Disney Irish
Premium Member
I think MC lost a lot of their insiders, which I figure is one reason why Dusty has been budding up to TDA lately. If you look at some of his recent social media post over the last year or so it looks like he is auditioning to host the next Parks Blog media event....I'm amused by their lack of Miceage updates during what Dusty has called "the busiest time in Disneyland's history" and that "he's never had to cover so much material in such a short period of time".
You'd think in this period of expansion- a relatively new park president, a brand new land, a new land being built, and a new attraction coming- there's be credible and interesting rumors flowing.
This should be a new golden age for Micechat, instead they're giving ridiculous rumor updates and parroting news after it's been reported elsewhere- oftentimes literally getting their news from the Parks Blog.