The Dreaded Tour Groups


Well-Known Member
Well, you know what they say. Stuff is only irritating if you let it be. You can simply choose to ignore these groups and LIKE HELL YOU CAN.

These loud obnoxious groups are everywhere and can't be ignored. They chant and clap and walk eight persons wide, mentally in their own world so with utter disregard for the enjoyment of other guests. It is a disaster.
Simply prohibit the wearing of same clothes by groups larger than eight, or relatives. Problem solved. I bet they'd do it to end a plague of British football hooligans.

exactly, I am not addressing things that are irritating and annoying, I am addressing people in large groups that are causing injury to others. Like what happened to that couple at CBR .


Well-Known Member
Well, you know what they say. Stuff is only irritating if you let it be. You can simply choose to ignore these groups and LIKE HELL YOU CAN.

These loud obnoxious groups are everywhere and can't be ignored. They chant and clap and walk eight persons wide, mentally in their own world so with utter disregard for the enjoyment of other guests. It is a disaster.

The Only regular tourist (Me) and the other 20 Brazillian Tour group on ToT was horrifing...It WAS a Twilight Zone Episode!! All I remember they were Chanting something along the lines of..."Hot Peanut" "Hot Peanut" "Hot Peanut" "Everyone wants a peanut"...It was hard to make out as they were in Def Con 4 mode as we got to the top...I don't even know If I even survived the Tower...I think I'm still stuck there.....Help!


Well-Known Member
The Only regular tourist (Me) and the other 20 Brazillian Tour group on ToT was horrifing...It WAS a Twilight Zone Episode!! All I remember they were Chanting something along the lines of..."Hot Peanut" "Hot Peanut" "Hot Peanut" "Everyone wants a peanut"...It was hard to make out as they were in Def Con 4 mode as we got to the top...I don't even know If I even survived the Tower...I think I'm still stuck there.....Help!

seriously ?? I definitely need to tell my daughter to avoid them on all rides at all costs.


Well-Known Member
Why Disney has chosen to ignore this growing problem at the risk of alienating those who don't travel in herds is worth asking. If it's just plain old revenue, then that's disturbing. Asking ANY group to conform to certain standards of behavior is certainly within Disney's right, and I believe they have an obligation to the other guest to provide a safe environment free from loud, obnoxious, and sometimes intentionally rude behavior.

What has surprised me is that this hasn't actually blown up in Disney's face. A fight with irritated guest, police involvement in a shoving/pushing episode, then it'll be priority one.

Unfortunately, somebody will have to get
seriously hurt or create bad PR for them to enforce the parks so called guidelines of behavior.

Follow the $$$ trail.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, it does really suck when you check into a hotel and there are hundreds of screaming kids around. It's also VERY irritating in the lines and on the buses. Try to make the best of it but if you really want to avoid it try looking ahead to see what types of events are going to be taking place at wdw (such as the cheerleading competition) it is listed on the disney/wideworld of sports page. Also, having annuals and being a former cast member Ive been to Disney every month and from my experience spring break and summer are the worst for tour groups, and cheerleaders/dancers. They are kids/teens and don't mean any harm by it BUT they do think it's funny to be obnoxious, loud, and joksters which I think WE all have a different feeling about that.
Good advice, if you do some research you can kind of figure out when cheer groups, pop Warner, etc will be in the world. Make the best of it but try to avoid groups you may not enjoy being around.


Well-Known Member
seriously ?? I definitely need to tell my daughter to avoid them on all rides at all costs.

Good luck. You could be standing in line for 30 or more minutes for a ride and then some ******* up front let's their entire group into line in front of you. And do the CMs say anything? No. o_O That woman I work with (I mentioned earlier...) does this with her daughter and their friends because she thinks it's funny to see people get pi**ed. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Good luck. You could be standing in line for 30 or more minutes for a ride and then some ******* up front let's their entire group into line in front of you. And do the CMs say anything? No. o_O That woman I work with (I mentioned earlier...) does this with her daughter and their friends because she thinks it's funny to see people get pi**ed. :rolleyes:

You know this entire thread with the tour groups has really upset me and I will refer back to my original attitude that its my vacation, I earned it, I paid for it, I have looked forward to it and I will enjoy it no matter what, then the other side of me is ready to push back if an unruly ill mannered group of tourists get in my way and I can guarantee if somebody makes me unhappy I am inclined to spread that unhappiness back at them. The other thing I find disturbing is the well let's get out of their way attitude, which of course I am going to tell my daughter to do exactly that since most times she will have the grandkids with her while I tend to wander off by myself or hang with daughter # 2 for the couple of days she joins us. I just think it is totally unacceptable that the only wisdom is to get out of the tour groups way. And all the blogs I have searched this afternoon basically offer this as the solution. Maybe it is the effective short term remedy BUT it is allowing these groups to continue to run amok and assault other park guests and behave despicably and I just have a problem with that so during my 9 days at WDW, I hope I don't have any moments less magical than others because of tour groups but if I do I am not getting out of their way, I am making a huge scene and it will be the tour group and their party that will need to find the language skills to explain why they are blocking walkways, cutting in lines, chanting loudly, or displaying any other rude behavior like pushing and shoving and assaulting others. Disney needs to hold large tour groups to the same standard they hold the individuals and the families visiting the resorts and the parks... I love that saying about arguing with stupid people... ;)

And I totally have to agree with what Beholder stated earlier that these tour groups have been a problem for several years now and the only reason it has probably not blown up in Disney's face yet is everyone for the most part is backing up and letting the mob do what they want, going the other way, avoiding them, etc... so the bad behavior persists and earlier I read on the thread " I can't believe this happened" that a person was pushed down and sprained their ankle. I mean that is assault. The writer was thrilled that Disney upgraded them to a deluxe category resort where there were no tour groups but still, no one should have to worry about being assaulted at WDW by other patrons.


Well-Known Member
. Disney needs to hold large tour groups to the same standard they hold the individuals and the families visiting the resorts and the parks... I love that saying about arguing with stupid people... ;)
Considering the amount of rude individuals and families I've encountered in 20+ years of visiting WDW I'd say the standard is the same.


Well-Known Member
Considering the amount of rude individuals and families I've encountered in 20+ years of visiting WDW I'd say the standard is the same.

wow, I have only the 3 visits in a year, and other than the moms with the strollers and the obnoxious CMs at the disney train station, I can't say anything negative about the hordes and masses I have encountered to date and I want to keep that track record up. I tend to let women with small children and the elderly go first anyways, I will wait my turn and even a bit longer without complaining and I try not to block the walkways when I am lost and need to look at my map..and for the most part those around me have done the same. So I am just totally blown away about this thread about the tour groups and what people at the parks this month are documenting. It is very disturbing.


Well-Known Member
wow, I have only the 3 visits in a year, and other than the moms with the strollers and the obnoxious CMs at the disney train station, I can't say anything negative about the hordes and masses I have encountered to date and I want to keep that track record up. I tend to let women with small children and the elderly go first anyways, I will wait my turn and even a bit longer without complaining and I try not to block the walkways when I am lost and need to look at my map..and for the most part those around me have done the same. So I am just totally blown away about this thread about the tour groups and what people at the parks this month are documenting. It is very disturbing.
Honestly, you're getting very worked up over something you haven't encountered yet and might not even encounter on your trip. It sounds like you're going be looking for a fight (from the tone of one of the above comments). Just relax, focus on your family and have fun. No one can steal your magical moments unless you let them.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, you're getting very worked up over something you haven't encountered yet and might not even encounter on your trip. It sounds like you're going be looking for a fight (from the tone of one of the above comments). Just relax, focus on your family and have fun. No one can steal your magical moments unless you let them.

Of course I am worked up over the thought of 20 or 30 people in a group running someone over in front of me! And maybe it won't happen, and of course it shouldn't happen it is not suppose to happen, no one should even have to stress for one moment about a mob mentality at WDW? Call me naive but how can thousands upon thousands visit daily and only these tour groups behave in such bad form ? And even though I have only been a few times, this is the only time I have visited during a slow time, which I gather now is when the tour groups show up. So in all my other visits, 4th of July/EASTER/Halloween, there were massive visitors to the park and lines for everything but I never saw a huge group running around with a flag and shoving people out of the way or chanting so loudly you couldn't hear yourself or the ride's special effects.

And no I do not look for fights, you perceive wrong, I am just not standing idly by or walking away if I do unfortunately encounter one of these groups just totally going overboard with bad or dangerous behavior. I am going to insist that Disney deal with them. That way my magical moments are not disturbed.:)


Well-Known Member
Of course I am worked up over the thought of 20 or 30 people in a group running someone over in front of me! And maybe it won't happen, and of course it shouldn't happen it is not suppose to happen, no one should even have to stress for one moment about a mob mentality at WDW? Call me naive but how can thousands upon thousands visit daily and only these tour groups behave in such bad form ? And even though I have only been a few times, this is the only time I have visited during a slow time, which I gather now is when the tour groups show up. So in all my other visits, 4th of July/EASTER/Halloween, there were massive visitors to the park and lines for everything but I never saw a huge group running around with a flag and shoving people out of the way or chanting so loudly you couldn't hear yourself or the ride's special effects.

And no I do not look for fights, you perceive wrong, I am just not standing idly by or walking away if I do unfortunately encounter one of these groups just totally going overboard with bad or dangerous behavior. I am going to insist that Disney deal with them. That way my magical moments are not disturbed.:)
But it's not just tour groups behaving in bad form. It's also families with cranky kids who don't know when to call it a day, it's high school groups with chaperones that just don't care, it's cheerleaders who think the middle of Main Street is a good place to practice. Disney has never turned any of these groups, families or individuals away and they aren't likely to begin doing so now, no matter how much you insist.

Again, just go and focus on your family and you'll have a great time. You're stressing yourself out.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
You know this entire thread with the tour groups has really upset me and I will refer back to my original attitude that its my vacation, I earned it, I paid for it, I have looked forward to it and I will enjoy it no matter what, then the other side of me is ready to push back if an unruly ill mannered group of tourists get in my way and I can guarantee if somebody makes me unhappy I am inclined to spread that unhappiness back at them. The other thing I find disturbing is the well let's get out of their way attitude, which of course I am going to tell my daughter to do exactly that since most times she will have the grandkids with her
I know the dilemma.

Attitude 1: let it go, enjoy your vacation - you've only got so few days to begin with, try to avoid the groups.
This is the most practical advice, but it leaves the uncomfortable feeling you let yourself be pushed around. They go to Thunder Mountain? Then you go to Adventureland. It means they decided where you go.

Attitude 2: stand your ground, don't take nonsense from people, wear the 'don't mess with Texas' shirt.
In this scenario, you did not let yourself be deterred from riding Thunder Mountain, but it is ruined by the deafening screaming thoughout the ride.
This attitude also means means your vacation will be ruined by stress. It means that you let others get under your skin, that they ruin all of your vacation instead of small bits.
It also, worryingly, means you run the danger of becoming the 'park police' - which invariably ends badly and is best to avoid.

I have never been able to solve the dilemma. And there are more dilemmas like it on 'real life', which I have never quite figured out either. At my local zoo, which I visit very often, a lot of people feed the animals, despite signs everywhere. If I say something, I get yelled at, must run for my life, or sometimes accuse people incorrectly. If I don't say something, just walk away, I feel angry about that.
Neither option is satisfactory. Maybe the cruel truth is that people who are sensitive to their surroundings, who care about other people and their surroundings, will never be able to solve it.


Well-Known Member
But it's not just tour groups behaving in bad form. It's also families with cranky kids who don't know when to call it a day, it's high school groups with chaperones that just don't care, it's cheerleaders who think the middle of Main Street is a good place to practice. Disney has never turned any of these groups, families or individuals away and they aren't likely to begin doing so now, no matter how much you insist.

Again, just go and focus on your family and you'll have a great time. You're stressing yourself out.

I'm only stressing a little and trust me I don't get too perturbed by the small stuff, a few kids cutting in line in front of me I don't worry about...20 kids that would bother me and yes I will excuse myself out of the line and go find a manager if that happens, ditto on the chanting. I have yet to see a cranky kid that got more on my nerves than another cranky kid, I developed a superb shut off valve in my 20's when my kids were young to whiny, tired children. I plan on having a great vacation at the world, as the past were, and even if I encounter these "dreaded tour groups" I will still have a great time because it is my vacation and I will be at WDW. I understand what you are saying that over time I will probably encounter lots of people behaving in bad form at WDW because it is inevitable with that many people in a confined space to not encounter them. What I am saying is my take on the tour groups is because they are so large in numbers they represent almost a threat to the safety :( of the other guests at WDW and that is just not acceptable.


Well-Known Member
I know the dilemma.

Attitude 1: let it go, enjoy your vacation - you've only got so few days to begin with, try to avoid the groups.
This is the most practical advice, but it leaves the uncomfortable feeling you let yourself be pushed around. They go to Thunder Mountain? Then you go to Adventureland. It means they decided where you go.

Attitude 2: stand your ground, don't take nonsense from people, wear the 'don't mess with Texas' shirt.
In this scenario, you did not let yourself be deterred from riding Thunder Mountain, but it is ruined by the deafening screaming thoughout the ride.
This attitude also means means your vacation will be ruined by stress. It means that you let others get under your skin, that they ruin all of your vacation instead of small bits.
It also, worryingly, means you run the danger of becoming the 'park police' - which invariably ends badly and is best to avoid.

I have never been able to solve the dilemma. And there are more dilemmas like it on 'real life', which I have never quite figured out either. At my local zoo, which I visit very often, a lot of people feed the animals, despite signs everywhere. If I say something, I get yelled at, must run for my life, or sometimes accuse people incorrectly. If I don't say something, just walk away, I feel angry about that.
Neither option is satisfactory. Maybe the cruel truth is that people who are sensitive to their surroundings, who care about other people and their surroundings, will never be able to solve it.

hahaha about the you speak up and then you got the masses yelling and you have to "run for your life" but seriously I totally agree it is a dilemma of choices, which is probably why the general counsel is to avoid the tour groups and have a good time. I guess I have come across as totally combative, which I am not now that I am 50! Too old to fight about the small stuff, but I don't see the comfort and safety of the visitors to WDW as small stuff and we all are paying $$$ to experience and be a part of that magic and how dare Disney management hold their hands up like well what are we to do?

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm in the parks VERY often, and the rudest guests I've ever encountered are good 'ole Americans, be it Pop Warner, cheerleaders, or the "average" American family that comes to WDW with the attitude, "I paid a lot of money of money for this trip, and I'm gonna do what I want."

The Brazilians are loud, but they're easily avoidable. If you see them coming and don't want to hear all the noise, simply turn and walk the other way. It's not difficult. They also take up no more space on the paths then any other large group of tourists that insists on walking across instead of one behind the other.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
A lot of people misbehave in Disney parks. But I can avoid the single obnoxious hick. However, eighty Brazilian teenagers send by a multi-million dollar tour operator company disrupt half a park.

One of my favourite pasttimes is to sit and walk around the hub, with some coffee or icecream. I can't do that when the place is turned into a private concert hall / gym studio / aerobics lesson / teenage screamfest.

Skip to 3:08 (I'm too dumb to figure out how to embed a video to start midway
) :

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I guess I have come across as totally combative, which I am not now that I am 50! Too old to fight about the small stuff, but I don't see the comfort and safety of the visitors to WDW as small stuff and we all are paying $$$ to experience and be a part of that magic and how dare Disney management hold their hands up like well what are we to do?
It's not combative at all to wish sixty yelling and clapping teenagers would shut up while you are trying to enjoy the background music or a show spiel.

It's not combative either to wish Texas teenagers go play football elsewhere instead of Fantasyland.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
A lot of people misbehave in Disney parks. But I can avoid the single obnoxious hick. However, eighty Brazilian teenagers send by a multi-million dollar tour operator company disrupt half a park.

One of my favourite pasttimes is to sit and walk around the hub, with some coffee or icecream. I can't do that when the place is turned into a private concert hall / gym studio / aerobics lesson / teenage screamfest.

I see people waiting for a parade to start doing the wave. This is exactly what Disney encourages people waiting for Fantasmic to begin to do.

I also see plenty of folks walking around the hub in the background. They seem to be managing just fine.

Are they a little loud? Sure. But they're outdoors, in a theme park. On vacation. It's not a church, nor is it a funeral procession. Heaven forbid people have a little fun on their vacation. Perhaps instead everyone should walk silently down Main Street in a single file line. Anyone who breaks rank will be clubbed and led away by Goofy. I volunteer as tribute.

Sorry for interrupting the meeting of the ignorant tight *ss club in this thread.


Well-Known Member
They chant and clap and walk eight persons wide, mentally in their own world so with utter disregard for the enjoyment of other guests. It is a disaster.

I know this is sorta off topic, but when a group of inconsiderate people take up the entire walkway, I just stand still and make them walk around me. It might be rude of me to do that, but if there's no way to walk around them, then there's no way to walk around them. LOL They might get upset at me, but at least they're learning that they don't own the whole pathway.

In regards to the OP's question, I only really notice the Brazilian tour groups in February, July, and August. Any other months besides those are ok, but you'll just have to deal with another kind of group (cheerleaders, foreigners, drunk teenagers, etc.) because there's always some kind of event or festival going on nowadays. Gone are the days of quiet emptiness...

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