Thursday 16th
Late start again and off to MGM studios

Straight on over to Toy story again (Donna won)
headed to the Writers stop again for an iced capaccino and a banana nut/pineapple muffin .
From here we grabbed a fastpass for Startours and then rode it straight away as the standby line was a mere 10 minutes.We got the Admiral Ackbar/Deathstar ride this time.
Next up .. Shopping break
Honest we were shopping.
Once the time had arrived we popped back for our startours fastpasses.
the rudest character in film history (they bleep everything he said in 6 films)
this time up we got Gungan/Hoth.
We stopped for lunch at the Backlot Express and found out a very important piece of information.... We don't like spicy buffalo chicken nuggets .
After a few shops we watched the mid-afternoon American Idol Experience.The contestants were of varying talent and the young girl we both voted for won through to the nighttime finale.
After exiting we headed over to the Voyage of the Little Mermaid
A great show
Next up Beauty and The Beast live on stage.
This is our favorite live show and is always well recieved.
Beast v Gaston ... Round 1
All cured.
Whilst in the vicinity and to let the sudden surge of tourists let out of the show we grabbed a coffee from the Hollywood hotel coffee cart.
We also tried cinnamon glazed pecans and were very much smitten.
We decided to stay for the American Idol finale to see if our winner from earlier could prevail
There was a band leader that had got through earlier in the day and all her students filled out a couple of rows of the back of the theater.We got a fair idea of how this vote was going to go.
All 5 contestants were introduced and sang their songs.It was an a ladies final and the last one to sing was by and far the best singer (not the band leader).
After thinning them out the last two standing were the band leader and contestant no.5.
Well surprise surprise guess who won.
That's right contestant number 5.
There was much wailing and tears from the pink shirted band crowd

After this we decided to head on back to the hotel for the evening.