The Future of Dinosaur - You Decide...

Choose your preferred fate for Dinosaur

  • It should be refurbished but keep the same storyline and theming

  • It should be given a new storyline but maintain its focus on dinosaurs (no Indiana Jones)

  • It should be rethemed to Indiana Jones but should retain its dinosaur animatronics

  • It should be transformed into a clone (or close relative) of the Indiana Jones Adventure in DL

  • It should be completely destroyed and replaced with something entirely new, Indy or something else

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Premium Member
There's one at DisneySea, the sentence can be read two ways. The meaning was we don't need another Indy clone, this time at WDW.
Fair enough. But it’s the same ride system anyway and they’re hardly likely to replace the ride system when they do re theme it.


Well-Known Member
I'm torn. I'm a big fan of Dinosaur & the idea of dinosaurs having a role in Animal Kingdom. Preferably the ride would get a major revamp with the land around it getting a new & cooler dinosaur based theme.

But on the other hand, I'm a massive Indiana Jones fan. I've been jealous of DisneyLand having an Indy ride since I was 10. If this is the best way to finally get an Indy ride at WDW, I'm not going to argue. Even though I'd prefer if it was at DHS. I think the South America theming that's supposedly coming is a great idea too.


Well-Known Member
If Indiana Jones comes, I want it to be a ride centered around South America, as that’s what the rest of the land would be. You could enter a Mayan, Aztec, or Incan temple. Obviously Disney isn’t going to do a ride centered around animals (it’s kind of hard to have a thrilling dark ride around anything but dinosaurs or other carnivores), but it should at the very least be centered around South America and either it’s history or culture.
Finding an animal based god from South American culture would be a good way to make the ride fit. You can introduce people to a part of South American history & also talk about how important animals are to humans that in the past we based gods around them.
Encanto, other than the setting which sort of makes sense, just doesn't fit to me. It has basically nothing to do with animals. Indy is a 30 year old ride at Disneyland so to me it makes little sense to retheme an existing ride to it. I can't see huge numbers of people flocking to it, but maybe I am wrong.

I think people still enjoy Dinosaur, and they like dinosaurs in general so not sure why Disney is so intent on gutting this area. Put some money into it. With the proper refurbishment and budget it would be and remain very popular. Every single attraction doesn't need to be IP.
They must (stupidly) lump the Dinosaur ride & dinosaurs in general in with the negative reception to Dinoland. Dinoland has to be one of the most frowned upon parts of WDW, so it makes sense to revamp it. It just would've been nice if it was still dinosaur themed.


Well-Known Member
I think Dinoland/Dinosaur would be very well received if given the proper budget for upgrades/refurbishment and a new attraction or two. I think there's no need to ditch the Dinosaur theme. Hopefully, Disney will change their minds. More realistically, they are very reluctant lately to spend money on needed refurbs in the parks (Spaceship Earth comes to mind), so I'm guessing dinoland is safe for at least another few years regardless.


Active Member
In the Parks
Having ridden both rides, I'm for going Indy all the way. I would also include the long and elaborate ride queue which has some cool interactive elements. As for my "reasoning," I just think the Indy version of the ride experience is more fun and relatable whole dinosaur theme.


Well-Known Member
Ok- here this week. We rode it yesterday and many of the lights were out - Dinos missing- things off.

Looks like they just gave up fixing the things that need them

And this was a favorite of ours in the past


Well-Known Member
This ride does nothing for me. Neither the story, the theme, nor the ride mechanics itself.

The story makes no sense. If you can send me back in time, why can't you send me back a week before the asteroid hits? Also, why does my time rover need to have forward motion to engage the temporal field? It is not as if I have to drive THROUGH the portal.

I guess dinosaurs are cool for kids. I think most kids wanted to be a paleontologist when they were little (I did), but now there are much other current animals I would rather see.

An earlier poster pegged it exactly - the shaken baby ride. I love roller coasters, Mission Space, etc. This ride is just unpleasant, again, for me.

John park hopper

Well-Known Member
With todays electronics Disney could do a really dark and scary dinosaur e attraction. What kid is not fascinated by dinosaurs. The original universe of energy was good at the end it just wasn't long enough. As an adult I still love a good Dino ride but alas Disney will do nothing with except put a bandaid on.
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Well-Known Member
Ok- here this week. We rode it yesterday and many of the lights were out - Dinos missing- things off.

Looks like they just gave up fixing the things that need them

And this was a favorite of ours in the past
Yeah, I went in late October & it wasn't in good shape. That's sad that it's gotten even worse.

They should atleast try their best to maintain it before they shut it down. Splash felt like it was in better shape than I've seen Dinosaur in.


Well-Known Member
I love Indy in California. Great ride. Part of what makes Disneyland superior to Magic Kingdom. However............what is great about Disneyland vs. WDW is not just their similarities but their differences. I have always liked how there are some unique experiences at one place vs. the other. So I am fine with Dinosaurs being in WDW and Indy in DL. Both are unique. It is Animal Kingdom after all, so we should stick with an animal theme. Indy is not an animal. So you can change the storyline, but I still say make it about Dinosaurs.

I will also add that I think a Bambi, Lion King, Jungle Book or even a throwback to Mr. Toad is a good fit for an animal themed ride at AK. Would be fun to dream.
i like that. would to see something along those lines and yes no shaken baby syndrome.


Well-Known Member
Dinosaurs were missing!? Which ones?
The Sauropod has recently gone missing, during the "computer: slow...and identify" sequence. There is literally nothing there. Hopefully they are repairing/replacing it. I cannot imagine they would not just leave it there static otherwise if it was broken.


Well-Known Member
Finding an animal based god from South American culture would be a good way to make the ride fit. You can introduce people to a part of South American history & also talk about how important animals are to humans that in the past we based gods around them.

They must (stupidly) lump the Dinosaur ride & dinosaurs in general in with the negative reception to Dinoland. Dinoland has to be one of the most frowned upon parts of WDW, so it makes sense to revamp it. It just would've been nice if it was still dinosaur themed.
In the video game Indiana Jones & The Infernal Machine one of the bosses is Quetzelqoutal a Serpent which Indy tends to hate...Put 2 and 2 together with the temple retheme and there you have it.


Well-Known Member
I hate to be sooo Negative, but what will a refurb take a Decade? If thats the case leave Dinosaur alone. Its a fun but ROUGH ride. I suppose this is the Disney Response to Epic Universe............... retheme, replace or we dont care.


I know it’ll be unpopular but I personally don’t find Indiana Jones to be a good choice to replace any AK ride…it’s not like it’s as popular today as it was decades ago. In addition it’s not a franchise that people initially connect to Disney…and lastly it has no significant representation of Animals unlike most Disney franchises and movies.

I know that no matter what comes here Disney will make it great and I will have a good time but ideally it would be really awesome to see them find a more appealing and appropriate replacement. Zootopia makes a lot of sense but appears not to be a popular choice. Coco seems to be going to MK at some point but at least it has some animal representation.

Some more fitting themes would be Tarzan, Jungle Book, or similar, but unfortunately they are not current and would not generate enough interest. So it’s not easy and I guess that’s why Disney makes the decisions.

It would be awesome to see some kind of Kingdom Hearts type world where multiple Disney characters and franchises come together in one place. Maybe a world where all animals from Disney movies come together like all canines and felines? It would be really popular if Disney pushed the envelope and did something in that arena because it leaves so much more opportunity to build and expand and adjust. It would be cool to see King Mickey and all the characters come together to battle the Villains like in Kingdom hearts.

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