The Dreaded Tour Groups


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Original Poster
Ok so everyone on here knows where i'm going with this but one question i have is:

What time of the year is when the tour groups start to fade out?

We are going down the second week of August and i have heard that we might encounter a lot of them and have also heard that we will see hardly any. Now i'm not the typ of person to say that all of these groups are the same (loud, rude, obnoxious etc.) but it would be nice not to have to deal with this. I know Disney make a ton of money off of them and i know it is inevitable that we might run into them at one point during our stay but i would like to know so i can prepare myself. thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
They're not nearly as bad as reported.
An occasional issue here or there, but nothing deserving the complaints and whining you'll hear on this site.

I actually enjoy the energy of the groups, but some don't.
For those who don't, if you see a massive group in line, give it a few minutes before joining the line.
If you've just gotten in line and a large group follows, step back out of the line for a few minutes.
Pretty simple.
OK......let the complaining begin.


Well-Known Member
Long ago it was nice to walk around a nice quiet park....


Well-Known Member
They're not nearly as bad as reported.
An occasional issue here or there, but nothing deserving the complaints and whining you'll hear on this site.

I actually enjoy the energy of the groups, but some don't.
For those who don't, if you see a massive group in line, give it a few minutes before joining the line.
If you've just gotten in line and a large group follows, step back out of the line for a few minutes.
Pretty simple.
OK......let the complaining begin.

While that may be true, I have a friend whose daughter is in a dance/cheer group. They go to Disney every year and she always has photos and videos showing the "fun" things they do at Disney. Trust me when I say that I never want to go to Disney during the time that garbage is going on.

She has videos of them (and other groups) cutting in line and she thinks it's hilarious. Her reply is always "Why would you get mad at something like that?" with a confused look on her face.


Premium Member
I think there is no doubt that groups, any kind of group, can be a problem at WDW. Whenever you get large numbers from one entity together in one place, it can spell trouble for those not in the group. I've seen issues with South American tour groups, American band groups, American cheerleaders, the Candelight school choirs, and Wide World of Sports school teams.

The group mentality often means that there is no consideration for anyone else. If you and your family end up stuck in the middle of one of these groups, it can be very intimidating.

If you are concerned, my advice would be to avoid areas where you see them, do not enter attractions as they are just going in, and do not stake out firework or parade spots in the areas of any large groups.

If you do have any issues, let a cast member know, preferably a manager. They do have processes for dealing with it.


Well-Known Member
I think the problem sometimes with large groups, especially ones made up of younger people (cheerleaders, Brazillians, sports teams etc.) is they sometimes have that "mob" mentality. Not the marauding bands of arsonist you see rioting on tv, but that sort of strength in numbers kinda thing. You take most kids in small groups of 2-4 and they'll be content to mind their manners and whatever, but put them in a group of 20-40 and it's a different animal altogether. We've never had an issue with them, but I can see them being intimidating just by the sheer size of the groups. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
you have to remember, dates for school vacation range from country to country, as well as their seasons. for example, in brazil, they have a huge "winter break" when its summer in the usa. they have a huge "summer break" in january/february. but don't let the groups ruin your vacation. just go and have an amazing time. :)


Well-Known Member
Honestly, it does really suck when you check into a hotel and there are hundreds of screaming kids around. It's also VERY irritating in the lines and on the buses. Try to make the best of it but if you really want to avoid it try looking ahead to see what types of events are going to be taking place at wdw (such as the cheerleading competition) it is listed on the disney/wideworld of sports page. Also, having annuals and being a former cast member Ive been to Disney every month and from my experience spring break and summer are the worst for tour groups, and cheerleaders/dancers. They are kids/teens and don't mean any harm by it BUT they do think it's funny to be obnoxious, loud, and joksters which I think WE all have a different feeling about that.


Well-Known Member
Just in case anyone would like to know for future refernce, there are cheer and dance competitions throughout jan, feb, mar, and april and there is also one Vov 30th-Dec 8th.


Well-Known Member
Well I am going to get my DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS SHIRT out and hope for the best. I can deal with screaming groups of kids, aggressive woman with strollers, but the herd mentality I just have no capacity to cut a break and I won't and while I am not going to let my trip next week be spoiled with worry over a what if at this point I plan on being totally prepared to keep a mob of rabble from running over yours truly and anyone else standing around me. I have never visited WDW in a slow season always peak or close to peak season and the crowds were manageable and courteous and I expect no less from the fellow world visitors sharing my days at the resort and parks this time.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Well, you know what they say. Stuff is only irritating if you let it be. You can simply choose to ignore these groups and LIKE HELL YOU CAN.

These loud obnoxious groups are everywhere and can't be ignored. They chant and clap and walk eight persons wide, mentally in their own world so with utter disregard for the enjoyment of other guests. It is a disaster.
Simply prohibit the wearing of same clothes by groups larger than eight, or relatives. Problem solved. I bet they'd do it to end a plague of British football hooligans.

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