The Ferrets Florida funtime

well its finally here ladies and gentlepeeps.I am sitting in the departure lounge at our tiny island aiport wiating to go :-)
Off to a great start as we only have bloney Gok Wan on our flight (first autograph and we haven't even left Guernsey yet.
There may be some more updates whilst we are vactioning but am taking a notebook to keep tabs of everything to fill this out properly when we get back.
Thats all for now folks

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Original Poster
Once back at the resort we hopped on a bus for Downtown Disney and went and saw Iron Man 3D at the AMC . Awesome film.We then took a quiet stroll back through the marketplace (and the build a droid station) to the bus stop.Passing through Earl of Sandwich for Tea.Tried the Holiday turkey this time.Very nice indeed :)

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Original Poster
Tuesday 14th

Islands of Adventure

Once again we braved the I4 and headed on up to the universal area but this time we hung a left on citywalk and headed on over to IOA for the park opening.
Straight on over to the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

Just in case you were unsure of where you are.


Will this be ride-able when we go next ?

The other castle
I can't say enough how impressed with this whole land i was.just make sure you use the public conveniences here as there is a special surprise :)
We rode the Forbidden Journey twice on the trot with Minimal wait time each time.The ride is just awesome.
Next up for me was the dragon challenge.With a walk on queue i was anticipating doing both dragons in quick order.However after loading onto the front of the Hungarian ridgeback (the ice dragon) we scooted on up the lift hill and this is where it went a bit wrong imho.they were launching the dragons at separate times.this kinda soured the ride for me as a large part of the fun was the near misses (possibly being too fussy).So after riding the one i opted not to do the second dragon as it didn't seem quite right.
we both sampled the local speciality brew (butterbeer)It was actually very nice so i would advise to try it and not be put off by any negative reviews.
We took a short stroll around to Marvell superhero island via the Jurassic gift shops.

no introduction needed.

cooler than a Nimbus 3000
First up was the Spiderman ride followed by twice round on the Incredible hulk coaster (single rider lines are awesome for the bigger coasters).

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Original Poster
We then headed back over to Hogsmead to ride The Forbidden Journey once more and then for lunch at the Three Broomsticks.We both opted for the shepherd's pie with salad and another frozen Butterbeer each .Suitably lunched up we proceeded out of IOA and across the lagoon back into the studios.
We got straight on to minion mayhem and then caught the parade.

Patrick Star.
Next up was Revenge of the Mummy ..
We rode this three times in a row :D

It all got too much ..
We finally got off and headed back round to Men In Black in the hope i wouldn't break it this time.Luck was with us and we duly got two turns round on this ride ( Donna won the first one,Me the second).
After exiting we went straight on over to pets on stage to watch the show.
Once this had kicked out we took a slow stroll towards the exit via the gift shops..... Until i realised i had left a couple of pictures in the locker for MIB (i am such a (insert age appropriate word here)).. 'whilst Donna continued to browse i hurried back to the locker area and,after a 10 minute wait my locker was opened by the person who had rented it after us.Thankfully the photo's were still there and she handed them over to me (nice people still exist).So please note people ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK YOUR LOCKER BEFORE MOVING ON.. be a Dooright not a Doofus.
With that panic over we finished up the shopping and headed back to the ranch for the evening with a couple of stowaways on board...

Banana ....

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Original Poster
Wednesday 15th

Another late start today as we were re-visiting the Florida Mall.
When up there we re-visited ;
M&M's world (that car is soaked ;))
Old Navy
and also went to
A t-shirt/shoe shop near the food court
and strangely enough ... Starbucks for and iced caramel crunch frappechino and a muffin. :rolleyes:
Back down the I4 to walmart for some jeans and T's and then it was back to the resort and on a bus to ..
Once we had arrived we stopped in to the Electric umbrella for a bite to eat.Chicken nuggets and a bacon cheeseburger.
Once satisfied it was a short hop on over to Mexico to ride EL Rio Del Donald .
Then Norway and we once again braved the trolls and polar bears.
We stopped in the shop on the way out to purchase a new HH rainjacket each with some funds we had been given for christmas.
Then it was off to the Germany pavillion .

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Original Poster
Once we had passed the border into Germany we went to Caramel Kuche.We tried a caramel drizzled cookie and were a bit disappointed as we have tasted better.So to make up for this we strolled around to good old Blighty for an iced hazlenut coffee.On our way out of the world showcase we got given a pair of fastpass tickets to test track.Thank you random strangerpeople.With the time a little way off we did Ellen's energy adventure (i actually like this ride).our fastpass time had arrived so we headed over there and managed to design one of the top vehicles of the day on the board as you exit :).
We popped over for a quick visit to the great big blue.
As the light was beginning to fade we headed over to our favorite coffee cart and got a ... Hot coffee.
We settled in to watch illuminations from here.
Here is where i will offer some advice to everyone.Always Always Always check which direction the wind is blowing and watch with the wind at your back.Because the fireworks don't seem to reach as high as other show everyone in our area got covered by ash and Donna was hit on the upper arm by a still glowing ember.:(
We decided to cut our losses at this point and left before the show had finished.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Original Poster
Thursday 16th

Late start again and off to MGM studios :D
Straight on over to Toy story again (Donna won)
headed to the Writers stop again for an iced capaccino and a banana nut/pineapple muffin .
From here we grabbed a fastpass for Startours and then rode it straight away as the standby line was a mere 10 minutes.We got the Admiral Ackbar/Deathstar ride this time.
Next up .. Shopping break

Honest we were shopping.
Once the time had arrived we popped back for our startours fastpasses.

the rudest character in film history (they bleep everything he said in 6 films)
this time up we got Gungan/Hoth.
We stopped for lunch at the Backlot Express and found out a very important piece of information.... We don't like spicy buffalo chicken nuggets .
After a few shops we watched the mid-afternoon American Idol Experience.The contestants were of varying talent and the young girl we both voted for won through to the nighttime finale.
After exiting we headed over to the Voyage of the Little Mermaid

A great show

Next up Beauty and The Beast live on stage.
This is our favorite live show and is always well recieved.

Beast v Gaston ... Round 1
All cured.
Whilst in the vicinity and to let the sudden surge of tourists let out of the show we grabbed a coffee from the Hollywood hotel coffee cart.
We also tried cinnamon glazed pecans and were very much smitten.
We decided to stay for the American Idol finale to see if our winner from earlier could prevail
There was a band leader that had got through earlier in the day and all her students filled out a couple of rows of the back of the theater.We got a fair idea of how this vote was going to go.
All 5 contestants were introduced and sang their songs.It was an a ladies final and the last one to sing was by and far the best singer (not the band leader).
After thinning them out the last two standing were the band leader and contestant no.5.
Well surprise surprise guess who won.
That's right contestant number 5.
There was much wailing and tears from the pink shirted band crowd :D.
After this we decided to head on back to the hotel for the evening.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Original Poster
Friday 17th

Animal Kingdom Round 2
Once more at Natazhu we headed to the Safari fastpass machines and then got .
Henna Tattoo's (rebels that we are )

Pretty Flowers

Manly lizard
With time still to kill we decided on breakfast.One Vanilla latte and apple and cinnamon muffin later (those pesky sparrows were back again ;)) our safari time was ready so we boarded the truck and set out.
As with the first safari we were very lucky and managed to get to see a whole bunch of animals .

A Ninja Giraffe

Apparently Hippo's make good islands

Gator done :D
Noticeably the cheetah's were up and wandering around and this time the male lion was up on "pride rock".
Next up Pagani forest trails.And also the Jungle Trek in Asia

Pagani forest trail

Jungle trek ... Simples
next up i manned up and went on the ride i hate . Dinosaur.Irrational i know but i dislike this ride.

Proof .

After this it was off to lunch at the Rainforest Cafe.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Original Poster
We were seated in the coral reef section of the restaraunt and had chimi chacha's and Quesesilla's for starters followed by a rainforest burger and Bamba bbq beef wrap for mains.Very nice they were to.
Once back in the park . Having waited at the small rainforest turnstyle for an age then resorting back to the main ones.I would recomend using the main turnstyles to re-enter the park because if there is a problem at the other set the line rapidly builds up as there is only one in gate.
Down to camp MM for festival of the lion king.We were sat in the warthog section for the show :confused:.I hope noothing changes when they move this show over to its new location as its awesome.We then grabbed some liquid sustenance and sat down near Pizzafari to wait for Mickey's Jammin Jungle Parade.Once again a good time was had by all and the parade still looks colorfull and vibrant with the performers giving it their all.(its Donna's favorite).
After this was finished we followed it past the tree of life then exited for the hotel.Once here we moseyed on over to DTD and the AMC again.Star Trek into darkness this time (bit of a nerdfest for films this holiday).Was a very enjoyable film.Afterwards we mooched bach through Pleasure island and the marketplace to Earl of Sandwich for tea and a return to the hotel.


One Little Spark...
We were seated in the coral reef section of the restaraunt and had chimi chacha's and Quesesilla's for starters followed by a rainforest burger and Bamba bbq beef wrap for mains.Very nice they were to.
Once back in the park . Having waited at the small rainforest turnstyle for an age then resorting back to the main ones.I would recomend using the main turnstyles to re-enter the park because if there is a problem at the other set the line rapidly builds up as there is only one in gate.
Down to camp MM for festival of the lion king.We were sat in the warthog section for the show :confused:.I hope noothing changes when they move this show over to its new location as its awesome.We then grabbed some liquid sustenance and sat down near Pizzafari to wait for Mickey's Jammin Jungle Parade.Once again a good time was had by all and the parade still looks colorfull and vibrant with the performers giving it their all.(its Donna's favorite).
After this was finished we followed it past the tree of life then exited for the hotel.Once here we moseyed on over to DTD and the AMC again.Star Trek into darkness this time (bit of a nerdfest for films this holiday).Was a very enjoyable film.Afterwards we mooched bach through Pleasure island and the marketplace to Earl of Sandwich for tea and a return to the hotel.

Oh, Into Darkness, eh?

I apologize in advance for the last 15 minutes of the film.

"You'll flood the whole compartment!"

"Ship out of Danger?"


Also, did you notice how the new "starfleet" uniforms a lot of them wore at Starfleet Command resembled the old Death Star uniforms? And how the, what I assume to be, Jeffries tube Kirk climbed through looked almost exactly like the tunnel in the Death Star where the jail cells were?

Yeah...nerd overdose, but I hope you enjoyed the film!

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