have little kids.
I'm so glad I got a picture of the TOT sign since it is gone now!!
I was so bummed when they took that down!!
I used the app to check in as we were walking from the monorail. I had the option for first available table or wait for a table by the window. I chose to wait for a table by the window hoping I wouldn't live to regret that decision. Just to be safe, I didn't tell the others that I had done that just in case it took forever!!
Not telling the others= 🤣 🤣 🤣
We were all severely disappointed in the candy selection! They really didn't have any Goofy's Candy Co candy any more. No more sour gummy worms for Lily, no Mike and Ike's for Owen, and no Mickey head licorice for me!
It is very disappointing. The Mickey licorice was my fav too!!
The real reason we came to All Star Movies was to recreate a few pics from previous trips.
:D Great pictures!!
We went out on the savannas in the jeep for the Starlight Safari. They had night vision goggles for all of us. I absolutely loved this, as did the kids!! It was expensive at $89/person and I probably won't be doing it again, but I am so glad I was able to reserve it for us this once! I was too busy taking it all in to worry about using the night setting on my camera, but Brian got a few pics for me.
That looks like such a neat experience!!

I'm so glad I finally got a chance to read your TR!! It was awesome as always!! Thank you for taking the time to write it & I'm sorry it took me forever to be able to read it but I'm thrilled that I did!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Before R became a principal he taught science & went there a few times for some kind of convention. He loved it there!!

Wow--you & I had the exact same experience. Reading this brought those memories back to me also.

Looks great!!

I don't like snorkeling either. The taste of the water grosses me out but more than that I kept getting queasy thinking about the fact the a total stranger had that equipment in their mouth before me!! I know it's cleaned, but still......

All your pics are great but those are really stunning!!

I totally hear you on that!! As much as I love POR it's hard staying in a regular room. I love the space the villas have!!

I really want to try it there-everything looked so good!! I still like 'Ohana but it's not as good as it used to be.

E really enjoyed that firepit when we stayed there!!

Very weird, indeed!!

Esp b/c it's not like you have little kids.

I was so bummed when they took that down!!

Not telling the others= 🤣 🤣 🤣

It is very disappointing. The Mickey licorice was my fav too!!

:D Great pictures!!

That looks like such a neat experience!!

I'm so glad I finally got a chance to read your TR!! It was awesome as always!! Thank you for taking the time to write it & I'm sorry it took me forever to be able to read it but I'm thrilled that I did!!
You're welcome, and thank you for reading! I can't wait to hear about your July trip!


Well-Known Member
Great TR Amy - brought back memories and introduced new things to me

Both my girls are now completely moved out ( my house is storage for the stuff that does not fit in their apartments)

So I get how you are feeling about Logan

But remember that the boomerang effect is real so you never know what the future will hold



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great TR Amy - brought back memories and introduced new things to me

Both my girls are now completely moved out ( my house is storage for the stuff that does not fit in their apartments)

So I get how you are feeling about Logan

But remember that the boomerang effect is real so you never know what the future will hold

Thanks for reading! I can't wait to hear about your upcoming trip!


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This picture shows the monorail tracks that they have around the zoo. I was so excited to ride it when I first started researching the zoo, but they shut it down a few months ago because they are no longer able to get replacement parts for it! I was so upset!!
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I took the following picture of a spider monkey because they always remind me of the time Brian and I were at the Singapore Zoo. They had free roaming spider monkeys and I had one approach me and wrap its tail around my wrist and arm and try to drag me away with it! Brian had to be sure to tell the kids all about it!
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We saved this area for last since it was all about the local animals and flora.

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They had a tunnel you could crawl through that was in a tank of alligators. Unfortunately, none of the gators were in the water that day, but the kids had fun crawling through!
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These guys were putting on quite a show as we made our way toward the exit!
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Your story reminds me of the Ape zoo in the Netherlands. We went there with the kids when my daughter was about 10, I think and one perched itself on her head. My husband finally reached out his hand to get it to climb onto him instead.




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My first plate (no making fun of the huge hunk of bacon! It was stuck together and I shared it with Owen!):
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That french toast bread pudding was to die for! And we all drank a ton of POG juice!

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Then we went outside to wander a little before heading off to our next destination.
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Boma is worth it just for that bread pudding! And the sticky buns!! I also loved their tator tots. That's going to be one of the first meals I book for our trip next August. I LOVE Boma breakfast!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Your story reminds me of the Ape zoo in the Netherlands. We went there with the kids when my daughter was about 10, I think and one perched itself on her head. My husband finally reached out his hand to get it to climb onto him instead.

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Love the look on her face!! I'm glad she wasn't frightened by it! It's all fun and games when it's happening, but it's kind of scary to think what damage they probably could have done if they had wanted. The tail that had my arm was sooo strong!

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