Critiques and rankings coming soon. Hopefully a show tonight is possible! Until then Dream on

On another note I found out Le Corbusier was a member of Plus reaction:
For those of you very lucky human beings who do not know who Le Corbusier is allow me to enlighten you on the subject:
The Modernist From Hell: Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier was a French architect and urban planner from the early twentieth century. In 1929 he released a novel entitled
The City of To-Morrow and Its Planning. He was a part of a generation of politicians, architects, and engineers that saw the city as a beast that needed order, control, and taming. Basically these were people that failed to see the city for all of its beauty and Walt Disney was one of them.
Many of their ideas revolved around two things: Organizing Cities and Cars. In the 20's and 30's many people saw the car as the future and sought to transform cities around them. They combined this with a philosophy of city organization and soon were creating plans for the future that revolved around that.
Le Corbusier's city was no different. His city would have been divided into different 'districts' connected by vast transportation networks such as highways, subways, and pedestrian traffic. Much of his ideology revolved around uniformality which is why in his plan all buildings look exactly the same, but it also explains his planning of the city. It must be noted however, that his ideas of 'natural city centers' has become a corner stone of modern city planning. However the cities he designed were cold and empty spaces. They lacked human intimacy and scale that makes city's places we want to live. All shopping and living was done in massive, bland, concrete buildings and towers. It lacked the opportunity to find something new and unique...everything was the same and equal.
After WWII a great sense of optimism took hold of the worlds population. A new opportunity to create a new future. As a result of reconstruction efforts the urban ideas and optimism of men like Le Corbusier became the defacto planning method and model of governments of that time. No man summed this optimism up other than Walt Disney. Now what I'm about to say is probably going to make me look like the worst Disney fan imaginable. I am going to sound like a harsh person if you buy into the BS Disney sells about Walt being a perfect human being that was wonderful and perfect and never did anything wrong. You ready?
EPCOT City and Modern America
Well Walt Disney was one of the biggest supporters of the construction of the Interstate. He saw it as a march towards progress and sold the public on it too. His EPCOT is very much a manifestation of this idea that the car was the future and that spread out development was the way to go. In fact the city of EPCOT retains many ideas Le Corbusier originally pioneered such as districts and very organized transportation. The difference about Walt's vision is that it was more centered around people than Le Corbusier's. It featured more room for creativity and individualism. Still, Walt Disney bought into the idea that sprawl was good and that the city systems of men like Le Corbusier were the path to progress.
He couldn't have been more wrong. I beg you now to think of a rundown area of your city. It's most likely in or around the city center, cut off from the rest of the city by interstates, it is filled with bland and boring apartment towers. Well this is a direct result of the planning methods of Disney and Corbusier. In the 50's and 60's America constructed the Interstate System. This resulted in the hearts of cities being torn down and cut up for the sake of 'progress'. To make maters worse, this construction which linked the city centers to more rural areas combined with 'White-Flight'. Before you knew it the modern American suburb was born. These places however did not lead us to progress, instead it tore us apart from one another. It operated under the sense that we are machines that must be organized and that we crave seclusion, but really we crave interaction. We want to be loved and cared for, above all this we want to be with other humans. This new style of planning called 'Modernism' neglected that fact and neglected humanity itself.
Today urban planners are trying to change this. They are trying to bring people back towards the old ways of building, with grids, mid-rise development, complete streets, side walks, bike paths, and more public transportation. Personally I think that our future lies in a mix of the two planning styles, but I urge you all to research this more for yourself if you are interested in it. I think that we can reconstruct our ruined city centers and turn them once again into centers of commerce, education, life, and culture. I have seen it first hand
in my own city and similar movements have occurred in Houston, Austin, Atlanta, Chicago, and many other cities in the US. The future is bright only if we plan the future around the beauty and warmth of humanity, and not the cold machinery of industrialism.
At the end of the day Le Corbusier was not a 'great thinker'. His thoughts neglected humanity and its beauty in cities. It is sickening to watch Disney turn Walt into an angelic being, but it is even more sickening to see them call Le Corbusier a great mind. It's akin to calling Robert Mosses a savior of cities or Adolf Hitler a savior of nations. The person and idea are incompatible.
I apologize if that was sporadic or hard to read...just let out my