The fastpass attendants don't play!

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Well-Known Member
Last time i checked, it was a personal decision to get a fast pass. If you want to wait 45 minutes for the ride.... go right ahead. You can wait in line for the posted wait time.... or you can get a fast pass, go do something else for a while... and return without waiting. I choose the later.

Ugh, I can see this going chicken/egg...but I have to say this. Yes, I agree with you...and I've been known to use FastPass as well. However, the fact of the matter is that the system has so pervasively ruined some ride standby queues, such as Soarin' and TSMM. The only way to ride these rides is to try to get FPs as early as possible in the day, or else you risk ing away 2-3 hours on a queue. Most people spend way too much money on their vacations to *want* to ________ away 25% of their day watching reruns of Mr Potato head on TSMM's they basically have no choice.

The point I was making was that some seem to act like FP was some divine gift that was brought down from the great ghost of Uncle Walt with the sole intent of providing guests with a greater experience. I refuse to believe people on this board are that stupid.

The system wasn't designed with customers in was designed to get you out into the parks with an open wallet, instead of standing on a line not buying things. If you want to live in happy ignorant bliss, fine....but the FACT of the matter is that your park experience has been manipulated to serve Disney's best interest, not yours. It's a brilliant system, because it has so effectively fooled so many people to the contrary.

But make no mistake, it's not a convenience. Ride waits are dictated by capacity (and load)....nothing else...and fast pass queues do not have a vacuum-like effect on their own ride queues. queues throughout the park can be and are affected by one single FP system....let alone a whole park of them. So if you think you're being "convenienced" by having the opportunity to go to POTC, shop in the stores in adventure land, all while waiting for your Splash FP to mature....think about how those other rides and experiences have been changed and altered as a result of the splash queue. Nothing is in a vacuum.


I tried to go in 20 min early since I'm by myself & she said I had to wait til my time on my ticket. A whole family tried to go on in order to ride it & make their dinner reservations. She said no. Some girl got in a argument & her family pulled her away when she said no. This woman is ruthless! Lol

When did society break down and forget how to follow rules and act like the civilized society we profess to be???

Good for the CM, I hope you & the family following you in learned a lesson.


Well-Known Member
When did society break down and forget how to follow rules and act like the civilized society we profess to be???

About the same time the touchy feely phychiatrists convinced people that they should give kids "time outs" because spanking a child is child abuse and it will cause your child to grow up to be a arrogant, self righteous, angry, and entitled adult... Oh, wait... that seems to have backfired a little.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
About the same time the touchy feely phychiatrists convinced people that they should give kids "time outs" because spanking a child is child abuse and it will cause your child to grow up to be a arrogant, self righteous, angry, and entitled adult... Oh, wait... that seems to have backfired a little.

An over-generalization if I ever saw one. :lol:

My 16-yo son has only been struck once in his life [batting his hand away from a partially-exposed electrical plug]. His punishment for transgressions has always been loss of an activity he enjoys.

He is an extremely polite, respectful and genuinely decent young man who happily follows the rules. Spanking is a choice some parents make, but it most assuredly is not the only option to raise well suited members of society.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
An over-generalization if I ever saw one. :lol:

My 16-yo son has only been struck once in his life [batting his hand away from a partially-exposed electrical plug]. His punishment for transgressions has always been loss of an activity he enjoys.

He is an extremely polite, respectful and genuinely decent young man who happily follows the rules. Spanking is a choice some parents make, but it most assuredly is not the only option to raise well suited members of society.
Quite true. I have 3 kids and all of them responded differently to punishment. I could beat my oldest to the brink of death and it wouldn't have made the first difference, but taking away her friends and phone worked wonders. My youngest was the same when it came to corporal punishment but sticking her is a corner worked like a champ. My middle daughter responded to corporal punishment. The common thread is there has to be consequences for actions. When there are not, you get a kid that thinks they can get away with anything without recourse.


Well-Known Member
No argument, but if I cross a park to get FPs, then waiting around for an unknown period until the available window is more suitable isn't really an option. With the current policy it's not an issue. If they start enforcing the end of the window it becomes a problem. Also, if something unforeseeable should happen that delays you getting back to the ride, the current policy means less disappointment.

As I said, if they change and allow you to select from different available upcoming windows, that would generally be OK with me. But trying to figure out when to go to get an FP window that works perfectly with the rest of your day's schedule without an accurate smart phone app that tells you makes it a gamble.

This ^ is a good idea. Instead of having the FP distributed as whatever hour window is on the return time when you put your ticket in, why not allow you to choose your own time? They could give options of different hour long windows. That way you can plan the time you can use your Soarin FP around your lunch at Le Cellier.


Well-Known Member
Its probably just me, but I don't see a problem with the current fastpass system. :shrug: When I use it, I check the return time before I get the fastpass, so I know I won't be at my dinner reservation, and I usually get back to the fastpass line right when the time slot opens with little to no wait. I don't see how having a dinner reservation is an excuse, you can see the return window before you choose to get the fastpass. I just never thought to return later than the time just because all of the instructions for it say that you have that one hour time slot.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Its probably just me, but I don't see a problem with the current fastpass system. :shrug: When I use it, I check the return time before I get the fastpass, so I know I won't be at my dinner reservation, and I usually get back to the fastpass line right when the time slot opens with little to no wait. I don't see how having a dinner reservation is an excuse, you can see the return window before you choose to get the fastpass. I just never thought to return later than the time just because all of the instructions for it say that you have that one hour time slot.
The only real problem I see with the current system shows up toward the end of the day. The standby lines tend to grind to a halt at the end of the day due to the practice of accepting expired fastpasses. Enforcing a expiration time should help to fix that.


Well-Known Member
The only real problem I see with the current system shows up toward the end of the day. The standby lines tend to grind to a halt at the end of the day due to the practice of accepting expired fastpasses. Enforcing a expiration time should help to fix that.
That makes more sense lol. So assuming I continue to only use fastpasses in the one hour time slot like I've always done I wouldn't have a problem. Good to know. :lol:


Well-Known Member
An over-generalization if I ever saw one. :lol:

My 16-yo son has only been struck once in his life [batting his hand away from a partially-exposed electrical plug]. His punishment for transgressions has always been loss of an activity he enjoys.

He is an extremely polite, respectful and genuinely decent young man who happily follows the rules. Spanking is a choice some parents make, but it most assuredly is not the only option to raise well suited members of society.

May be an overgeneralization but it is still somewhat accurate. About the time that people started this whole silly "time out" thing is about the time our society lost it's mind and started really getting out of hand with entitlement. And removing privileges is not the same as the time outs. ;) And I love hearing the insane arguments from people I know saying "I give my kids time outs and they are the sweetest thing in the world." and that usually comes from some very arrogant people themselves who turn a blind eye to their kid kicking someone because they did not get their way. LOL I have never given my kids a time out and I have only ever spanked them each once. And even then it was just two or three swats on the butt with an open hand. Now, all I have to do is give them "the look" and they stop doing stupid crap. My kids hold doors for people, say please and thank you, and go out of their way for other people. My sister's "time out" kids are rude, hateful, mean, and arrogant. None of them have ever had their butt busted.


Well-Known Member
The only real problem I see with the current system shows up toward the end of the day. The standby lines tend to grind to a halt at the end of the day due to the practice of accepting expired fastpasses. Enforcing a expiration time should help to fix that.

I would hope so. But Like I said earlier, there is no way to satisfy everyone all the time. Hopefully they enforce the return times and it helps alleviate the evening standby lines. But then I am sure another issue will arise.


Active Member
I tried to go in 20 min early since I'm by myself & she said I had to wait til my time on my ticket. A whole family tried to go on in order to ride it & make their dinner reservations. She said no. Some girl got in a argument & her family pulled her away when she said no. This woman is ruthless! Lol

Incredibly pointless thread is incredibly pointless. CM's do their jobs to ensure to the best of their ability that the guest flow is seamless. There's really no reason for this thread at all.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Ugh, I can see this going chicken/egg...but I have to say this. Yes, I agree with you...and I've been known to use FastPass as well. However, the fact of the matter is that the system has so pervasively ruined some ride standby queues, such as Soarin' and TSMM. The only way to ride these rides is to try to get FPs as early as possible in the day, or else you risk ing away 2-3 hours on a queue. Most people spend way too much money on their vacations to *want* to ________ away 25% of their day watching reruns of Mr Potato head on TSMM's they basically have no choice.

The point I was making was that some seem to act like FP was some divine gift that was brought down from the great ghost of Uncle Walt with the sole intent of providing guests with a greater experience. I refuse to believe people on this board are that stupid.

The system wasn't designed with customers in was designed to get you out into the parks with an open wallet, instead of standing on a line not buying things. If you want to live in happy ignorant bliss, fine....but the FACT of the matter is that your park experience has been manipulated to serve Disney's best interest, not yours. It's a brilliant system, because it has so effectively fooled so many people to the contrary.

But make no mistake, it's not a convenience. Ride waits are dictated by capacity (and load)....nothing else...and fast pass queues do not have a vacuum-like effect on their own ride queues. queues throughout the park can be and are affected by one single FP system....let alone a whole park of them. So if you think you're being "convenienced" by having the opportunity to go to POTC, shop in the stores in adventure land, all while waiting for your Splash FP to mature....think about how those other rides and experiences have been changed and altered as a result of the splash queue. Nothing is in a vacuum.

I shall make no mistake. It is a convenience while also being a benefit to Disney. And I would take it out of TSMM and Soarin' and Peter Pan (were I in charge, while I will never be) for the reasons you mention. For those three attractions (and really, only those three), the standby lines are unbearable due in part to fastpass. So I'd dump fastpass there (or singificantly reduce the number of fastpasses). But otherwise, it allows guests to pick one or two attractions a day to ride without waiting in the line. You're spending that time doing something else. As you point out, FP doesn't increase ride capacity. The exact same number of people can ride an attraction during the day whether it has FP or not. But if has FP, some percentage (33? 40? 50? I don't actually know) of those people didn't wait in the line. Those people are better off. So using fastpass is a benefit for them. I agree that Disney didn't do it just to help us guests -- they want us out of line and spending money. But that doesn't mean it doesn't help us.

May be an overgeneralization but it is still somewhat accurate. About the time that people started this whole silly "time out" thing is about the time our society lost it's mind and started really getting out of hand with entitlement. And removing privileges is not the same as the time outs. ;) And I love hearing the insane arguments from people I know saying "I give my kids time outs and they are the sweetest thing in the world." and that usually comes from some very arrogant people themselves who turn a blind eye to their kid kicking someone because they did not get their way. LOL I have never given my kids a time out and I have only ever spanked them each once. And even then it was just two or three swats on the butt with an open hand. Now, all I have to do is give them "the look" and they stop doing stupid crap. My kids hold doors for people, say please and thank you, and go out of their way for other people. My sister's "time out" kids are rude, hateful, mean, and arrogant. None of them have ever had their butt busted.

All overgeneralizations are somewhat accurate -- otherwise there'd be nothing to overgeneralize from. That doesn't make them appropriate. I know a kid who gets spanked acts out on the playground as bully, essentially spanking other kids. His parents spank him, he says, so it must be OK. I could overgeneralize from that and say that spanking is obviously a big societal problem. And I'd be wrong to do so.

The Mom

Premium Member
I think this is a reminder of what most of us already knew - you have to wait until your FP window begins.

And that child rearing is as variable as the children, and parents, involved. There is not one perfect method that will work with all children; even children in the same family react differently.

Unfortunately, it takes parents a couple of decades to discover if they've really succeeded. And it's often a matter of luck, rather than skill. I had very easy going children, who excelled without too much effort on my part. But I know I was lucky. ;) Of course, one of them could turn into a mass murderer in the future, so I'm not going to consider my parenting a success yet. :lookaroun

So, rather than get further off topic, it's time to put this baby to bed. ;)
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