Honestly? Yeah, Id probably be ok with it because the truth is... I probably wouldn’t even notice it. I’m not one to typically scrutinize CMs that closely. Now if they had two bracelets pinned over their nipples? Ok, sure. But a pink bracelet isn’t going to ruin it for me. And it’s unlikely that the majority of CMs wouldn’t wear anything like that. It’ll mostly be subtle stuff, the way most people wear subtle stuff. The smiling robots get to feel a bit more human. Good for them.
It’s also not like management won’t be able to say something isn’t appropriate either. The same way ‘bosses’ are able to enforce the dress code in stores... and restaurants... and you know, everywhere.
This just seems like a whole lot of hullabaloo for nothin.’ But I’m a millennial and we wreck everything, so what do I know?