Trip Report The Fairytale & Dream Come True-May 2013 DFTW/Honeymoon TR

The Fairytale & Dream Come True-May 2013 DFTW & Honeymoon Report

Welcome to the very best trip report EVER!!!!! I can’t believe I’m sitting here writing this when I’ve been married for over two months now…yep that’s right! I went down to the happiest place on earth and got married!! Oh aaaannd I went on my very first cruise! (Apologies to my cruise ladies…that was supposed to be my first cruise, but I made a cruise a first for me and my husband!) So thanks for tuning in and I hope you enjoy! Here we go!!!!!!

WHEN: May 18-May 28, 2013

WHERE: May 18-23: The Boardwalk Inn, May 23-26: Disney Dream, May 26-28: Art of Animation: Little Mermaid room

WHO: There were a lot of characters that made appearances during this trip! Myself, my now husband Mike (who hasn’t been to the world since he was 12 and he is now 26), Mom (who you know from my many previous trip reports), Dad (his first trip EVER and first time to FL), Memere & Pepere (my grandparents whom are lovers of Disney & resided in FL for a few winters), Aunt (tagged along to help the grandparents), Mom-in-law & Dad-in-law (Mike’s parents), Brother & his gf (Mike’s brother and his gf tagged along for the journey too! It was her first time to WDW and they had a blast!)

Now everyone pretty much came in on the 18th and left on the 22nd (except us). The other characters will make appearances in a few places but I’ll only post a picture of us for now.

Mike and I right after we got engaged in Seabrook, NH on the Beach on August 12, 2012.

A little background on Mike and I and this decision before I begin…Mike and I have been together for almost 5 years now. We met in college through a mutual friend and the rest is history :) I knew there was something about him from the moment I laid eyes on him, and fortunately he felt the same about me. I did warn him about my Disney addiction way in the beginning & said if we get married it will be in Disney World. I guess he didn’t mind because well he let my dream come true! We were originally planning on getting married in March 2014, but since we were both already out of school and had full time jobs…we figured why not sooner! So about 7 months before the big day in October…we decided to get married in Disney World in May! We were so excited to get planning and thought it was so far away! But my, did the time come very fast! Thank you for tuning in and I hope you enjoy it!

Note: I did not take notes on this trip at all I was having too much fun to stop and write so this is going all from my pictures and memory!

During the wedding days of the trip, we used these awesome Times Guides that @HollyBelle made for us!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! Everyone loved them!!!


We bought some new suitcases & luggage tags for this trip


Our pre-trip package from the awesome Tammy at Kingdom Konsultants!!


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Saturday May 18th – Arrival Day!

Finally the day was here!!!! We could not believe all that waiting and the day to leave for our trip was finally here! Mom and Dad came to pick us up bright and early at 6:45 am because we had a 9:50 am flight into Orlando! I was worried about my suitcase…I bought a 30” one and I was worried that it would be overweight, it turned out to be 49 lbs….oops!

My wedding dress was traveling safely in a car with Mom-in-law & Dad-in-law since they were driving down to the world. Security was a breeze and soon we were making our way to our gate. On the way we ran into Brother & his gf (sorry I don’t want to use names because I don’t know how they feel about me writing a report with them in it on the internet lol) getting on their Jet Blue flight that was leaving as we were walking by them. We made some introductions to Mom & Dad (it was the first time they met him) and told them we would see them soon!

Before we knew it, we were boarding our flight, and in the air.

Excited to be en route to Orlando!

We had the perfect seats…the Emergency Exit! I had no seat in front of me and all the room in the world!!! I also bought the first two books in the Kingdom Keeper series to read on my far I love the books!


After a little bumpy flight, we were safely on the ground thanks to the great crew at Southwest and seeing these AMAZING signs!!!


New Magical Express desks….cute!

We waited in line for our hotel for about 10-15 minutes? We were some of the last people on the bus but that meant we would leave right away with a full busload and not have to wait for anyone!

OMG I can’t believe I’m here to get married!!!! Seriously…the best dream come true.

If I remember correctly, we were the second stop for this beautiful resort that I have been waiting my whole life to stay at…my favorite resort on property…….

The Boardwalk!!!!!

Walking into the resort

Inside the beautiful lobby, on our way to check in!


Welcome indeed!

When we checked in we were initially put in a room right next to my parents, but we quickly changed that…..sorry Mom! :D

Once we got our new room we were on the 5th floor at an end room with this AMAZING view of France, Morocco, American Adventure, a little bit of Japan, and Characters in Flight!

Get ready for tons of picture of the best room EVAAAA!!!!!! We had a room with a King Size bed and it was awesome. So much room for everything and a double vanity. Loved every single inch of it. The Boardwalk is definitely my favorite resort by a landslide. (but I may be biased)


Picture above the couch




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Looking down below…


Our neighbor’s balcony

The bathroom

Mirror shot for @HollyBelle!

I thought the coffee maker was in a weird spot…there was no outlet here so we had to move it….




A little towel friend!

Another one!

Uh…there’s a phone in the bathroom??????

We got a text saying that Memere, Pepere, and my Aunt had just arrived! So we went to help them out with their suitcases and chit chatted a little with everyone in their room. My in-laws were arriving Sunday in the car and his brother was staying at Port Orleans until Monday night when he would switch over to the Boardwalk to be there for the wedding the next day.

We decided to part our separate ways and Mike and I decided to walk over to the Studios to check out Star Wars Weekends for the first time!

Down in the lobby…

Map of the resort

Our spot :inlove:

Welcome to the Boardwalk!

I love theme trashcans!

SSE peaking out behind Sea Breeze Point



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First of all...CONGRATULATIONS!! So excited to follow along on your super special trip. And I LOVE The Boardwalk! Def my fave. Thanks again for sharing your trip with us!


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Where to???

I see it! I see it!

Love Disney bunnies!


Now happened the moment I had been waiting for…I finally stepped into a Disney Park with the love of my life…and it was my favorite one! :happy:


Our first picture together in Walt Disney World!


Looking back down Hollywood Blvd.

We had one thing on our minds…FOOD. We hadn’t eaten since the snacks we had on the plane in the morning and right now it was already about 4 in the afternoon! We had no ADRs for today (I’ll warn you here Mike is more of a go with the flow kind of guy…so we went slow and did things as we felt like it…it was really nice because he didn’t get to do everything new so a nice excuse to go back!) we were two people and figured we would have no problem getting in at the 50s! We stepped up and found out it was only a 20 minute wait…so we waited!



We were called in after only about 10 minutes! We were so excited to finally eat!


Straws thrown on the table

Mike was the one who had to set the table

I think Mike had a root beer and I had a Vanilla Shake…well of course he had some too

I had the Chicken Pot Pie…that was really good!

Mike had the Fried Chicken which he liked as well!



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With our tummies filled, we headed off towards Animation Courtyard passing the DJ on the way…



Our first stop if the trip is the Little Mermaid!


We spotted these guys out after the Little Mermaid but their line was waaaay too long.

So we headed to the Great Movie Ride!




Little did we know this would be the longest journey into the movies too…..



So everything was going great until we got here…..

We were in the Indiana Jones room for a good 5 minutes. Our movie host was doing a great job though at telling Star Wars jokes haha. Finally we got moving only to get stuck in Tarzan…which he never swung by….We made it through Alien and Casablanca more slowly than normal…but when we got to Munchkin land….there were no Munchkins!


After what seemed like an eternity (probably a good 10-15 minutes)…the set finally started up after a mechanic walked by…..I just wanted to follow the Yellow Brick road outta here! We were probably on the Great Movie Ride for at least 45 minutes….needless to say we had had enough of the movies and didn’t go back there the rest of the trip.

After getting out of there finally, we stepped in line to meet Darth Goofy because there was no line! The interaction we had with him was great! He saw our Happily Ever After buttons, took my hand and ran away with me down Commissary Lane….he turned around to find that Mike wasn’t behind him chasing! Goofy just shook his head and walked back with me…he wanted Mike to chase after us! Haha. After a little more banter with the Goof we took a picture. It was great character interaction!


I couldn’t wait to ride my tower so off we went!

I just can’t get enough




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Why isn’t this a real hotel?


Believe it or not, this would be the only ride we took on my beloved tower the entire trip! The wait time listed 20 minutes but we barely waited half of that.


Love this picture behind the picture counter

Right next door was Darth’s Mall….so we took a gander!

This view of the Tower of Terror got me all emotional because I was standing in the exact spot where I finished my first runDisney race in September of 2012…the inaugural Tower of Terror 10 miler. One of the best feelings.




Palm Trees!

We headed out and towards the Hat Stage to try to catch a glimpse of the Hyperspace Hoopla!

We had a backstage view which was pretty cool because all the characters kept in character while backstage of the Hat!




These storm troopers were getting down! Some of their moves were even a little scandalous!

Even the clothing was scandalous!

After the Hoopla, we headed for a walk in NYC!

Oh you know…just taking the Subway…

We saw Star Tours had a 10 minute wait…during SWW no less…so we took advantage of that!


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It was so great to see Fantasmic. I hadn’t seen it in quite some years, so I had forgotten some parts. Made me love Fantasmic again! Since the Studios was closed by the time we got out we took my favorite Friendship Boats back to the resort!


We ended up getting off at the Swan and Dolphin so we could walk back!


Our spot at night!


I seriously love the Boardwalk Resort at night.

The view from our room at night

A few more pictures of our lovely room






Love the detail in the chair!

We called it a night around midnight….we had an early morning breakfast at the Kingdom to get to the next day!

Thanks for tuning in so far! More will be posted tomorrow night! :)


Well-Known Member
Congrats on your marriage and here's wishing you many years of wedded bliss! Disney honeymoons are the best. I can't believe ours was 16 years ago (where has time gone). Can't wait to hear the rest.


Active Member
I don't have to tell you how freaking excited I am for this TR, you already know!! The pics of The Boardwalk are beautiful, I must stay there! Cannot wait to read all about the big day and see more pics!! :D:joyfull::D


Well-Known Member
Oh my GOSH so ready for this TR. I was clearly behind the times because I totally thought you weren't getting married until later this year (like all the cool kids do! ;)) and then it's like oh Jess changed her last name and is married on FB. What the whaaaat? Where was I?

Anyway - cannot believe this was mikes first trip! It's going to be hard to top it! Haha! Loving the Boardwalk - cant wait to stay there after the cruise!

You and Mike are adorable together. I'm for sure going to cry at the wedding part - no surprise there. Can't wait to read the rest!!!


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Can't wait to see what your wedding is like! Me and my fiancé want to get married there, but the planning seems overwhelming to me! I love reading your TR and can't wait to hear the rest!


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YAY!! I've been waiting for this to be posted!!!

SO GLAD I got to see you and Mike for a bit while we were down there!! But - we didn't get a picture together!! I can't believe we forgot!! Shame on us!! lol

Can't wait to read about the wedding. I have my tissues handy already!!! :)

haha you know i was thinking about that when I was writing this...what was wrong with us??? LOL. How could we forget that???

And yes coming soon!!! :)

I don't have to tell you how freaking excited I am for this TR, you already know!! The pics of The Boardwalk are beautiful, I must stay there! Cannot wait to read all about the big day and see more pics!! :D:joyfull::D

YAY!!!! Thanks! And you have an AWESOME trip!!!!!!

Oh my GOSH so ready for this TR. I was clearly behind the times because I totally thought you weren't getting married until later this year (like all the cool kids do! ;)) and then it's like oh Jess changed her last name and is married on FB. What the whaaaat? Where was I?

Anyway - cannot believe this was mikes first trip! It's going to be hard to top it! Haha! Loving the Boardwalk - cant wait to stay there after the cruise!

You and Mike are adorable together. I'm for sure going to cry at the wedding part - no surprise there. Can't wait to read the rest!!!

hahahaha no worries, not many people knew, I kinda kept it a surprise on here, and with the cruise ladies (well some knew) We were originally going to get married in March of next year, but for some reason didn't feel right when we were talking about it and we had no reason for waiting so we moved it up and decided about 7 months before May to get married! hahaha. And go on our first cruise! hahaha your's is coming up fast!!!!! :) How's the planning coming?

Actually (I had to double check what I wrote) it was his 3rd trip, but first with me :) He hadn't been in 14 years though. He was 12 the last time he went previously. And yes this trip will be hard to top!

And thank you!!!! :) That makes me happy! Thanks for reading it!!! :D

Can't wait to see what your wedding is like! Me and my fiancé want to get married there, but the planning seems overwhelming to me! I love reading your TR and can't wait to hear the rest!

The planning was not overwhelming at all! Honestly, they did all the planning for you just tell them what you want. And they will explain everything for you too. I was more stressed planning a reception back at home after the wedding than I was about the actual wedding! Definitely would recommend it! Thanks for tuning in!

Congrats on your marriage and here's wishing you many years of wedded bliss! Disney honeymoons are the best. I can't believe ours was 16 years ago (where has time gone). Can't wait to hear the rest.

Thank you so much!!!!! Time definitely does fly! We've only been married just over 2 months but seems like just yesterday we were married at SBP! Thank you for tuning in!


Well-Known Member
OMG.. OMG.. OOMMGG!! I literally JUMPED out of my seat when I read the TR title and then saw that it was from YOU! I GOT SO EXCITED! :D Your TR is amazing so far, keep up the great work (as usual :p). How wonderful that must've been to share your first Disney experience with your (then) fiance on your wedding trip! I find it hard to believe you only made it onto Tower once! :eek: I have a magical experience to tell you about that happened to us on our trip with the tower, but I'll get to that in my TR :p How cool that you guys had an empty Fantasmic! I can't believe how long it took you guys to get thru TGMR! Our car went slow thru the alien part when we went on it and I hated that cause that's my lease favorite scene haha! Did you find that the crowds were lower because of the time of year you guys were there? My mom and I are looking at going in May next year hoping that the crowds will be lower!
AH I can't wait to read more! You and your husband are sooo adorable and I love seeing all the pictures of you guys together, you look so happy and in love! :inlove: Epp ok sorry I'll stop with all the mushyness! :happy:


Well-Known Member
OMG.. OMG.. OOMMGG!! I literally JUMPED out of my seat when I read the TR title and then saw that it was from YOU! I GOT SO EXCITED! :D Your TR is amazing so far, keep up the great work (as usual :p). How wonderful that must've been to share your first Disney experience with your (then) fiance on your wedding trip! I find it hard to believe you only made it onto Tower once! :eek: I have a magical experience to tell you about that happened to us on our trip with the tower, but I'll get to that in my TR :p How cool that you guys had an empty Fantasmic! I can't believe how long it took you guys to get thru TGMR! Our car went slow thru the alien part when we went on it and I hated that cause that's my lease favorite scene haha! Did you find that the crowds were lower because of the time of year you guys were there? My mom and I are looking at going in May next year hoping that the crowds will be lower!
AH I can't wait to read more! You and your husband are sooo adorable and I love seeing all the pictures of you guys together, you look so happy and in love! :inlove: Epp ok sorry I'll stop with all the mushyness! :happy:

The first 3 weeks of May are awesome for low crowd levels! Star Wars Weeeknds at DHS can get crazy, but other than that crowds are very low!

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