The Dark Knight Rises - New Trailer On Its Way!


Original Poster
Rumor has it we will get a new trailer for next summer's TDKR sometime this month...most likely attached to Sherlock Holmes 2. There will also be an IMAX prologue released to select theaters next week which will show the first 5-min of the film (rumored to introduce Bane's character).

If anyone gets wind of the new upcoming trailer/prologue sooner...PLEASE share it here. I am beyond stoked about this film, and July 2012 cannot get here soon enough.

Silver Figment

Active Member
I was really excited about the new Batman movie but then i saw the piece of crap that was the first trailer. I would still see the movie but it's not that important to me anymore.


Original Poster
"The final awesome shot of Bane will send a chill up the spine of every Bat-fan!"
In reference to the Knightfall similarities this film will have...very nice play on words/foreshadow. ;)

IGN have got an article detailing what they saw in this 5 min preview thing, seems like Bane's voice could be a problem...
They'll most likely dub over his voice for the final project. Surely since every review has said the exact same thing...awesome opening...better than The Dark Knight...but what was Bane saying??


Original Poster
Just saw the 2nd trailer tonight!!! I would post a YouTube link, but:
a). Most of them are very blurry, as people must have filmed them w/ camera phones. It's hard to get the full impact.
b). YouTube is pulling them left & right for copyright violation, as Warner Bros. hasn't officially released the trailer outside of theaters as of yet. will be released in HD next week. What I saw tonight blew my mind. I never thought anything would beat TDK, but this looks like this sequel certainly will. From the trailer, it appears Bane will definitely discover that Bruce Wayne is Batman, as we see Bruce laying on the floor at one point, with Bane standing over him. Bane says: "When Gotham is in ashes, you will have permission to die."

The football scene/explosion was probably my favorite part in the new trailer. Anne Hathaway pulls off a great/sexy Catwoman voice, though we only see her in the trailer as Selina Kyle, dancing with Bruce at some banquet. But yes...all my doubts on her pulling the character off are dissolving.

The Batwing looks incredible, the fight scenes will be epic...cannot wait until July 2012. :)

Definitely worth going to see the new Mission Impossible film just for this trailer alone.


Well-Known Member
I saw it yesterday as well and the movie looks great! Looking forward to this and some potential 'backbreaking' cinema :lol:

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