I know it won't happen, but I would love to see Bioware go the Bungie route. I think if they went back to being independent, they could go back to doing what they didbest. I'm sure they have plenty of ideas because they would have to leave mass effect, dragon age... I'm sure with EA.
This is probably a good bet. I haven't played Anthem yet but if I had to guess, I'd say EA waits to see how the game evolves. Those type of shared world games take at least a year to really develop. So I can see them once dragon age 4 is out and we see how Anthem has evolved, make that decision. If both end up doing well, I think mass effect gets its next game and BioWare is ok. I'm not sure that Bioware really wanted to make Anthem, it seems more of an EA mandate for a Destiny clone. It just isn't in BioWares wheelhouse.