Monday 13
Universal studios
So we saddled up the neeesan and headed east up the I4 to universal.Paid for preferred parking and after finding the hazard light switch (thanks to Donna) we followed the blue line up to the King Kong parking lot.
One quick trip along the travellators later and we were at the gates.
First up was Minion Mayhem (formerly jimmy neutron(formerly the Hannah Barbera ride)).This is a great new update of a good ride and we really enjoyed it with only a 5 minute wait.
Next up was Rip it Ride it Rock it . This was a walk on literally .Awsome ride and the tunes really add to the experience .
From here it was straight to ... Rip it Ride it Rock it ..again a walk on whilst my awesome wife waited for me.
After stopping at starbucks for a caramel crunch frappachino each we moseyed on over to investigate the new Harry potter section that is in construction.
for all you Ornithologist's out there ... a Florida crane ..Boom Boom
This looks like it is going to be a fantastic addition to the park and makes you realise how much room the Jaws ride occupied.
behind the scenes at the new springfield development.
Having been suitably refreshed we headed over to the New York Worlds Fair for MIB .Regrettably the ride malfunctioned just as we were entering the giant bug towards the end so we never got any proof of our record breaking scores...
When we finally got of we went over to the E.T. ride ..BROKEN
So to console herself we got one of these each.
Donut mind if i do.
Next we just about spotted the new Transformers ride.
Subtle ain't it .
we saw a crowd gathering in the street nearby and we knew what that meant.
Jake and Elwood (they are on a mission from god)
The Blues Brothers show. this is awesome and always has us dancing and clapping along with it.
Having shaken much tail feather we headed over to The Mummy...
Not remembering exactly what this ride was like i popped through the single rider line to see how intense it was..
Having ridden it and finding it no worse than Everest Donna came on it with me.As the line was only ten minutes we managed to do it twice in a row.Donna now has a new favorite ride.
Not really that scary

She purchased a new bracelet from the gift shop as a present to herself for doing the ride.We then headed back to re-try the E.T ride.It was working and with only a ten minute wait we got on the bicycles and everything synched with our names perfectly.
WE strolled a few more gift shops before exiting for lunch at the NASCAR cafe.Both of us chose the quesadilla's and i might have purchased a couple of items from the store

We went over into Islands of Adventure for a stroll through the park so we could soak up the atmosphere without rushing for any rides.The new Harry Potter expansion is incredible and i would have to say that it is easily the best themed area in any Florida theme park..
once we had completed our meander through the 7 lands (Jurassic river ride was down for refurb

) we headed back to the car and back to our hotel.